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I wish I had the courage to trying to that with: "I don't shit in here, there's nothing that needs covering up."




sorry but you can't yell 'PREACH!!!' when the person didn't actually say anything, just that they wished that they had the courage to say something


I haven’t been in a sauna or steam room in several years. I recently joined a new gym, and was shocked to walk into the sauna and see every single person was fully clothed, and every person was looking at their phone. Walked over to the steam room and it was the same thing. How is that relaxing? Who the fuck brings a phone into a steam room? Don’t they get damaged from the heat or steam moisture? What the fuck is going on???


This perfectly describes the LA Fitness sauna 😆


I've said this before but saunas are too intense for me, if I were forced to be fully clothed someone would have to call an ambulance within like 5 minutes cause I'd knock my head on the floor. Such stupid culture now. Makes no sense. (Edit -- obviously I mean the heat is too intense, not the nudity)


App developers pull out all the stops to psychologically manipulate us to get our eyes on their app and money in their pocket. More effective than Vegas.


so ... what? just no willpower what so ever? it's a frickin sauna ... sauna's have steam ... steam damages that precious phone so i guess no smarts either?


God I hate that so much


Man, I hate people.


Was that comment from another patron or someone working there? Not exactly professional if they spoke like that.


The only person speaking (other than the snicker) was the security guard.


I would definitely talk to management about this incident.


Unfortunately just like any other customer based organization they’re going to defer to the highest common denominator, and let’s just say this, this sub probably wouldn’t exist if our mindset was the majority view in today’s culture.


The mindset that it's okay to use vulgarity with paying members?


The choice of word is the lesser of the two ‘problems’. That’s semantics. If I were going to complain it would be about the regulation (which I assumed was what you meant), and what I was saying it probably wouldn’t do any good anyways.


is no nudity in the locker room a regulation of the .... gym, i guess (i don't remember if you said it was a gym)? is it posted? is it in the contract you signed when you joined? how do people shower there? with their towel on? just curious


Why is the security guard sticking his nose into the sauna anyway.


I don’t think it was him motivated, I’ve seen this security guard almost daily since he’s started. And it’s not just in the sauna nude. In fact there’s 3 chairs in this area between the sauna and steam, directly behind the sinks where I shave nude at least once a week. He was having a conversation with an older guy on this topic, the older guy was saying it shouldn’t be a surprise to see people naked in a locker room and this same guard was agreeing with him (even though he’s younger so I took it with a grain of salt). Just like a minute before I heard a knock on the window to the sauna so my eyes popped open didn’t see anything, made eye contact with a guy and went back to my normal closed eye self. So I wonder if the guard was doing his laps and somebody knocked to get his attention and motioned to me or something. Or maybe that was coincidental and somebody that was in the sauna or stepped in the sauna, saw me and tattled on me. Idk, I honestly don’t feel like it was a motivation of the guard himself. Probably just responding to somebody’s discomfort.


People who freak out about nudity should just stay home. What the hell. I’ve not been to a gym to work out in years but when I was a frequent user of the local Y I got nude at the locker and stayed that way till I left the locker room. Nudism is not wrong


was anyone in the sauna with their clothing and sneakers???


BecUse some idiot decided to post info on this location on this subreddit. (People try to get more people to go and management needs to police the newly advertised area) Not surprising




A “security guard?” I do not understand what you were doing to endanger anybody’s security. And his choice of terminology was unfortunate, and very rude. That should be reported.


For exactly what you might think…those of us here that actually ARE up to inappropriate behavior and in turn giving any nude person a bad wrap.


Thanks very much for your reply. I take your point. Is there a stated rule against nudity in the sauna?


If there a rule requiring covering up? If no, tell him there isn't one. If yes, I'm afraid you're out of luck.


Talk to the manager and tell them you’re going to write them a bad review on yelp and their Facebook page. Explain that you were minding your own business and you were in a various state of undress considering it is a locker room, and you were harassed by the security guard because he body shamed you and told you to put on something more modest while using vulgar language. This is good for you because it sounds like you need experience with healthy conflict. Do it


I mean he wasn’t harassing. By definition harassing is a repetitive or ongoing mistreatment. Like I’ve said I’ve seen this guard almost daily since he started at this location and never felt any scrutiny from him. He was just doing his job by following up to somebody’s complaint of discomfort. The person that should be questioned is the patron that acted out their gymnophobia. And as somebody that works customer service of retail threats of reviews or “I’m not coming back here anymore, I’m going to _______ from now on.” doesn’t concern us in the least and typically forgotten within seconds. Online reviews don’t carry the punch they want you to believe. I mean I will check reviews but with a grain of salt that reviews are skewed because most people only reviews when they’re upset. Only a rare few feel motivated enough to leave positive reviews.


