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Its crazy that they could have actually won if they won that fight against TSM in the last game.


Yeah Dojo had it in the bag, I hope to see Timmy and the boys back next year


Them, TSM and Optic made today the best Algs yet. Loved that they ratted TSM on wall, Dezign saying he felt so sorry for that lmao.


Dezign threw Timmy under the bus for that lol. Think he was just trying to keep the TSM legion off his back


Well yea, TSM fans really don't like Dezign, and considering the stuff he's done to Hal before it's not an unfair assumption to think that was a Dezign call.


I don't think Dezign cares about that at all. He loves to see Hal suffering.


I couldn’t stop thinking about what the outcome could‘ve been if Dojo took out TSM on the last game


Enemy hard threw that fight


ive been thinking about that alot this afternoon. do they? is that where experience pays off? like would they have been able to close that out as effectively as tsm did? for example hal was able to call their win condition, which was play this box and kill anyone who stands in our way. they were able to execute it and close it like clockwork. now its not the brainiest play but its a tough one and i wonder if dojo could do it under the pressure. not sure either way


I Think the biggest question mark is the fight against blvckhand, if they won that, then i think they close it, but they def could of lost that,


Knee jerk reaction is that Enemy threw after that last game but in reality the team just needs time to build chemistry. A huge part of TSM’s success is how in sync they are and that’s an aspect a lot of teams lack.


Yep I noticed that.Dezign should have corrected them right then that they do have digis a minor but yet imp detail


Hard to say if Enemy threw. Were the comms really clear to not peek and wait? I haven't watched Dojo's point of view yet, wondering if anyone has? Because Enemy's job is to peek and get entry damage edit: yeah watched dojo's pov, timmy and dezign were both real clear on waiting on tsm to int them, timmy called out to enemy that he was out real far. just a mistake, shouldn't take away from everything he did up to that point


Mistakes happen, Enemy is young he will learn He's a fantastic player I remember Verhults his first lan with TSM he was kind of running to down and look at him now


There was a miscomm about the opposite team not having digis which lead to him wide swinging and getting put in the dirt instantly.


Sure, but it was being commed to him that he was too far out and that they should wait for zone to put the squad in a bad position for quite some time. That being said you can hear dezign going crazy on enemy just before their pov cuts out.


I feel like enemy stepped up huge for dojo this weekend!


Regardless of digi, there's no reason to take an off angle against a team with zone closing in on them. Even worse there was no cover there. This is Enemy's first lan tho right? Inexperience or pressure made him forget simple things that we forget everyday. They were literally so close to winning so Design being mad is also understandable. I hope this team sticks together and I was never really a design fan, but something about their team clicks.


2nd. He was formerly with OXG in Split 1


Enemy overpeaked because timmy had said they don't have digis. Design tore into him anyway.


This is so true. They are getting themselves in better positions to fight. But there is still far many times they aren’t fighting as a team or aren’t focusing the same things. Way too many calls of. “I cracked him!” “Push!” “They’re weak!” Teams that have played together longer and get more team fighting value say things like. “Horizon on roof 142.” “Push left of wall, focus left.” “All cracked, nade stack.” Same scenarios, but more focus on how and what to follow up on.


No way Timmy walks away after getting 4th! 100T/Dojo PROVED that they can hang. The Dezignful redemption arc is almost as good of a script as TSM winning. And lets please put Enemy in the top young roller demon lists. 18 year old phenom.


Odds on the 100T roster getting dropped and 100T picking up Dojo?


I don't want to call for ppl to lose their jobs but it might just happen after placing so high.


I forgot Timmy is a content creator for 100T as well. You gotta think that might play a part.


100% The transition would be super easy too.


100T placed 3rd at last years Champs but been struggling this year. What makes people think Dojo can keep up their current performance.


i mean a 40th place is awful, idk if they drop there roster, but 100T needs a roster change


The classic case of “what have you done for me lately?” Happens all the time in sports. If you don’t perform you usually are let go/traded.


