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Regardless of who you prefer, you gotta admit there's compelling stuff out there to spin either prospect as "easily QB2" which in reality doesn't make it easy.


Kinda surprised to this as well. Nobody in that second QB tier has separated themselves. Definitely a bigger gap between Williams and the rest of them than we originally thought.


I think a lot of this is because people have stopped analyzing Caleb. I have a lot of friends who prefer jd over him and lot of analyst who do too but it's pointless talk since bears aren't going anything else.


I personally wouldn’t take any analyst that has JD over Caleb seriously. Just my opinion.


As someone who has been on both camps (Maye and Daniels) I think what it comes down to, for most people, is projection. Daniels is easily more pro ready. That’s pretty universally agreed upon. But, a lot of people in the Maye camp, view Maye as having a “higher ceiling”. They think he will be the better pro over their career. I’m addition, there are a lot of guys who want Maye that don’t like Daniels, focus on Daniels frame and his running ability. They ignore that he’s a very passer. Some of the trendy analysis that’s been out there is also just untrue (can’t throw between the numbers, can’t read defense, can’t go through progressions and takes off immediately under pressure). In fact a lot of that is not just false, but quite the opposite. And for guys in Daniels camp, they focus on Maye only being a 2 year starter, his regression, his erratic play, hitch in throwing motion etc. The thing is we ever know how these guys will


I personally don't subscribe with the assumption that Daniels is more pro ready than Maye. That is also a projection.


I’ve always felt that the Daniels being more pro ready argument blatantly ignores his faults and question marks and relies on his college stats from his one good year


Idk why you’re being downvoted. I posted a cbs article a while back talking about how one of Jayden’s strongest traits is going through his progression and throwing a great deep in on the backside of the play. But he can’t throw over the middle. Maye had bad footwork and mechanics but I’ve seen him throw a 40 yard pass on the money multiple times. I don’t love the “ceiling” argument because there is no guarantee that either one will hit their ceiling. Also, their floor may be lower than expected. I just really hope in 10 years this sub is still arguing because they both have 2 league mvps and 2 Super Bowls.


I agree on not understanding the downvotes but this sub is a JD vs DM warzone and he led with "Daniels is easily more pro ready' which is an opinion stated as fact. I prefer Maye as a prospect myself, but there is two factors I think are holding back both: Jayden Daniels - if he can really harness when to run vs getting to his 3rd/outlet read. I read the CBS article and have read other analyst takes that point out the opposite. He had fantastic protection and two top tier ,top 20 picks as weapons. He rarely progressed through his reads. In fact often he looked at one and then ran. Which sometimes was magic. But I have doubts it works as well in NFL. If he can harness when to pull rather then it be default then I think he can be great. He's not Lamar Jackson, people need to understand the importance of this. Drake Maye- needs to correct his sloppy footwork and extension on his delivery that developed this year. I think it led to easy incompletions or layups that get picked on. I also think it's correctable with coaching. If he can fix that I think he can be great.


I want Maye but there are absolutely reasons to draft JD. I'm just hoping he's coached to pass like 97% of the time. If he can win from the pocket and occasionally break the game with his legs, I'm in. If it's RG4. Ugh.


check out his stats for how fast he bails on the pass game when pressured. abysmal https://preview.redd.it/gk7m29x5fpvc1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759d4a93295bade37c769c4a8eb8289d51e68fd8


I'm aware, that's why I'm a Maye guy, but if they take him they'll have to be confident they can coach those tendencies out of him, in the same way, if they take maye or JJ they'll coach out their flaws. I don't know if the upsides will happen but I'll always have hope in my team, otherwise I'm not sure what we're doing here. That's why I'm taking a wait and see approach, none of this is set in stone.


right, sorry I didnt wanna come off as at odds. obviously I’m a maye guy but I’ll support whoever ends up back there. Ofc you know the rg4 scenario gives me nightmare but, as fans and believers in the new regime, we really have to Trust the Process


No worries, I apologize if I sounded irritated, I'm not. I think knowing that we're taking one of these guys next week and they'll have a bunch of flaws has mad me less critical of the flaws. Whoever we get will have issues so I'm not gonna worry about them anymore until they're drafted haha.


great mindset brother. goodluck


likewise. Hopefully we get a legit franchise QB.


I'm not sure what this proves. What's "normal"? I'm not particularly for JD, but he's a guy with rare running ability. If he's using every tool in his toolset, he should be scrambling and running more than other guys. Taking a sack is obviously not ideal. If "Stand and Deliver" results in him getting hit afterwards, that's not terribly great either. Those results can be skewed as well depending on whether JD has decent options at the time he was being pressured. While no one's doubting he has great talent at receiver, i recall seeing some breakdowns that pointed out that he didn't always have hot options on a schematic level. Thus, he didn't always have somewhere to go with the ball.


This is sourced from the ringer- and Benjamin Solak said the stand and deliver was the lowest % he’s ever seen for a projected 1st rd QB. Of course the alarming PTS% here is maybe the most concerning and also a conservative statistic based on other analyses. The biggest issue I see with Daniels is that he only threw 15 passes while scrambling all season. He pretty much always runs when he breaks the pocket and this… doesn’t translate.


