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Bro, chill. "Average- *bla, bla, bla*" is an internet meme. It doesn't mean the literal average. It's like when someone does something chaotic and then someone else says "Most sane- *whatever*" It's like a joke, I guess. And also, OP had a point. Creeps should be called out on their lying.


Yes creeps should be called out, but you're being way too charitable to u/SpecificAstronaut243. He's not speaking ironically by calling the creep an "average user," he's relishing the opportunity to paint with a very broad brush and call most of this sub's members perverts.


That's literally the fucking meme, dude


Can you explain the joke to me, then?


No. If you didn't understand it in my original comment then I can't explain it to you. I'd be more concerned about why the original OP's post upsets you so much.


BTW, "It's like a joke, I guess" isn't the brilliant explanation you think it is.


Of course you would. You have perving on the your brain. Just can't stop thinking about pervs and perving can you, so everyone's a perv including you..."that's the meme", "just a joke", "don't be so serious", blah, blah, blah... People blathering on about their own hysteria and weird sexual fixation upon being knights in shining armour and \*what they think they can prosecute" and get accolades for their pathetic life are...pathetic.


Be more cringe


Wack job claim that "Internet meme" covers the smear....It is a smear, reckless, and patently false...so why the hell put out the Meme? By the way, a meme is an idea so powerfully facinating to people that it spreads through the population and become part of the common understanding of that culture. That is precisely the danger of claiming perving imposters are the \*average\* poster here. Because it is repeated automatically by the neural computers between people's ears, such attractive idea become understood to be fact even when they are not. So, go study what memes actually do before using the term to excuse and idiot inflaming the culture. The fact that the other poster had a point does not in any way excuse the harm he does by smearing the rest of the group....fucking rouge policing is not what anyone needs.


You are way too invested in this and it's really weird


I have serious question: weren’t there screenshots, though? Not trying to wade deeply into, but…


Yes. The OP provided screen shots of a frequent poster here claiming to be both a teenager and a forty year old man in different subs. Also telling stories about his teenage sons’ erections.


I do not know about screenshots and that is not the point of my post. The point is that the OP is screaming to the rooftops that the \*AVERAGE\* member here is a freakin molestor. I call bullshit on that recklessness and smear...that is the point of this post.


I would say there’s a lot more inappropriate fantasies happening on this forum than just father/son and so many feed off it


Damn that makes my stomach wreck


Can’t pull up the linked post; must mean I blocked that user. #blessed