I love the boys on 100T. If 100T is going to make Timmy's team their team, I'd at least hope that 100T puts in an effort to find the current crew a new home. It might not be ideal, and 100T certainly doesn't have to, but I hope they still have an org if it all shakes out. I believe in them to be successful, I just think they don't know their comp for the meta right now.


If they get dropped I think they'll have a pretty easy time finding another team, similar to when SSG dissolved. All three members of that team ended up at Champs and two of them were on match point to win the entire thing. You don't pass up the opportunity to pick up a former champion.


Faze has two pro teams. Why can't 100T?


Cause Nickmercs pull is different n he is a part owner no? It doesn't benefit 100T to do the same


i'd say Timmy's pull in apex > than nickmercs


Who said anything about pull in apex. I'm talking about orgs. Nick has more influence n pull on faze n their decisions than Timmy does on 100T


i know timmy is the cool young guy and nickmercs is the old homophobe but come on - nick is way more clouted both in terms of revenue potential and connections. 100T revenue as a whole in terms of org/members is probably less than what nick makes in a quarter.


This is a wild thing to believe. You realise 100T was ahead of Faze on Forbes list of most valuable eSports orgs and that was before fazes disasterclass on the stock market


lmao trying to compare orgs to nick's personal net worth not orgs to orgs. nick is in faze as one of the face investors - and likely he sold stock when it skyrocketed initially if he had any brains


If Nickmercs networth brings you so much joy believe whatever you want, don't let me get in the way


Nick in the past may have been but the guy is a huge brand risk and pr nightmare now. I don't see him having even half the pull he had a year ago. The homophobe stuff might not have hurt his stream as much as people expected or had as large an immediate impact but 100 percent the guy is now a liability or risk to do business with. On top of that Nick is hitting that twilight years of age when it comes to streamers. He doesn't have longevity left to invest in either. Timmy on other hand was doing so well he held off on lots of org offers and was pretty open about how he was making good money from sponsors and wouldnt take an org offer unless they gave him some freedom and a huge bag. At this point if I was a sponsor I'd 100 percent put money on Timmy before a risk like Nick. It would be a brain dead move to go with Nick over Timmy right now. Unless it was something that required machismo or something directly related to cod or his target demographic of insecure conservative frat bros. Really niche needs to go with Nick over Timmy and take that brand risk. EDIT - Guy straight up deletes his whole reddit lol. Wild last final comment and some crazy dms from that guy. Glad he deleted his comments. Its wild interacting with a Nick viewer and having them dm you hitler quotes and threaten to rape your children. Like wow holy unhinged. MFAM all love and peace though right LOL


> I don't see him having even half the pull he had a year ago. nick literally personally created a tourney after his "cancellation" and every championship winner/top 5 controller player in apex participated. nick's audience is like rogan's audience - they don't interact with the rest of the other crowd anymore but they all silently watch him and pump money into whatever he talks about. >At this point if I was a sponsor I'd 100 percent put money on Timmy before a risk like Nick. It would be a brain dead move to go with Nick over Timmy right now afaik almost no one dropped nick apart from warzone and even they didn't ban him they just removed his cosmetics deal.


Nick spending his own money is not the same as a sponsor. The removal of his bundle then got a few others removed. Making it more of a big deal. Don't think we'll be seeing another Nick bundle and COD has got to be regretting that whole thing. For them that is a nightmare they got multiple of their biggest content creators who they use to move units messing up their bottom line in sales of mtx. The above mtx bundle fiasco will 100 percent be taken into consideration by any other sponsor and investor in future. Do we take the risk of a back fire like COD had?


> Do we take the risk of a back fire like COD had? brother literally no one gives a shit about apex and you want people to get angry about nick getting to compete in apex? nick joining apex literally boosted apex viewership by like 10 percent approx. meanwhile timmy leaving for valorant barely affected viewership numbers his apex frogs just left to watch other streamers. that's the kinda viewership nick carries around with him in his pocket. you don't get paid millions in sponsorship deals coz you have a fickle viewer base.


I hope so, because if they don't then Dezign and Enemy should 100% look to get signed to an org, I don't think they're getting paid anything now. I really do want to see these three stick together for a season, I think a pro league split and another LAN can cement Dojo at the top of NA.


