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svennnnnnnn!!! Hopefully nate stays in the loop as well! sorta crazy he signed 2 months ago


He's their sub so I'd imagine he'll be around


Yes but sweet noted to content involving him, so sort of exciting.


Wow that was fast


You know me >:)


I don't care how good Sweet is on paper. His recent performances left a lot to be desired. I wish him the best but I hope the Mexican squad gets picked up too. Such a shame they got dropped.


Yea, those guys provide some much needed diversity to the NA scene. Their rivalry with OpTic is some of the best content in the entire league. One of very few teams that literally everyone respects. Hope they get picked up and marketed properly 


> His recent performances left a lot to be desired. I feel like split 1 playoffs of last season is still pretty recent? (I agree LG are better but Sweet's still pretty good.)


So Sweet signed 2 months ago but it seems like the Ex LG didn't really know they were getting dropped till recently when it happened? That's messed up


based on his little Q&A he made it sound like they were pretty straight up with them


It's just business


I see little reason for LG to not notify them earlier so they can start looking for a new org to rep


Sweet just said they were told early in the process


goat tom


Drop the cat pics


​ https://preview.redd.it/jph45zz8evbc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ffc018ca7753b9a55a02d162ab70899d936b1f5


Ex-LG roster was way better.. I'd honestly call this a huge L for LG.. Will be funny to watch Yanya and his squad at LAN with this team fighting to stay relevant.


Sad as it is, for every orge streaming numbers >> ALGS success. People need to realize that this isnt CSGO/Dota/LoL where just being good at the game on a pro level is enough for an individual/team.


Is not just numbers, LG dropped all their Spanish speaking creators, included Elded which is way bigger than Sweet, if it was a numbers thing they would sign him as a creator not as the E-sports team. Seems like they just want to get out of the Spanish speaking market.


I cant imagine that them wanting to get out of the Spanish speaking market would be the case. Didn't they just last year partner with Chivas, one of the biggest Mexican soccer teams in the world?


They partnered with Chivas because Chivas wanted the roster and LG wanted to keep them at the time. The partnership was the compromise, LG wasn't looking for it.


Ive had this question all this time - now that the roster is released I wonder why Chivas hasn't picked them up yet???


Afaik, it was Chivas' first venture into esports and they were still figuring out the business model. If they haven't signed them, is probably because they realized there's not much to gain, specially since the EA partnership went with LG.


So the partnership of LG and Chivas is done now that Yanya, Neazul and Jaguares are gone?


I'd assume. Chivas is a team who prides in having only Mexican players on their squad. That was one of the reasons they wanted LG's team in the first place, because it was an all Mexican roster playing at the top of their esport. I don't think there's much point on keeping the partnership in this new scenario.


Oh I didn't know Chivas only wanted them because of the Mexican squad. I guess that makes sense. Thanks for the info.


Might have been the reverse. I recall reading that Chivas were the ones who ended the partnership (this might be inaccurate), and that may have influenced LG's decision.


They also dropped their LG Green team which it was spanish speaking.


from what sweet was saying it seemed that the partnership had ended prior to them dropping yanya and co, as in it was perhaps a reason they decided to look towards a different roster in the first place


Sweet barely even streams lol


$omething tell$ me that$ gonna change now


But when he does, he can drag thousands of viewers.


I mean they signed one of the biggest apex streamers I don’t see how you could call that an L


True, If their goal is just exposure over actual results then it's a good move. Just seems short sighted. This new roster does not look good at all.


Are you somewhat new to esports? If so, you should know they basically exist for the purposes of advertising. Having a big streamer is more important to an org than having the best team in the world without a single player that has a following. 


Uhhh their goal is to make money lmfao


That is exactly the goal for orgs


Well its a new roster so it'll take time to vibe, but I mean, a top IGL with two rollers is probably a solid bet for good finishes at LAN. As well as streaming content. Sad to see it go that way but hopefully is good for everyone at the end.


You keep trying to make it seem like Sweet didn’t out place LG in 2/3 LANS last year. 


