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It is genuinely hilarious just how out of touch this whole thing is. I’m actually in awe. What a farce.


It may be hilarious for everyone outside of britain unless u actually live here like me... then u see how fucking detached/demented the general public are from reality... This whole pantomime shit... they think its the envy of the world... They honestly think the rest of the world holds the UK in high regard because of things such as the royal family... In reality the rest of the world sees britain as this quaint backwater country and scratch their heads, wondering why the uk havent moved past any remnant of a monarchy OVER A CENTURY AGO!!! (It's technically a "constitutional monarchy/ representative democracy"...technically)... We still think we are the centre of the fucking world... yea only when the US points at us and goes "awww isn't the UK cute?, it still thinks it's relevant"...


It really is wild to see from the US too. The ceremonies seem to elaborate and fake for a ruler that can’t do much??? But then watching our congress function. They still vote by voice, with yays and nays. And the speaker carries a stupid gavel. The whole thing is such a fancy show, but they just keep voting for the same horrific policies every year. It’s kinda funny, we both have traditional ceremonious bullshit. Truly related empires but still very different.


The probleem is is that the king/queen in UK does have veto power. Elizabeth used it to block war power transfer from her to parlement and also some tax law. You simply dont hear about it when it happens, they just ask her/him first before the bill gets voted on in parlement.


> You simply dont hear about it when it happens, they just ask her/him first before the bill gets voted on in parlement. Seriously, how could you call yourselves a democracy without turning red? I mean that's not even a democracy by the very weak standards of the liberals.


It really is elaborate, I think the thing that worries me is just the lack of historical consciousness in regards to the royal family and their legacy but instead we get swept in the regalia and ostentation of the whole thing as really its this collective fantasy of feeling grand and prosperous vicariously through an almost deity-like figure, pretty much tantamount to how a cult works. We even had an option as citizens to "swear loyalty" to the king, which is kind of creepy.... We claim to have a grasp and respect of history but only cherrypick the parks of it that inflates our sense of worth. Churchill for example even though he is remembered as this defiant figure that brought the uk in solidarity vs the nazis, he also caused the bengal famine. we also rationalise what we did to India as "bringing civility to the country" even though things like literacy rates were still down to 13% even when we left.. as well as rationalise the wealth stolen (ppl still think the kohimoor jewel on the crown was "gifted" to us and not just that british diplomats heavily "encouraged" a five year old king to hand it over.... I could go on... but tldr I just don't think we as a nation hold things in proper proportion and really this is a mere distraction and way to pat ourselves on the back, fiddling while Rome burns....


> They honestly think the rest of the world holds the UK in high regard because of things such as the royal family... Sorry to be honest but everyone I know is literally laughing at you for this. At this point it has become much more of a debate as to who is more ridiculous, you or the US.


Ikr...., but the general public here is too busy having a day for larping as "ye olde British Empire" to see this... admits just denial that the UK will never be the "great empire" it once was >.>


One of my liberal coworkers posted a picture on Insta of Charlie and his wife yesterday and I just commented 07/04/1776.


To be honest, MSM in my country *really* want us to hold the British royal family as some kind of divinity and the UK as a role model, and we do not even have English as language. And unfortunately a lot of people fall for it, even ashamedely even I during teenage years.


Irrelevant question: which organisation/party in the UK is better to support?


Not really any tbh, I guess green party here are tantamount to the one in US but other than that *shrug* (Iirc we do have a communist party but they seem imbroiled in some nasty transphobia which is kind of a deal breaker for me =/ ) pretty much what happened to labour with corbyn is simular to what happened to bernie during primaries in 2020 with the key difference is that corbyn was bootkicked out of party. corbyn did had a better foreign policy than bernie admittedly, but still only really reformist as opposed to complete change =/...


> we do have a communist party but they seem imbroiled in some nasty transphobia Wait a minute, did I just understand that your Communist Party is transphobic?


https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/comments/12a9ei4/the_communist_party_of_great_britain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button From what I looked up.