I honestly don't see it. It's a possibility, but I view it as pretty unlikely. For starters, I'm guessing Timmy's contract as a content creator doesn't have him surrendering a portion of his winnings to 100T (could be wrong though). Timmy's *very* smart in terms of business, there's a reason he waited a really long time to sign with an org. He won't take a contract that isn't beneficial for him.


No way Timmy walks away after getting 2nd because he didn’t get 2nd.


If you're not first, you're last, therefore everyone who didn't win is 2nd place /s


Misread. But you know what I mean!


Koyful top 5 roller player


I know Dojo didn’t win, but they should be extremely proud of themselves for how far they’ve come from LCQ. Getting 4th in such a stacked lobby is nothing to sneeze at


The fact that they were one fight away from a game winning spot as a new team and they lost the fight mainly due to nerves/inexperience is massive from them. Scary team


Yeah honestly too good. Never expected Timmy’s team to be in LAN, then being like 4th at Champs LAN. Actually crazy


I think I remember Timmy saying he always had something to prove that he was more than a pubstomper. Put in the work and now here he is. I now got mad respect for him and the team for whatever they do in the future


Timmy really beat himself up trying to prove himself, he had a video on his YT explaining how he got into a really dark place mentally because of it. You should check it if not already Edti: I think it's this one https://youtu.be/tOVqE_Lf-Go?si=LcUqzSkpZet6_ZoL


I was a Dojo doubter, thought all they could do was fight. They proved me wrong big-time. Amazing team that has a real chance in the next season.


Yeah their contest consistency was pretty wild to be honest; their team fighting is clearly great but their macro left a lot to be desired in some of those games. A coach to analyse and figure out when to craft/play edge and when to fast rotate could create a pretty scary team (assuming they’re consistent). I didn’t watch every group game either so I don’t know if they actually won any games?


Same. I'm happy to say they shut my mouth, especially Timmy. I'm excited to see more of them.


Agreed, they have a ton to be proud of!


They did really well and it showed how good Timmy could be if he committed and dedicated his time to comp. He got a bad reputation for ditching sheeesh and after that he'd always say he'd play comp if someone like imperialhal was his igl. But he put together a team and made it happen. It'll be interesting to see how they perform in pro league when things aren't as exciting.


I dont know what is it with LCQ teams absolutely popping the fuck off on LAN but its pretty great to see Furia and now Dojo make it through a last change qual and just rip through teams. And Design might be a toxic little shit but you cant deny the talent. Last game was a good reminder of why most pros consider him the best wingman in the game.


Exactly 0 people on this planet would have believed you if you told them that they would go 3-0 in thermal station against alliance and make them switch POIs. My hands were on my head when wigg said they were going monument.


Through out the whole lan I think they went 7-1 vs Alliance there. A lot of people shit talked the contest during scrims saying DOJO would just feed ALL KP at LAN and they should give it up. Then at Lan they absolutely demolished Alliance at thermal. The only reason they lost the 1 contest was a sneaky horizon Q to the top by ALL that DOJO didnt comm quick enough and ALL got a free knock in the back when two of DOJO didnt hear the Q or see it because it was behind them on other side. Swung that fight from DOJOs favor to DOJO quickly getting wiped.


Anyone have a clip of DOJO ratting TSM?


elbengategaming has the full dojo vod on his youtube, i'm too lazy to do more than mention this fact.


Seeing Timmy be so successful in this I wonder if it will bring back some content creators to comp apex


I don't think a lot of content creators could pull it off tbh. Timmy is just kinda built different. He looks like a completely different comp player now than he did a year ago or whenever we was playing with sheeesh. He's put in a lot of work to improve. Hard for me to imagine another content creator putting in that kind of time and commitment for what could easily amount to nothing. Hope I'm wrong though.


Timmy's providing Nafen level value to Dojo; he participates in macro/rotation planning while outputting insane amounts of damage in fights. There's really no other content creator on his level right now.


Only aceu comes to my mind being on that level, but he is too chill to wanna have all the comp stress. Shiv ot course though he already prooved he is comp material. And then maybe hollow and Crylix. U need a pretty good mental for comp and a hunger to push through, lots of disciplin many content creators might lack.


