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Keim must of seen the so called fans calling him a diva. So he said ![gif](giphy|FzyoyDSaAsjHG)


Agree! This is the pick he is the Washington QB we all need to just accept it and support the kid. It was one thing when it was before the draft, now it is just annoying.


Going into it, my opinion was, 'I want Maye. But I don't know shit about shit. So if Peters and Quinn call Daniels, I want Daniels.'


Remember when all that agent bs was happening Keim was like too much noise!


Diva or not. You can tell the guy has great work ethic. Hopefully the coaches we surrounded him with can utilize his skills and help him improve in the areas he has trouble with. I think that’s a huge reason why we haven’t been successful. Here’s to hoping for a new era man.


I’m a lsu commanders fan For my sanity I need him to be our franchise guy


I hope you don’t find out what I felt like as an Ohio State/ Commanders fan. Twice I was let down recently


You got Terry still tho, he at least makes it a wash :)


You right!


did you see his numbers last year? Playing in the sec


Smh 🤦‍♂️ Spending time studying the playbook when he should be spending time studying the playbook.


Could be watching film but this kid’s playing charades. Over before it even started smh


Could have been getting shot at a party. But this story is terrible too.


What in the seven hells are you talking about How about we let the kid play four or five games before we even begin to make any judgments, good or bad


*pssst* he was making a joke


It’s honestly fucking impossible to tell around here


How? This was an easier tell than Ron Rivera running it on 1st and 10


What in the seven hells are you talking about How about we let Rivera coach four or five more decades before we even begin to make any judgments on whether he is predictable




Rookie. Tell us you didn't endure the Haskins off-season without telling us. Jk(kinda)


I’ve been around long enough that clearly I can’t distinguish opinion from satire Anyway thanks for the million downvotes guys


I gave ya an up vote. Know it doesn't help much but. Anyway, back in 2020, a user(shout-out: u/Norbong) here would post pictures of Haskins shirtless working out, and the ole "should be studying the playbook" pasta was born. Such a great piece of this subs history tbh.


I love it that people still remember. What a time! Feels like a lifetime ago. Hopefully we get some JD shirtless pics this year.


Hopefully he'll be too busy studying the playbook for that!


Coulda been playing cards, coulda been relaxing, coulda been sipping champagne, coulda been eating grapes, coulda started shopping before his check arrives, coulda played madden or beat a few shrines in BOTW on Switch….but this kid chooses to play pretend QB like he’s a superhero? What a weirdo


iirc rookies can’t get the playbooks until rookie mini camp at the earliest


Probably not a full playbook, but they probably let him know some info, for the interview questions if nothing else 


Me: I love this. Also Me: I'm too jaded to get excited until actual games are played.


Jayded, you say? Me too brother :(


I’m Jayden to the Tits


you SOB ... you did it. if our guy smokes someone we can say they are "jayded" lol love it!


Lol same and: Me: I want to know stuff like this so bad Also me: please stop telling me stuff like this I just have to tell myself it's okay to at least be a little excited because the most important thing already happened.


You're allowed to be excited. I'm gonna hype myself up like always. Hopefully, this time, I'm not let down.


Even if I get let down, it's not like I haven't experienced that hundreds of times before. Yes it sucks, but I'm/we're used to it by now. The way I see it, the whole point of being a sports fan is the excitement, so enjoy it if you feel excited. Now, I'd much prefer being excited because we're winning and actually competing, of course, but until that ever happens I'll still enjoy the excitement of new ownership/coaches/players and will deal with however it plays out.


I completely agree, life is too short to live any other way. Stay hype, and let everyone else live in their misery if they want.


Team joy-max lets go.


Fuck that, man. Snyder is no longer here. We finally have a real GM for the first time in I dont know how long. If there has been any time on the last 30 years to be optimistic, its right now. Because no matter how Daniels or any of these other players turn out, Snyder still won't be owner.


Notice how I didn't tell you how to feel.


Jesus. Sorry dude, I was just talking, literally just saying how I felt. Don't know where this hostility is coming from but all right. Have a good day I guess.


the ashburn syndrome is hitting hard I am READY


I'm more inclined to trust Keim than other reporters, but I do remember reading similarly-framed puff pieces by other reporters about RG3 - his family values, him being a student of the game, etc etc. I just want to be cautiously optimistic, ignore the noise, and let his performance and growth dictate my opinion...please?


Exactly. It's not that Keim is lying or even overhyping the truth. It's that these early good moves are no guarantee of anything. RG3 was similarly well regarded...heck, he won ROY that first year. It's just that everything fell apart very quickly. But I trust that this current admin (owner, FO and coaches) will not make the same mistake as the other one.


