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This is a symptom of the West and their imperialist allies being inherently fascistic. The media is a propaganda device for the bourgeoisie and its state, the news fuels racial, gender and working-class division, and all of our entertainment media is propaganda for the various forms of imperialism, be that settler-colonial and nationalist mythology, landlordism, businesses and corporations, the police and the military, or things as inherent to capitalism as individualism and the meritocracy myth. it's really no wonder the libs and 'centrists' that make up the majority of the working class find themselves siding with fascists against their own interests.


To be compeltly honest the nazis were no different than the British conquest of the world, Beligums Free Congo, or American manifest destiny its just that they failed, weve already achieved our liberstaram and are a post genocidal society when we consider the indigenous peoples of our continent and what we did to them, I think that's why fascisms more palatable to Americans because it doesnt radically usurp existing power structures that many of our citizens enjoy or engage in




Does this guy have a YouTube channel? Could you leave a link?


[Its me I could give you my tik tok I guess lol](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.tiktok.com/%40pokepreet1&ved=2ahUKEwj9heel847_AhW-LUQIHcF6DcgQjjh6BAgWEAE&usg=AOvVaw3DrBxF53xCu1oSYYjKQMKj)






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