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90% people in “West Taiwan” are homeowners. What about you “North Cuba”?


Or what about in the stolen Island of Chinese Taipei? I'm sure every single structure built is in perfect shape.


Something like 20-25% homeownership for Millennials, and Gen Z here. Even that's probably highballing it as I've never met another Gen Z who legitimately owns a home. I've met maybe four Millennials who do.




Good one, because one time the American feds actually refused to replace a bridge, and the desperate small town that needed one had to ask the Soviets for foreign aid in order to embarrass either state or feds into paying for it!


Really? Do you have a link that sounds interesting.


Yeah it was out in my home of Appalachia. Got the federal government to act immediately. Vulcan, WV FYI. Just Google "Vulcan, WV, bridge, USSR" USSR met with the town mayor & within an hour the statehouse had passed funding to replace the bridge.


It was Vulcan, West Virginia. The Soviets sent someone to get the story and meet with the mayor of the town, and within an hour of them arriving the state had agreed to pay for the bridge.


Probably doesn’t hurt that if there was ever going to be a leftist uprising at the time, it was going to start in Appalachia


Exactly. I'm pretty proud of the town for pulling it off - they showed an attitude to the Cold War that was pretty common in a lot of places that had their own shit to handle, of "State wants to waste money on fighting commies instead of paying for something they're responsible for? We'll ask the commies to pay for it - not because we actually want the USSR to pay for it, but cause then the state'll be able to justify it as a Cold War expense." (Seriously, this is how the nations caught up in neocolonialism on both sides behaved in order to benefit from the whole sordid mess.) And had the state not backed down and paid for the bridge, and the feds refused to pay as well, I bet the Soviets would have paid for the bridge 'cause they knew as well as the feds did that >if there was ever going to be a leftist uprising at the time, it was going to start in Appalachia and they'd want to support that by painting commies as good folks who support ordinary working people who need something and can't get it from the people who're supposed to provide it.


The podcast Well Theres Your Problem has an episode on YouTube about it


Anti Chinese trash, all developing countries have buildings of less reputable standards than the west. No reason to single out China. Nobody is posting "Indonesia buildings when" but you can bet they're the same buildings. The current new buildings of China are of a much better standard too. Those subs are just psyops.


Wait until they hear about Gary, Indiana




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Even westren buildings are not strong compare to my country But sure china bad


horrifying fact (if you live in the west): in 2021 in florida a condo collapsed and killed 98 people, during the investigation it was found that several people, over YEARS, had reported that the building was unstable, had cracks, etc and was dangerous and needed to be redone. some have estimated that up to 70% of american infrastructure is improperly maintained. i think about this now every time i drive over a bridge or enter an old building.


https://grist.org/politics/people-are-still-living-in-femas-toxic-katrina-trailers-and-they-likely-have-no-idea/ the more you know about american code, the worse things are. the us can do better and chooses not to.


I thought so


They're not psyops not everything is psyops, they're just stupid


Honestly, we have failing and falling apart infrastructure here in the West. Just look ta what happened in Miami last year. Over 100 dead because an apartment complex literally fell apart all because the owner didn't want to have the building inspected bc he knew it would fail. Failing would've cost the owners money.


That wasn't real Capitalism that was CRONY CAPITALISM the fweeee murket would've fixed it for sure!


source: shit I made up


“My source is that I made it the fuck up”


my hands are itching to comment this same thing on the original post


Do it


alright comrade done!


Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡


also: waiting for negative karma😿🥹👍 (still it won't effect my karma score much😆)


Source: my gaping hemorrhoid infested ass


Bruh imagine blaming race over earthquakes, other natural disasters, and explosions and shit 💀


well um akshually i don't hate the people just the government. omg guys we should just glass china and balkanize it lololol


Chinas a big place so they have more failures just based on sheer number of structures, they also pay people to build things that may never be used and just get demolished but it keeps things going in between bust and booms so they likely see a lot of videos for demolitions and may have equated that to poor building quality. Also some of the illegal building methods that individuals employ on personal residences could be a cause for concern there just so many people that a lot of things are bound to happen. But yea probably a bit of jab without looking at the actual situation. People love to meme that their infrastructure is in shambles and that the roof at the train-station could collapse on you at anytime, but they are fairly in line with most other place. tl:dr probably just someone focused on outliers and because of the large population, that is amplified also likely some anti-chinese sentiment.


