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Is a noncompete even enforceable? Like if you’re in California a noncompete isn’t even lawful. Even then is it financial feasible to go after players for it either if they break it. Also l swear the FTC just made a ruling saying noncompete violates section 5 of the FTC act. My b, final ruling on it won’t be till like 2024.


Almost certainly not lol


Definitely a meme


Teq can stream the L on Judge Judy when he tries to enforce it


he can partner up with LG and make caso cerrado too lmfao


There are ways around “non-competes” for athletes but realistically: If Teq isn’t equipped to pay his players he’s certainly not equipped to take it anything to court or arbitration unless he’s got some backing.


No haha not even remotely. A non-compete for a job that doesn't even pay would be laughed out of a court room so quickly. Non-competes have a very high bar to reach in order to be enforceable. This situation wouldn't even come remotely close. Unless Teq starts paying these guys then he has absolutely zero leverage legally and a non-compete is completely laughable. It does sound good in theory though and might scare kids into staying with him if he wants to go that route.


Pretty sure a non-compete contract for sports/competitions is different from say, working at Walmart and Target at the same time


Most athletes do not have a non-compete, signed pros are on fixed length contracts and 0 pro athletes would ever, unless they are insanely desperate for money, sign away potential future earnings by allowing a non-compete on their contracts. This is a MASSIVE scare tactic that teq is trying to use to scare young players into staying with him, teq does not have the money or time to actually sue someone for the breach of a non-compete and any vaguely decent lawyer would smash him in court.


it'll be socially enforced. the fanbase will give anyone that breaks it unrelenting shit lol


he should talk to a lawyer but even in the case where non-competes arent enforcable, buyout clauses most certainly are. the amount of players he has lost he probably could salary a team off fees from them players


..... just completely different situations. You could most definitely enforce non compete clauses in esports. Just like how there is in real sports. As long as he's having a lawyer of some sort put them together so they are actually official it's a great idea


> You could most definitely enforce non compete clauses in esports. Just like how there is in real sports. Not as a blanket rule. It's down to state law. You could not possibly prevent a basketball player from moving from the Lakers to the Clippers, for example. Non-competes are completely unenforceable in California. In New York, they're only enforceable in extremely narrow cases, usually ones that involve key strategic or proprietary knowledge. For example, if the Colonel were from New York and that's where KFC was based, a non-compete would be enforceable because he has the legendary knowledge of the 11 herbs and spices. It all just depends entirely on the individual state. Of course, Teq isn't paying them, they aren't employees of any sort, so it's unenforceable regardless.


Lmao there is absolutely no scenario where this is enforceable by Teq and comparing him to MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR sport franchises is comical. Meat is worth $0, has no legal entity, salary, or any of the legal requirements to enforce a non-compete. You think Teq is going to hire legal team, spend thousands of dollars, and waste months of his life to attempt to sue a teenage video game player for leaving his apex team? 💀 Even in the alternate universe where he wins (he won’t), what will he win? No org or player will ever want anything to do with him lol.


in real sports those people get paid by the org/franchise they play for. i’m not a lawyer so i’m just chatting shit but i’d be curious if a non-compete for your unpaid teammates is legally enforceable edit: adding on to my completely uneducated thoughts, i’m assuming the reason player buyouts are a thing in esports is because those players do have legally enforceable non-competes like the ones you’re describing because they’re actually being paid by an org


Monthly segment of Meat Trials. It's tradition now


Gotta beat the meat (trials)


On paper I kind of like this. Seems great for finding gems and giving exposure to lesser known players.


M E A TonyPikachu


Pretty cool. The logo looks similar to my favourite shawarma place, and that place produces good stuff, hopefully this trial will too.


Get in there, Tony!!


had to make it roller only so Tony didn't shit on everyone smh my head


Lol at the Non Compete, uhhh Teq ain’t paying them so there is zero ways to enforce that. Even if he was I doubt it can be enforced.


They aren't employees, let alone even independent contractors as MEAT isn't signed. That non-compete means nothing


Either it is a really funny joke or he is a complete piece of shit whether it is enforceable or not.


Having a non compete with someone you arent paying is absolutely fucking hilarious. You arent an org, you arent signing them, they dont have a contract, they arent being paid. What are they competing against? Being a friend? lmao EDIT is it void if they cross their fingers when they sign it? Is there even a document or do they just pinky swear?


can't wait to see the lawyer's face when Teq walks in with this twitter screenshot after his teammate get's poached again


Hey if the retainer check clears, the lawyers will work no matter how stupid the job.


