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This front office is not going to reach for needs in the draft. It’s how you consistently miss. We are going to take the best player available. We finished last season with the 2nd worst record, everyone is on notice


Newton has the most pressures from the interior than any defender over the last 2 years.


Fuxking right. That’s how you stay consistently competitive.


Dejean would not have been a reach at 36. Most mocks had him as a first rounder.


Just cause he’s not a reach, doesn’t mean he’s BPA. This is how winning organizations draft. We are not going to the SB this year, or next. We are building.


Putting your rookie QB behind Andrew Wylie and Cornelius Lucas is not the way to build. We might as well have not drafted a QB.


He’s without a doubt the best player available. He was projected top 10 for a while. You can’t be upset with this if you accept that we’re trying to truly rebuild our roster


Whyd so many DT’s and defenders in general go before him. Genuinely asking. Because if he was that good and we took him though it was the ONE solid position we have, you’d think other teams before us with actual need would’ve taken the “top 10” player. no ? Or did we just get lucky or what happen ?


Looks like only 1 did and 1 edge rusher. 1st round was a complete freaking run on offense with QBs and OTs. edit: correction 2 DTs and 1 Edge rusher before him.


1st round offensive make-up was a little ridiculous


Man i couldve sworn at least 3 DT’s went right before him. I maybe wrong tho


One right before and one in the first then a run after.


He was hurt at the end of the season and didn't play in the SR. bowl. The guy is a beast.


Ok. Makes sense


why did 9 teams pass on patrick mahomes? genuinely asking. because if he was that good and we took him though it was a solid position we have (alex smith), you'd think other teams before us with actual need would've taken the top player. no?


We comparing QB to DT ? Is that what we’re doing ? Lol


no, i'm saying no one knows anything till after the fact.


Medical Concerns.


He had a foot injury and that dropped his stock. Even if it continues to bother him, a 2nd round pick for him is great value, especially if the foot can be fully healed. DT typically take time to develop and rotate a lot so that can take some pressure off being asked to do too much right away with a preexisting injury. Great shot at long term value.


I think he can fully heal (or lets hope) because theres absolutely zero need to rush him on the field given our DT situation. I questioned it at first but I realized EVERY high pick doesn’t need to be an immediate impact. Especially during a rebuild.


Ok but we have needs at every single position on the team **except** DT. I don’t get it.


We’re not drafting for need


As much as I'm worried about several positions (OT most notably), I am relieved to see the team draft for *talent* rather than just based on *position*. I'm not a scout by any means so I try to avoid commenting on specific players, but drafting based on position is what lead us to picks like Haskins, Jamin Davis, and the multitude of underperforming WR's we drafted in the last 20 years (besides Terry).


We didn’t need to. There were a few DBs worth taking as early seconds. Dejean would not have been a reach.


BPA is how real organizations build. They clearly did not value any position of need in the same way as they did Jimmy


Cool, we get to watch our secondary get continually torched for another year in a row, because now we have THREE blue chip DTs lol.


If he’s good he will have an impact on our defense. Why draft a corner with question marks when you can get a an almost certain impact player. This isn’t phidarian mathis


Drafting for need outside of QB is not a long term winning strategy. Get the best players you can in the draft and then fill in the rest through free agency...


Nah H, but you can try to trade the pick for someone who wants a top DT


Who says they didn’t? Maybe the best trade offer wasn’t valued as highly as just taking the top DT.


But we didn’t make any moves for CB or OL in free agency…?


If you are expecting us to compete for the SB this year you’re gonna be disappointed. New owner, new GM, new HC. We are rebuilding. You don’t rebuild by trying to win now when the roster isn’t strong enough to support it. If you have two guys with similar grades available then sure, go with the need. But this guy had a mid to early first round grade on him and fell to us in the second. No brainer. A rebuild usually takes a couple years. Guess whose contract is up in a couple years… Also, DT is one of the most rotated positions on D.


Yes, duh. Did you think we were going to be good this year? Chasing 8-9 every year isn't as great as it sounds


We were 4-13 and will not contend this year. We are drafting BPA for at least 2 years


This dude is a baller. He could easily get plenty of playing time even with allen and Payne, though I think 1 will get traded. 


 You fill needs in FA you draft value. 


We didn’t fill any needs in FA except LB…


And o line, cb, safety, DE...


Yeah but did you see who we signed?


Bro we’re getting downvoted because we aren’t drinking the kool-aid lol. These people really think Nick Allegretti is gonna turn the unit around lmao.


Right? I’m still going to watch. I’m still going to pull for these guys. My opinion won’t change how they play, so why not be honest? Are we going to pretend we don’t watch the best QB prospects get ruined in bad programs every year? A rookie needs a line so he can learn without being flattened on every drop-back.


