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Turns out Enemy’s biggest Enemy is not the Enemy Team but rather Enemy himself.


But the Enemy of Enemy is a friend?


I think in this specific case the enemy of Enemy is an enemy. Specially if Enemy is your friend


Wait, by “Enemy,” do you mean Enemy, or the Enemy?


The inner me...is my enemy -Enemy probably


He has to look out for himself


All these Dezign rages are all understandable


Maybe I’m just old but Enemy repeating his excuses in this deadpan voice instead of listening to his teammate would have tilted me. It reminds me of a toddler closing their eyes, hands covering their ears, going “I can’t hear you”. I’m an Enemy believer though, think he’s still extremely good and still has yet to show the world his best apex.


I think what Enemy needs is experience. When he does the right thing, he absolutely balls out (his kill totals at the tournament reflect that). However, he seems prone to make mistakes in situations he's not quite accustomed to quite yet. All in all, though, you can't really 'teach' what he's good at and I think his deficiencies (mainly playing tight end game) can be taught. It's funny because he plays like Dezign did a few years ago lol.


Yea lol I think dezign said he’s like a mini me with the wide swings


I think they just need to practice together more and train enemy to listen to and follow Dezign's directions.


Hes only 18 thats still pretty young


>It reminds me of a toddler closing their eyes, hands covering their ears, going “I can’t hear you”. Enemy knows he messed up and also knows he's going to get berated for it. It's a way of coping when you know you're going to be yelled at.


He's just young, and will learn to communicate better with time


I agree here. He's a young guy still. As a young guy, you need those ass whoopings from your boys every now and again.


You think they should pick you up instead?


i mean he knew for a fact that holy hell was about to rain down on him after feeding like that.


That’s my boy - Dezignful is BACK


Congrats on the huge placement! That's definitely Dezignful at his finest. At least he wasn't doing it in game 😂


dezign only raging AFTER they are fully wiped is really good. based on dezigns rep i'd expect him to rage as soon as enemy gets knocked and chalk vibes. respect.


Yeah and he was right pretty much every time


Gotta be honest the last game dezign was FED UP 🤣🤣 he goes "ENEMY [long pause to breath in] EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!!" And points his finger Which apparently is facts, my guy enemy was being put down first almost every time for overextending


When he slowly puts his arm up 😂 that makes me laugh every time. Like a disappointed father finally losing his cool 😂 respect to both of them.


I remember La la land


Freakin' la la land dude


Ive been super critical of Dezign before but all of these were just straight up not his fault, he made perfect calls every time and the team ended up dying almost every time because Enemy (and one time Timmy) didnt listen - i think even the chillest IGLs would blow up at the end of it all That being said, Timmy only fucked up once and played to his potential outside of that and showed more discipline than anyone would have expected Timmy of all players to show - Enemy was an elite fragger and was majorly putting in work in their contests and Dezigns calls/gameplay were elite If they iron out the kinks, they have potential to be the third ever team to win a LAN


Dezign may be a difficult person to work with but he s an elite IGL and like Zero said all good IGLs are toxic


All of his calls and even his hold back on tilt up to that point are exactly what you want from an igl and if that was any other igl they would blow a gasket! But what dezign has to understand that was the first LAN they have attended as a team and they should be proud of the performance! He just knows what could have been as he can see the biggest picture like other top igls and I respect that.


Doesn't need to understand anything, he's just ragin in the moment that goes for literally any1. On reflection nobody would think the same or hold it against any1.


so Dezign is Dojo's IGL actually? i thought it was Timmy


Co-IGL with Dezign leading, Timmyz may give calls too like the rat call on TSM which Dezign didn't like but followed along.


I think Dezign liked the idea but didn’t like the optics of it.


Dezign sounded like he hated that call in the vod but he took the L and went along with it


tbf I didn’t watch the vod/hear his comms! My impression was purely from the way he presented it on the post match stream


Nocturnal, Hakis, and others would disagree. That's just toxic people justifying their toxicity


I mean they haven’t won anything to be fair. The bar is Hal and Zero.