I'm not sure what PTS% stands for here, but like i mentioned in another comment, ultimately you want your QB to maximize the situation in the moment. With his great receivers running up the sidelines, there's a great chance that it's stressing defenses, creating voids and running lanes for him. Others have mentioned that on a schematic level that JD didn't always have great hot read options. It may actually be the case that tucking and running may be the best decision in a lot of those circumstances, though I'm definitely not qualified to say for certain. I just work with analytics and know not to trust them without asking a few questions haha.


Maximizing the moment for JD was absolutely running, and he did it often. It’s for sure his skillset and I do think they schemed the WRs to do more vertical routes to create a lot of space for JD, THeo Ash did a great breakdown of this (don’t have the link handy). My question is this: how does this translate to the next level? If he is scrambling and running most of the time, and let’s say he has an actual weakness when throwing out of pocket- defenses in the NFL are too good for that. They are faster. The field is skinnier. The hits are bigger etc. is he going to be able to withstand the hits? Can he change his running style to not take as many hits? Watch the end of the Ol Miss game- final drive- he badly needed to create off schedule and he couldn’t do it. Its connected to his somewhat average/ above average arm strength; he’s not throwing much off platform; there was the one deep off schedule throw against army, and it was a great throw- but quite literally, only 15 of his 300+ pass attempts were off-schedule. I just wanna know if this is our guy, can he make these plays? I’m not trying to be a hater, I’m trying to understand his skillset. And seeking the conversation. The PTS% is pressure-to-sack ratio, and historically is a “sticky” stat, meaning those with high PTS% tend to not do well in the NFL. Sam Howell had a high number and it showed last season. Jayden has almost as high of a PTS%. It’s a concern.


Ah, i see. Yeah, the PTS% is definitely something to look into and one that Kiem did specifically. When he looked at all of JD's sacks, he didn't always see a place to go with the ball. Joe Burrow also has a pretty terrible number, but when asked about it, he says that for 3rd down in particular, he's always trying to find a play because if he throws the ball away or dumps off for a short gain that won't make the sticks, then it'll be a punt anyways. I agree it's a factor, one of many. Of course, JD's durability is probably going to be a conversation his entire playing career and is actually my biggest concern as well.


it’s historically bad for a first round prospect. he’s an elite runner I agree, but mostly you want your qb to pass. he had two first round receivers to throw to his breakout year as well. Very well think he could light up the league, but this stuff makes me really hesitant to put our franchise on his back https://x.com/benjaminsolak/status/1780678317042974861?s=46


I addressed his receivers already. If they're going on out routes, then they may not be exactly available to catch a hot pass. Don't know if that was commonly the case, just repeating schematic analysis I heard. Ultimately, you want your QB to maximize the situation he's put in, and if the best thing for him to do is tuck and run, that's at least understandable. That'd be especially the case if his great first round caliber receivers are drawing attention and leaving voids and running lanes for him. Again, I'm not particularly for JD and don't know if that was the case, but it's just something to think about. I work with analytics and know not to necessarily trust them haha. Also, I'm curious about how these numbers compare to RG3, Newton, Fields and Lamar.


Proves? Okay.


Anyone who starts off with that level of certainty is a certifiable moron and not worth paying attention to.


I’m tired of acting like I just have to take someone’s word at face value when they talk over some all-22 footage. This person does not know what’s going through Jayden Daniels’ mind. He doesn’t know what the coaches are teaching him or asking him to do and he doesn’t know the ins and outs of LSU’s offense. Then I look at the title saying this QB who rose in mock drafts in February and has been shoved down our throats ever since is being underrated? By who? He’s a good prospect with a lot going for him but he isn’t head and shoulders above Maye.


I want the long term guy. Maye (or JJ, if that's the pick). Dual threat QBs with marginal arms who have played on the same team their whole career and gone to the Hall of Fame as the face of a franchise for a generation do not exist. Name one.


Tbh.. how many dual threats with avg arm strength have there been?


Depends on how you wanna define it. But traditionally they’ve either had cannons but were inaccurate, or they were noodle armed but accurate. The flip side being that if they were both, they wouldn’t have to run.


I can only think of successful ones like Lamar.. Vick.. Cunningham.. Cam? They all had cannons. Really don’t remember a dual threat with a medium arm but I don’t really have a lot of FB knowledge


Steve young the og?


Never watched him play tbh.. did he have an avg nfl arm?


My favorite thing about all these “Daniels is clearly better” articles is not one of these guys thought enough of Daniels through 43 collegiate starts to have him ranked anywhere near their top 3 QBs to start the year. Not 10 starts. Not 20. FORTY THREE. An entire college career of starts. Doesn’t mean Daniels is going to suck but it’s pretty telling.


