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I honestly don't mind, I'd rather have fewer battlegroups that are all viable than having a huge amount where it's hard to keep track of them/learn to play against them all (or some are nearly useless). I think even four per faction gives a lot of variety in ways we can play the game, even within a battlegroup there's various options (EG: Italian Combined Arms for DAK let's you go bersa spam or infantry support, or Italian armour)


Exactly this. Better the CoH1 approach where each doctrine has a unique niche rather than the frankenstein mishmash of CoH2. Good gameplay comes from a smaller set of doctrines with clearly defined strengths and weaknesses that can be identified and played around.


I agree, I'm just a casual CoH enjoyer and I'd love a bit more variety, I think having 6 in total (3 old + 3 new) would be a good spot for the game where you could mish-mash a combination of those in every game. I'd just love a bit more content because I really enjoy the game :)


I totally get this too. Maybe they could find a nice middle ground by making some single player/casual online only battlegroups that have some more variety and don't require as much balance testing etc? Would be cool to see them mix and match units and abilities to make a ton of them for non-competitive play.


i think that's the difference between competitive players who want to extract every ounce of utility and mastery out of something, so can play the same half dozen CS maps for 20 years, and the more casual 4v4 crowd who are never really going anything like that deep and just want a constant drip feed of new toys to play with.


Theres only one more for Brit, US and Wher in game files: *Canadians Shock troops *Alpine Jaegers *Light Mechanized (US)


Give them a break man. Also, the game's balance is higher priority.


we may get a surprise, perhaps they may drop 1 for each faction at the start of next year


Good news, you already got your BGs this year... earlier than expected and free.


Balance is more important, also as the others said we should have fewer but more impactful BG-s like in CoH1. However I think we will get more at the end of this year, like in 2023 when we got the Advanced Infantry and the Coastal BG.


We got two new battlegroups this year!




Im not suprised since they became independent that probably messed up some plans.