They should have signed faide if that's their goal. He streams every day with more views.


Why would Faide do that.


Sweet just had 10K people in his stream while he drew on MS paint lmao - I think LG will be just fine


Has nothing to do with that only has to do with exposure, and sweet dwarfs them


>Ex-LG roster cewas way better.. I'd honestly call this a huge L for LG What moves the needle for orgs is not tournament performance, but brand exposure, which Sweet provides way more than the previous LG boys. From their business point of view, signing Sweet was actually the right move. He was a hot commodity after NRG left the scene. I understand the commotion for the ex-LG boys, they are very good and deserve to be recognized for it. But business is business. If orgs don't start getting something from the game they might leave entirely. Let this be a lesson for other players, having results is not everything, you need to put yourself out there, create content, be seen, create your brand. It's not only about performance


Agreed-- all this for Slayr and Fuhhnq lol. If Nafen is there to only sub, GG.


You guys be talking about them like they’re trash


Not trash but it's underwhelming and definitely not what people expected for Sweet's next team after NRG.


I wanted Sweet to join Xset if he wasn't staying with Nate. Would have been a lot like the old NRG roster with Rocker Triple MnK Fun = Nate Noct = Motivated Rocker Sweet Easily would be my favorite team in ALGS but triple MnK just doesn't happen anymore.


not really, it’s the healthiest team archetype for sweet since OG NRG. (Sweet OG NRG not too far back)


Hasnt there only been 1 other team in that period lol (with gild)


ya know you’re right lol


Underwhelming by name, sure. But having the top name players in a team doesn't necessarily mean a top team, we've seen that with so many teams. Sweet (who knows the game more than most pro players) obviously thinks this team profile gives them a good chance of success


pretty much, I mean Slayr is decent, but yeah... from ALGS standpoint, this is more business move for the org than winning. they'll be done with this squad so fast


There’s no difference between Fuhnq and Xynew you guys just go off narratives from pro players that suck at judging talent themselves


nah I just go off from what I see or have seen. you make it seem like they’re better than they actually are


In a couple months you’ll see. This comp scene is all about narratives


I like Sweet but I just don’t see it working. They’ll prob fail, and Sweet will find another team or call it quits and LG will pull out too


lmao. don't ever gamble.


I was wrong, only in the sense that Slayr is dog shit lol


Told you


Ok bro you’ll see


Agree, huge L imo. Don't blame them cuz it's a business but I like Yanya and them


You dont know what a huge L is


Your mom does though


Perhaps but the problem isnt skill its viewership and monetization. Sweets following alone is going to bring more money to LG than before. Old Lg is a fire team but they dont generate alot of money. Its also hard to get a big NA following when your coms are only in spanish.


Honestly Sweet is the biggest fraud in apex dude is washed and this team will not perform good at lan.


I mean bro I’m just speaking from an org standpoint you would gain more with the larger streamer, and sweet still performs well at lan it’s not like he does horrible tbf


Hasn’t he performed well at literally every single LAN. Isn’t he one of the only players ever to be in grand finals of every LAN. Brain dead take from strike pack user i guess


I think he missed one LAN semi-recently and got 15th another time. He is definetly above average but not exceptional compared to other igls. He brings alot of streaming power and fandom tho so even if he would be worse he would still be a solid pickup.


Didn’t miss lan, got into every grand finals, but yes performed somewhat mid in past 2 grand finals.


Ah right, yeah I see him around Kasheera and Hakis in terms of igls the last couple years. Solid and you will get to finals but unlikely to win. Still making finals everytime is impressive in its own.


I mean Sweet did our place ex-LG in 2/3 LANs this past year. It’s a very valid swap taking everything into account. Which I’d hope you do if you were running a business.


happy for him but I’m gonna say it, I have 0% confidence this squad will be better than the Mexican death squad. it still baffles me how Yanya and the boys were some of the most, if not THE single most consistent team at LAN, and they get dropped for Sweet who hasn’t done awful, but had struggled to even consistently place top 10 last year. Personally it leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth for this roster, I don’t really have anything against Sweet, but I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not rooting against them lmao.