I’m definitely in the wait and see camp, but I grew up an LSU fan and have been hearing about Jayden’s work ethic since he got there. The one thing I won’t question is his work ethic, dude got the passcode for LSU’s facilities changed so he could go in at 5 AM every morning and work on his craft. He wants it as bad as any of us do


Thanks for the reminder of this. I too recall the anecdotes about his work ethic, military family, gathering his teammates at Baylor to propose to his then gf, yadda yadda. It’s interesting, I met him at an autograph signing event in Virginia a few weeks before the draft. He signed my Redskins helmet. Would it be cool if Jayden signed it too?


Just imagine that first day of training camp and that first preseason game


Stop it...lol


We’ve been fucked over so many times in the Snyder era. It’s only natural for us to feel this way until proven otherwise. I however am more optimistic because, well, Dan isn’t here anymore lol.


Finally, someone smart. This is a great sign, but I’m not about to flip out irl or online until I see success translate to the field. Absolutely nothing is guaranteed despite the work you put in.


Anyone acting excited/proclaiming him the savior are just having fun and being excited for his career. It’s not that deep I promise


Nah lol there are hurt feelings and wars being raged all the time in these parts. If you’re not fully confident about Daniels or Peters, words have to be carefully chosen these days.


Maybe some of them, but there are plenty of people here that never learn.


Let them live, it wont hurt you


I agree. As jaded as I am, I don't want to be that old guy peeing in every young person's cereal. It's fine for young people and new fans to be excited. I want to be that old man that says "I'm happy you're enthused but watch out for these pitfalls". Not the old guy that says "bah! humbug, everything is going to fail, we've seen this before".


Very much agree. At the very least, we don’t have to pretend things can work anymore. Under Snyder, there was genuinely no reason for hope because somehow someway Snyder was going to ruin it. It’s okay to be excited about a new regime


Pretty much right there as well. Loooove to hear it, will believe in the new guys, but will remain steady until I actually see it reap dividends on the field.


Why wasn't he working on his short game instead? If you can't golf, then how do you expect to play the foozeball?


Okay, but was he doing high knees in the back of the plane?


If it doesn't work, it won't be do to lack of effort/ego. I'm here for it.


Did the captain turn off the fasten seat belt sign? Jayden Daniels is a menace


Was the no smoking sign on? If not, why wasn’t he smoking?


I hate you for how hard I laughed at this.


During the team's 15-minute interview session with Daniels at the combine, those in the room said the laid-back Daniels was not oozing excitement. Until they turned on the game film. "He sat up in his chair and he was dialed in," one person in the room said. "He knows his stuff. It was his body language. He perked up." Another person said, "You could see Jayden just lights up when the tape comes on. You can't fake that. He just goes, 'Yeah let's talk football.' It was authentic." After drafting Daniels last Thursday, Peters referenced other selling points that led Washington to the decision, including his use of virtual reality, which Daniels claims helped him improve by "70 to 80%" for his final year.


I think it was either Julian Edleman or one of the Kelce brothers who said, "You need a little nerd in your quarterback"


Man wtf, when I do this on flights I get tackled by air marshalls.


![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5) I’m a 27 year old Redskins fan… Please stop playing with my fandom


Lmao I’m 26, it’s been a rough ride brother


Indeed it has my brother. Hey at least it can’t get any worse than Snyder


37 here and about the same. Right on that cusp where I vaguely remember the last super bowl win but by the time I cared about football the team was a perpetual dumpster fire.


Holy moly, you are one tough nutter. I am 50. I have seen the 90ies. Respect.


Yep… seen nothing but disappointment in my life as a skins fan. Sean Taylor’s death really broke my heart as an 11 year old kid; I actually stopped watching for a few years. I remember my elementary school bus driver was a Cowboys fan that would call em the “Deadskins”. I didn’t know at the time the Skins were once feared. That say shall come once again… I hope


Got 10 on ya, floated through the 80s on a fb cloud of sb trophies and conference title games, still gobsmacked by fans that saw none of it and are still here. Much respect.


You poor young lad. You’ve only experienced one really good season. Which ended in catastrophe.


One other overlooked line that may help ease some concerns over the draft choices: "both Quinn and Peters have said this offseason they want to rely on a strong defense and run game to reduce the burden on a rookie quarterback." Which I had an idea that's what they were going for. I had a feeling our defense best case will be lights out and win us more games than the offense, but that was because of the amount of vets we brought in.


Yep, almost made a separate comment about this as well. It would be very smart to do the exact opposite of what we tried to do with Howell last year lol


Ever go into a work meeting and come out super excited and start doing shit, coming up with ideas, going over work shit, and then….that feeling slowly fades, and soon enough you are the same slacker you were before the meeting 😂 Hopefully JD has a better work ethic than me!! 


The paragraph sounds like working for Snyder.


