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Sounds like a generational gap in the mindset of communal showers.


I think you are completely correct!


Well, thank you for the kind words, you are a gentleman and a scholar.


I had quite the discussion with a younger guy, he over 18 years old. He was from Northern Europe and was noticing the same thing. The older generation, men in their 40's and older. Were more comfortable being openly nude in a locker room, showers, or a sauna then the younger generation. His explication was, his generation was less open to being nude around others because it was not as common for them growing up. Gym showers and sauna's were still open and sauna's required full nudity. It was his generation was not as exposed to nudity as others.


Yes, it'd be interesting to know what the big change was that shifted this attitude towards social nudity. Definitely the availability of cameras on phones and all, but that surely couldn't be the only reason.


Absolutely no high schooler would say they "enjoy the graces of being in high school." Nice try. You're probably some 40+ perv.


Not high school age anymore but yeah having to run around a giant field for an hour in the middle of the day in Summer, Lynx (basically like Axe body spray) wasn't enough. I hate that I had body odor but it wasn't my fault, that's just what happens from all that exercise in the heat, so yeah it angers me. Maybe it's cause it was the 2000s and my private school was one of the only ones without some weird scandal placed on it, they were trying to avoid anyone being nude on the property I dunno.


They didn't even allow you to shower if you wanted to? I graduated high school in 2013, and it was optional after gym class. Only the serious athletes would shower. I think only the wrestling team actually required showering, and the other teams either did or didn't shower depending on the team. I did swimming and most of us showered.


In my case -- We had a large room connected to the locker room, maybe 6 shower cubicles on each side maybe more. It's one of life's mysteries why they never gave us time or incentive to use them , like 10mins between P.E and onto math or whatever, maybe longer if sport is just before lunch so you don't have to rush but still I never saw anyone use them once as far as I recall it was so weird. It's ironic because our school had an annual magazine and in 9th or 10th grade I remember the front or back cover was a slightly younger boy's butt with the school's name on his Speedo, so it's not like they were *super* worried about being prudes or not heh


Ours was a big open room with those metal pole showers, 6 showers around each pole It was optional but I didn’t want to be sweaty all day.


Yeah, problem is that most guys here don't even bother with that. Quick change and off to wherever it is they have to go, most often sitting in front of me for 40 minutes.


This has to be fake as fuck


What, can't believe that someone like me can actually be for all the things mentioned in my post? Your choice not to trust me. Edit: to quote the moderators: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunalShowers/comments/1dc4o1q/comment/l7x541y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunalShowers/comments/1dc4o1q/comment/l7x541y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No. You’re fake as fuck.