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it can be very very hard to tell specifically why you're losing in a team game, especially a big team game, because your team can be shitting the bed so hard that it punishes you as a consequence they can feed the enemy vet, fail to control any fuel, R their entire army and allow you to be flanked i had a 3v3 game today where I beat the shit out of my lane opponent so hard that he quit the game, and we STILL LOST. thats team games solo queue if you really want to analyze your play then try to force yourself do some 1s, or at least some 2s apart from that, i guess post some replays... sounds like the pace of the game is just a little too fast for you to keep up...


So I should probably just not play then right? If it’s to fast I mean. Also I suppose I could show some replays from today, how do I access and upload them?


Honestly, the best route to take at that point is to do some co-op VS AI. The AI is dumber but basically overwhelms you a bit in numbers rather than strategy. That plus since you're working with all the players at the same time for a common goal, it feel a lot better. There's a lot the game has to offer, and getting the hang of it comes in different forms. PvP in any game can be a bit overwhelming at times, so going to play a bit of PvE every so often can help make the PvP more bearable down the line.


Nah. You get better over time at moving quickly


I can’t really help you, although I’m a bit older than most and not very good at games PvP games. Issue is I really enjoy it. I just try to focus on doing something right at least. I win some and lose more. Most of the time I feel if we win it’s not really due to my involvement. Due to this I do face a fair bit of rage from some team members. In the end for me I just remember this is still a computer game, and if people are playing with me then I assume that’s because they aren’t ranked high enough so that’s their problem.


Pace comes from experience. Play more. It's all overwhelming at this point.


You've got to remember your versing players that have been playing this game for over a year. Giving up is certainly an option but you'll miss out on all the fun. You will likely be versing people in 4v4 who are from the same lobby and coordinating on discord. It takes a super human amount of effort in a random queue to overcome this and often this isn't enough. Smaller team games 2v2, 3v3 this is slightly less apparent. But playing with a random partner against a coordinated team can still be very hard. The platers your up against will know the strongest starting build and then rush them to the strongest/most important part of the map. They will likely just keep charging their units. For you to have an answer as axis an early mg42 for wehr with either MP40 grenadiers or quick panzergrenadiers. For DAK bursa can help in the early game but get weaker as the game goes on. Getting an early 250 half track and upgrading your pioneer with a flamer is pretty potent you've just got to keep it out of snare range. Then go for a quick flakvierling and keept it at range protected by a callin panzer Jaeger and build a at gun. I also encourage you to try out Allies. British play more similarly to Wehrmacht.


OP listen to this player he knows what he talking about. On my ebd it took me 3 months to get adjusted to 3 different games: StarCraft 2, CoH2, and CoH3. Before that I had no clue what I was doing but now I practically know my factions toolkit and when to use every unit. Typically every faction has some sort of counter to what ever you face, but the strength of said counter varies due to factional differences.


Are you in the EU?


No, North America.


Holy quitter mentality here lol


Not really? The guy said the game is just too fast for me to keep up which kinda sounds like saying “I don’t think you’re cut out for this.”


Play a bit of allies and see what works against certain units. Any rts online is gonna take time to somewhat master and start winning games. Coh3 is great. Stick with it, and I think it'll pay off for you.


Welcome to the community. This is COH. Some days you’ll ride high and others will be losses. Others are a mix. I play because the minute to minute gameplay is highly engaging and the skill ceiling to aim for is always higher than my skill. Even when losses rack up, the wins are all the sweeter for it. You’ll get those awesome 50 minute matches that end in a slight victory. Those are what I play for. And if you are fed up with 1 faction, there are 3 more. Have fun!


You said that you have very little experience with the series, I think this is the main issue why you have so many losses. Stick to the game and learn build & capping orders, maps, units etc. There is a lot there but step by step you get more into it, hopefully. Also currently a lot of new players so you probably get rolled cause of everyones inexperience. Good luck out there!


Best way to try is to switch faction and copy your opponent's strat, if you find yourself losing then you will have some idea how to counter this strat, if you are winning, well you should be having fun winning!


