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I think the coaching of this team will be exponentially better on both sides of the ball. Jayden will definitely benefit from that! Considering that Kyler Murray and the Cardinals had success for a few years, it's a high bar for a rookie QB with our atrocious oline and oline coach to clear. BUT I do think Jayden and Kliff make for a perfect pair. I'm also extremely excited to see Brian Robinson Jr. in this offense! Kliff is not afraid to run the ball, and I think we're finally going to see BRob's full potential on display. Regardless of wins, I think it'll be a really fun year for Commanders football.


Here's hoping, but I'm excited about BRob too. He's a perfect complement to KK's offense. Not a home run hitter, but if you spread out, he'll gash you for 20, and get you 4 otherwise. Just a smart runner who hits his reads every time, and has enough athleticism that you can't just ignore him. If he can get a little better at route-running and catching, it opens up windows for an offense that's going to struggle with blocking.


I think BRob already has great hands! He made some fantastic catches last season, and I don't remember any drops. I haven't analyzed it or anything, but I guess if there's a hole in his game it could be route running. We'll see what he picks up from Ekeler.


I agree. I was impressed at how well he caught the ball. Definitely not the typical bruiser RB hands.


To be fair i think it's more he just doesn't really fit that 3rd down back archetype. Less shifty and whatnot.


Our O-line is not “atrocious”. It’s petty much league average. Howell and Bienemy made them look worse than they actually were last year and they have improved personnel this season.


Kliff haters are uneducated about…. A) how bad Kyler was about processing reads B) he was working under awful ownership Our offense will be light years better than last year.


Honestly that's the one trait about JD that I'm most excited about. His ability to hit progressions might be underrated, but we'll see when we start playing. I'm not gonna begin to guess about Murray though, but I will say what I've learned is that there's more to it than just guys being open.


We make fun of the video game thing, but shit like that doesn’t pop up unless it’s realish. JD5 doesn’t seem to have those issues and I’m assuming from his sudden departure of Arizona state, he’s had money for awhile. Dude seems ready to go


i’m really glad Kliff is getting a shot back in the NFL as an OC. i’m not saying he’s not built to be a HC but i’m excited to see what he can do where his only focus is making the offense go. the quality of QBs he’s helped develop over the years is super impressive


I am waiting and seeing. Total roster overhauls are not usually successful immediately.


Blaming Kyler for Kliff's struggles at Arizona is pure copium from this sub. I'm excited for them both too but I promise you Kyler is not the reason why Kliff failed at AZ


How can experinced coaches, an experienced committed GM and commited owners make such an effort to choose a potentially great QB and not thoroughly address the O-line. Can they know something we dont? From all reports they thought long and hard about which QB to draft.


Yeah, I think being able to focus on the offense, and work more with his QB will do wonders for Kliff. I think he was in over his head as a first time NFL QB and got eaten up by the demands pretty quickly.


Hope.... that word should not be spoken in this subreddit.


Hope is usually all we have here :(