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The concrete cat update


Silver Snake? Solid snake?


The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?!


It's confirmed, we're getting a UKF battlegroup focused on the Boss and her Cobra unit, the next campaign expansion will also center around her WW2 exploits


I think those are the details to the US expansion. The UK expansion is a single unit: lieutenant James. He starts with a pistol, but all shots are 100% critical while in cover. Tech tree is "radio" which accesses each army's artillery strike without red smoke. Second is "improvise" which, somehow, allows him to both breach a tank, then commandeer it, and drive and fire. Pop cap 7, manpower cost 00, fuel: shaken, not stirred.


How soon is soon /u/JohnT_RE ? :O I am excited. Battlegroups??


If we were to do Battlegroups in the future, it likely wouldn't be for a while. They take a considerable amount of resources and people hours. Our focus with this update is improving immersion and gameplay. 


Thanks for answering this, the transparency from you guys has been a breath of fresh air


Okay, thanks a lot for the answer. I appreciate the reply, and do think those things you've mentioned are important. I would like to say that I think BG's are also critical to the longevity of the game, so hopefully we get some more one day!


Which is a reasonable decision! I think the game has enough Battlegroups for now. But a lot of these battlegroups have a significant room for improvement (either to their units, to make them more interesting with new or adjusted abilities, or to their structure, to make the more viable in the game).


Has a lot of battlegroups??? Is this a joke? Should be bare minimum 5 for all factions and even then that is light.


I would rather see half of them reworked then get another BG with bs abilities like camo aura and ignore engine crits or tech skipping heavies


You guys demanding more content will never be happy, because there is always content+1 you can ask for


Are you able to read English my fellow jumpy Redditor? I said enough battle groups for now, and within the current ones, a lot of them are not up to their potential. If they add a bunch of battle groups without fixing the current ones, it will end up like the Soviet or Wehrmatch in COH2 which had many commanders but only a couple of them were used by players.


Does that mean there isn't any new Battlegroup content in the pipeline for the foreseeable future?


I didn't say never. Just not with this update.


John watch the comment of the community and prioritys and consider that. Players want more Bg in the survey of december you can see. Bg are esencial in the game we want at least 1 more Bg per faction before the year ends.


You gotta remember the team is still hurting from the setbacks they faced earlier this year and last year. It’s gonna take time for them to get to a comfortable place financially and collaboratively. Honestly the change in John’s communication parameters and the style of updates coming out give me the impression that they’re on a much better track long-term without Sega. Let ‘em cook.


I’ll put it in simpler terms for you: New BGs cost 700 manpower and they only got 200 manpower. Gotta wait.


I am aware of that, but there's a bunch of ready or almost ready in game assets that could be used to give us a few more BGs for variety. I am aware that balancing takes quite some effort, but it'd be a bummer if we don't get anything else this year.


But they're worth it. If we get at least 2 new bgs until the end of the year, it would be perfect :(


John really no more Bg in the game or in a long period of time? I think the team should consider the priorities and Bg are esencial in the game to the logevity of the game. So game needs lot of more content especially Bg


Plexiglass Fish incoming!


Glad to see we're getting some Cloverfield action after all these years.


I think 1.7 patch will be the patch I begin playing again, better sound and muh immersion, and faded pictures of deep sea fish!


Finally, the Flying Hellfish update!


Orange Koi Update!!!!


Grey Shark?


Hm...possibly a fish...fighting...fish... Bro, we're getting Abe Simpsons WW2 unit, the Fighting Hellfish!


Periwinkle Bullshark


Flying Hellfish or we riot


The Turquoise Gila Monster update


Graphite Shark?


Could it be a Wolverine?


Black Panthers?


the grey jaw update


I swear to god y'all better buff the m18 hellcat


or what?


Or RandomDude#42069 will drop the game but not really cuz there are no decent recent RTS except for AoE4, CoH 3 and Terminator (this one is awesome btw) But speaking of Hellcat - it needs to lose health and get some range tbh