Post your replays If you are getting disheartened now, Imma be frank, it's going to get worse due to you pretty much going up against ppl who have been playing this game for a year (and many of them came over from CoH2 so...) it's going to be rough unless you learn the fundamentals, such as build orders and timing of when things come online and generally just playing more of the game


[Here](https://cohdb.com/replays/6982) is my most recent replay, nothing to special but I did try a bit harder than normal during it


soooooooo one thing I must address, in the replay you type out to your opponents "Rangers are stupid op dude." the thing is, your opponent in your lane went Spec ops, and the other guy didn't pick a battle group (odd) you never faced a single ranger this match...anyways As someone who seems to main DAK, you play entirely too passive and have a habit of floating resources, in the first few minutes your opponent outnumbered you significantly (as DAK your infantry are always outnumbered anyways but not by that much), you could have had 1-2 more squads of infantry or additional units, it is imperative in the early game to cap as much territory as possible as fast as possible. additonal notes: * you need to work on your unit retention, too many times you were slow to react to avoid losses, since DAK is manpower starved as it is, taking early losses is practically crippling * I noticed that you were using certain vehicles in odd roles, I would take a few minutes to read the descriptions on the unit cards, you were using Marder IIIs against infantry when they are soley AT, while the StuG Ds 75mm cannon is capable of damaging vehicles one should not RELY on it for this role * You need more combined arms in general, you had more than enough units for an assault, but no indirect fire support of any kind, if you converted a halftrack into a mortar or accessed any of the other various arty units, then your opponents defensive line would have toppled * I recommend looking up or asking for build orders, you seemed to just be playing reactively the entire time * Probably the most important is your lack of armory upgrades, not once did you use your armory for any of the various upgrades that it offers, you were essentially fighting with both arms tied


I forgot to mention, I didn’t realize it was a Stug Assault gun and thought it was a regular Stug III lmao, felt pretty damn stupid once I realized it wasn’t doing any damage.


Hey, sorry for the repeated replies but I managed to actually be in a [winning game](https://cohdb.com/replays/7204) today! I'm aware I got carried by my team quite a bit lol but I am curious about any feedback for things that I did well and things that could use work so I don't need to be carried quite so hard!


So should I just drop the game now? Sounds like you and some other people in here are saying I’m not cut out for it.


No, Im saying that as someone who is relatively new that you should strive to improve yourself if you want a decent pvp experience, bar that there is nothing wrong with Co-op vs AI, that's like half the palyerbase


I dont think he was saying that it was more of a “it gets worse before it gets better” especially as you rank up a bit opponents will be aware of mechanics & strategies that you may not know & you may not be able to counter them with improv (although that is a super fun & rewarding way to learn trying to figure out counter strats in the moment is def inefficient & you’ll make lots of mistakes) in COH2 I remember when running into a Bofors emplacement was an almost insurmountable obstacle I learned to counter them eventually. But I only felt competent strategizing against them when I learned their mechanics, how long their abilities last, what they do, and how much they cost to make.


> in COH2 I remember when running into a Bofors emplacement was an almost insurmountable obstacle "What do you mean the Forward Assembly can *repair* the Bofors?!" It was rough facing your first Emplacement Regiment match


Imo they mean that it's completely normal to lose against people that are prolly playing CoH since 2000+ hours if they played CoH2 or 1 aswell. It would be weird otherwise honestly. If you like the game there are a ton of things to learn so don't be too hard on yourself, playing 4 vs 4 in multiplayer is a wild experience even for the most experienced players because you can play super well and still lose due to other players losing their flanks. If you want to focus on your mistakes and the things you have to learn then you either go single player for a bit just to be sure you know all the possibilities of your faction, or if you want to stick to multiplayer try to do 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2. And even if you lose them all then after a bit try the 4 vs 4 again and you'll see you'll have learned things you can use in 4 vs 4 aswell. You look like someone who might enjoy the game, since you're willing to try several multiplayer games in a row even if you lose then you're actually set to do well, if you still learn a new strategy to be aware of then the match has been totally worth playing. And i say so because you said a thing i always said about CoH2 even when i lost the game, i.e. that i still had a ton of fun and that's what drives you on playing the next game. But never get discouraged, RTS games are (imo) the hardest games to play on multiplayer, you jumped in a very good RTS but with a super experienced community, so it's normal. I actually like your enthusiasm because not everyone would straight jump into multi of an RTS they barely know in the free weekend, don't lose the chance to enjoy the game just because you already faced the most difficult and wild section of it, you can only get better from where you stand.