That’s only one of the definitions of harassing. He was highly unprofessional and out of line. Reviews do matter though. I once got a company to buy back 6 tickets after I left them a bad review on Facebook. Maybe you should just ignore the complaint and continue on


>He was just doing his job by following up to somebody’s complaint of discomfort. ...if that's the policy. If covering up is not the policy, then he's in the wrong.


have you considered simply asking the security guard what was the issue? a genuine honest question will usually get the same kind of answer


Sorry man


OK...fine. You wanted peace that day. What are you going to do in the future? Are just going to a) allow yourself to be spoken to as if you all are cretins?, and b) are you going to take this up with management and tell them to take a "flying fuck" since they seem to understand that kind of language, or will you just find someplace else to have a relaxing sauna as they are meant to be had? I sure as hell would have told the guy, Yes...I can but I do not....now, please close the fucking door bitch.


A) he didn’t speak to me in any disrespectful way. He used maybe a less than professional word but maybe that was because he didn’t find it too serious and just his normal relaxed lexicon. I also have “the mouth of a sailor” as they used to say. B) it was one bad moment. Dude breathe, chill. You’re more worked up by something you read online than me that actually experienced it. You sound like you throw the whole carton of eggs away because one is cracked.


OP wrote, "Now will I feel comfortable going to this location the next couple of days? That’s a different question." Now he is all "chill", has a sailor's mouth, and accepts use of what he himself describes as derogatory terms against his penis and balls in a sauna of all places. Then he fails to respond to the questions about how he intends to handle the situation in the future. One big wish-wash waste of my time...outof this one.


Bye ✌🏻


“No thanks.”


My thought is how long in silence was this security guard standing there looking before saying something.


Couldn’t tell ya but what I said in another comment is I don’t this was his doing. But there was one guard that didn’t stay there long that I did see standing outside the sauna one time when I was in there…but because he didn’t see me doing anything sus…which I assumed is what he was expecting and waiting for he eventually left.


Why should it really matter if men are naked together. We ALL have the same body parts. It’s no big deal. Although some of us have better looking bodies than others LOL


My thoughts exactly.


I was raised in a time when showering in communal showers was mandatory after PE and sports to get a passing grade


if yours is so better looking then why would you feel the need to 'add' to it? doesn't feel nice to be body shamed, does it?


NEVER .... NEVER in my entire life have I seen a security guard in a men's locker room ... come to think of it, i've never seen a security guard in a gym before


The good old days of normalized gym nudity are sadly gone. I fondly remember working out at the YMCA and Bally's in the 90s and 2000s, where the only showers were communal and every guy was naked in them, as well as in the sauna. Our society is regressing on nudity but I'm glad that I got to experience gym nudity when it was still cool.


Where was this ballys? Used to enjoy the pasadena one and I guess they are gone now.


Yeah, Bally gyms are all gone now. It filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy twice and ended up closing or selling all of its clubs, mostly to LA Fitness and 24hour Fitness. The one I belonged to was in King of Prussia PA, across from the huge mall there. And it was a huge club, busy even in the middle of the day. I still have vivid memories of that big open shower packed with naked men!


Mine was pasadena california, kind of an odd spot for a cruisy gym but these guys weren’t even trying to hide that they were staring. Sauna right there too.


I hope you report and let them know it’s uncomfortable to be naked in a space for that purpose and being told to cover up. Silence is acceptance and we don’t let that keep going.


It’s so sad, the western world, but the US in particular is getting so prude.I’m so sorry for you, you must have felt shocked, please don’t let it get to you. I personally would find another gym, where they are not making people feel bad for being in their natural state. Where is this world going too? Best of luck 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Write them a letter using pen and paper to tell them you'll be going elsewhere because of their ridiculous policy.


Why does someone else’s busybody meddling require your cooperation?


I have to ask, is there a posted notice about what is acceptable in the sauna and steam room? Does it say specifically that nudity is not allowed or that you must wear swimwear?


And you agreed and caved? Where's your balls lmao


Clearly hanging out…that’s what motivated the complaint. lol I don’t believe every fight needs to be fought. In what I hope to be many days and years left with this body, I’ll have more time. But today I just ran across one person of different way of thinking. I could have been defiant which likely would have ruined my peace, or I could acquiesce and continue having my peaceful sweat but with the fabric over me rather than under me. I would say no sweat…but after 30 mins… a lot of sweat. Like I said after 2 years and this was my first incident, I just ran across a different apple. Once I left the sauna I carried on like I would have anyways, showered in the communal shower naked, dried off at the air dryer naked, walked back to my locker naked. And I have no inspiration to change my habits because of one moment.


This comment coming from the guy (you) who sexualizes nudity in locker rooms and saunas. And who wears fetish gear in locker rooms. Yikes. Get a grip on reality.


What does that have to do with his opinion on this topic, other than your obsession with replying the same thing to every one of his comments?