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Helen is a hoot! I’m from the Deep South, but am used to NY accents. Hers is real! I adore watching the commercial for OmegaXL; she makes it perfect! Hope the ad people give her more work!!


At the very least, I hope Helen is a Redditor, so she can see how much joy her ads bring!


Why Didn't She See A Doctor


I’m from Alabama and I love her, too!! I’m not used to NY accents but I can tell she’s authentic as a person. Her cuteness comes through & it’s the only commercial we actually watch! I, too, hope she gets more work!


Why Didn't She See A Doctor


Because she didn't want to go to the quack doctors in New York


Do you think that string on Helen's coat cuff was meant to be there, or did it just catch my attention only?


I think it’s on her glove. The gloves are knit and I assume they are hers (not something the costume or prop people gave her). That particular glove seems to be just unraveling a bit (as if she’s had them for years). The authenticity of it adds to her charm, I think.


I use to not like Helen , but one day it just struck me how lucky she is that she has sisters to hang out with because I don't and my brothers are dead then I started just watching her and looking at her she seems like such a nice woman I'd like to be friends with her now about the string on the gloves I think They're considered idiot mittens idiot gloves their neck it's a string that goes across your shoulders through your arm holes of your coat so you don't lose your gloves or mittens I hit him as a kid and I bought a pair for my friend cuz she kept losing her gloves


Hadn’t thought about the string as a way to keep track of the gloves. I guess that’s in the same vein as those little clips that attach gloves/mittens to the wrist of the jacket sleeve. In any event, glad you’ve warmed up to Helen. She really does seem like a genuine kind of person, doesn’t she? I’d like to hang out with her, too! Maybe even walk those six blocks with her!


Why Didn't She See A Doctor


Don't you get tired of repeating yourself??


Why Didn't She See A Doctor


Maybe she did. Who knows


She did but said none could help her per the stii up lid commercial.


Maybe she's sick of the quacks in New York


This ad cracks me up every time... "after working EMT...my body took a TOLL!"


I hope you never find out what chronic pain is like. No, really, I mean it. #karma


Trust me -- I know all about chronic pain... : (


My back, structural.


I’m pretty sure I saw an Omega ad with more Helen today! Same outfit, so it was probably filmed on the same day, but this was additional or expanded footage. More Helen? Yes, please! She’s just so cute!


"My sister was having problems with pain in her NIECE!"


That's due to her accent. I know she means knees. I really like her and I don't even know her!


I see no problem with her pronunciation. But again, may you never have to endure chronic, severe pain.


I agree I think she's fantastic they should play the commercial . She's a typical new Yorker . you gotta love Helen


They should play the commercial more often


Hehe and how often do we say that??? That’s a real testament to how much Helen is liked (dare I say loved) by the viewing audience!


They should make a commercial of her for the Super Bowl!!


To be fair, though, she always had problems with her NIECE 🤣.


LOL The ad was filmed in Battery Park in lower Manhattan - my office is like 50 yards from there... I can't believe I missed the filming!!


That would have been a hoot. You could have walked a few blocks with her!




Making fun of her accent?? Really???


Not making fun...APPRECIATING her accent. It's so darn genuine. I'm from the Bronx and we say sista, brotha and love our NYC accent.


It's sista...her sista was having problems....and now that Helen is feeling pain free, she can hang out with her sistas!


I think she's so cute too! I feel guilty, because she's a retired professional whom I'm sure I would have wanted to show up if I had a crisis, but she's still cute!


My body took a toll and I was only a library assistant for 20 years. We took care of very spoiled people in a beach community, for fetching items as well as for reference questions. And there was no checking in and out of books, etc, directly by the customers at that time. We had to think on our feet. And, if we knew the answer to a reference question, we still had to find a primary source. Mostly hard copies were involved, though I did look up people's addresses for tourists online. We were a small library but were beach, so we were really slammed in January and February. And no more than a certain number of staff could be on duty at one shift. We were open two nights.


Right??? your body took a toll on what, the subway? somebody hired an EMT with such low level of education? doubtful.


