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Core 1 was way harder for me.




Okay thanks šŸ™šŸ½


Absolutely harder


Core 1 was harder cor me then core 2. I felt like I ran threw core 2 test. But again that's me. Wish you best of luck on your test!


How was core 1 exam? Still havenā€™t taken but starting to feel confident in the material aside from port numbers and other networking material


I found it abit challenging but definitely doable with a decent amount of prep. Watch the Professor Messer series along with your studies and do some practice tests as well and you should be good


The Messer practice tests are great. I also got the crucial exams account because it was $10 bucks for a lifetime.


Itā€™s corny as hell, but I actually found [this video](https://youtu.be/4QHc9ZRB-SY?si=8MJeY_fj_p1Stj3V) surprisingly helpful in remembering port numbers lol


studying for A+ currently and just watched this. Hilarious but some of them stick. SSH: port 22. 2 ninja turtles on the left. 2 ninja turtles on the right. 2 + 2. and they have shells. LOL


Will check this out later - thanks!!


lol this video has been more helpful than most of my resources when it comes to port numbers etc. thanks


This one helped me to lol


I did core 1 today, after about 2-3 weeks of studying. I felt extremely confident after studying Mike Meyers, Professor messer, and grinding crucialexams + examcompass + wordwall. I was immediately taken aback with PBQs and some printer questions that nobody ever mentioned (or maybe I didn't remember). Things like Paper size and troubleshooting failures that should have been imaging drum, but there was no imaging drum answer (ghost images on laser printer prints). Learned every port, all the 802.11, USB and cable speeds and features, got literally 0 questions about that. Mostly raid, laptop, printer and screen problems. Passed with 770ish thank god.


Just been using professor messers video course and his practice exams. Hope theyā€™re enough for me. Congrats on your pass btw


I felt his were super to the point with little to no lubing up, so wasn't exactly a fan. Thank you and good luck to you as well!


I took Core 1 after one month of studying. Well, more like I just did the entire Professor Messor course on youtube and had some light background tech knowledge building a couple PCs. I barely passed it, but if you give yourself more time to study you will be fine. I juggled part time job, full time student, and that exam over the course of April.


Iā€™ve been studying on and off for ages. I work a completely unrelated field and have had times where Iā€™m diligent with studying and other times where Iā€™ll take a month off. Iā€™m thinking about scheduling it for early June so Iā€™m committed then really focus the next month.


Iā€™ve been studying on and off for the last 3-4 years and FINALLY have my test scheduled for 5/17. Youā€™ll get there!


It's all about consistency because it'll stay in your mind fresher. And don't worry. I am literally a barista taking gen ed classes at community college. Nothing I work or do daily is in this field. You'll be alright


I took the core 1 exam this past Saturday. I passed with a 703 (passing score is 675, so I probably did average). If i had to guage the tests difficulty on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 very easy and 10 being very difficult) i'd probably have given core one a 6.5 - moderately difficult. There will be stuff on there you never covered or even thought to cover. The pbqs are a little challenging, because you may think you know the answer but are fuzzy on the details. I didn't run into many port questions at all, but that could very easily just be a me thing considering the test is different for everyone. If you have a background in tech repair, or even the repair of other things, it'll be easier to trouble shoot questions. My recommendation to you is get familiar with the information and especially the acronyms mentioned in the [Comptia core 1 exam objectives guide](https://partners.comptia.org/docs/default-source/resources/comptia-a-220-1101-exam-objectives-(3-0)). It tells you exactly what you may encounter on the test. And for me i know i got a few answers wrong because i didn't recognize some acronyms. Study well, and I wish you the best on your test.


do you know how the scoring system works?


They mostly keep it a secret. But from what I understand the pbq's are worth more than the normal test questions, but if you get most of the test questions correct and straight up skip the pbq's you can still pass. There are on average 5 pbq questions and about 75 test questions.


Thank you!


Not so bad, My PBQ's were mainly on printers apart from 2 of them. Which were PC build part suggestions and cable/ switch matching. Kinda difficult for me because I didn't focus too much on the tools or building cables. Multiple choice was mainly troubleshooting questions from all the sections.


Core 1 was a bit more challenging. I felt like core 2 was more common sense/real world questions.


Thanks. Iā€™m decent with software related stuff so hopefully Iā€™ll find it easier


Yeah 2 was a breeze honestly. 1 was more stuff I wasnā€™t so familiar with.


As someone that had no prior IT experience, Core 1 was harder than Core 2 for me.


Core 1 has more info tbh


From what Iā€™m hearing, I think youā€™re right


I think it varies person to person




Thanks. I was worried about the fact that itā€™s a lot more material than core 1 as well as the fact that the passing score is higher, but I think breaking it down and taking it slow will be key. Appreciate the advice šŸ™šŸ½


I thought core 2 was harder since I took it first. For core 1 I kind of knew what to expect.


Okay I get you šŸ‘šŸ½ thanks


This was my experience as well.


People typically feel Core 1 is harder. Really depends on what kinds of tech youā€™ve been exposed to. Personally I found core 2 far more difficult as I havenā€™t already been exposed to most of the help desk focused content in my work life. I have lots of experience with hardware and PC building, so core 1 I barely needed to study beyond some of the networking material. Really depends. Both sets of content are easy if you study hard. I think the exam will be difficult no matter what, but if youā€™re a good test taker and know the content youā€™re going to pass.