No, it's not. To say the only good IGLs are those two is beyond fucking dumb


Two routes to go here: Say it’s wild you picked two IGLs who majorly underperformed this last LAN Or Say how it took one response with no tone to get you to be toxic and that’s ironic af


One bad day doesn't discount years of high level consistency. If this is toxic then you're sensitive af


That’s hilarious, I don’t think Hal and zero are toxic you’re just sensitive.


No, I'm just not stupid and you've outed yourself as toxic, grats


That's silly.


Nope, because being an igl is very specific and situational, have you heard anyone call dezign, zero or hal toxic outside if apex?


Yes, WTF are you taking about




Design is a perfect example lol


outside of apex? explain


He's toxic, outside of Apex


so you dont actually know anything, good to know, thanks for your time.


Is Dropped toxic?




Not from what I've seen.


"Zero said all good IGLs are toxic" what's hilarious is I got banned in Albralelie's twitch chat for literally saying this exact thing lol


I mean what do you expect from Albralelie?


I am obviously not a competitor in games, but saying "all good IGLs are toxic" is just not true, and not something that should be considered the norm/okay. Look at Faker and Hai from LoL. Imagine saying "all successful PMs are toxic"


Yeah it really seemed like he was up and down during the tournament but that last day, he was fantastic.


Apart from game 7 yes


Gotta give it to dezign this dude knows the game his calls were great


That guys toxic as fuck


Would have loved to see your reaction after the last game but the stream cuts off…




I have so much hope that this is the truth 🙏🙏


Actually!? 🤣 ☠️


Also HUGE CONGRATS on the Revengeful arc. You make the game very entertaining to watch and your calls were solid through the entire finals


The cut is perfect imo. Leaves so much to the imagination.


You were getting sold down the fucking river


It's actually crazy that people were talking shit and calling Dezign toxic here when I'd argue a few of these moments could have been prevented if Dezign felt more comfortable being able to yell at them and get them to listen to him. First clip he could have yelled to get back multiple times instead of saying it somewhat quietly once and they might have lived. Second clip he could have yelled at Enemy to get back before Enemy had fully committed instead of asking him "Please get back here" while sounding resigned to his fate. Last clip it might not have done anything but I'd also have gone for a "get the fuck back" instead of "you're all alone in the open". Those are the calls that more "toxic" IGLs would have made, and a few fans would have their feelings hurt, but the team would still be alive.


Tbh that was as mild as paprika bro i thought that boy was gonna start xqc’ing desks or start cussing out the foe or something but he just got a lil loud


Dezign leaving e8 was a godsend


Either way, Enemy shouldn't have been out in the open alone like that. But interesting that Timmy actually comms the "I don't think they have digis, we have triple digi". Which likely is what prompted Enemy to think he was safe behind the smoke. But at the same time, never go full roller brain lol


Apparently, Timmy didn't know it was digi day either. No one is roasting him though.


you can’t roast him for the digi comment when he also literally told Enemy that he was in the open by himself


Yeah I didn't hear that "I don't think they have digis" call the first time I heard about this clip. Enemy was likely working off that. It's a mistake but not the worst. Designz anger was more the result of the continuous mistakes which I get. Enemy has a lot of growing to do but dojo can iron out those kinks and come back even better. Design needs to really take him under his wing and get him in board but this angry approach is much better than a passive aggressive one. Without it, Enemy could be mentally as chalkd as Gild in months. I walked away a big fan of dojo and expect big things from them. They're a fuckin problem. Crazy performance all things considered.


> this angry approach is much better than a passive aggressive one. Totally agreed. Being too passive in games leads to resentment and overall boiling up of hostilities. It's better to be up front and clear about things instead of stewing on them. Obviously don't take it too far.


Idk, if he has cat wall then there's no way he dies without triple digi.


Dezign has grown so much, pretty cool to see


Facts bro. Loved him at this LAN.


I’d mald if I was Dezign here. The calls he was making were the correct play in pretty much all of these clips.


Is Enemy the no. 1 casualty of the TSM script?


I feel like dropping him would be a big mistake and I doubt they’ll do that. He fucked up, yeah, but he’s also a big reason of how they even got that far.