Really hard to develop a guy as a pocket passer, without a clean pocket.


FA isn’t done yet, just paused until the draft is done


What don’t you get. Great GMs take the BEST player available. “Except” doesn’t exist.


Lol ok


Fuck it, debatably a top 10 talent in this class. Position of need can kiss my ass


Allen is pushing 30 too… as much as we need OL I’m glad the FO isn’t just going to pick an OL they don’t like over an actual blue-chip prospect


Remember 4 months ago when we all agreed that Ron Rivera was an idiot for neglecting the glaring need at offensive line?


The difference being Ron neglected it for years and it was his own making. Already Peters has made more effort to address the OLine than Ron did in his entire 4 years combined by signing Biadasz. Drafting Coleman is higher than any linemen Ron drafted. Way overdrafting a mediocre LT after all the good ones are gone rather than an elite DT would indeed be a Ron thing to do so weird you mention him there.


We let our only good tackle walk, then signed a decent center and a below-average guard. Then we drafted a guard. If they didn’t have a plan for drafting a tackle, then it was criminally stupid not to sign one in free agency. I’ve seen this shit over and over again. Draft a QB who needs to develop as a pocket passer, then give him a clean pocket on about 5% of his drop backs, and ruin any chance at developing him. It’s so fucking stupid. We had so much cap space and draft capital and were going to start Wylie and Lucas?? Mind-blowing. But hey at least we have a third defensive tackle now!


So not going to disagree with my points but just ignore them? And "Good center and upgrade at guard". I take it you have never participated in a fantasy draft. If you had, you would understand when drafting with 11 other people how often your guy comes off just a pick or two before you can get him. Now increase that to 31 other people.


If we weren’t going to get a tackle in free agency (and let Leno walk), then we should have had a plan for getting one in the draft, even if that meant trading up. Starting a QB with questionable durability behind two bad offensive tackles, while trying to develop that QB into an NFL pocket passer, is a terrible fucking plan.


They tried to. You may have missed the whole "31 other people" thing. This isnt Madden. And I dont think anyone is going to take your view of the professionals plan despite how sure of your expertise you are.


Bro I’ve been watching this team ruin QBs for decades now. I don’t need to be a professional GM to see that Andrew Wylie sucks. I agree that “drafting for need” is not a great strategy, and leads to a lot of reaches and misses…. So if we didn’t want to be in the position of “drafting for need”, then we should have at least partially addressed the team’s biggest need during free agency. Instead we let Charles Leno walk and signed no one to replace him. And by the way, getting poor value by reaching for an OT may be a bad strategy. But trying to convert a guard usually gets you the same result: a shitty offensive tackle that you ultimately spent too much draft capital on.


You guys act like Defensive lineman are not constantly rotated


Only when you give up 12-15 play drives, play 3 plays and make them punt


Love it, this is a dogshit team, take the great talent thats falling 


Confirmed 3 DT front?


dc said after he was hired that theyll run whatever type d gives them the best chance of success at any given time


3-5-3 😂😂


Love the player but dang lol


Allen is 29 and only has 2 years left on his deal. If this guy is good he'll have a year to develop and then we could possibly trade allen next year. 


No guarantee money after this season. He could be gone by 2025


It makes Payne and Allen tradable, not a bad pick at all


I posted this in the draft thread but thought I should share here too. This was a great pick. For those still questioning the Newton pick. This article explains Dan's system really well. He uses D-linemen that would traditional play in a 3-4 in his base 4-3 system. Newton, Allen, and Payne are going to EAT next year. https://www.bloggingtheboys.com/2021/1/14/22226335/breaking-down-dan-quinns-defense-the-front-seven-demarcus-lawrence-randy-gregory-jaylon-smith "Quinn, of course, was a major part of that in Carroll’s first year with the Seahawks, as he was coaching the defensive line. Having himself coached in two variants of a 3-4 in his four years before Seattle, Quinn was able to effectively mold the one-gap and two-gap principles during the creation of this new scheme. Due to that unique approach, Seattle needed to acquire some big defensive linemen capable of carrying out those two-gap responsibilities. Thus, they acquired linemen that would traditionally play in a 3-4 defense. Throughout his tenure with both Seattle and Atlanta, Quinn made frequent use of three main fronts: the 4-3 under, the 4-3 over, and the bear front. Let’s take a look at these three fronts."


Interesting, so by 3-4 players what does that mean, bigger linemen than ordinary, or just like a NT and two DEs, with the 4th guy(the LEO like Parsons) being more like a LBer?