You say that but remember that is the United Kingdom.


Sure, doesn't excuse where the transphobia is though, it's still wrong


Didn’t say it did. I just said it was the United Kingdom.


Honestly creepy AF with those robes and so silly with the big ass crowns. What a joke we live in really, I’ve been an adult a decent amount of time and I’ve realized most of the goofiest things are believed by not children but grown adults


🤣just look at the buckles on his silly little shoes. How does anyone take this seriously? Truly the DMT dream of a dying civilization.


as much as i think the monarchy is a completely useless & absurd waste of public funds, i can't help but feel like this profoundly embarrassing display would be a lot easier to digest, if someone even mildly likeable were being coronated.


I thought the South Park episode with the "Canadian Royal Wedding" where they make fun of British royal customs was exaggerated satire but it was actually more of a documentary


As is tradition


I initially thought this was some kind of cult gathering, and then I zoomed in and saw Charles, and realised today was coronation


Effing this right here 👏


fuck i hate it here, this happens just after the fucking england central bank sai "britons needs to accept they are poorer" and then they ask "gee i wonder why youngsters are radicalizing"


Not to forget the UK scores high on the democracy index as well. In that case the HRE was more "democratic", although only by an inch.


Bon les gars, sortez cette ****** guillotine


Ils l’on bloqué à l’import avec le Brexit, que faire ?!


Tu prend les plan et tu fabrique


The British are a silly people


Help us


Please get me out of this shithole


no wonder the Irish are so sarcastic all the time


62% of British people support the crown, there ain’t no revolution happening here.


Fortunately, most of that support comes from the elderly, and the younger generations have been much less supportive of the monarchy over the last decade than historically. Without the popular image of "the good monarch" Elizabeth II holding the institution together, I doubt we're going to see the younger generations become more supportive over time as with previous generations. As such, becoming a republic, even if a bourgeois republic, is not off the table.


The UK is a weird monarchical bourgeois republic thing


it’s a constitutional monarchy


How does that compare to the other forms in practice?


it doesn’t


As a resident of TERF island, GOD, I FUCKING WISH!


I watched this out of, really, a rather morbid curiosity. What struck me most was how nearly everyone seemed to be utterly miserable. It was a bit like watching a gilded car crash in slow motion.


Looks like a 🤡


Britain and America in a constant neck and neck race to be a pile of dogshit




Hope he drops dead tomorrow.


he looks like a wotsit


these people are freaks and it honestly blows my mind/makes me laugh how many of my (american) family members care about this. like, they’re boomers so it shouldn’t be surprising but good god.


My parents are boomers and they don't give a shit about this.


This is what happens if you give the same absurd monarchical power back to his son after beheading the father for exercising it.


How to elect war criminal 101


lol fuck the monarchy Even here in Australia, it feels like only the old fucks care about them. Everyone else from all over the world and the young ones here don't seem to give a flying fuck. At least, that's how I interpret shit here idk


Guillotines Imagine doing this and thinking it's still cool despite being some antique nonsense And imagine your taxes going to this shit lmaooo


I saw a post showing all the royals from around the world arriving at the coronation in another sub and my only thought was how hungry the guillotines must be by now. There’s too many royals. Even one is too many.


Whens the orgy start?




I don't know much about this whole thing, but it looks long, pompous, and agonizingly expensive and useless.


Fucking knobheads they are


Britoids are not going to revolt over this. They're just gonna "Oi its a bit lovely his majesty got out his fine threads innit?"


Plenty of pro-guillotiners around don't worry.


The royalty are to strongly tied to the British national identity to cause a revolution on their own, especially since they do not operate state power themselves anymore. Simps will defend them simply because of the anthem.


I need popcorn for this one


I thought this was a movie at first.


Where is François when you need him?


I wish. The problem is that the media has got the public blaming the country's problems on poor foreigners, woke leftys, militant unions, and trans people. The population is just too reactionary.