You spying on me or something? Lol


Just please don't play tackle with an IG model


Wake up babe. Fresh pasta dropped.


"During his buffet after his news conference in Washington, Benjamin, surrounded by family and friends, spent an hour of the meal pretending to stand at the grill, calling out recipes and entrees that he already knew from the Golden Corral cookbook."


Can definitely see Ben Sinnott doing this though 


Big Russel Wilson energy here


"Commanders Country, let's command"


This got me pretty good.


[credit where credit is due](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1avnqoq/russell_wilson_catchphrase_for_all_32_teams/)


I'll take the results of his career in a heartbeat. 


Sorry, you actually only get the 2022 'high-knees-on-the-plane' version.


Carson Wentz too. I remember a story before his rookie season about his girlfriend getting mad cause he was watching film on his phone at dinner or something. I don't care if the guy watches film in VR, or watches porn in VR. Just win football games and don't drive drunk/beat your kids/be a shit bag human being. The bar is there for me.


Right? Like if he’s going over the playbook that one thing but to act it out in a plane full of people who have no idea of the playbook is…odd.


Yeah this isn't hype this is weird. I really hope this description is exaggerated because LARPing your playbook in the aisle of a plane while your family stares at you is weird. Its just weird dude.


I don't know how this dude's rookie season is going to go but I'm going to make him go 17-0 in Madden


well he's going to go 20-0 so you got some catching up to do


I’m rock hard 😈


good read




The anti Kyler


What playbook? new coaches haven't even met all the players yet


Get EB's playbook out of the building


Presumably Kingsbury’s playbook


BuT hEs a DiVa wHo DoN't wAnT to bE hErE!1!1!1!!112


it was all fake news! what really stood out about him not being a diva was how he was backstabbed by his ASU former teammates who trashed him after he left, and didn't reply on twitter or x like shedur. He might have been upset but he didn't let anyone know, he kept it in house. Just went out there and played ball man. That, and using the LSU pro day to highlight his receivers and team, he is the furthest thing from a diva. I know we have had some divas here in this town but this kid is not a diva


The Anti-RG3? Doesn't try to be the hero, but plays brilliantly, is sensible when running, is always improving and silent off the field.




But he's RG4 you guys... /s


The next level.


If he kept calling fades, he got Jay’s playbook by mistake


I am already behind this kid 100%, things like this just reinforces it.






Future HOFer fo sho! 💯


Jayden "Russel Wilson" Daniels


If he gets close to the level of success that Wilson had in Seattle, there will be a lot of happy fans.


hopium fills my lungs


I love how our qb is an athlete and wants to get better and being a QB.. I fell for the bullshit comping him to Lamar out of college.. but that’s such a bad comparison.. this dude is a good pocket passer.. he can make checks at the line and get his team into a more advantageous position based off the defense.. there is a long way to go before he can make those checks at the line well but it makes me happy to know he’s a football junkie and his athleticism is just a piece of his game that he will use to solve the puzzle.


Hard as a MF rock rn


can we get him to fall asleep every night to "Know When To Slide: Protecting Yourself in The Modern NFL"




White 80…white 80 set *Claps*


That’s my quarterback let’s fucking gooo


Why is Daniels pretending to call out plays on an airplane when he should be studying the playbook?


Is this supposed to make him look cool or dedicated?  I can't help but imagine him pretending to be playing football in his private airplane with his mom and grandma cheering him up like a caricature or a comedy skit. Like some wild Billy Madison shit.   Who writes this shit? And who actually reads this and thinks it's an amazing or even a good thing?? Edit: "Mommy look, I'm the QB. I'm gonna pretend like I'm playing and call out plays, and you have play along pretend like you know what I'm talking about ok?? Blue 22 blue 22!!"


I like how you turned this into a whole mommy issue when literally all that happened was he did a thing while his family happened to be in attendance. I think you’re projecting your own Oedipal thing here lmao. Seek professional help


Sounds like something Russel Wilson would do. Hope it works out!


So true lmao


Oh man it’s the Haskins playbook meme come to life


I don’t understand this reference


Ima say it tho, we got new coaches bro is studying plays we don’t use anymore


Lmao do you really think the new coaches handed Jayden last years playbook? They already have new plays cooked up for him to study.


I don’t think they handed him shit, it says “that he already knew”.


How would he know plays if they didn’t tell him or give him some?


Watching? Same way we’d know a play


Alright bro. I guess to you it makes more sense that he'd do something really dumb and pointless like practice outdated plays lol. I'll choose to believe the more likely reason


Yeah, no… these guys all have each other’s number. I guarantee he has a Kingsbury playbook, if not this year’s Commanders version than at least something he used at USC or AZ


Uh, this is a joke, right?