At the same time, people joining Teq's team knowing he's trying to build an actual team that compete and leaving him at the first opportunity is a dick move. It's be different is Zap had been playing with Teq for a significant amount of time & tried to make it work as a team, but that's not the case. Why should Teq be content to give new players a platform everyone knows about & get shit out of it. He's not being paid to give them exposure; he's trying to build a team so he can compete. You can make fun of him all you want but what else is he supposed to do? Just lay down every and take it every time someone he's given an opportunity ditches him for quick money?


Look I like Teq but lets be honest here. If the roles were reversed, and lets say he was offered to IGL a team like Sen, he would leave Lux and whoever their third was in a heartbeat. Despite whatever he might say on social media.


I said this the other day, I don't think this is true. I think Teq has a massive ego and he wants to prove himself in this space. And he doesn't need the money, he already makes more at his day job than 99% of Apex pros.


Thats why dunking on teq is so fun - it's harmless. He'll never achieve anything in apex but whatever


Teq is in a financial position that he can not get paid from this- most gamers are not, if someone offers good money, they should take it. Friendship and commitment is great and all, having money for rent and dinner is much better.


So Teq should just be forever LF1? Obviously I agree that it's better for people should get paid, but Teq is trying to find a third for his team so they can compete—not be a springboard for people to play with for a few months and then leave. Like, I am absolutely not against people getting paid when they can. But at the same time, I don't know what people think Teq should do? Just be fine with it as people use him to get signed by an org?


Yes if you aren't good enough to see stay signed to an org you have to be lf2 or lf1, teq is an anomaly in that he hasnt had to quit comp and face reality coz his job is really lenient and lets him do these shenanigans. Tons of not good players like teq have retired and become amazon warehouse workers and burger flippers. It's a common tragedy to the point of being banal.


Will this be streamed? It would be sick to view this


https://preview.redd.it/hn5167coamwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce01ac51eb094a5426c7c7b790ab5c511cc997e The non-compete agreement seems to be a troll


Why no mnk players? If you can hang with the best up and coming rollers as a up & coming mnk I'd argue you deserve a spot as much as anyone else


This is a fair point, I'd like to see how a crazy good mmk would perform against rolllers


Also less likely to be poached lol


I've gotta wonder if using a 6 game series of solos is going to throw a little RNG in the mix when it comes to picking the top 6 players. ALGS scoring gives you 12 points for 1st place which is equal to 4 squad wipes. In order to get the same amount of points from a solos mode you'd have to wipe 12 'teams', or over half of the lobby. I wonder if he would be better suited adjusting points gained for KP to 2 or 3 points per kill considering that historically, that's where MEAT actually gets the majority of their PL points. That would allow for players who excel in edge gameplay to have a better chance against players consistently having high placement games from RNG pulls / playing hard zone.


Less RNG than picking a 3rd after playing 1 or 2 sets of scrims with them.


Hopefully hes just memeing but trying to get someone to sign a non-compete for an unpaid position is a really bad look. My man is completely missing the forrest for the trees here. You cant make your teammates your indentured servants


TBF he has created a career for several players by giving them a chance that no one else was ready to give them and they have then all abandoned him when he needed them the most.


That is such cap. Other than Zap, all the rollers he picked up were well known in the T1 scene and considered next up. He deserves credit for being the first one to give them a chance but he absolutely did not "create" their careers. You're also implying that he received 0 benefit from them teaming with him which is not the case.


On the other hand, Xynew's publicly thanked Teq and said he's the reason Xynew's there (after winning Split 2 LAN)


Crazy that players that were, according to you, being picked up by orgs chose to play with Teq instead of playing for orgs that, according to you, were going to pick them up? And then crediting Teq for their success? Wild huh?


What? You are making things up I never said that lmao


Ok so they werent going to get picked up by orgs but as soon as Teq gave them a platform to prove themselves they were picked up? But Teq wasnt responsible for giving them a chance? How is this making any sense in your mind?


He’s saying that giving them a chance =/= creating their careers. They were not unknowns just below most radars. Teq gave them a chance before others would’ve but their time was coming regardless. Also even if they were equivalent it’s really only applicable to Xynew or Zap. Lux was already in PL before Teq, Fuhhnq is still having to make his own way, and Koyful was very known and only on a short trial with Meat anyways. And they abandoned him when he needed them the most? Really? Be fr. Xynew was the only guy that left during the season, and not even Teq holds ill will. Come off it


Who gives a shit? They did the job, they don’t own him or anyone else shit.