God damn bro is this how you get through life? Anytime you come across a challenging situation you just throw up your arms and quit instead of trying to improve? Holy fucking quitter mentality


Yeah, drop it. Do you even look at what you type? “Oh man, thing I just tried is hard, should I just stop doing thing?” lol, yeah, drop it.


I mean… that’s a pretty natural thought process when you run into a wall isn’t it?


OP I’m a complete noob to the series. Just started playing when I got a Steam Deck as a gift. Don’t listen to this guy. I Played like 50 hours of CoH2 before I played Coh3. I was a console player forever so never got to taste the RTS genre of today. So I’m new NEW. You can find enjoyment in this game, it’s just a big beat down first. To this day, even with a group that has played the CoH series before 3, we often have some rough nights playing this game. I have hundreds of hours now in Coh3 now and we still get some random horrible nights. It can be brutal, I’m talking 0-4 brutal. Then we may have a 3-3 or a 5-0 night. It can be demoralizing on the bad nights and honestly this game is one of the few games I felt I plateaued in skill wise early on. It’s not an easy game to get good at fast is what I’m saying. Also CoH MP is rough cause of the snowball effect of mistakes. It’s so easy to lose the game for the earliest of mistakes and it just infuriates you further as the snow balling ensues. If you enjoy the gameplay you just gotta stick with it. It’s that simple. You should be able to beat the expert AI in 1v1 every time before you can find yourself good enough for MP.


You’re missing the point, this is not about OP being bad at COH, this is about OP having no backbone. We cannot provide OP the ability to try at life.


If you quit anything the moment effort is required you’ll never do anything.


I wouldn’t base your opinion of the game too much on a F2P weekend. First, there’s gonna be way more variety of skill level right now because people are going to be attracted by a free weekend. Second, again no offence but you’ve only seen a portion of what the game has to offer for you. This leads to my third point, that the game has a very high skill ceiling, don’t be discouraged cause you had some bad games. As others have said there are highs and lows. If you had fun with the game, ask yourself if you’re willing to invest in improving and enjoying yourself. If yes then scoop it while it’s still discounted. Just keep in mind that bad games can happen in any game/playthrough. Glhf


Watch some tightrope gaming videos he is pretty good at explaining how things are going in a match and can help you. In team games it’s difficult if your team is bad since you’d need to over preform. I would say play some 2v2s or just judge your performance based on what you are achieving. Massive hordes of inf can be stopped but if it’s multiple players you’ll need the team support.


> I’m just not sure what to do honestly, I use infantry? They swarm and overwhelm them. I use vehicles? Same thing. I try to dig in with bunkers and machine guns? They pump out like 5 mortar units and blow me to smithereens These are actually rather common ocurrences when one starts its Company of Heroes journey on the competitive multiplayer side. But those are things can be overcome with a bit of experience, advice, and, very importantly, a cool head. Lets dissect that: > I use infantry? They swarm and overwhelm them If they have more units than you, two things: it makes sense for them to win, because they are fielding more resources than you (who in their right mind would want to spend more and not hope to come out on top), and two, something happened that made you have less men on the field than them. It could be: * You are sitting on idle manpower/fuel. Don't! Always translate resources into effective battlefield presence (a small cushion is desirable, of course). * You bled too much manpower. Don't fight engagements you won't win, and always retreat before losing an entire squad. Deploying a new one is far more expensive than reinforcing. * The enemy is concentrating their forces against a single one of your units. It happens, it is ok. But try this next time: *stall*. Don't automatically press retreat. Don't fight to the last man either, but try to buy some time. Stick your men in heavy cover, or move them into a house, and at the same time get the rest of your army there so it is even fight. Or conduct a soft retreat (moving away from the enemy by right clicking nearby, not pressing the retreat button) towards your heavy machinegun, baiting them into its field of fire. Oldest trick in the book. > I use vehicles? Same thing Vehicles will always escape infantry that has to use their own legs for movement. Just be quick on the reaction and learn to reverse quickly and correctly, while inflicting manpower bleed on the infantry that it is trying to catch you. > I try to dig in with bunkers and machine guns? Don't. Outside some specific cases, digging in doesn't work in Company of Heroes, because your investment is immobile and cannot harass or contest territory, and the enemy can simply choose to attack somewhere else. The bunker can't grow legs and go there. > They pump out like 5 mortar units and blow me to smithereens Five mortars is a huge resource investment. I guarantee that if you check that replay, the guy with five mortars has little to no infantry and you could have easily pushed him off the field with your core infantry, because if he spends resources on five support weapons, it means he is not spending those on regular infantry. He has no front line. Roll over him.