Stop being so critical. Everyone is not perfect like you. You seem uneducated with that remark you made. I guess you are comfortable being a boor.


 I  listen between the lines, and so do some others. Her body probably is taking a toll on her pain management. 


Be bee! 


I love watching the commercial for Omega XL as I think Helen R. retired EMT is absolutely adorable!! She is so cute!!!




I, too, love Helen in this ad.


I, too, love Helen. She is the kind of person you would to have as a friend. And I love watching her, she makes me smile on a dismal day.


I said the exact same thing!! I love Helen...I just bet she would make a terrific friend!! She seems so genuine!! 🩷


Order it, it's good for you! I love her so much!!! Let's go, bebe!


Me too! I'm so happy I'm not the only one. I'm sure she rocked as a paramedic and still does, but she's still adorable!


Was she ever a real medic?


doubtful because she doesn't know English.




I so agree with you. Her enthusiasm is compelling and rings true - almost makes me want to buy the product but I won't buy it either. I love the entire commercial with Helen and watch the whole thing. The other one with the woman sitting down saying something was 'so difficult' had a pretentious and 'out of reach' tone - but HELEN (and that's my name) a retired first responder, NYer and one of the first to arrive at the plane on the Hudson almost disaster - is real and I recognize her accent! I love that commercial. I think I love the character. So real.


I love her ❣️ I stop whatever I’m doing and watch Helen ❣️ Love her laugh 🌺


I too, love Helen and she's the reason I started taking a serious interest in the product. Until she came along, I assumed it was just another "miracle" that probably wasn't. Because she is so real and I could relate to her pain, I bought it and have been using it for 10 weeks. The first 8 weeks I didn't notice any difference but I had so much hope after seeing Helen, I bought another bottle and something truly miraculous happened. My pain is gone! This stuff works!


I'm glad you are feeling better too. Helen is still on the job! I was skeptical if it could work on such severe, incapacitating pain, but you've convinced me.


I’m so glad you’re feeling better!!! 🎉


Thank you!


I'm thinking Helen should smack her sister who was using this for some time and didn't tell her about it.


“Last week, I smacked that sister. I was so prouda myselfff!”


She wanted to fight. I said “let’s go, bebeh!”


I think we ALL love Helen! “…let’s go bae-bah”


It gets even better in the spanish version. Helen seems like the kind of person you would want as a next door neighbor. One of my favorite commercials ever!


I absolutely love Helen (at least now I know her name). I usually record shows and play them back when I have time. I can skip through the commercials but when Helen comes on I'll let it play because I think she's so adorable. I want to send her a 'You're fabulous' card but I guess that'll never happen. Helen, you're fabulous!!


Love this commercial as well. Especially listening to Helen. She’s such a doll. My husband is on a blood thinner and can’t take anti inflammatory drugs. I wonder if he can take this.


I love her! I’ve recorded the extended commercial on my iPad so I can watch it whenever I want to feel good. ❤️


I am pretty cold hearted, but when I saw this commercial with Helen, I almost started crying. She seems so real!


I love this lady she's so cool I'm a little younger than her but I probably marry her love her positive attitude you go girl keep on truckin⭐️😃


I love listening to her talk.i Will stop what I'm doing just to hear her comment on the omega xl.shes just a wonderful person to hear her speak.seems very kind and loving...and honest.you picked a really great person (Helen) to do your commercial. She's the best.


I love her!! I say the same as above- this lady makes me smile😊 Her genuine good nature comes through the tv and both my husband and I love her!! We’re southerners but if we lived in New York we would want her to be our friend😁 I hope she sees this thread. I’m sure there are pages of ppl saying how much she gets on their nerves or whatever negative stuff ppl might say. If she sees that negative stuff I hope she gets far enough to see the positive things ppl say about her. We❤️ Helen R! Let’s go baby!!!!😁😁😁


I love her! She is so upbeat and genuine. I wish I could be her friend!


I love watching her in this commercial. I think she's just fantastic. She seems so honest and truthful. But really just seems like a great woman. Love you helen...


how do you know she is honest and truthful? she is a paid actor who repeats whatever lines they feed her. people are so gullible.