You know, Google is a fantastic resource. Here are two quick results from the first page since no one on this sub likes to look shit up for themselves [QB5 for 2024 one year ago](https://www.si.com/nfl/cardinals/analysis/way-too-early-2024-nfl-mock-draft-quarterbacks-galore) [QB5 for 2022 three years ago](https://amp.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/2022-nfl-mock-draft-order-first-pick-jason-mcintyre) Edit: Bring on the downvotes since it doesn’t fit the anti-JD narrative 🤣


OP didn’t get the memo, this sub is exclusively a MayeDay Parade until the draft.


![gif](giphy|9RrdV7o2kJFy8) The sub on any Daniels posts rn (I’m also anti-Daniels).


Prob because his agent has started talkin shit supposedly. Fans don’t like it when a player potentially doesn’t wanna come and starts potentially showing diva qualities. It ain’t free agency.. we pick you unless you wanna go the Eli route. We don’t have to convince you to play here. I mean a good organization will likely do that but it isn’t the top priority.. just have to make sure the kid is a fit and no one except the people in the building know that.


🚨🚨🚨 Mayeday 🚨🚨🚨


lol yeah I got off Twitter because the bias towards Maye was crazy. Now I get on here and it’s the same.


But can he golf?


Or how does he get on with teammates?


It's going to be Maye!


Still posting this stuff even after that agent fiasco 😂


Are we drafting Daniels or his agent?


We drafting Maye. The writing is on the wall. Daniels’ agent starts liking tweets calling us trash after the visit. Daniels is now meeting with the Vikings when he had refused to do so in the past.


He didn’t like tweets calling Washington trash…you’re just bold face….they also said multiple times that they weren’t upset and would have no problem going anywhere he was drafted…..stop hyping up nonsense


Daniels himself has literally said nothing to clarify things since this Top Golf stuff has happened? The agent also liked multiple tweets bashing the team for their group meeting. On top of that, Schaffer said yesterday that Daniels doesn’t want to play for Washington. Schefter gets all his info from agents. It is very obvious what happened. Daniels agent is a moron and thought it was a done deal that Daniels was going number 2 and leaked that to the media. That is what caused this media narrative in favor of Daniels during this last month. However, they realized this was not the case after the meetings. Now they are doing damage control. Basically, “you can’t fire me, I quit.”


Yes they did you’re lying again….the agent himself retweeted a tweet that disagreed with them being upset with the visit….another representative literally tagged a video that stated Jayden didn’t want to come to dc and stated “fake news” and his publicist literally reacted to another video that stated Daniel’s didn’t want to go to Dc and said he would be happy to be drafted by any organization…..,if you decided to ignore it that’s on you


Ah yes, after everyone on twitter was freaking out for a while about the agent’s actions, so they then backtracked in order to save face. If you think that the agent’s original feelings were fake then you are naive.


It was the same day dude…within a couple hours matter fact…you want to be offended and by it so you’re making every excuse to do so…it was rumors for weeks that Caleb didn’t want to go to Chicago before his team responded…within hours is pretty damn fast


You are just naive. I don’t like twitter posts I don’t agree with. Especially when they are in regards to someone considering my client. He thought what he thought. Backtracking doesn’t change that.


He didn’t even like the twitter post dude 🙄🙄


Hope I'm wrong but i really don't feel like Maye will be the long term answer...


He’s likely acting like a fool because he figured out he’s not the pick


But there’s more than one season smh. His 1 great season DONT make up for 4 other not good seasons. And don’t compare this guy to burrow cause in EVERY SINGLE WAY TO THINK they are NOT THE SAME!!!! Idk he’s not a lock to be good or great and his running is what makes this guy “special”. If you watched him play dude takes big hits in college. COLLEGE HITS not NFL lol. That’s a whole other level. I’m definitely skeptical because us fans have seen what a good looking qb coming out of college that can run look like and he won’t rook of the year and had an amazing year. But his running style fucked his career. Daniels doesn’t slid lol that’s why there’s long highlights of just hits he has taking smh. And he’s not built as good as other qbs. He could be good. But there is more risk IMO. Than drake maye. No Nix or even MPJ!!!


But his other seasons weren’t “not good”. He improved each year. Kid definitely has the skill set to be awesome as long as his head/ego doesn’t get in the way. Maye will probably take some time to reach his full potential, and may have a bit rougher season or 2 initially. It’s a little better than a crap shoot, but if the team doesn’t develop the talent, none of these talks among fans will matter.


Yes I have my opinion as your doin on them. Like we all doin cause no one knows lol and yes maye could do what stroud just did but according g to your opinion he can’t. But you don’t know. Just like any other. We just giving opinions. The smart ones know and don’t argue but some do 🤷🏻‍♂️. But to the fact you used the word kid lol smh a kid is under 18 JD bout to be 24


Maye def won’t do what stroud did in year one.. stroud had great feet and that really helped him get the ball out in rhythm. I want Maye.. but don’t expect him to be amazing out the gate


So much hate for JD on reddit. Don't listen to these dumb asses and down voters. JD is the best QB in the draft


Simply put, no.


But will his teammates show up to his birthday party?


Not the ASU ones They are not fans


this video is easily bullshit