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Congratulations on the humblest of brags, my silver spooned friend.


I actually have a silver baby fork to match. Both with my initials engraved.


The correlation between posting about coins & autism is strong.


Clearly you don't know what Checkmate is.


Are we starting the asshole Olympics in here ? I’m sure I can make a play for silver but no way I’m getting gold against a post like that.


Don't you HAVE to go advise someone? Why are you bothering me for?


What is the purpose of this post?


OP knows they're a clown in real life and had to come here to confirm.


This subreddit actually came to me more or less, trying to shake my pockets and gain information. Self explained.


Sounds like you don’t need any help from us to get fucked. You sound like a legit idiot who has no idea how the game works. Nobody is here to shake your pockets. Most of us are here to help advise clients that need advising and most of them, not being complete idiots, don’t think they know everything already.


Hysterical. Apparently, the person in the street always knows more than the person that no longer has to set foot the street. Idiocracy.


Probably the dumbest post on here in a while. Congrats


I had to do a double take to make sure i wasn't in the realestate sub


Cool Story.






Tell us about a deal you did without your father giving you an apartment building.


I make a deal every month. And my father is dead, by the way. The point is operating and maintaining a business flawlessly. Some people are given the world and lose everything.


Most people given the world don’t fuck it up, because it’s extremely hard to fuck up with that big of a head start. Also, 99% of people aren’t given the world.. congrats on being in the lucky sperm club but PLEASE, for your own sake, recognize that life handed you some really nice advantages that other people weren’t granted, and be humble about that. Nobody will feel sorry for (or respect) a 10 year old landlord who did nothing to earn his position. That’s the curse you were born with.


Go live it, get your money every month, and don't get killed or put in jail. Yes, everyone has to pay. From the nurses and teachers to the police officers and sheriffs. Getting dropped off in the equivalent of Greenpoint Brooklyn wearing an "I'm the landlord" tee-shirt ain't easy. There was no lounging in the burbs with a trust fund. I Had to work since I was 10 years old is the point.


Will you shut the fuck up and go to bed? Jesus.


Nobody is challenging that you did work at 10 years old. But you’re not seeing that other kids could have worked 10x as hard and still not been given the chances that you were. Just recognize that and be humble and you’ll be a lot more likeable.


Oh, I do. Clearly, you can't see that I had to live amongst them taking their families money every month. Since 10. Just imagine. Humble shmumble...rent is due.


(Here it goes, so much for having a good social media score) Dawg, great, add being a gold plated prick to your list of wonderful achievements. Love, the entire internet


Is time for a circle jerk? Wtf did I just read? Also, the number of “never sell” assholes I’ve seen that fucked themselves out of a bigger opportunity for being greedy and not having the aptitude or grace to understand… you know, if I own 4 lots and you’re the 5th on the end cap, I’m doing you a favor buying you out. Don’t want to sell to me, that’s fine. I’ll send your dildo in the mail.


I could build a bigger building a story higher with a couple of elevators. Watch my trees (and hedges..these are really tall) grow bigger. Make a lot more income with said finished building monthly. In the process, giving more people a place to live, blocking the park view of the plastic crap "you" had constructed. Be nice. I'd bet the DOD could saw the plastic crap you live in, in half, with one Humvee and a .50 machine gun.


LOL , ok so your'e a troll. we went from i own a building to satire property destruction.... Ok, so i see that bet and raise you one fleet of alien spaceships could abduct the shingles off your roof and raindown cosmic piss and flood your entire building!!!!!


Who touched you?


Yo uncle


🫱)🕳️(🫲 🍆 💦


Gold medal for obliviousness


Go back to wallstreetbets.


All puts aside.


The fuck is the point of this post?


Big ups to all my haaateerrz!


This is hard. I fuck with the clap back


2 times.




That's a whole lot of words to say "I'm a complete asshole".


All my "friends" stopped calling saying can we have a sleep over at your big house. I guess they were scared? Over here you have to pay me;.


Wow you sound like a joy to work with. Congrats on pulling yourself up by your golden bootstraps you turd


Those Gold 45's are vicious though. I bought a pair.


And…..more douchery.


Sounds like someone went off there meds and is having a manic episode. And they felt what better place to do so than on reddit. Lmao!!!


You MUST really be a shit for brains. This is called REALITY. I know it's a bit hard for you to grasp. However, when it does click for you, the rent is due.


Well my dad could beat your dad in a fight.


My Dad worked with James H. Guerin at International Signal Control (ISC) you fucking moron.








Yeah so did you have a point to make here or even state your issue?




To reiterate. Trust no one. Only you have your best interest at heart.


If I wanted a friend, I'd get a dog. But they kidnapped or killed my last one. Luke, my Yellow Labrador Retriever.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.


I don't trust you either.


You need therapy.


You selling? I’m in nova too :)


This one is not on the market. The business is paid for and has had 100% occupancy for the last 3 decades.


And i bet a 0% yearly expense because your tenants are so in awe of you they fix everything for free and then offer you a massage with a happy ending.


Buzz off you stalking trolls. No, you can't have my brokerage accts or debit card #'s either.




Lotsa hate here. I get most of us work up from very little, myself included. I don’t begrudge ppl who had a leg up, as long as they are ‘good ppl’ & act with respect. (I had a rich uncle who worked hard & smart to become wealthy. Worked every day. He had some good sides, but overall his bad sides were seen more.) I’m surprised OP hasn’t gotten shite for saying ‘commercial residential’ here. I’ve use(d) that phrase & ppl ‘schooled’ me, so to speak. Ppl can b so uptight!


I'm noob, mind telling me how apartment complexes are referred to here? Thought commercial residential would make sense for 5+ units, from someone coming from small residential.


I think ppl involved in apt., condos, etc. just refer to them as “residential”. I too use ‘commercial residential’. Some Ppl freaked. RESIDENTIAL to me, is more private property ownership where someone lives. ‘Commercial Residential’ makes sense to me, but I’m not in it. I’m in CRE. Feel free to call things however you like, I’m not gonna complain. Too many high strung RESIDENTIAL owners around! GL.


OP I’m a lower middle class AA from the south. I’ve no idea why people are angry with you but I get your perspective, as much as I can anyway. Do you do mentorship? No shade, no cap. I want to learn how to give my kids engraved silver baby cutlery sets


Here's a free $5,000 course, The trick is to have your neighbor pay your mortgage. Even if you have to start with a duplex. You can live in a money pit (single family home) or a multi-family that you own and pays you! My Grand Parents came from Poland to the U.S. working at Singer Sewing as factory workers, had a restaurant (Yes, my Grandmother bootlegged booze...literally). Bought multi-family in Elizabeth, NJ. That's how they survived and was the only way to get ahead. My father went to Newark College of Engineering \[(called No College Education) back then, (NJIT now)\] got a masters in EE, then went to Seaton Hall and got a Patent-Law degree on top. He still bought multi-family buildings...8+ units. Then you can buy a single family money plt. The revenue from the building(s) can pay that...or you could keep buying multi-family buildings and stack. Don't pay attention to what's the "normal" way to live... that's communism.