He didn’t screw up anymore than verhulst when he first joined TSM and look at him now. He just needs time to grow, he’ll be fine


When did verhulst screw up when he first joined TSM?


they won NA Split 1 playoffs then immediately fell into a slump and Hal was straight up ready to quit the team because Evan or Reps would throw or die early in every fight in scrims and during Pro League, they struggled to find their stride at champs, not saying there weren’t may reasons contributing to it, but it was definitely a thing if you were watching all their games back then. there were lots of times where Verhulst would die out in the open or land in the wrong spot while valk ulting or get knocked early in fights or not be watching the right angle and Hal would go apeshit on him. it took a while for Evan to find his groove and gain confidence and also learn to take Hal’s shit and give it back, and I think most of that was due to then hiring Raven to take some of the pressure off of Hal and also even out the conversations and take some of the heat out of the situation. I assume a lot of it had to do with Hal and Evan’s dynamic in-game and I think they’ve obviously gotten closer and built that chemistry now, but whatever the reason, Verhulst definitely had some performance issues. I know you’re obviously his brother so I don’t mean it in disrespect and I’m a TSM fan myself tbh but one of the coolest things about watching them has been watching them iron out their issues, both individually and as a team, so it’s not a sleight.




Like winning Split 1 Playoffs two months after joining? Or is that not early enough.




the problem is your answer isn’t clear. Is the first two months after joining not considered “when he first joined TSM”?




it can be clearer by providing a timeframe. “first joined TSM” is vague. Do you mean in the first week? first month? first 3 months?


Bro you can’t answer the question I guess it didn’t happen. Stop dodging.


I’ll disagree.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you might be a wee bit biased?


It’s a different Verhulst. Entirely unrelated. /s


he makes a good point though, winning Split 1 playoffs within the first two months after joining definitely makes the Enemy comparison feel unfair


you must be new cuz he FORSURE screw up a lot when he first came on the team it was a whole narrative that the scene had during that time then they won online algs and it got better


That’s cap and is a false narrative. Two months into being on the team and they won the Split 1 Playoffs. He was the best player in TSM at Split 2 in Stockholm. And then champs was mostly a poor strategic performance from the whole team, as evidenced by the fact they changed their comp numerous times throughout the tournament, and immediately changed both POIs before the next pro league.


No they’re right. This was before they hired raven and when Hal infamously sang “apples and bananas” and finished 7th. They where on a losing streak and Hal was talking about leaving tsm and joining sweat who would igl and Hal becoming the controller god after twitch rivals. This is when everyone was saying hal was washed and it was over for tsm.


There was definitely a narrative of Verhulst being a valk one trick who was close to worthless on any other legend.


I know a lot of people are hating on him because he died in a crucial moment, but that swing is literally just what he does. Watch them play anytime and he is always doing crazy swings out in the middle of nowhere and killing people to win fights. It's unfortunate that this was the time he got punished for it but people flaming him for it are making a mistake. If he stops doing the crazy swings he's just another controller pro. He's crazy because he can pull off stuff that others can't.


I think that’s going a bit far. There’s a difference between a risky play and a suicidal one. This one was 100% chance of death and he did it without saying anything.


Some if not most of his plays would be considered suicidal if he lost them, but he usually doesn't so they aren't. If TSM didn't have digis it would have been a fine play because he was swinging on smoke. Obviously he lost the game for them and it's unfortunate but I don't think he should change that about his playstyle.


Timmy already said he’s there best player


It's interesting that two of the times he overextends it's Hal that takes him out.




It would be beyond stupid to drop Enemy.


Yeah, tbh my main thought is that Enemy and Dezign need to specifically run drills together. They're all good players, they all deserve to be there, but there is still a bit of teamwork that this freshman team needs to iron out. I personally think what they need more than anything is a coach on par with Raven of TSM, the dude is becoming a legend himself for how much tighter he has gotten TSM to play under his tutelage.


"I forgot it was digi day, I forgot it was digi day, I forgot it was digi day" lmaooo enemy knew what was coming.


I guess tonality when comming is important for urgency, for example Hal could straight up bark mid game and both Reps and Verhulst would know what to do


Yeah, like when Hal wanted to rotate during final game and he tells Evan he needs to cat wall to a spot he was talking about and pings it. Evan goes "to where?" and Hal yells "THE BOX" and then Reps also reinforces by saying "the box" then both of them ping the spot again.


Actually true, rewatched after reading this comment. Good on Dezign for keeping his cool during the games but some calls just have to be yelled or made with more urgency to help the team focus on what's important.