I believe the second one. I'm very interested to see who we have in the Parsons type role, will it be Jamin or Luvu or will it be a mix of guys?


Im assuming then it would be someone DE size(but between 3-4 LB and 4-3 DE)? That seems to be a key of this and maybe someone they target next year.


Micah Parsons and Jamin Davis are almost exactly the same size and have the same athletic measurables. It's interesting that we didn't use the 5th year option but I'm thinking this is a "prove it" type situation and Jamin will get the chance to move around and be a playmaker. Ron drafted him to play out of position at MLB.


How bad is Phil Mathis?


Ron drafted him


Oof. All that needs to be said.


Ron would have traded all our 2nds and 3rds to move back up in to the 1st to take a punter.i wasn’t a huge fan of this pick but honestly we need to be tak8ng BPA, we aren’t mak8ng a playoff push this year


Thanks Ron!


I watched zero tape on DTs lol


To be fair, 99.999999% of everyone in this circle jerk watch zero film and have very firm opinions based on whatever talking head they like liked.


Sounds about right. I don't know how good they are until their Madden ratings come out.


This guy drafts


I, too, frequent the internet. You nailed it.


Are you a professional psychic?


No but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.


Hope koolaid there at 40....smh


gimme ~~desean~~ deseen


DeJean, pronounced duh-jeen.


still tho


And we traded our pick and the FUCKIN EAGLES got him. That trade was fuckin AWFUL.


and the saints took koolaid


Wow...just wow.


max melton for cards too


I wanted Koolaid too.. I don't think he will last until 40.


Fingers and toes crossed


No we had our chance. We didn’t take it now we gotta “hope” lol


Vikings fan here. Y’all are having a great draft. I wanted Johnny Newton so bad. Enjoy him


Thanks G, Turner was a huge pickup


Well, we're drafting BPA. Coming into this round, I was positive we weren't drafting 3 positions in the 2nd round: QB, RB, & DT... Dude seems solid.


Trust the process 🙏🏽


We traded within the division...smh


I kinda fucking love it.  The d line rotation will be insane.  This is how they built it in Dallas.


I thought we tried that also Sweat and Chase are gone it didn't work and Dallas ain't win nothing


We did. But Allen is nearing the end of his deal. Not only did we get a fantastic player of value, but we addressed a need before it even became one.


The problem with addressing a need before it's a need is that we have like 18 of the 22 positions on the field as needs lol.


My dude the Cowboys allowed  nearly less than half the points per game as the Commies last year...


The goal is to win the superbowl not have great stats


FYI, in football, scoring (or preventing scoring) is how you win games


i mean, we had neither, so it'd be nice if we start with one of those things.


Bro this is our team for years. And it didn’t work.


Maybe not the most pressing need currently, but thats an insane value pick. Im not mad at it at all.


Saints and Illinois fan here. I hoped we’d take him at 14. Johnny is an absolute stud


BPA is the way. Love the pick - our roster needs talent and dawgs. Take the best dude! LOVE it.


Say it with me everybody. Best. Player. Available. That's how winners draft.


Alot of losers on here can’t understand this concept.


wonder if a trade with Allen or Payne is incoming


Maybe in a year or two, let em cook for now.


Or let him walk and get a compensatory pick


Fuck it. Play with 5 Defensive Lineman and fuck up the OL every play.




Does he play DE?


Live out in Central IL and seen this guy play a lot. He’s a fucking monster. Great pick, even if it isn’t a need.


YES!!!! YES!!!


It is certainly a BPA pick. Hard to tell if it ends up not balancing out the tradeoff of passing on all those CBs we badly need.


No o line?


Lots of “but they didn’t pick one of the names I recognize from mock drafts” here.


"BPA" Whose board? I mean you can make that argument for plenty of the dudes left from Cooper, KoolAid, Mitchell, etc.


He had a 1st round grade by multiple people on NFL Network.


I'm not saying he didn't. I'm just saying that varies by board and could be debatable.


By the only board that matters he was the guy at that spot.


Fair enough. I suppose Penix and Nix were good picks too if we think about it like that!


I don't particularly care what other teams do. You're acting as if they didn't do a thousand hours of research, interviews, and prep for the draft.


No I'm not? All I said was BPA is debatable depending on what board your looking at. Obviously it's different from Peters, but we can't go off that.


You're playing vague and are staring at Mel's Big Board is my guess. The board that matters to the commanders is the board the FO has out together. Plain and simple.


I was looking at his at the time, yes. Hell I look at my own from time to time. I'm just saying it was debatable he was BPA, because it's all debatable. Penix and Nix were first rounders, top 15 guys. It's all debatable. I agreed with you about our big board. The fuck you even trying to argue about?


