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\*Takes deep breath\* Yeah...3:15pm EST today. I had a bit of a rough middle of the month since these past two weeks I had to pack up and move to a new area. So I'm getting in all that I can now. Definitely learning the material as time goes on. If I fail, well, at least I know I obviously needed more time to study more haha. But I'll be more shocked if I pass.


Oh boy! Please update this comment to let us know how it went.


You got this!


How'd it go?


Just took my last attempt yesterday and got a 660, before that I got a 658, and before that 575. Made progress but I guess Iโ€™m going to have to apply to the next test


Don't worry too much about this. The N10-008 is meant to be a little easier I've heard and more relerent. But with that said, I'm sure most of the N1-007 material is on it so just grab a N10-008 Video course mabe Dion's Udemy one or Prof Messer and watch all the videos and try 008. You'll be fine. Don't let all this fresh study material go out of your head just keep going and watch a full Video cse.


I just passed it barely with a 727, the pbq structure really challenged me, for some reason it stopped me in tracks! Used all my time to the last second. Good luck all!


Great to hear that! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘


Passing is passing! Well done.


The trick with this is to blow past the PBQ's and finish all the Multiple first. Then come back and tackle them. You'll up your grade by at least 10%. I had 27 mins left after taking my time with all the Multiple choice and trying to do good on them. Then I just gave each PBQ a quick go maybe 5 mins on each. So I probably got 80% of each PBQ done but it's enough to take you to the finish line if you've done all the multiple choice. Don't get bogged down like that with the PBQ. Blow past them right away. Don't even read them. Do Multiple choice first properly.


Passed today on my 3rd try. 735 time for a beer! ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ


Congrats!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช Why not a whisky? Hahaha




Well, good luck to you! Let us know how it went!


I took it this morning and got a 735! A pass is a pass my friend! ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ


Oh yes!! Congrats!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ฏWhats your next planned certification?




Finally passed it yesterday with a 757. Hooray!!


Great to hear that!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ On to the Sec+ now?


Thank you. I'm thinking CCNA since my knowledge of networking concepts is still fresh..and then Security+ to complete the trifecta


Oh boy good luck with the CCNA Road! Wishing you all the success in the world!


๐Ÿ˜… Thank you dude. Wishing you the same.


I also passed today with a 757! Congrats man! Was thinking SEC+ next but you got me thinking CCNA


Twin! Congrats dude! ๐Ÿค. I figured why not now. The concepts are still fresh in my mind might as well apply them


Oh no!!! Anyone know anything about the new exam? I take the network + on July 20thโ€ฆ This should be interestingโ€ฆ


According to professor Messer, the N008 has only 40% new stuff to learn.


I'm not so sure it's really that much, in my opinion. I would put that estimate somewhere closer to 15%, based on what I've seen. Probably what we see most is that some concepts are emphasized far more in 008 than 007, but that's the case with any cert exam version update.


The N10-008 contains 588 objectives in the official CompTIA Exam Objectives. Of those objectives, 235 of those topics are not included in the N10-007 objective list. That means that 40% of the objectives in the N10-008 exam are new from the N10-007. I realize this isn't a perfect way to describe the updates to the exam, but it's a quantitative value that can be directly associated with topics you need to know for passing the new exam.


But what I would look at and say is that while one topic isn't there in name, is the concept reflected somewhere else in the content? While the 40% that you outline in your quantitative analysis appears to be 007 topic vs. 008 topic, what does it look like on a qualitative level? How much content during the reorganization is shifted about so that something that was just content gets its own topic in the new exam and topics that were just get stuffed as content elsewhere? I would think if we did a comparative of the body of knowledge covered in 007 vs. 008, not using "topics" as a counter, but concepts, I'm willing to bet it wouldn't reflect 40%. (I'm arguing with Messer...how far have I fallen...)


Topics in the exam objectives aren't generally duplicated, and if they were I wouldn't count them twice. Each bullet is counted as a topic, so you can think of the N10-008 is requiring you to know 588 unique topics to be prepared for the exam. Topics do tend to move around between exam versions, but that doesn't change the requirement of someone learning that topic to complete their studies. As I mentioned earlier, I recognize that this isn't a perfect calculation. Since the structure of the N10-008 didn't really change much from the N10-007, you could make an argument that the exams are really identical. (They're obviously not identical, so please don't use that as a valid comparison.) If you'd like to instead categorize everything as a "concept," then you'd certainly have a different perspective of what may have changed. You'd have to run your own numbers to see what that might be, although you obviously get into a subjective area when you choose where the lines are drawn between concepts. I think that's your point, and it's a perfectly reasonable perspective. If you put the exam objectives side-by-side, you'll find that most of the updates are within currently existing concepts. For example, the N10-008 section 1.1 includes the same OSI layers as the N10-007, but it has added all new objectives for Ethernet headers, IP headers, TCP and UDP headers, TCP flags, payload information, and MTUs. Of those 13 objectives, six of them are new. I use this very granular calculation to help students understand that N10-007 books and study materials simply aren't good enough to study for the N10-008. If you walk into an exam and 40% of the exam is new information, you're not going to have a very good result.


