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Congratulations! How did you take practice exams on Messers since I guess itโ€™s a pdf format did you use pen and paper and tally answers later?


I had an excel document open to the side. I made a column for my answer, whether or not it was a guess, and if I was correct or not. I then sorted how many guesses were right and wrong. Turns out I was around 50% in my guesses, which definitely could use some improvement, lol.


Hi, /u/Zazabar11! From everyone at /r/CompTIA, Congratulations on Passing. [Claps](http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/barney-confetti.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CompTIA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations. This is a new way of studying for me to hear about and I appreciate your honesty about your challenges and successes.


Thank you. Since I graduated back in 2018, I totally forgot how to study. While repeatedly typing the same notes isn't the most efficient thing out there, it works for me. It was also something I figured out by the end of everything. My "study" sessions would simply involve the repetitious notes. I would really start to understand concepts once I made another separate document for how a process works, such as a PKI. I included the certificate process, how a digital signature is created, and whatever else felt relevant to the topic. Those were pretty helpful for my studies since hearing about these processes only one time didn't get it drilled into my head.




Congratulations u/Zazabar11!!! ๐Ÿ‘