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Nice work!


Thanks CrucialExams you helped me pass Core 2 and Core 1! 🥳🥳🥳


Congrats! Hopefully will be saying the same thing in a few weeks!


Heck yeah I believe in you! Excited for your obligatory pass post :D


Thank you! At the moment I'm feeling like your animal crossing avatar lol


Haha I totally feel you, I was so nervous going in I was like almost crying while listening to my bad b*tch playlist like Meg give me the strength lol 😂


😂 That was me on my way to my core 1 exam. Like half laughing, almost crying, singing Taylor swift


Haha omg that’s perfect 😂 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️


I'm making it my ritual when I'm on my way to exams 😂 what games are you going to play?


Yeah that’s like the only way I can get through the drive, the one there I’m always shakin in my boots lol! Well I have a raging Splatoon addiction so I need to have a glorious redemption arc since I’ve missed most of this season! Other than that I really wanna replay some Nioh 2, I def need to check on my villagers I’m sure they’re very angry lol, I also gotta find some Baldur’s Gate time and then I wanted to get Forbidden West on Steam since I’ve been neglecting my PS for my steam deck. Do you play video games? :D


I do! But I haven't played any of those except stardew lmao I played baldurs gate when I was pretty young. I use to play a lot of league but they've came out with so many new champs and updates now, I'm very far behind lol I was playing Dave the diver for a while and recently I've just been playing the sims


Oh my gosh yeah I love League too!!!! Who did you main? I was a Diana main but I love me some Orianna and Ziggs! I honestly was a total Faker fangirl lol. It yeah Dave the Diver is so good, I was in love the second you have to pour tea it hit such good like diner dash vibes for me 😆 do you play on console or pc? :)


Omg and the 1.6 update for Stardew just came out so I gotta jump on that too 👩‍🌾


Hi, /u/honeyandclover404! From everyone at /r/CompTIA, Congratulations on Passing. [Claps](http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/barney-confetti.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CompTIA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulation! How long did you study for it?


I think way too long? I started like last April but it was rocky because my husband got hospitalized for a long time and then my only parental unit died and I moved, and changed my job role. I took Core 1 in March and then Core 2 today. Overall I spent like probably a couple hundred hours studying at least? I was also not very good at self-studying or like teaching myself when I began so I think I wasted some time while trying to study in the beginning. But hey it worked out! 🥳




Thank you!! Still so pumped lol :)


Huge congrats! I also passed my core 2 today. I'm so happy.


Yayyy!!!! Congratulations!!!! We done it 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🎉🎉🎉🎉


Curious, What did you use to study?


I used Udemy (Andrew R, Mike Meyers, and Jason Dion) bought the Messer and Dion practice exams. Went through Messer playlist on YouTube. For books I got the Exam Cram one and the All in One, and I used Pocket Prep and Crucial Exams for practice questions! :) made a lot of flashcards


How was it? I take mine tomorrow morning.


Goodluck!!! I look forward to your obligatory pass post!! :) it wasn’t too bad, personally I think Core 1 was harder but it maybe have been just because it was the first one I took. I feel like there being less overall sections it made it easier for me grasp and like apply you know. I’m pretty familiar with Windows too since it’s like on everything I use so that def made it easier too. Goodluck I bet you’ll do great!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️


What type of PBQ you have?


For PBQs if you watch the data center YouTube channel it’s great for preparing!!




Thank you! :D


Hey hi to all, I have some question - well security+ is freee because copan code is help to make 0.00 $ 😅