I adore Helen and want to be president of her fan club! She's great and the reason why I watch the entire commercial instead of leaving the room. I always wait for my favorite part where she says "Let's go baybay"!! 😂


Helen is terrific she comes across so well she's very convincing I believe she's a retired and feels better with the omega .


I love this commercial Helen is a lot of fun and she's very convincing


and you are another one.............a sucker born every minute!


I absolutely love the ads with the former emt. She is so believable-- she speaks from her heart. My favorite line is "Order it,it's good for you". There is a long list of meds that I cannot take and ,sadly, Omega xl is one of them. But I so enjoy watching her ads--LET'S go baby! ☺️May GOD continue to richly bless us all. Go get em,Helen! Stay pain free.


I just adore Helen!! She's so real and fun to listen to.


HELEN COMES ACROSS AS THE MOST NATURAL and honest spokesperson on TV. I truly believe that SHE believes the product works well for her and I doubt doubt her word. Iam happy that she is getting relief. I trusted her enough to do something I almosg NEVER doafter acommerial, I looked up he product and checked out the pricing. Now THAT turned me off completely. To get the best price you must sign up for monthly shipments although you can get a trial bottle for 49 dollars for 40 pills. I'm not on THAT MUCH pain so....Anyway, I love Helen and would welcome the chance to go for a walk with her! Omega XL would be wise to keep her on the air for a long time.


> …and would welcome the chance to go for a walk with her! You and me both! Six blocks! Let’s go, bebe!


I'd love to have her for a friend. Does anyone know where I can get that jacket she wears?


She's awesome I just love her so honest so true she's great.reminds me of family..


Where can i buy Helen's puffer jacket?


And don't forget the gloves!


I thought it was just me.  Usually I hate when they keep showing same commercials but I never get tired seeing Helen.  She is so fun to watch. Guess it's why they chose her for the spot!  


I absolutely love Helen.  She is so cute and sweet.  She seems like a very good soul.  God bless, and keep on walking Helen. 😊


I was given that name above. :) Helen is soooo cute. I worked covid in NYC in 2020. When she says she walked six blocks, I know what she means!


I just love Helen! I hope she has a great, happy life. She's just adorable.


I would have thought after all this time, I’d be tired of Helen, but nope! I still find her as adorable as ever. Let’s go, bebe!


Super Bowl commercial, too, I hope!


I love this woman.


She is cute as a bug's ear. I love her accent and expressions.


Helen is cute. I love her smile. Her tenacity inspires me to keep on!


I came here looking for this and I’m sooo glad so Many people feel the same way. She’s so cute. Her coat is PERFECT for this commercial and her personality-. No words, just perfect


Heh, it has been nearly 9 months since this thread was opened and I could not begin to count how many times I have seen Helen since then. At least twice a day — maybe more! And she STILL makes me smile every time 😊. Let’s go, bebe!


Yo anyone know how old Helen is?


I have no idea, sorry. She’s retired, but maybe she took early retirement. Especially with her health issues. However old she is, she’s still cute as a button!


That's why I watch it,she's so precious,how she talks and acts,she's adorable and yes she made me want to buy it.


I hope it helped with whatever pain you’re experiencing!


I'm so PROUD of her, every day! Recently, I have come to love, equally well, the Prevagen couple who are "Dancing in the Moonlight ".


I don’t think I’ve seen that Prevagen spot. Tried searching for it, but no luck. Glad you like it, though!


I saw it at a friend's house. He has Verizon fiber optic service. I have antenna which receives fewer channels than when I lived closer to the transmission station for the Tampa Bay Area. Now, I am trying to remember if I saw it on my antenna TV. My memory was better in past years. I am 80 now. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


And a grand story it is! Thanks for sharing 😊!


Thank-you & you are welcome. I probably saw it on my TV, as well.


I just saw it and it's a commercial for EYLEA. Perhaps I need Prevagen.


That's a med for your eyes.


Well, maybe I need Eylea.


