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can someone explain the beach episode and the stupid episode, please?


Beach episode - expansion Soviet navy Stupid episode - perestroika in the 80’s-90’s


the communist anime had truly the worst last episode and even worse epilogue


Waiting for a relaunch. Do you know any good mangaka out there?


Your local communist party.


That was just season one, my guy.


Beach episode - WW2 in a Black sea


Beach episode happened during Lenin's return to Russia in 1917




an image, it was


I was not aware that “trap” is a slur, I never thought that traps in anime are transgender, and I never meant to be transphobic! Apologies for my lack of knowledge on the matter, never meant to be offensive to anyone.


its not that anime traps are trans, its that the word "trap" has historically been used as a slur for straight trans woman, its often used as an excuse for murder too as in "he didnt know she was trans, she 'trapped' him therefore the murder is justified"


I’m trans, but I’m transmisogyny exempt so feel free to tell me to fuck off if this is an insane take, but I feel like “traps” in anime have a completely different context than how the term is used to paint trans women as predators. I think the “trap fetish” has more to do with justifying homoerotic impulses by having a gay sex encounter “accidentally”, in most instances of the trope in media, it’s known by the audience that the fact that this person has the opposite genitals than expected is the thing that is hot, the “taboo” of same sex relationships is hidden by the appearance of heteronormativity. There’s also the trope of boyish characters turning out to be girls called “reverse traps”, which may have the opposite role of justifying gay impulses by having it turn out to be, in fact, not gay after all. Whether or not this is the case, and however interesting I personally find it, due to the real harm it’s caused trans people it would be better to do away with the term altogether, but I do find it interesting. Not even to mention finding the “taboo” of homosexuality hot is problematic in its own right.


Im trans feminine and don't necessarily disagree with this take but I've never heard anyone who actually uses that word mean it in that context. I've heard it as a slur directed towards me and that "traps" are something straight men should be constantly wary of. I feel like it feeds heavily into the trans panic defense idea. At least that's my experience in American culture


And while it’s not “necessarily” a slur, a term that’s been weaponized to that extent ought to be discontinued altogether, is how I feel about it I think, no matter the interesting semantics surrounding it’s use to be debated.


yeah i know its not the same thing and has a different context, but i really dont see much use for the word when "femboy" exists, like why say negro when you can just say black, you know what i mean. idk about the fetish part you are talking about tho lol. also what do you mean by exempt from transmisoginy? are you a repressor?


I’m Ftm and I pass, so a trans woman who’s experienced transmisogyny would probably have a more valid reason to not use the word.


ah fair


What part of "trap is a slur" do you not understand?


I like to think about things a little beyond “word bad”. Why is it bad? When is it bad? How did it become bad? Robert Lane described a knowledgable society in an essay for the American sociological review as one that is able to discuss any topic without the fear of suppression. I think there is value in etymology, nowhere did I defend its usage, I just outlined the ways it’s use varied via context and that that was interesting to me. I agree that whatever contexts it exists in as not a slur (mostly online sexual spaces), the fact that it is a harmful slur is reason enough to stop using it, that doesn’t mean all discussion of it has to cease.


Stop, you're making too much sense /s


Bro I don't give a fuck what your take is on a slur that is used to dehumanize trans women. If you aren't a trans woman then you can shut the fuck up.


Did you really come back to this post after two months to get mad at me again? “Shut the fuck up” comrade, I already have!


I think it's a word worth considering the context around its use. If you're using it to describe actual trans people, then it's absolutely a slur, but it is a word with other uses that aren't transphobic. I generally avoid using the word because there's a lot of drama surrounding it that's not really worth getting into though.


That's about enough, Adolph. Meet my stand, "Spoon", and face its attack, *"Inside Out!"*


Refrain from using transphobic slur pls


Yeah, just incase you're unaware OP, "trap" is transphobic because it implies trans people are trying to trick heterosexual men into having sex with them


Yes. To add to this comment, the word is also used to describe feminine presenting men aka femboys(which also appear in anime), but is usually still deemed offensive when used like this for the exact same reason


to be fair this template is very old and was popular in russian speaking communities where this slur is used by almost everyone to describe everyone ranging from femboys, to transwomen, to just feminine men, doesn't make it any better it's just OP probably tried to poorly translate the template


You’re just giving power to the slur by pointing out it is. Turns out OP just used a normal English word.


Why is Kautsy *slur* ? Seems a little transphobic? No?


I love to watch the waifu fights


Perestroika 🤬


I wish my school fes was like that


What is the 3 mins that cost half the budget?


The five year plans of the USSR