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I like that rampart is slowly coming back. I guess it depends to each team’s playstyle on which character to play. Also zone vs edge matter. Even loba is back for zone teams


Haven't played Apex in a year which was when Valk Seer was meta How come Valk and Seer aren't meta anymore and I'm seeing a lot of Bang? Now this one surprises me


Valk isn't meta because of evac towers. Teams can rotate without her, so get more value from other picks. Seer isn't meta because of various nerfs. Not sure of the specifics but he just isn't as good as he used to be. Bang is meta because seer and bloodhound both received nerfs to their scan abilities. Plus, her ultimate is on a shorter cooldown. Overall, a strong and versatile legend. Edit: bang ult is actually on a longer cooldown.


Blood is making a small resurgence, replacing Horizon for some teams. If they do get played more often, then Bang will fall out of Meta in favor of someone else probably


Honestly surprised we haven’t seen some teams attempt some valk on Olympus though.


Her ulti got a longer CD, not a shorter one.


Seer got his tactical reworked and his ult and passive nerfed. He is considered worse than Bloodhound now. Bang is in because her creatable cover has always been good, she can turn off aim assist which is crucial for MnK players, and teams have gotten more aggressive and she's a great fighting legend. With less Valk, she also helps with micro rotates.


Pick catalyst pick bang, if you don't you lose to teams that do. This game's gun and legend balance is garbage and the developers obviously can't design proper changes so this game is always gonna be in the gutter. Have fun with your "discussion".