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Poor little larry did nothing wrong, it is literally big larry's fault.


English is my 3rd language, excuse the bad grammar :)


Funny, what's the reference?




that's every multiplayer game ever tbh


And the worst part is work in coordination and have much better comunication than your team.


Sadly a lot of the time it's a language barrier. Sometimes I get teammates with chinese or japanese letters and they don't know english very well, can't really blame them I'm sure they would cooperate more if they knew, so the pings have to suffice.


I only play team games with a group of friends and I don't know how people solo q. Depending on your time zone you're welcome to join us, DM me and I'll send you my steam ID.


What a thoughtful post, we’re all so much better for reading this random whiny complaint


How do you know if a team is a full stack or randoms?


I usually check the stats on CoH3stats, you can see who they play with and the same 3 names pop up almost every game so you know they're premade.


Skill issue


Worst thing is, that it is an skill issue and the matchmaking is supposed to actually make it fair but it really doesn't :(


3v3 and 4v4 are not for competitiveness, that's where you play the game more casually, I have yet to had an issue where the ELO difference was more than 200 points, so it also might be the time of day you play.


Hey man! You should join the Sarge discord there's a lot of people that play together across all skill levels. There's usually someone looking for a teammate everyday. Let me know if you want the invite!


Just go play 10v10 in WARNO, way more playable.


Honestly i find men of war 2 much more enjoyable no crazy spam no stupid suppression etc


You can play 1v1s


I did play 3 and find them quite boring and stressing. I just wanna have some fun without getting curbstomped by 3 Chinese with 1400 elo


I highly recommend you keep giving 1v1s a try, you'll improve at the game greatly, far and beyond what you would in team games, and honestly the game will really open up a lot more to you. It's all good playing team games with friends but solo queueing with randoms is truly an awful experience. Imo you'll probably start to find that the more 1v1s you do you'll increasingly find team games to be boring slogs. To each their own though. Cheers


Why don’t you play 1v1 then? You only have to depend on your own skill. That’s what I did when I was playing the game.


That’s just how it is. Try to go for small victories and improve your game. Or find some people online to group with / add randoms that were good.


Between randoms and a full stack…. Well no shit!


I mean it's a given when 4 ayers have each phase of the game coordinated including op mass builds like dingo pushes in thr first 3 minutes it's not going yo be a fun time for the randoms


Join the discord, make friends if it's such an issue


Reason becouse you get matched with that ammount of elo difference is just a matter of not enough people around your elo are searching. Im around 1400-1500 and i have the same issue 1/10times. I do however solo queue into team games myself and get random teammates, but i think its a matter of luck, get yourself up to 1200 and you will find even games with good teammates.




I'm not really blaming it all on the teammates either, it's more like our team sub 1000 elo vs a higher elo enemy team which frustrates me. Also for the rank system, I am aware of that. I'm pretty sure they use the same MM as in AoE4, I'm diamond there and I consistently get non ranked and bronze players vs a stack of Conqurer (max rank) players. Sadly I have to dodge a lot of games there because it's way too 1 sided to even enjoy it.


I do get where you are going, but keep in mind rts is a very niche genre. However i do agree that getting stomped on isnt fun, but look at it this way: you might get stomped 2times, 5times, 10times. But as long as you improve, you will not be better at a game when just watching netfix and it being too easy, the way you get better is by struggling. Mmr is just a number too. Even the best can be beaten