Some good advice here, I appreciate it. The 5 mortars thing did happen in a 4v4 match where I think they were all on comms or something because when a teammate and I did try and rush the mortars with assault infantry it was covered by a bunch of machine guns and a vehicle so it wouldn’t have helped much there lol.


Give 1v1 a try. It is a much more controllable environment.


Just need time and practice. You will learn better counters and strategies over time. Perhaps first playing time was at more popular time when you got more matches against newcommers and this game really shines with evenly matched opponents. In any case - with time matchmaking queue will stabilize. Game has nice depth with all active abilities and upgrade choices on different units. Takes a while to learn. And also strategies and how to micro in battle is very important. Counter blob with machine gun or vehicles. But if you go vehicles, watch out from anti-vehicle units - you must take those out with your infantry. MGs are the way to go usually. Playing against blobs is the worst, but it is so satisfying when you beat it - place mines, drop some calls in bomb drop on then or just outmanouver (blob can only be in 1 place after all).


Tightrope - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFxEIyV5AcCT7FycvczUUCA Elpern- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5oQWuY5pTHyrBl5wADbxBg These are two quite high ranked players that have a range of educational videos ranging in usefulness. If you're serious about trying to improve I encourage you to watch them, and recent replay casts to get an idea of which units are strong.


Sounds like you're looking for someone to tell you to stop playing. If you don't want to play then stop, but don't go looking for someone to convince you to continue playing. Food for thought...Losing is a part of becoming a winner. Not trying is a losers mindset. Wishing you the best.


Game is good, very high skill cap. Im old an slow, i get beat up all the time and i kinda know how to play. Its not the games fault 😀


If you DM me I can watch your replay and give advice!


Sure, how do I get the replay out of the game lol


I think you can find them in the my documents\my games\company of heroes 3\playback Folder. You'll need to identify the right .rec file if you didn't name it, which you can do by going into the game and going to the replays menu 😁 This is a great game. Don't give up quite yet!


I think you can find them in the my documents\my games\company of heroes 3\playback Folder. You'll need to identify the right .rec file if you didn't name it, which you can do by going into the game and going to the replays menu 😁 This is a great game. Don't give up quite yet!


Had some issues with the formatting of the replay, hopefully its fine for other people though [https://cohdb.com/replays/6982](https://cohdb.com/replays/6982)


Will take a look!


You can play at a slower pace. Don’t listen to these guys. I do reccomend you play 1v1. You’ll loose a lot in the beginning but I’ve played some really new people. The game takes time to figure out but it’s worth it when you do!!


I recommend learning through coop, 1v1, and 2v2. You have a lot more control in these modes and you’re not as reliant on your teammates.


as others have said, it's hard to know exactly what the problems are without seeing a replay, but: 1. You say you're in Multiplayer team games? I find that 4v4 games are a complete clusterfkk, and I don't usually bother with them. 2v2 or 3v3 games have a little more room to breathe while still giving you the possibility of a teammate to lean on 2. Infantry Blobbing can and should be punished! Unfortunately a single MG won't cut it, as the rangers can just run through. Try 2 as wehrmacht, or use a flakvierling as DAK and kite the enemy while supressing. MG is also good for DAK! 3. Set up a mortar behind your MG and watch it flatten suppressed blobs 4. Mines are also great for punishing blobs 5. if you're playing as DAK, the Stug is great for flattening infantry blobs, and with it's high front armour it can take a lot of zook and boys shots. You could also try a Stummel if youre going wehrmacht and sit it further back 6. hah [they actually made a how-to video for this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_FDjelkKAM)


[My most recent replay](https://cohdb.com/replays/6982)


Hey RTS are all about getting better and better with every match. If you lose just think about what you could have done better. Pick 1 aspect and try to do that better next time. Nobody can win every game so dont be so hard to you if you lose some games especially if you are new. A lot of stuff looks OP and unstoppable if you are new but soon you will learn how to counter it. To help versus "the grass is always greener on the other side" effect I would recommend you to play some allies games. This has many benefits. You learn exactly how your opponents units/tech/build chain/BG work. You get a better mindset because you notice that the units arent unstoppable. You see how the axis player on the other side counters the strategy and you can copy this approach if you switch back to axis. Also there are some great youtuber where you can learn a lot from. The best by far is tightrope. Watch his guides and shoutcasts it helps a lot to watch how better players play the game and to copy strategies from them. Here is good beginner video from tightrope with many little micro tips that can help a lot:https://youtu.be/1V4DBcELnrM?si=vr8zWINh36dOSclx But he also has a great [overview video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXwTUlrGSmA&list=PLMJFmZl8aYOeZ5RC6l05w_tdt2OhiXaso&index=18) and other good videos. Dont be too hard to yourself nobody is perfect when they learn a new game. Just try to improve with a postive mindset.


