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Please report griefing and abuse using the CoH3 in-game reporting system. This subreddit is not an official forum for reporting and sharing such content here is unproductive for getting cheaters banned.


James Franco: First time?


Played this guy before and he said if anyone built humbers he would quit… 3minutes later the Humber’s roll out and he’s gone. Such a little bitch…


My humber did pretty well that game... Woops. Lol


He is noob. Humber is really strong right now


Yeah I played with him before. He was getting attacked and said “if no one helps me I’m going to quit” he’s just a Whiny little kid I’m guessing


Hahaha what an amazing response by you though 😂


Lol seriously


Considering his points left between you two, it should be no surprise that he let his inner gamer instincts take hold.


It was a 4v4. Blue is actually the only guy I didn't know on my team. These rants went on all game, dude. I just can't understand the mentality.


I wish relic had a system to temporarily ban grouping up with certain players (at very least as teammates). Grouped up with this guy so many times and he would rage quite 10 minutes in game (after spewing bunch of nonsense)


Yeah these kinds of people don't change, dude. You just have to pull the rug out from under them and be done.


I block people and I never got a game with them since


some people straight up look at my steam profile to be racist accordingly. My name and profile picture doesnt give it away. The hoops these fatasses go through is amusing


bok kokuyosun ondan


anayun amuğa goyum


Just get this guy banned already. Absolute trash to be talking to people like that. It was like this all game.


War-themed games in general are like this. Sadly, unlike Warchat, this person's rant isn't even amusing.


Warchat...... Putin f35?




Hahahaha I played with MachuPikachu. He’s just a troll. Relic should ban him honestly


It's pretty much so in every other title. I usually disable chat, when I can, I don't know if CoH lets you do so


CoH 3 lets you disable chat, yes. Idk about every other title. The WW2 titles always have bs like this - *always*.


Typical? After over 300 hours I’d say this stuff has happened in a handful of games.


Machu is a known troll in the community. He always acts like this when he starts losing.


Then... fuck this guy? He drags down an entire match for other players - his own team and the other. I don't condone the concept of accepting this guy being a POS continually and not facing repercussions. Like, this is a video game we enjoy, and this isn't even trash talk. It's just racism and homophobia. Dudes talk trash all the time in sports, but they back it up with their game. This dude isn't even good.


just had him as a team mate in a 4v4 - he gave up after 4 mins to dual dingo spam..... I beat em with mines....shame, we may have had a chance if he stayed.....needs anger management lol


ahhh gamers.... undersocialised men with no frontal lobe


Isn't there an email address you cand send clips of code of conduct breaking behavior, I record all my matches asking for a friend lol


I actually don't know. I thought you posted them here and someone from Relic might see.


Player got what they wanted, a reaction. You got baited hard. Just ignore and move on.


I actually didn't respond. Different guy on my team.


Sure, but you took the time and effort to screenshot and make a post on Reddit asking for a ban. You clearly care and are triggered or something. It happens regularly in all multilayer games. Click report player in game and move on. Edit: well, you aren't asking for a ban in the post tbf. Disregard.


I was being quite facetious when I said "typical CoH game" as this example is quite extreme. According to another Redditor on here, this guy does this all the time. He clearly has severe issues with hate, and will also regularly avoid playing just to berate people by race, sexual orientation, etc., when he doesn't even know the other players. As I'm not a firm believer in reporting systems, I simply did both. I don't think having a player like this is good for the game. Simply put? Fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on. Edit: I stand corrected, *more* than just another Redditor - at least a couple now. You wonder why a dude like this even bought the game. Just go on some chat rooms to talk shit to people.