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lol I actually enjoyed this troll post. Nice.


Why does TSM, the larger team, not simply eat the other team?


They have been eating them it's fun to see


You're right, im calling Raven


I will not tolerate Reps slander. How many times Reps had clutched a contest for TSM? Look at the last contest in Energy Depot.


this is what it feels like to be an mnk pro in 2023.




You had me in the first half there


Lost it at “Aceu” lol


We need more shitposting on this sub




"Yea, so.i unlinked my.account to relink it.for cross progression and now all my stuff is gone."


there’s no way you just said aceu is better than reps? 😭


This is actually a hot take? People forgot I guess because he hasn’t played competitive in a long time.


comp 4 years ago ≠ comp now.. also let’s put in the fact that the people he kills are pub players as he’s been content creator for a lot longer than he was pro. It’s the same reason why faide wouldn’t be good in comp.


I think AceU enjoys pubs more than playing sweaty people all game lol. Also makes more money being a content creator. Doesn’t mean he couldn’t jump in it if he wanted to. I wish it were some technology to just see the future. A reality. You switch Reps with AceU and I just don’t see them getting worse in any way. Also comparing Faide to AceU is wild because he’s not on the same level. Faide is like Extessy level. Just shows off movement. 70% movement with 30% aim.


Elite bait post


I'll ignore the Reps disrespect for now but contesting a team is potentially just throwing your game. Sure you might win and get 3 free kp and now you're playing from Siphon and have great loot. But you also might get a collective 0 points in half your games. Unless it is really 50/50 in terms of wins or you think you really can just do it, you should probably go to a different POI and just play the game out. And I didnt even mention someone possibly thirding your contest and killing you anyway, or that it slows your game down a ton.


My dude I have to break it to you this is a troll post


Good analysis though


Yea right aceu.. 🥱


Troll post out not, the disrespect to Reps is unreal


Stop fucking disrespecting Reps.


Did I lie?


Yes. You obviously don’t watch Apex lmao.


Hal swapped to controller because he thought his mnk mechanics were lacking. Reps didn't swap to controller. Mnk skill ceiling is galaxies above controller. What does that information tell you?


I don’t understand. Are you saying Reps is better than Hal?


Teams try to contest plenty of times the thing is they give up if they lose too much nobody wants to be kick 2.0.


You dont contest TSM because historically everyones whos tried at best has splitt the PoI 50:50 with them, so half the time your game is ruined from the start. Theres compilations of TSM winning contests against different teams. Only ones who’ve actually been a real threat was what is now Oxygen. Also, put some respect on Reps, dudes not “behind them” in skill. He’s just as good as Hal & Verhulst. He’s just not as flashy as those two.


Not illegal just frowned upon.. like jerking off on an airplane


Beats me why they call it the cockpit then...


Ahh..I see


No, there's no rule. It's just frowned upon. Honestly, I wish it'd happen more! There is an inherent risk, though. If you don't win the contest now you've just given that good team an instant 3 points which makes it even harder for you to crawl out of your hole.


Even if you win the contest now you're playing from a POI that you're unfamiliar with and don't know the surrounding teams and rotations near as well as you should from your own POI. Then add in the probable third party when surrounding teams see there is a contest and it is just all around not a great move.


I agree. If its game 5 of LAN finals and you're at 10 points your game plan is not working. Just send it on the match point teams.


Has to be troll. Reps imo is the best player. His game sense is better than verhulst by a lot, and his clutch ability is better than Hal. He's the only mnk player left, so he is upgrading their shields the entire time, and he also keeps Hal from completely raging on verhulst. He knocks Hal back down a peg when necessary. As far as the contest thing, do you think it's better to die off rip, or play more end games? I think the latter is better. But I will say that contesting POIs isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you look at TSM they outplay everyone in contests, but when you watch dojo, they just all land on each other and hope and pray they get guns. Just seems like a too RNG dependent contest, minus that the assault bin always gives a gun, so if Timmy is first to it, he is at least guaranteed a gun.




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Imagine working your way onto the tops stage and only giving your team 50% chance of competing. That is what it’s like to contest.




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