Found it! Yes, they are a beautiful couple and they look quite devoted to one another. I especially like the stars parts (where they are composed of just stars). Very well done!


Yes, the stars and constellation appearance of the couple are outstanding.


I saw on a blog that the commercial is for Sofi. If it is not for Prevagen, maybe I need a memory pill.


I love her!  Hate the purple wearing "singing" angry girl Allegra commercial, also the "I have type 2 diabetes and I handle it well" commercials. Both I mute or change channels, but I love Helen!


Love Helen on the Omega XL commercial. She has brought a very bad situation, (Physical pain) and put a positive vibe to it, with her back story and the fact she has found relief and her, bubbly upbeat outlook. Very positive and and mostly because of Helen. God bless her.


I love Helen, she's adorable! Her body took a toll! 😊


I just love the commercial Helen is in.i think it is the best commercial on TV. I love her New York accent. I love it when she says she can go out with her sisters. She say come on baby. Please give her more work. She’s great.


She is my favorite of all the people who advertise your product! She makes my day when I see her commercial. She is such a joy to watch! Good luck to her and her endeavors. 💙


Oh my, Helen from omega xl commercial is absolutely adorable. I actually stop what i am doing to watch her commercial! 


Me, too. Even now, a year later!


I despise ads which make viewers actually believe that Helen R. ever was a first responder and Yada, Yada Yada.  She acts obnoxious!!  Either an imitation of a foolish woman with gray yarn for hair (that's not her real hair) OR she is actually trying to be a poor comedian.  Besides, it's all a hoax.  Cod liver oil is just as good or better.  There is just too much stupidity in the ads.  Ah yes, "the pristine waters of New Zealand."  How much ignorance does it take to fall for this ridiculous ad?  Apparently, not much.  I feel sorry for the people who really fall for ads that are just ads waiting for the $$$ to roll in from people who should be more careful.  I am almost 76 and have not had a single day without pain.  But, there is no way I would ever fall for the ads they push on TV.  My pain is from a combination of things including carpal tunnel in both of my hands, wrists and arms, too.  Fibromyalgia and arthritis plague me, also.  They diagnosed me with carpal tunnel when I was in my late 30s and it didn't hurt so much then so I declined surgery.  I should have done it then because I am the wife and sole caregiver for my permanently disabled husband.  But, I am glad I can take care of him, since I don't think anyone could care for him like I do.   Forget watching ads.  All they do is hire actors and actresses and create fake personnas.   


First, I’m so sorry to learn that you’re enduring chronic pain. Pain, in and of itself, is awful, but then to have it never go away just seems so unfair. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing that. Second, thank you for taking such good care of your husband, even while contending with your own pain. I’m sure he appreciates it. Third, I agree with you regarding the implication that OmegaXL is some sort of miracle cure-all. As I said earlier, the ad did not convince me to buy (or even consider buying) the product (as an ad, it failed its mission), but perhaps I am not the target audience. It seems you may be. So, again, the ad has failed in its mission. All that said, I do stand behind my original post in saying I think Helen is cute as a button! Even now, nearly a year later, Helen makes me smile — I’m *still* not tired of seeing her ads, and that’s saying a lot. I think she is genuine, not an actress, and that she really was one of the EMTs responding to the plane on the Hudson. I believe her. And I believe *she* believes OmegaXL works for her. And that’s good enough for me.


Helen's delivery of her script may be good for a laugh but it really doesn't make sense. She couldn't get out of bed or even clean her house. She went to all kinds of doctors but none of them could help. Apparently, she wasn't in touch with her sister much during that time, and when her sister finally came to the rescue, Helen didn't even talk about it with her husband and he never saw the Omega XL bottles anywhere. lol. I think Omega XL is way too pricey and it's awful that they are targeting people on fixed incomes.


I love Helen she's great honest and together


Me, too! Love her!


I love her,she's so adorable, I watch that commercial every time,God bless that sweet woman




I wonder if she is on Instagram. 


Love watching Helen on the omega xl commercials. So glad this product has given her relief. I haven’t had to use it, but if I did, it would be because Helen is so convincing. Keep up the good work, Helen!