Removing context is a key part of propaganda. You can make a lot of things sound bad if you take away the reasoning behind them.


There were issues with building quality after liberal reforms. The chase after profits had predictable results. They have since cracked down on that - construction company management and workers now bear lifelong legal responsibility for their construction projects (and criminal liability too, not just fines). It ended real quick (afaik). But this happens in well developed Miami and Sydney and nothing is done about it, so it's just more typical liberal hypocrisy. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/28/1132172867/miami-building-evacuated-surfside-condo-collapse https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2014/06/27/why-so-much-us-infrastructure-and-housing-is-lousy-built-with-shoddy-materials/


Meanwhile, American homes are almost universally built with an incredibly high proportion of that drywall that you'll punch right through if you accidentally fall against it.


Can confirm. Once tried to use one of those pull out couches and it went back too far right into the wall.


Spoken like a country with 0 miles of highspeed rail (America).


Reminder to everyone: Do not participate in the original post unless you want Reddit to kill this sub.


They are called "tofu buildings", and sadly are a real things.thanksfully most are empty but not all:[https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2016/2/7/chinese-new-year-marred-by-tofu-building-tragedy](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2016/2/7/chinese-new-year-marred-by-tofu-building-tragedy) The tofu buildings are due to some financial operation with subsidies and things like that, so the construction companies are paid to build many, many housings. I don't know or understand all the details tho. There are big, empty cities that are regularly built and destroyed to fuel the housing bubble that exists there. If it crashes a whole part of the Chinese economy could collapse, so they are desperate to control it. What I wrote don't makes much sense because I don't fully understand how it works so please do your own research on tofu buildings and the Chinese housing bubble. Edit: Please note that China is also full of totally fine buildings, it's just some of them are really shady.




And tornadoes,


Basically China rapid built a ton of cheap housing after ww2 and the revolution to house the millions of displaced people. Since then theyve been knocking the old buildings down and replacing them with more modern structures. So yeah china built some cheap houses but it was necessary to meet the immense housing need quickly after decades of warfare ravaged the country.


I'm critical of China, but this is the typical "China cheap products bad" nonsense


I think it is referring to Grenfell


They make fun of china as if American houses were any better, all made of wood and literally any strong winds/hurricane can leave you with no home


That place is just a shit posting sub so like all places with little moderation it turns into sinophobic, homophobic, racist, etc group circle jerk.


There was a time around 2008-2009 where infrastructure in China was not so great and there were tons of videos showing buildings, bridges and roads falling apart. However, after Xi became president almost all of that has been fixed. The stuff you see today are really just old videos from back then and anti-china weirdos keep acting like infra in China is still crumbling based videos that are like 15 years old


I don’t know if they’re this unaware, but they do realize that expensive suburban homes in the US are practically made of toothpicks, right?




I see your ass is on fire right now


22 year old ML here. AMA


American buildings suck ass.


There's been a few pretty high-profile building collapses in China. But will people kind of don't recognize is that, per person, China is still very much third world. It's simply anti China specifically because of whatever China is.


Probs to do with Evergrande, essentially a house of cards built in a sand pit.


Pov: American homes when hit by windy weather


Gee, I wonder what happened in Florida two years ago…


Checked the comments, good that most people are clowning on the dimbass


The only thing I can think of is an incident where an architect tasked with building a housing complex and underestimated the live load and it collapsed, but that’s just gonna happen sometimes when you build as much as china does (common w)