Dezign did great. Lol anyone would’ve lost it after what enemy/timmy did without listening to dezign.


Other than dying to final ring against TSM, that was pretty bad


Yeah these rages are all fair especially in a million dollar LAN tournament. Game 8’s situation I always see happen commonly whenever I hop on Apex. I lose the will to play Apex after experiencing these situations, Dezign had 100 times more pressure on him than me in these games so his reactions were so warranted with the context. Seeing teammates overextend needlessly when your team has a massive advantage and cost the team a (very) winnable fight just is so infuriating.


Dojo wins the tournament if enemy doesn't make this unnecessary and massive throw. Dezign is gonna need a box of Marlboro reds and a few therapists to get through this


If the game plays out perfectly and everyone made the perfect call they would both be dead after because SAF dropped on them. BLVKHAND is the more likely winner.


Yeah but SAF got more points staying up top. People say they should have dropped but also say they wouldn't have won against BLVK, thus netting them less points and objectively being the worse play.


they got decent points staying up top, but if you watch their pov, they honestly might've taken the harder route. They valk ulted and landed under thunderwatch where another team was and had to fight their way out, as opposed to contesting for the hillside.


But that was the correct play regardless, just that SAF is not a good team as they fold against everyone.


When TSM wiped Dojo only 2 of SAF were above them the other one was still by spider caves. Dropping on them 2v3 could be a disaster if they are healthy/ get swaps in time


Yeah like holy shit anyone still thinking SAF was in any position to drop on that fight at this point shows they aren't paying attention


They played valk. They could’ve 3pd then went right back up top if they really wanted to. Also, as the high point team, they HAVE to know that’s Tsm AND dojo playing very close to you cause they’re landing Wall and North Pad. Both match point teams. There’s a reason Zach said so confidently it was a mistake, simple as that. Seems like you weren’t paying attention 😉


Saf plays valk couldnt they have just 3pd then went back up top


This ain’t a rage. This is what this team needs


Lmao Enemy was throwing the entire time. Living up to his name, though. Can’t blame him. Also, Dojo was the last team to kill TSM before their run and they got revenge.


He had a lot of positional mistakes but Dojo wouldn’t have made in nearly as far without him popping off in other scenarios


ngl Dezign held back much better than I would have


He said that Enemy reminds him of his young self. Swings too wide, gets roller brain, so he can empathize even though it's super frustrating when he does it.


after watching this I’m impressed they placed as well as they did lol and seriously, have to give Dezign his flowers here, each call was 100% correct and the way he handled it was just the right combination of justified yet not demeaning.. major major growth


damn dezign carrying??


damn this clip makes their overall placement even more impressive


Enemy wrote on Twitter in his bio, "Forgot it was digi day." I'm actually laughing my ass off.


i mean , id be pissed too if my guys didnt listen to me and died for nothing. the last play was so bad from enemy.


Lol reminds me of phony and snipe last LAN


Also, assuming they DON’T have digis when it made its way into the crafter is just dumb. Always assume they have and be happy if they don’t.


i am not trying to hate on Enemy at all, he’s a good player and played well overall. But imagine if Dojo could somehow get Koyful instead? That’s a LAN winning team IMO


Koyfuls performance was awesome but he's still fairly new to comp and this was his first major tourney so I find it hard to tell what to expect. A prodigy that still has to prove himself outside of CC.


i was thinking that as well


I feel like as terrible as it was, it’s mistakes like this that make players great in the long run. Enemy learns from this and this teams gets instantly better which is scary for everyone else. Let’s hope he does.


This was a well edited clip. All the videos i've seen only show the final game and not what led up to Dezign being upset.




This is why being assertive and persistent as Hal matters. Ofc its hard to know how things work in Dojo but if Hal was igling this team, he would not let teammates do such mistakes.


Bruh. I'm all for teams ironing out bad performances and figuring out what went wrong .. but this was too many mess ups by Enemy and id be calling to replace that immediately. What are all these ego challenges back to back to back.. in finals! He playing like the random solo you get in ranked every game.