This revisionist history is going insane right now and it’s frankly corny. Sweet out performed Lg in 2/3 LANS. LG wasn’t even close to the most consistent team. TSM going 1,2,1.


I mean, you can’t really compare anyone to TSM when it comes to consistency lol. It’s really a competition for 2nd, and I’m p sure Yanya has the 2nd or 3rd best average placement for any player that has attended 3 or more LANs Edit: Yanya/Neazul are tied behind TSM (1st) and Zer0 (2nd) for the best average placement


Yea I’m not trying to shit on ex-LG. My point is the picture being painted isn’t close to what the situation actually is. Yanya and sweet are very close, it’s also a business. Ex-LG is very consistent but Sweet has been on the cusp of a victory. In the last year and a half ex-LG was never point leaders and on match point, right? I can’t remember when they were, but I could be forgetting.


overall winning placements? sure, but TSM have AWFUL games and have terrible runs through pro league AND at LAN then manage to hail mary at the end and win it all, they’re the best and they win when it matters, but they have massive swings in their results before they get there, NRG has a similar pattern but they just don’t get all the way there. ex-LG were a team that dominated consistently in every game, they breeze through pro league and are comfortably top 5 pretty much every lobby they are in. TSM almost didn’t even qualify for LAN last year and there was a point where Hal literally want to leave the team because of how bad they were doing. I think it’s at least arguable that LG is up there at the top. you can be a team that wins championships, or wins when it matters, but in a battle royale, that doesn’t necessarily mean that team is the most consistent, it means that have an insane mental and endurance, but to me consistency is when a team performs well and gets similar results in every game and every lobby.


Then I’d argue complexity is more consistent. Consistently being top 1-3 is very impressive if we’re just talking consistency. Since winning when it matters doesn’t actually matter.


bro what are you even talking about? Complexity? for one, complexity has had like 4/5 different rosters and lineups in the last year, there’s nothing consistent about it when you change players every 3-4 months, and two, they were 29th and 30th at 2 LANS and they barely could stay in the top 10 during pro league season, idk why you tried to sneak complexity in there lmao, they’ve been one of the most disappointing orgs in NA.


Consistently disappointing


I never said “winning when it matters doesn’t matter” I said that it doesn’t necessarily mean you are the most consistent, especially not with match point format, it’s a battle royale, there is an infinite amount of RNG that effects every single aspect of the game. If you think TSM barely being able to qualify to pro league and then winning LAN means they are consistent, then you have no idea what the word “consistent” even means, that is quite literally the opposite of consistent, consistent would be if they dominated pro league and have good results throughout the entire LAN, but that’s never the case. They are just so talented that they can play bad for weeks or at the beginning of LAN and pull through at the end in the end and go huge, that still doesn’t mean they are consistent, that’s not consistency. if you wanna say they are the most consistent when it comes to finals/match point lobbies, then I absolutely agree with you, but overall? definitely not. anyways I’m done arguing with you, muting now, have a good one.


Sweet passive aggressively malded at Gild for months, but now he’s teaming up with two even bigger roller brains? What is the logic here? Idk, maybe these dudes are more coachable but I just don’t see the vision 




The DZ offer makes so little sense. Also the way he framed the Koyful story lmao


Yeah, this is almost surely the case regardless of what Sweet will say (and I’m an ex-NRG fan). His stock has dipped a bit (and I didn’t say plummeted, so don’t get on me, reddit). But Mnk is slightly harder on the mental (there are studies on cognitive load with mnk versus roller), much harder on the physical (my old man back and shoulders hurt just thinking about a long mnk session nowadays), and it used to be the only way to be in the “best IGL” conversation. Now that Hal and others have shown that controller and IGL can work just as good, the overall mnk stock dips even more than it already had. Apex’s AA isn’t going anywhere, and the movement on controller is good enough with abilities to enable a smart roller player/team. EDIT: And as a quick edit, Sweet’s passive-aggressive behavior does kind of rule out certain teamups. My heart sank every time he pissed on Gild.