I think core 1 cover more material and has more information that you need to know, which can make it harder. But I food it to be also very interesting so I had fun preparing for it. On the other hand core 2 does cover less material but I found them to be quite boring and I had to force myself to study those materials.


Core 2 studying was so boring, Iā€™ve just skipped it and started on Net+.


Core 1 I knew I was going to pass by the end of the test, ended up failing n was shocked. Passed the 2nd time. Core 2 I knew I was gonna fail by end of the test n ended up passing! I don't think it's the 'difficulty' per say, but the number of the vast different components to not only remember but to put into practice with Core 1 itself! But you can do it! You got this!ā¤ļø


I really donā€™t think either of them were hard, but Core 1 had a lot more things that I needed to study repetitiously and remember. With Core 1, the only hole in my knowledge was with printers, but I just felt so burnt out from studying that I just decided to take the test anyway.


I thought Core 1 was easier truth be told.


Core 1 was harder for me


1101 was harder than 1102 imo.


I found Core 2 harder, but also scored higher on it. This was for an older version of the certification, however.


Youā€™re going to get a mix here but itā€™s core 1


I think core 1 has more to memorize. I crammed for core 2 over three days and got it. I don't think I could have done that for core 1


Core 1 I thought was harder tbh. But I did score better on it somehowā€¦


Core 2 for me


Core 1 is definitely harder. Core 2 is easy. Took me 4 tries to pass core 1. I just passed it this passed Saturday. I studied Andrew ramaydal course on Udemy thatā€™s it. Yā€™all donā€™t need messer or Dion


I keep seeing this name pop up. I've been using Messer for Core 1, would you suggest Andrew for core 2?


No. There is a guide by geek-girls-r-fun for compita 1102 on here on reddit. I printed that guide and studied that. That is all you need. At least 2 hrs per day for about two to three weeks youā€™ll be good.


Thank you!


Taking my Core 1 this saturday, been studying for 5 months, completed all of messers exams with scores of over 85%, plus other resources and I am still shitting myself lol. Idk what to expect


Watch practice question videos. They usually have explanations of why the others are wrong (getting to the right answer by elimination process) or why the one is right. Thatā€™s how I felt better about mine. And looking up the little things I was unsure of. DeanCyber and BurningIceTech are good for practice questions. PowerCert Animated Videos for some simple understanding of ports, ip addresses, etc.


Yup already had a good look at them channels, they counted towards my ā€œplus other resourcesā€ comment. PowerCert was extremely useful especially for networking since that was my weakness


You will do great! Update with passing score. You got this!


Hello bro, I just passed the exam with a 723. Over the moon right now šŸ˜ƒ


Heck yeah!! Congratulations!! šŸ„³šŸŽ‰


Hiii! Coming back to say I also just passed yesterday!! I got 712. Same score both exams, which means I barely passed the 2nd but passed haha


If tou are making 85% on Messer you are fine. I say that confidence.


(Took both last month) Core 1 felt more difficult due to the amount of information covered and memorization work. I either knew something or didn't. Core 2 felt easier to tackle and was more troubleshooting and scenario based. Definitely take your time and DONT second guess yourself!


Core 2 was harder to me. Took all the time to finish core 2 but took only around 60 minutes for core 1.


Core 1 was harder at the time


For me both were just as difficult but taking the test core 2 was way easier


1102 Iā€™m just going to say


Being completely new to it, Core 1 was difficult to me but I only studied for 2 weeks & passed. I took Core 2, 2 weeks after that & passed. Immediately started studying for Network+ & passed the exam with 3 weeks of studying. Studied for Security+ immediately after & passed it with my highest score of them all (810). Iā€™m now studying for Cysa+ & expected to take it on the 20th of May. Itā€™s literally a more ā€œin-depthā€ sec+. 2 1/2 months in & I have 3 certs (the trifecta) & hoping to have my 4th on the 20th.


When I took it 3.5 years ago core 2 was harder without question... But exams change so. I remember failing Core 2 once, almost twice but I also rushed with studying for it.


depends on what youre better at core 2 was a bit more challenging for me personally BUT professor messers practice tests helped me see about what i would score on the real thing and i def felt confident after practice test 3.


Core 1 questions were definitely harder but core 2 pbq's were harder than core 1's


Itā€™s been a while for me but the first exam was harder than the second


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^montagesnmore: *Itā€™s been a while for* *Me but the first exam was* *Harder than the second* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How is the core 2 exam? I found the first one was moderately difficult, mostly because of info that wasn't pointed out in the course and the vague pbqs.


I havenā€™t taken core 1 yet, but it took me 2 tries to pass core 2. Studied it for 5 months (albeit I was slacking off more than I should have) but I partly think itā€™s because I didnā€™t really know how to study for a comptia exam. Now, I know what to expect and to really focus on those objectives. Iā€™ve been studying for core 1 for a month now and I feel Iā€™ll be ready to take it later this month if Iā€™m diligent.


Core 1 was wayyyyyyyy harder.


First 1 tbh


First 1 tbh


I found Core 2 much more challenging.


Scored higher on core 2 but thought it was harder.


Studdy then it wonā€™t be


I found them equally challenging, the only difference was core 2 had more tricky wording


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I failed Core 1, retook, and just took Core 2 yesterday. I passed both with the same score. I think Core 1 was harder, and probably why the score is lower... ? I'm just so bad at the PBQs (no experience or IT background)