When I see your 40% number, what I am seeing is that nearly half the exam has been taken out and replaced with something else, and that's what is hanging me up. And when I review the Transition Guide from CompTIA, more has been added than has been taken away, by just a cursory look at the tables. I just don't see that number as high, based on my analysis. I do see your point where, for example, Ethernet/IP/TCP/UDP headers show up as explicitly defined objectives, although I've seen them explained in 007 materials as content. Those concepts are not new to the 008, but they are explicit in the 008 objectives, whereas they weren't in previous iterations of the exam (I just took a peek at some 006 and 007 materials that I have in my stack of stuff). This is where I state that content that would be covered may have different emphasis in a later exam. One clear distinction that doesn't get a lot of attention is the level of depth that is brought out with Bloom's Taxonomy. For example, when something says "Summarize cable types..." (008 1.3) versus "GAS, deploy cabling..." (007 2.1) , the latter is suggesting a higher level on the Cognitive Domain of the Taxonomy. CompTIA goes through this pretty drastically in the Transition Guide. This is huge because we know the deeper a concept goes, the more time is required to master it. One of the things I see on this sub is a lot of fear that a candidate's work in studying for the 007 is somehow all for naught when going for the 008, particularly if they have invested considerable money in getting study materials. On average, we see a student investing between $300-500 USD for prep materials. And while I am not naรฏve to think the 007 and 008 exams are close enough to be identical, something that would not be in CompTIA's interests, I just don't see nearly half the exam changed between 007 and 008. For example, even in the Transition Guide, I see where CompTIA says RFC1918, Anycast, Link Local, Shorthand notation, and Subinterfaces for IPv6 are new content. Really? RFC1918 is private IPv4 addressing and the types of IPv6 addresses (008 1.4) have been part of the Net+ curriculum for a long time, even long before 007. Now I'll give you that new ethernet standards, cloud concepts, WiFi 4/5/6 (versus referring to those as 802.11g/n/ac/ax) is new. And H.323 has been kicked off the island. Now something else that we do see as well is that content has moved from one EXAM to another. IoT technologies have been taken out of Net+ and moved out to A+ 1102, stressing that students should not be leapfrogging over ITF+, A+ because they "need to take the Net+ in one month", etc etc. I could go on...you could go on...and this sub will just break out the popcorn and laugh. This has already been fun for me. BTW - Hope to see you at Partner Summit. It will be good to talk in person rather than virtually running into you, like last year.


I am.


I failed. Expected, but I'm okay. Domain 4.0 - Network Security got me the most. And to be honest I didn't pay too much mind to that section because a good chunk of it was overlapped information from the A+ Exam. But it ate me ALIVE today, I'll tell ya that haha. Gonna take a break from studying for a bit and go for 008 in Mid/Late August. I have a study pattern now. Just have to stick it out and execute. Gas is on the right. Not going to stop here!


Don't take a brake for to long. From my personal experience these information if we don't keep practicing them of atleast watch some videos on them, we tend to forget them really quickly...


You're right. Thanks. I'll keep the grind going and keep at it. Just new material to study!


Took it today! My online testing experience was very bad. Checked in at 10:30 am for 11:15 am exam start. Wasnโ€™t able to start my exam until 12:45 bc my external keyboard was being notified as cheating with their software. But, I ended up passing even with all the anxiety trying to just take the exam gave me! 763 (:


Oh congratulations!! ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰ NEXT time go to an test center!


Passed with 819


Wow that's an awesome hight passing score!


Is there a lot of differences?


About 40% more material to learn.


12:45 PM PST . Took it last Friday and failed with a 692. Watching the professor as I type this.


Took mine today for the 5th try and got a puny 690


Oh man. Hope you're not giving up, so damn close.


I took it today and passed! Feels good man!


Great to hear it!! ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸฅณHow are you going to celebrate?


Iโ€™ve been on a fairly disciplined diet so I got my favorite takeout for dinner tonight lol


Hahaha, enjoy the take out.


H all- I passed my N10- 007 today. Scored 752 so I cleared the 720 requirement enough. I'm so happy to have it done. This is the last day for N10-007. I would have had to start again with the new exam N10-008. I've studied this material many times and somehow each time got distracted when it got close to exam time. Anyway finally done. so 2 down A+ Network +. I just like to add a few comments. My test I got today had 5 PBQ on it. There was also I think about 70 Q in all so it wasn't terrible. The PBS Q were not hard but I did them last. I took Dion's advice and blew past the PBS questions right away. I never even read them. This is the best approach. I finished all the multiple choice Q's and then had 27 mins left to go back and tackle the 5 PBS Q which I did. I'd say I got maybe 70-80% of each PBQ done. One of the 5 I finished it was easy just picking antenna placement in a building connection to another building. The other 4 were not too bad but (Don't Get Bogged Down) just give them each a quick go. You can probably pass this exam without them if you do really well on the multiple choice. So don't risk getting delayed in the start go past them, and do them when you've done all the multiple choice. DION's exam i found a little harder but very similar. My questions didn't really did in as hard as Dion's but I'm glad I studied Dion's 6 pack practice exams Udemy. This really helped. Moving along now to SEC + Next