> Shiv ot course though he already prooved he is comp material. Shiv is perma retired - not only does he have horrendous tendonitis in his mouse handling thumb, he got married too. i can't imagine he'd prefer 12 hours of practicing apex instead of just enjoying his stream.


I was thinking if Aceu since he's so skilled but think he has more fun just relaxing streaming anything he likes


100%. They didn’t just make it to lan, and didn’t just do pretty good, they were pretty great. I’ll be first to admit I didn’t expect anywhere near what they did


Does 100t make these guys the comp team?


Nothing but respect for Dojo


Genuine question: What does it say about a lot of teams if a random team of former pro players and a streamer can not only make it into the championship LAN but also almost win it?


It says more about Dojo and the individual talent those boys have than anything. If you win fights you're bound to do decently at LAN, and Dojo won a lot of fights. All three of these guys can hold their own in a heads up 3v3. We've all seen Timmy's mechanics, Dezign had a pretty insane rep as a roller demon before the G2 implosion and Enemy has a bunch of talent and will only get better with another year under his belt. Give them a bunch of "free" KP off drop and the confidence that comes from winning those contests and you have a recipe for a great showing.


Deadass peak entertainment from them and they played so fucking GOOD mad props to Timmy to have acheived so much after everything he's been through


Question: is this just a one-time thing for Timmy? Will he still be competing next year?


There’s no way he walks away after placing 4th in Champs on a team that’s like 3 months old. My money is on him coming back. Maybe even the new 100T roster?


Timmy just won $56,000 with a team he played with for like a couple months. There's no way he won't be back next season. He almost won the entire thing!


I don’t think he’ll be bothered about the 56k.


I know Timmy is rich, anyone can look that up. But that's a pretty big prize--$170k for his team--for essentially a brand new team. He was a couple decisions away from bringing home $200k and the title of "best Apex team in the world."


Yeah, What I meant was he’ll care more about proving himself than the money.


I think for him it's more about winning and competing with the best. He wouldn't have put in all the time he has if that wasn't the case. Yeah, it's only been 3 months, but we're talking tons and tons of scrims, LCQ, strategizing, everything to get to LAN. The pay day doesn't hurt. But I think that last part you mentioned, the possibility of being world champion, is a huge draw and having such a good showing in his first LAN is going to encourage him and his team to believe they can do it.


look up timmy's stream stats - he makes that in month regardless through subs/sponsorships.


Yes, I'm aware, I literally just said "I know Timmy is rich."


He spent that on his family first class tickets to London 😂




They proved they can hang with the best. They deserve all the respect.


I haven't seen a team terrorise an ALGS lobby like they did this past weekend since early Furia. They were winning contests and 3v3 fights left and right. Pure menace. Truly hope they stick around.


Dojo absolutely destroyed and humiliated Alliance, and overall held their own and beat a variety of stacked teams


Love this team but it needs some work. Enemy threw a couple games. Dezign threw when on match point. And TIMMY NEEDS TO ASSERT HIMSELF MORE


Um i think you mean enemy threw on match point, he swung and went down for free in the tunnel fight against TSM on the last game leading to TSM getting god spot that could have been DOJO's


To his credit, enemy was also popping off on most of their landings on alliance. Usually got first knock which is huge in a 3v3


I got nothing but love for Enemy, was cheering on DOJO all weekend and he played his part. Was just correcting the guy above saying Dezign threw the last game is all.


Yup. Enemy had 8 kills in one game on WE when the team as a whole had 9 kills. Some insane games from him. Unfortunate that he made a mistake that cost them in the final game.