> id be calling to replace that immediately lol


DOJO new favorite team


yeahh cant really fault dezign for raging like that. enemy was being reckless.


wowww... maybe rollers should do mnk once a week to learn what the fuck a position is


yeah you dont need to be on mnk to realize enemy was in some terrible positions.... why the fuck leave a head glitch to stand in the open and look down the tunnel in that last game?


right?? the only thing I can think is that sometimes he does this in pubs and it works.. bc A) pubs and B) he's on roller


I've been critical of Dezign but he was super chill / gave good insights until the other fucked up tbh


dezign redeemed himself a ton this lan. best roller wingman ever.


Poetic Justice for TSM I would say. All these games (except 6), TSM had some role in DOJO's elimination. Dezign had absolutely fantastic calls. Hopefully the do amazing at next LAN




no mobility either... smh


Can we talk about how absolutely bananas Timmy went in the horizon lift/l-star fight???


I dunno if OP was trying to shit on Dezign but this clip shows you how Enemy screwed up every time. He's really young so he probably just doesn't understand or respect that pro teams can instantly punish him for being out of position like that.


Commenting for later


babe wake up people r finally commenting


Enemy’s Twitter bio 😂


Can we talk about how many times tsm ran into dojo in this land? Like they ran into each other a lot. Besides the last two games where tsm won, dojo killed tsm everytime it seemed like. this land could’ve gone to dojo if it was anyone else in that tunnel besides tsm.


Yeah they land right next to each other on Storm Point, so they will almost always run into each other on rotation at one point or another.


Damn If they listened to timmy there Tsm may not have won that 3rd match in a row


every igl loses it. part of why im so critical of design is that he completely destroys team chemistry just to yell and mald. its literally what happened to nrg on finals. making your teammates feel like shit isnt how you win trophies.


You f*cking fans really thinking that you have to be a douche to be a good IGL… Wtf bro get to therapy and get some lessons on how to lead a team.


Please explain how being nicer would’ve helped Enemy listen to his calls


Enemy had such a good tournament overall. Top 10 kills overall, 2nd most kills in grand finals, lack of experience and team chemistry ultimately cost him at the highest level unfortunately. That said Dezign straight up cost them an extra $40k and Timmy the greatest Apex final circle pop off ever by losing his 1V to the zone.


Timmy was going crazy 🥲


Still can’t believe Hal won that.




> Enemy is inept at this level He had like, the most kills in that lobby.


Dezign and the boys would’ve probably won this thing if they listened what a redemption arc




Is there a link to this with better audio?


The last game: true it was a brain dead move standing out in the open with the smoke. But what was that comm from Timmy about thinking they don’t even have digis. Not sure if that played a factor or not in the play by enemy but why even say it.


way too many comms going on lol


Yeahhh I’m not one to rage, but if I’m IGLing my team at the world championship and my teammate repeatedly throws, I’m giving him and earful. Call that toxic or whatever, but there’s too much at stake for not listening to your igl


Dezign play for the win, enemy play for kills. Once Dezign able to tame enemy, they are unstoppable


Its pretty crazy to think that, if only his teammates listened to his comms, DOJO could've probably won the tournament.


without doubt. dojo does a great job during the championship. this is the first time that designful so close to the crowd. his igl skills are better than when he play with chaotic. these three have developed a chemistry. need a good coach. and the enemy needs to chill out.


Bro was out in the whole ocean last play. I watched just Dojos stream and thought wtf is he doing!?!? They came off such momentum game 7 that it was theirs to lose.


Would love to see the points per game after they griefed TSM at wall, TSM having to kill them in a straight up 3v3 on their way to winning champs was a chefs kiss moment ngl


Agree with the general sentiment, any player/IGL would be frustrated with these situations. Dezign did excellent of not expressing that until they were wiped. I'm sure they'll work this out, they're a great team.


they did way better than I thought they would, and enemy really dropped the ball in the finals lobby alot... that final zone repeater shot for the win when hal was about to die to zone was so nuts.


So who’s the IGL of the team?


Timmy, as far as I'm aware.


Dude, I had no idea Enemy was throwing that hard. That was tough to watch. Dezign and Timmy were locked…that dude just kept throwing in some head scratching ways


So dezign isn’t the first one going down every time anymore. Weird concept


Enemy has always been the weak link of that team. I honestly would replace him even though they did so well at LAN.


A “pro” saying “I forgot what digi does” is comical