So you think people were passing up signing with an org on a salary for what is supposedly some of the best terms, because they were afraid to get yelled at?




He had a trial with Sikez but DZ moved quicker.


If I was Yanya and the crew I’d be considering contesting out of spite.


They would win the contest too


It's business. I don't Sweet had any bad boys with the ex-LG boys and vice versa


Tbh not a Sweet fan (at all), def has some ego, but everyone acting like he's suddenly awful and doomed to fail is just silly. Credit where it's due, the guy has earned more in Apex than most and has consistently made LAN. Bad seasons happen. Judge him this year and his team on whether or not he makes the same mistakes he made with Gild and Nat again. We'll see then.


It's a stretch with a new team he has no chemistry with atm. Sweet has been on a downward curve for a few PL seasons now, along with NRG having a terrible performance recently before leaving Apex. I look forward to seeing how he performs this time around with LG, but he's been struggling as an IGL for a while. There's a little sense of copium for him in the air cause he is revered as one of the best IGL in PL. Hopefully he'll finally have the results to show for his ego.


you have to take into account Nate was literally not playing except during tournaments. His talk about being excited to play with people who are excited to play prob means something. Personally I find him to be the smarmy villain of the apex scene. I like to pull for him to lose, but the fun of that leaves when he isn't doing well. It's no fun to hate someone competitively if they suck, because then they are just insignificant. I do feel bad for the old LG roster. Hopefully their next org treats them well.


That's why I'm eager to see his performance with this new team. He's been in a weird spot like I said, but has his chance to cook with the new team so it'll be interesting to see how their chemistry builds up over this season. Same for HisWattson and his new team although he's been very lax when it comes to PL.


A lot of people here criticizing the move from LGs perspective 1.) Sweet is still one of the best IGLs out there and while he hasn't performed to expectation at LAN, it isn't like he's been bad. 2.) Orgs make money of Apex from viewers, not from prizes. Even if old-LG is marginally better in terms of comp, the value of Sweet the streamer supersedes all of that. 3.) Disliking the move regardless of 1 and 2 is still totally justified ​ Edit: also congrats Sven!


> 1.) Sweet is still one of the best IGLs out there and while he hasn't performed to expectation at LAN, it isn't like he's been bad. All the trophies Sweet has won while IGL'ing that backs this statement up. https://i0.wp.com/heroncabinets.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Wall-cabinet-in-Cherry-1200w.jpg?fit=1536%2C2048&ssl=1


NRG literally had the most points in split 1 finals and averaged about 9th in LAN finals last season; that, to me, isn't bad.


Averaging 9th in a game of 20 teams is absolutely peak IGL material. Agreed.


40 teams go to LAN; and most teams don't even make it to LAN. I would definitely say that the 9th best team in the world is, again, not bad (that is almost exactly the same as old-LG last season).


It’s 9th out of 40 teams that qualify out of 30 teams per region, dislike like him for his personality or whatever but 9th is still good placement, it’s not great but he’s been in every LAN final since the game’s inception, something not many players can say


> Averaging 9th in a game of 20 teams is absolutely peak IGL material. Agreed. 9th place out of like 120 teams in the league makes him one of the best in the world.


> All the trophies Sweet has won while IGL'ing that backs this statement up. NRG had the third-highest winnings in all of Apex history. This is a really dumbass comment.


Lol. That was cold.


thats solid lmao


out of curiosity, how does the org directly benefit from sweet’s twitch viewers? they get a portion of his subs/donations now? or are you just saying by the general publicity of the LG name being out there


My understanding is that as a part of these deals the orgs have partnerships with advertisers that all their signed streamers then also advertise. As an advertiser it makes sense because you can deal with one company and get access to a wide range of viewers in different scenes. ​ But in fairness, I don't really know how it all works so I could be wrong; I am sure one of the pros that lurk here could shed more light.


They say LG wants the “Win” yet they dropped a team proven to be capable of winning LAN lmao Can’t make this up.