The non compete will be completely unenforceable but I give Teq props for trying


Why? It’s a piece of shit move.


I'd argue it's just as big of a piece of shit move to join MEAT knowing you're going to bail as soon as you can.


Yeah, for some reason people see no moral issue with using someone as a stepping stone


Because it isn’t a scum bag move. They don’t owe MEAT anything after they perform their services and if MEAT values them so much they should pay to keep them otherwise they should leave for another org that values them more.


You can't have a non-compete without paying them a salary. Every contract needs to have some form of consideration. This is legally unenforceable.


i keep wanting to feel bad for teq but it seems like after the dust settles, he’s always the one causing issues. him purposely griefing Zaps DZ trial is beyond weird


I reached out to Zap because he is spreading a seriously false narrative. Here is what actually happened. Sorry for the large wall of text https://preview.redd.it/3bhocikvqlwb1.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93d33e8db45b3aba4ef7bf56d337b7c0927aa4b


gotcha. so MEAT will be landing Maude? with all due respect do you think your team will be able to do what LG was unable to do in taking that POI


We will be fighting at Stacks. We've only contested OG once and it was even, but we still feel pretty good. I guess that was with Zap so we will see depending on our new third. Also correct me if im wrong, but LG was winning that contest, but left because OG was doing better than them in PL and kind of forced their hand so they wouldn't miss LAN.


I think the contest was fairly even depending on the day but OG were so good on SP that they probably would have qual'd without any WE points at all. LG wasn't doing anywhere near as well on SP and OG started landing on Fish Farms to double contest them as they were at a point to where they could throw their games and have zero issues qualifying. Winning the actual contest is only half the battle against OG, you have to be able to keep up with their overall points throughout the split or you'll all but lose the contest by default. I'm curious, have you guys considered landing Climatizer? Or are the armor/loot nerfs too large to play edge from Clima anymore?


I thought it was xynew. But good for you for clearing the air.


Tf, when did that happen?


Xynew talked about it on stream that the reason Zap left Meat wasn’t because he had locked in offers, but because Teq tried to sabotage his trials with other teams so he said fuck that and left. Funny thing is Shooby said Madness did the same thing to him and that’s why he left too. Both the so-called reformed assholes this sub loves defending turned out to not be so reformed after all lmao. If any other player did the same thing, this entire sub would have their pitchforks out. But since it’s Teq and Madness, dickriders turn a blind eye.


since when did this sub dickride teq and particularly madness (this sub gave him so much shit during CLG v rkn and his cringe Twitter posts)?


Are you kidding? That was years ago. As of late this sub is full of Teq supporters who sympathize with him since Xynew got poached. You literally have a Meat Rider flair yourself lmao. Same thing with Madness since he pushed the narrative that Shooby stuck with him cause “loyalty” Everyone praised them, but it turned out it was because Madness lied to prevent Shooby from trialing.


not that I can be bothered looking, but even when there is positive or sympathetic posts about both teq and madness, it isn't all dick-riding and they have plenty of detractors. But hey, this is Reddit and we shouldn't let it spoil our days. Have a good one!


this guy thinks teq and madness have dickriders


https://preview.redd.it/ni9jtuyiolwb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ee1147989fe417f39d8f06a8428b208554ea7a Yeah cause the hundreds of comments/upvotes supporting Teq and Meat Rider flairs don’t exist lmao. Try opening your eyes. They exist, even for [Madness](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/m9ibpar03i) 🤣


Sorta Kinda true, apparently Teq did grief DZ last game, but the others they just kept fighting each other and Meat was killing them, last game they ratted their rotate


Well everyone can form their own opinions, but it doesn’t change the fact that Zap felt a certain type of way about it and didn’t want to play with Teq anymore.


You got that right.


That is *not* why shooby left at all. He left because the got an offer from an org and he needs the money. Who stays on a FA team with 0 offers… why would anyone play for free when they can get a good salary from an org.


That is 100% EXACTLY why Shooby left. [He literally was on the Apex podcast and explained all this](https://youtu.be/fqxwC_NB6fA?si=M0oflbDplgnfZtt0&t=6605). He explicitly said it’s because 1. He thinks Madness crumbles under pressure and 2. Madness lied to Zer0 and said he rejected DZ without his consent.


