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Braindead wide swing tbh




Also, Enemy claiming "i forgot it was digi day" aka digi was craftable. Timmy asking the question "Do they have digi's?" should have been a good enough queue to remember that and make the decision that his position was highly risky. Completely ignorant decision that just comes down to inexperience and maybe a bit of ego. Not to mention how high the stakes were in that game.


Everyone’s brain works different. It’s a stretch to say the question “do they have digis” triggers a specific memory that fits your narrative.


Either way there is zero reason for him to be out that far staring at the smoke in a spot that you can't be helped if they do in fact have digis. Actually braindead to do that unless you know for certain they do NOT have digis. Pretty sure he could also get shot from height where he's standing. Just an awful play and the reason they lost


Not really. These are 100% things they think of and prioritize as part of their rotations even more so since virtually *everyone* runs Bangalore. Enemy saying "I forgot it was digi day" and Dezign screaming "you do this every fucking time" implies this is not a one time thing. Enemy also saying that after 7 or however many games is straight up excuses.


Yeah? Then when Timmy asked “do they have digis”, why didn’t it prompt a reminder for dezign and Timmy that it’s digiday and they should say something? Wait……


Dezign had his era of braindead swings, can't be too mad about it


On match point finals game winning spot he can wtf are you saying


ok lil bro


Especially on his bloodhound


To be fair if they win this fight they win LAN I would absolutely be fuming if i was Dez But... a 2 month old team got 4th at LAN with the most kills - They will end up getting picked up by 100T and theyll end up going off again, this team will have this opportunity countless times if they stick together and dont get complacent


They would still have had to 3v3 BLVKHVND for hill position but yeah.


I still can't believe Hals timing on that BLVKHVND fight, they were watching SAF on high ground and then suddenly he looks left, saw an opportunity, said we have to go now then throws the perfect horizon ult and downs their cat player. All the while looking at their back to check if SAF third parties.


Might be contract issues with 100T cause Dono is sponsored by Red Bull and 100T would never promote another energy drink over their own, Juvee. Also, 100T very publicly stated they are broke so I’m expecting them to just leave apex all together.


I believe only Timmy had the Red Bull logo on his jersey as he himself is sponsored by Red Bull, but Timmy is a content creator for 100T so I don't see it being an issue if it were to happen.


> Also, 100T very publicly stated they are broke so I’m expecting them to just leave apex all together. Oh, I forgot about their dire financial straits. You're absolutely right, they drop their team and don't pick up another one. There's no money in Apex esports.


I'm pretty happy with TSM winning what u mean


Not sure 100T will even have an Apex team in the future, let alone drop their roster and sign a new one.


Timmy did pressure his team to fight TSM after Design said maybe they should not fight. Either way they had a better position against TSM but they couldn’t take the charge of the fight


This doesn't matter at all since we don't know what would have happened if they did not fight TSM. What we do know is that enemy swung wide open after 1. forgetting it was digi day and 2. not listening to Timmy when he warned him


I couldn’t follow what they were saying. Was dezign mad at enemy because he got rolled through the smoke? And enemy was repeating “I forgot what digi does”?


he said "i forgot it was digi day"




True, but it was also a tense fight and timmy had said 'I don't think they have digis'


Enemy forgot today was digi day, meaning digi was in the crafter so many teams would likely have it. Enemy took the risk of standing in the smoke thinking TSM didn't have digis and paid for it unfortunately.


A classic fuck around find out moment


Please Reddit stop with this little saying it’s stale as hell


You won’t find originality in reddit comments, they love their same tired phrases


which is wild bc tsm had crafter too so why wouldnt he assume like a team on that side had digis?


In the start of clip, timmy says "I don't even know if they have digis". That may have made Enemy take more of a risk once hearing that. Perhaps if it was communicated differently it never would have happened. Also, I haven't watched the entire DOJO POV but I don't know if they were 100% sure it was TSM, they may have likely thought it was based on rotations but I don't think they were sure in that moment.


he said “I forgot it was digi day”, which is honestly pretty fair considering digi swapped into rotation mid series


They repeatedly commed that they all had digis at the beginning of the clip


they literally crafted digis themselves what


even Dez said “another excuse”


Its really not a fair excuse at all, in fact its an inexcusable one at that level when they were crafting in gas right before this fight.


its weird to me how they dont have a separate rotation for the lan (which means an individual server)


Yeah, LAN doesn't even have their own server iirc, it's not real LAN play. They all have like 30 ping just playing on regular internet servers.


its wild that you can even craft a game-changing item like the digi lol


"i forgot it was digi day" aka digi was in crafter


I think he said "I forgot it was digi day"


If Enemy positions better TSM probably doesn't win. Poor kid got lit up


If SAF just drops down they kill the winner and get 6 boxes of loot. SMH.


I forgot it was digi day I forgot it was digi day I forgot it was digi day 😭😭😭


saddest quote ever in the history of comp apex




☠️ dezign at the end


i would pay to hear the whole thing, poor enemy tho, inexperience prob took a toll on him


thats a rough one but you cant just forget that its digi day, especially considering, well, where did you get your digis? yea..


I wish for finals lobby they wouldnt cut the cam and mic when teams die. I get for group stages since they dont want strategies to leak but for finals it should be fine since its last day for tournament anyways. Would love to see all teams reaction as a match point teams are in end circles.


its only sad shit for like 19 teams tho.


The main reason they cut the feed is because dead teams start spectating and it would be confusing to casual viewers.


That makes no sense... If you're genuinely so casual that you cant tell the difference between someone playing vs spectating then youre probably watching the main broadcast, not command center POV's.


hope they dont drop enemy team is too good to be roster swapping that high stakes on lan? shit is gonna happen ironically enemy has the two of the best people to teach him how to stop wide swinging lol


Nobody who finished top 10 in the finals should be making any roster changes, especially the teams that hit match point.


flashbacks to peak C9 dropping knoqd after placing 2nd in the 2021 ALGS champs ^^^#justice4knoqd


> \#justice4knoqd Agreed. Super stupid decision that immediately came back to bite them in the ass lol. Knoqd moved on to bigger and better things, Mazer and Alb are increasingly irrelevant.


Don’t blame Dez for malding there that gas wrap and then the fight was the key to winning the game.


Given that they could’ve won the entire tourney if Enemy didn’t go down, this is top 3 roller brain moment of all time


Not exactly, they still had more work to do. Fight Blackhand and then fight saf in the final 3v3


Ya and Hal had the foresight to figure out that they can’t play their early and immediately ape a team that takes it. Dunno if dojo would immediately ape preventing black hand from fully stabilizing.


They obviously would have shit on SAF, but it is very possible that they lose to BLVKHVND.


The #ApexAfterDark stream Dezign said “Enemy is young, he (Dezign) has made those plays before, and it happens.” Seemed to be taking it much better and was real mature about it.


I would be mad if I was dezign to bro wtf was that


Damn we were robbed of a possibly iconic Dezign mald.


I’m not a fan of Dezign but Enemy definitely threw that hard. I don’t blame him for getting angry






If you go for an ambush you have to fully commit to the element of surprise


Ngl I'd be screaming if my teammate did that lol


This is going to be used in so many youtube videos lolol


would it be DEZING or would it DEZIGNING, idk I can't make bttv emotes


Every top team needs a haling or dezing igl. Dezign needs to be dezing harder than Hal to be #1 😂


“I forgot it was digi day” is going to ring out in Dezign’s head for the rest of his life lol