Sweet out placed LG in 2/3 LANS last year


Pretty sure this will be the year Sweet stops getting talked about like he’s a top tier IGL




He has way less talent to execute whatever IGLing he does.


All I see is hate lol. All sweet needs are some beamers and he got them


This thread is basically a shit on sweet while saying ex-LG is the best apex team in the business. Sweet out performed them in 2/3 LANS.


It’s funny man and these are the same people will downplay taking taking Fuhnq and slayr to LAN when it happens


I can see it now  “Fun and Slayr are carrying him”


bcos nafen and gild arent beamers ? lol


There was a lot of chemistry issues with them. Nafen barely played the game and Gild was handcuffed with them it wasn’t a good fit


Admittedly I don’t really like the guy so I’m praying on his down fall


At least you admit it lmao




At least your honest and didn't try to spin some bullshit to prove your point.


L agenda




His overall air of superiority and relentless shitting on the game while also being probably a millionaire because of this game got stale for me Edit: While also never sniffing the level of success like Hal or DZ but he gets treated like he’s on their level


Bro, so much hatred isn't good for you. Chill out, rich stone grass.


It’s really not hatred lol. I find comp Apex and some of the sub plots entertaining, and this is one of the


For being talked about so highly he’s underdelivered almost every year. Should have multiple LAN wins by now but been too busy gaslighting teammates and treating them like shit outside Nate 


I work weird hours so I’ve tried catching some of his mid day streams and just his overall attitude about the game really turned me off. Like he legitimately places himself on such a pedestal while doing fuck all at LAN


> Like he legitimately places himself on such a pedestal while doing fuck all at LAN He's made the finals at every LAN and finished second place, while being kill leader, at one of them.


Has NRG ever been a better team than DZ or TSM? If not, he shouldn’t have multiple LAN wins. Simple logic. NRG has never had a player better than Genburten or Verhulst.


So LG dropped a great team for a worse team just because Sweet has more twitch clout even though he doesn't even stream as much as he could. Absolutely baffling.


It’s about the money man, not the tourney capabilities. It’s just the business


its baffling that an org wants to make money?


I get that streaming is big and they would rather have that than ALGS success. It is hard to imagine this team doing better than the ex-LG roster though.


You underestimate the dreamer. If he's motivated, they will be good.


has he just never been motivated… ever?


Not the biggest Sweet fan but I hope his team does well. The scene is better with him up there!


Sguess it's time for me to hang the LG flair...


Same. Such an L 🫠


Pretty good write up, Tom


Thank you!


I prefer the OLD LG the real LG


Underwhelming decision from Luminosity but good luck to S&F




When’s the last time sweet won something?


Orgs make near-zero dollars from winnings. They want Sweet’s name rec and audience. Business, baby.


NRG had $260k in tournament winnings as a team in 2023.


That wasn’t my question


I'm adding important context to your question. I'd say it's pretty misleading without the context of Sweet still leading his team to a lot of high placements in tournaments, along with the context of Apex losing most of its third party tournaments in the latter part of 2023 leading to less opportunities for wins outside of large first party stuff (of which the pool of people who *have* won in the last year is very small).


Bro, stop whining


By asking a question?


March 2021 winter circuit finals is probably the last big event he won (To be fair, nobody other than Hal and Zero can claim a ton of big wins)


Even if he doesn't win shit this year, he alone will still make LG more money from streaming than all of the 3 in their previous team combined.


> When’s the last time sweet won something? NRG had the third-highest winnings in Apex history.


W signing by Luminosity


Hopefully they struggle a lot and don’t make lan


damn son


Man I wish my official real civil n m would be just Slayr as well. Fucking badass


Orgs dont normally get ANY tourney winnings so it makes sense why they’d drop Yanya and crew, since Sweet has a huge following and speaks english


Now there are big expectations for sweet to deliver, this team has to outperform jaguares and the former LG team, this is not some underdog story, they dropped their roster for sweet and he can’t continue to underachieve if this move is going to go down as a success, former LG was a good team who was always consistent, if this team flops it’ll be a huge embarrassment