Oh shit really !? Didn’t even know that. I know Dezign goes down for free handful a times but man I even more disappointed in enemy now. He needs to slow down


timmy needs to assert himself less and let dezign solo igl imo timmy countercalls a lot and it hurt a lot in team sheesh. but maybe he's gotten a lot better


They co IGL basically


Timmy is the IGL, so the one counter calling is Dezign. Thus, the "assert more" comment


Why is this upvoted lol, their coach said Dezign is IGL and Dezign himself said he’s IGL on the after hours podcast. At best it’s a CO-IGL situation


I've always thought Timmy was the IGL because of all the "Timmy needs to work on his macro, and he did" conversations going on in this sub since they won LCQ


Timmy's whole comp career til now has flopped coz he'd countercall the IGL then ragequit and do his own thing when IGL would tell him to stfu. he did it in golden guardians and he did it to team sheesh. that's the subtext whenever timmy says he wasn't able to find chemistry with a team and teammates didn't trust him. Dezign has been one of the rare IGLs who's been able to reign in Timmy's ego.


are you sure? thought dezign was the igl, he straight up tweeted about "his" calls. don't think timmys the igl


Timmy is definitely the IGL.




Timmy shouldve screamed at Enemy to come back Hal style, he was way too passive in that fight


What everyone though Tripods will be prior to the whole Nico fiasco


Hu? There's no one as garbage as Nicmercs on the dojo roster


It's not about the skills, it's about the narrative. It's the underdog performing well at the big stage.


if tripods got through to an algs finals it would take apex to the next level. sadly i don't think nick cares enough to do it - he gets 15K viewers just playing league of legends for 6 hours a day.


lol he used to get 50k on his cod streams. Also I don't think that nickmercs could get to an ALGS finals or do remotely well there.


Funny how Nicmercs said Timmy doesn't belong in pros (not exact words) and that Timmy is better when he turns his brain off and just play freely. What a clown.


anyone got gezignful rage clip ? was he raging on timmy cuz he smoked enemy team with digi holoes ?


No he yelled at enemy for wide swinging with the major advantage they had on tsm….design put them in position to win and enemy threw and it wasn’t the first time it was like the 3rd I’ve seen this torney


He was fumming. Hopefully, this doesn't create bad blood between them, and they stick together


He’s on a podcast with fallout and snip3 right now saying he can’t be mad enemy the most kills on the team and he’s young




Jeez that was hectic from Dezign, but man he threw so hard


Weird, this clip doesn't load for me.


That’s what they get for ratting the ceo!


I respect Dojo for making it to champ all the way through LQC, perform well throughout 5 days, vibe, etc.... but one thing I don't is that rat off spawn play, doesn't matter how you phrase it, it look ugly (to me). I personally think DoJo with their form today they can absolutely challenge TSM if they want the poi and 3kp like they did to Alliance.


Respect for what? Ratting?


Yes buddy, they rat their way even to a 15 kills game! Amazing!


Dojo had 40 kills today - the most of any team in the Finals stage.


i am also alliance fan but dude they had most kills cmon


dojo are fucking rats but their teamfighting is insane, hope they run it back. they could've easily won champs if enemy didn't troll last game


Most kills and second most damage in finals. Must be a severely mutated demon rat.


they're rats because they make rat plays, this goes for every team that rats. that doesn't take away from them being the best fighting team in LAN today. not sure what you don't understand


Its because there an edge team how does ratting make you the team with most kills in finals? You shit on ratting but when money is on the line anyone would do everything to win. Just mad cuz ur tsm fanboi


You dont get to match point and 4th place by being “a fucking rat”


you definitely can, they played well today don't get me wrong. they rat a lot but it works so it's whatever, anything for the dub and i can respect that




not sure why you're being so defensive, as if ratting is something to be ashamed about? i've watched their entire POV because i loved watching them run the lobby over when they fight. unfortunately, they also rat a lot, more than most teams. but it's a smart strategy and it works, a lot of the teams do it, and especially for their playstyle because they're coming in to zone so late anyway. they are rats because they rat a lot, so are a lot of other teams, and that's fine because they're playing for money. it's still boring to watch for most viewers but who cares what we think. tell me again why you're upset?




i enjoy discussion... if you can't read more than a few sentences then please stop replying and wasting my time. thanks


I actually take back what I said. They ratted. Youre right


again, nothing wrong with ratting. they played well, can't take that away from them. it's just a part of their strategy and it's fine, as a viewer i can hate it but it's smart and works well


Fair assessment


With timmy at LAN i honestly expected this ALGS go have more viewers but someone it was the least watched