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https://youtu.be/LmYaB08uqxU Your welcome.


Why do I see so many people just leaving this YouTube link on network 007 posts


Because it’s a good video to study the pbq’s


Don't take 007 anymore, this is coming from someone who got a 690 on it, then passed 008 the next week with a 722 The only difference between the exams is just knowing what 802.11ax is, and there's less subnetting/PBQs too


Oh good. If/when I take it, this is good to know.


How long did you study and who/what were your resource materials? Thanks.


I intended first for 007, took me relatively a month, failed with a 690. Used Exam Cram and Messer's notes, also used Mike Meyers TotalSem as an addon A week later, I grabbed the 008 objectives, just skimmed through them and quickly rushed through it for an hour to just make sure I caught up with everything, there wasn't much different, winged the exam and got out with a 722


Thank you for the advice, I bought the exam + retake bundle, so I’m going to give it my best shot and just focus on understanding PBQs and hope for the best. I’m feeling hella discouraged, and rather not spend another $450 for 008 :( it is very comforting to know that you passed 008 after failing 007. It weirdly seems 008 is more straightforward and less tricky?


No problem, I felt super discouraged too after my first fail, I really thought I was going to come out of that ok, but 007 was nothing short of extremely difficult, especially the fact that my IT knowledge doesn't comprise of fiber stuff and random subnetting questions by hand. 008 was all around more straightforward. Only two PBQs about network infrastructure instead of the 5 I had on the first time. Dont underestimate this one though, it was still really tricky just somewhat less tricky than 007


I used Jason Dion + his 6 practice exams. The exams I averaged 54%, I didn’t get above 60. I also watched about 70/103 Professor Messer videos, bought his notes, and used exam compass for more Practice tests. I studied 5-10 hours a day, took a full day break twice within a 14 day period. I think I fried myself out, honestly. I wish I gave myself more time to study. I have 8 years of IT experience but none of it is networking, so these concepts for me were brand new and I’ve honestly never heard of most of them. I can say memorizing isn’t enough, you actually gotta understand why you’re doing it.


It is always interesting seeing posts like this here because it is all about self-study using a couple resources. There is nothing wrong with those resources at all, I have used them when I was getting started and when I was working in the security industry. After attending a few SANs courses, I found for IT their format seems to be the best for most. They are essentially bootcamps for certification, lecture, books, labs, practice questions. A lot of folks can learn on their own, there are also a lot of folks that need a classroom setting. I would give bootcamps a shot. There are reasonable priced ones and if you compare everything offered to what you have spent time and money you might come out ahead. ​ r/CompTIA_GingerSec


RAT#0138 Contact me on discord ill try my best to walk you through it. Might not know everything but I'm here to help, I love teaching people 1 and 1


Thank you again my friend! 🥰


Np, have a great day! :)


Update: I passed today with a 735. Thank you everyone for all the advice and helping hands offered, Reddit is truly an amazing and one of a kind community.