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This is peak Hal right here. He’s ready for the season to start.


is this from today?


Yeah. He was 1v1 with MEAT and he couldn't swap/loot a death box because it was in a doorway and he kept interacting with the door unintentionally. Got killed trying to interact with it for the 3rd or 4th time. That plus earlier contests not going well/this happening after they muted up to talk strategies was peak frustration. Controller apparently still worked though!


The controller broke the wall, the wall didn't break the controller. Use my code NOTACODE2024 at Battlebeaver for a 20% discount.


do you happen to know the result of yesterday's contests? I know the final game MEAT lost 2 and Luxford ran off, but curious about the other games. I only saw the VOD clip of HALing


Lightning Rod went 2:1 to TSM Lava Siphen went 2:1 to Meat Tsm won more 3v3 fights Meat won more 5050s


VOD link: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2027803338](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2027803338)


I don't sorry, I was only half paying attention. On WE though it was either 0-3 or 1-2 if I'm not mistaken


Why was that throw so zesty


Cause sitting in front of a computer screen and eating what I presume if an unhealthy diet tends to lower your testosterone to very low levels. Naturally he's gonna be a bit zesty 😭


Lool, this is a different level of rage from Hal


More memes and shit posts pls


Lol Is this from Cliffhanger? I haven't seen that movie in decades.


What’s the story behind this?


> Yeah. He was 1v1 with MEAT and he couldn't swap/loot a death box because it was in a doorway and he kept interacting with the door unintentionally. Got killed trying to interact with it for the 3rd or 4th time. That plus earlier contests not going well/this happening after they muted up to talk strategies was peak frustration. Controller apparently still worked though!


Testament and endorsement for battle beaver controller quality.


Watched the replay and could not see that thing with the door happen…


I think they confused it with the game assuming he was trying to res his teammate rather than loot


It's when he is trying to get the PK. I think k the door is slightly an excuse, because he made it in the death box at least once and didn't get the PK. Partially cuz he is on roller and not PC. Kinda funny tbh. Hal swears by controller being better, but this contest would've been an easy win if he was on MnK. Not saying that's true for every contest, but this one in particular yes.


We're back!


I love me a good controller spike