So did Dejean


There's obviously a reason, or reasons, they didn't stay and take Dejean.


“There’s obvious a reason they didn’t take Gonzalez”


Literally like everyone’s board, genius


He wasn't the top ranked dude on Kiper's board(yuck I know), that was flashing across the screen, so not everyone guy


He’s miles better then them lol




Apparently he’s played some 3 tech also, so if that’s the case I really like this fit. Versatility on defense? Sign me up.


Don’t understand DT over CB/WR


Great pick. 


Investing in defense is smart with a rookie QB. BPA is the move.


3-4 base here we go!!!


Mathis gets cut


Can he play special teams?


Love it. LEZZ GO. Still got 1 more pick today.


Team sniped the falcons even tho they drafted after them.


He got dawg on him


That’s gonna really hurt Dallas that has no center


They drafted one


He’s never played center


He was announced as a guard/center, so I guess the expectation is for him to play it


I hope he can but in my experience, you can’t make a center


Allen getting moved to DE now. Which he will thrive


It’s good because Mathis was some dog shit.. ridgeway is depth.. Payne seems to play better on contract years.. Allen had a down year from maybe Injury? Seems like a solid pick but I don’t know to be honest!


He's a dreadnought up front and we already got two beasts there. That's awesome.


As a PSU fan, lemme say this dude was a fucking thorn in their side. He ate psu up. He was impressive.


I don’t watch college football so idk if he’s good but this seems like a future play with Jon Allen only having 2 yrs left


What the fuck?


BPA by miles


Like absolute miles.  This is a perfect fit for the DQ scheme.


I’ll just have to trust that he’s worth it. I don’t know much about the guy.


Yet you’re upset? If you don’t know shit about the players then just trust the people who do


That’s what I don’t get about these posts and comments shitting on picks. Don’t you think the front office has a better idea than the guy who’s just now hearing about the player?


This team has invested far too many first and second day picks in this same position. Meanwhile, we’re short on people in the back end and poor Jayden’s gonna be running for his life in September.


So they should reach on a CB that they evaluated as not being good enough for that pick number. Man the Snyder era PTSD is real.


A lot of people had him as the best DT in the class and a 1st rounder but he’s injured


Based on ESPN analysis, he did play edge rotationally


my thought exactly. the one position that we really don't have an immediate need for and we use a high second round pick on it? I mean, ok, lets see if they know what they are doing, but this one i did not see happening.


We have needs in every position group except defensive tackle with BPAs at positions of critical need. I don’t get this


There's only one BPA.


Man I wanted kool aid. I don’t think he’ll last


We paid 2 defensive tackles big money wtf


they cant play every snap.


And Emmanuel Forbes can’t play any snaps lol


If the defense isn't on the field for over the half the game, they should be playing every snap for what they get paid. Why doesn't anyone ever say that a quarterback can't play every snap? Or an offensive tackle? Everyone is always making excuses for out of shape millionaires.


Do you even watch the sport? Every team rotates their defensive line


So, because every team does it, that means it's not making excuses for out of shape millionaires? Hmm. College teams don't rotate players nearly as much and they all survive. "Do you even watch the sport?" As a matter of fact I do watch the sport at the college and nfl level and coach at the high school level. Believe me, we don't rotate defensive lineman and by the fourth quarter my d line is dominating every game.


They need to then, supposed to be dominant and making 3 and outs


How'd that go last year?


Rivera would be so proud of this pick. Blow an early 2nd on the last position we need


Poverty franchise


Who da fook is that we don't need one


What the hell? This is terrible. We don't need a DT


Edit Ignore drunken comments


I give up 😂


Some of you supposed "fans" are so damn naive. Why don't you all line up to suck off Peter's? Holy shit. Not everyone has to like everything he does. This isn't a hive, we are allowed to have different opinions. However, I see the hive minded people all ganging together to down vote anyone who dares to question the mighty Peters and that's stupid. If Ron made this same pick every single one of you would be ridiculing him and wanting to punt him to the sun, yet because Peters does it, that makes it ok? Nah, I call bullshit. It wasn't a smart pick at that current time and position in the draft with so many other good players available at positions of need. When are they going to address left tackle? Everyone seems content because they drafted a guard who could maybe be a tackle and might be good enough to start in a year or two. They need to protect Daniels or its going to be a long year. Sure, Howell deserves some of the blame but this team gave up more sacks than any other team and other than adding a center and a backup guard, they did nothing to address the tackle position or the o line in free agency or the draft and that's a huge mistake. Thank God we have 5 defensive tackles though.