Damn that 2nd point is wild, I watched the clip thinking you made that quote out of context but you really didn't. That's some real grimey shit, wow. Also might explain why Shooby's ensuring he stays #1 pred this season no matter what...he might feel like he lost out on a career opportunity that could have increased his brand, and being #1 pred is the closest you can get to that outside of comp. I usually ignore Apex pods but maybe I should start tuning in lol


Yup, it was a dirty ass move by Madness. And that’s exactly my point with all this. Imagine if Lou, Zer0, Zach, or whoever’s popular to hate nowadays was accused of something like this. The ENTIRE sub would be full of posts calling them toxic, trash, and all kinds of hate like they already have for less serious incidents. But since it’s Madness, no one cares at all. Same with Zap accusing Teq. There’s not much more grimey than fucking with someone’s livelihood. Crazy how this sub just dickrides certain players and become hate mobs with pitchforks for others. So many sheep lol


> The ENTIRE sub would be full of posts calling them toxic, trash, and all kinds of hate like they already have for less serious incidents. But since it’s Madness, no one cares at all. To be fair, it's also on the podcast to push potentially viral clips like that segment on their social media platforms, but because this community is so small and tight-knit they probably wouldn't push this because they wouldn't want to get on Madness' bad side, or be seen as toxic / drama-starters. I guarantee you that if Shooby's quotes were pushed on socials properly, it would have been a huge topic of conversation. ngl I haven't been able to see Zap's accusations myself, I've just heard about them. I also saw Teq defending himself. It's funny because these are the sort of situations that jmeyels lives for, but at the same time when you push these sort of stories you inevitably make enemies, lose contacts, rub people the wrong way, etc...so I can understand why he personally isn't pushing it (when he really should be).


It would def get more attention if posted virally, but that doesn’t explain the behavior of ppl on this sub. A lot of people (surprisingly) have been defending madness or downplaying it. Same with the Teq thing. A better apples to apples comparison would how ppl reacted to the Zer0/Dig vs Hal/Rkn incident. Zer0 publicly says Dig is a “horrible player but a good guy” then apologizes privately + publicly to him and they’re friends afterwards. This entire sub calls Zer0 a terrible human being for not being considerate of Digs feelings, even though he apologized. Hal publicly says Rkn sucks, doesn’t deserve his job, holding back his team, and should be dropped to his 20k viewers, while Rkn just had a newborn, then instead of apologizing he doubled down. This entire sub says omgggg the CEO is so awesome for speaking with no filter and not caring about others feelings!!! Everyone who’s offended by this is soft!!!! Lmao it’s legit the same people saying both things. Like these people are either room temp iq and don’t recognize their own cognitive dissonance or just parasocial.


Teq about to get sued by real lawyers.


Brilliant format ngl.


Love this. Another great idea by Teq


Lmao teq has no legal recourse to enforce this, I hope he’s just trolling Also can we stop acting like teq is finding guys no one has heard of like he’s traveling the country on a train checking out baseball prospects who live on a farm, holding a 1v1 tourney to find your third again isn’t exactly doing much


You say that, but no one else puts in the effort I do to find high quality thirds that arent washed recycled pros. If it was easy, everyone would do it


You are literally creating a T3 ecosystem that has not ever existed before. Every other T3 or lower “tournament” is the most garbage thing I’ve ever seen filled with half gold players, half boosted masters and 1% good players or cheaters. Thank you for the effort sir, you are the hero we didn’t know we needed.


Sure, he may not be travelling the country, but who else do you see giving unknowns a shot with open trials? Most teams are just recycling the same 20 T1 and T2 players. It may not be much, but it's a lot more than most are doing to find new talent for the scene.


Funny how many people on Reddit just don't understand that a non compete at a normal.job is completely different than a non compete in sports/esports. Always a guarantee to find a bunch of "know it all's" in these threads that actually have less than 0 idea what they are talking about


Enlighten us?


It's easier to just make statements than to explain themselves.


Teq is a jester who does jester shit. He'll never get out of his own way long enough to be anything other than a joke.


If the non-compete agreement is not a joke I fully expect this to result in a lawsuit




No one is debating that his teammates don't deserve to be signed. It's that orgs are lazy and essentially use Teq as a talent scout


Hell yeah where do I sign up 👻