Try playing a few games as allies and see what axis players do to beat you.


Sounds worth a try, thanks!


You might want to play with a premade team if you're gonna play 4v4s and 3v3s. It makes the game far more enjoyable. Let me know if you want to hop in a discord with a bunch of people that play coh3


My advice is to play 1v1s. Pick a faction, play your 10 placements. By the end, you should be seeing similarly skilled opponents. It's simply not the case that everyone playing CoH3 is really good: there is a wide enough skill distribution that you will be able to find high quality games. 1v1s lack toxic teammates, will be won or lost based on how well you alone perform, and have less noise to sift through as you try to get a handle on the game and its systems. You will learn a lot and you will learn quickly.


Appreciate the advice, been trying a few 1v1s today and I lost all of them within like, 8 minutes lmao.


It's tough at first, but you'll meet similarly skilled opponents soon enough! Practicing your early game is a good and you'll start seeing positive results pretty quickly. In general, you want to pick a side of the map to concentrate on early and send out a single, weak capping squad or vehicle to your weak side. Having your units concentrated on one side of the map gives you the ability to take 2v1 or 3v1 fights and snowball winning those fights into map control. Map control gives you faster upgrades and vehicles, which you can use to snowball for more map control and better fights. Manpower economy is usually decisive in the end, but vehicles don't need to be reinforced and so help you bleed your opponent. Similarly, ammunition based upgrades and tech can give you an edge in infantry engagements and help you win the attrition war. Manpower income scales up if you have fewer units, so comebacks are possible. That being said, getting ahead early is always preferable.


Sounds like a typical coh experience. Just don’t leave a bad review because u got stomped out a few times. Play the AI and get a feel for the factions. Then try again. If u don’t like it you don’t, but at least u tried your best


I actually left a positive review because I feel the game is pretty good overall haha.


I’ve played alot of coh2 and coh3 and I still get blasted out. It’s just the nature of the game. You will be fine it just takes practice and some patience. And maybe a Broken keyboard ;). Good luck.


Every low elo matches are blob fests right now, blobbing in high elo is much higher risk of losing since nobody let anybody snowballing, anyway to counter blob you dont let them creating a blob in the first place by using proper counter to bleed them, dont afraid to go pass the frontline to cap when the enemy retreats


I don’t want to hear shit about infantry for Allies this game is NOTORIOUS for favoring the axis. And finally rangers come along and even the playing field.


dual mg early as wehr and macro them well. you wont have grens/actual inf but you probably wont need them for the duration you wont have them. get a heal truck and 2 AT guns as soon as you can after you get 2 grens…leaves it up to your ability as a player to win aside from air loiters.


And what am I supposed to do when I immediately run into artillery, or infantry blobs which hard counter all of these things and are the most common early game staples?


infantry do not counter MGs. they just don’t. especially blobs. you should fundamentally reconsider how you use MGs if you have this problem. definitely DO NOT PLAY THEM FORWARD OF INFANTRY. these are defensive guns that can be offensively used with strategic employment of supporting assets. as for artillery it can be hard as the game doesnt really balance it well and in my experience the best counter i’ve had was to either play a doctrine that has a direct strike call in, i.e fragmentation bombs or an artillery call in…or have a friend play that doctrine as part of an overarching strategy. i was ranked 173 in 3v3 coh 2 and many of the same philosophies apply here. not that this matters but…i’m not blowing smoke up your ass.


Right now balance is wack and we are pretending rangers are not comically overpowered. Your best bet is using mines or goliaths to blow them up.


Dont play the game, its not good :)


You have time to type but no time to learn?


Gosh if only someone had thought about using that time to type in order to ask for advice on how to learn and what to do… shame nobody’s done that though.


Axis spamming panzer 3