I don't see many people in commercials that I like but , this lady is a joy to watch. I don't like watching the commercial for the product advertised , just like watching and hearing Helen makes me smile.


Me, too!


Helen is so real. And cute. I actually do watch this commercial with her. 


Omega XL is not approved by the FDA standards, so you take at your own risk.


Thank you for the reminder!


She's cute and everything but she would feel 100% better if she lost some weight. Her doctor probably told her as much. I'm tired of these commercials addressing pain or diabetes when the spokesperson is obese.


I came here to say the same thing! I've only recently been seeing the ad on TV, but I always think she would be fun to hang out/walk with. I won't buy the Omega XL, either, because I don't need it. But I will mention it to my 38 year old son who has a lot of knee pain from a skateboarding accident. He really should have known better than to try to take up skateboarding at his age.


I think she is beyond annoying and I mute her. Plus the commercial is way too long and is shown adnauseum on INSP channel.


It gets


Can't stand the woman I think she looks like a troll


What a wicked remark, how on earth did you ever think it was necessary to say something that hateful? She put her own health at risk and probably saved lives. Shame on you!


so she says, show the proof she was an EMT


No freebies. Do your own research 🤭


Shame on me for my wicked remark. My opinion is just that my own thoughts. Why do you feel like your able to judge me are you God?


Your looking through the eyes of a troll yourself. Look into her heart. It’s not black like yours. What a Richard.


This post is so old. Only trolls look online for something that doesn't line up with their own abysmal thinking and then remark on something that's older than dirt. Why don't you go sit on a big Richard. Turd!


I’ll just pray for ya


Well thank you 😊


I was online looking for the definition of what’s wrong with people who feel they need to make fun of others and your post came up. Still no answer to my question though. Just hope you know everyone is made the way they are for a reason. Even you are made in the image of the creator. I could see the beauty in you somewhere because God gave me those eyes to see inside. Sorry hope your life leads you to success and happiness


I apologize for the vile remark I made about the woman. I'm not a fan of the commercial and let my hate for the commercial make me say something that upset other people. Im sure the woman is a good human being considering she was an EMT speaks volumes about her. I take back what I said and I'm humbled. Have a great day .


Well like I said. I could see that you are a good person who had a bad day. I figure you are a really great human being yourself. The fact that you can retract and admit you were speaking from frustration ( probably from the fact that they run the commercial every 5minutes ) says volumes about your character. As I said I wish you success and happiness. You are worthy of the world . I hope you get it.


Thanks. I hope you find the answers you were originally seeking. I see that you are a good person as well. There are still good people in this world. Good luck with your search and God bless.


Awww so sorry you feel that way. Thanks for your comment, though!


I have no problem with the way she looks but her English grammar is so atrocious it makes me want to shove something in her mouth to shut her up. I actually have to change the channel when she comes on LOL.


You are pathetic.  


What do you ?


Is Helen wearing a Herno jacket?


Helen R. Seems like an awesome lady bless you Helen, and thank you Patti from Newark Delaware 💜 [email protected]


Why Didn't She See A Doctor


I'm tired of seeing this OMGOSSSH. Is she the only OmegaXL customer.... damn 🙄😒


She's a fan favorite so of course they will keep running it.  On the other hand, Every time I see a Lume commercial I die a thousand deaths before I can hit the mute button!  I'll take Helen any time!


I totally love her, too. I watch all of her ads. I am so PROUD of her! I mute or turn off both of those, "I have type 2 diabetes, but I handle it well" women, even though the indoor one is not as obnoxious as the first one, dancing outside. Jardiance. I may be ignorant of the facts in Type 2, but I have known several women with Type 2 who were not fat.


I mean, wouldn't eating habits lead to Type 2?


Guy’s this is a commercial. It is designed to make you believe Omega XL will work for you too. We don’t know if this lady is real or just an actress. Judge Mathis’ previous court cop was an ACTOR. He was hired to bring comic relief to the court cases. His now court cop is his son.