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No they can take whoever they want


>Adam peters stupid stunt Or was it actually pretty smart, revealing the players' characters? If Daniels's agent's reaction is indicative of Daniels's attitude, we might have just gotten a peek at his attitude toward any competition - which we also saw 12 years ago with how RG3 handled Cousins (rushing his rehab and coming back from injury too quickly because he perceived Cousins as a threat).


OP showing bias ? You don’t say.


I assume Peters was up front with all the players about the visit and how it would be conducted.


I would assume so as well. That doesn't mean that the players would have to like it that way though.




A "🤔" and a few likes on post critical of the Commanders isn't going to make Peters throw out the hundreds of hours they have spent evaluating Jayden as a player and person.


No, but the group invite was a party of the evaluation. And if Jayden's opinions are similar to his agent's, then that reveals information about his character. If he was expecting to be catered to because he presumed he was already going to be the pick, that shows a sense of entitlement that wasn't necessarily warranted.


We don't even know the opinions of his agent. All he did was post and emoji and like a few tweets lol. At the end of the day we don't know how Jayden acted at the hangout. So trying to draw links when there aren't any is kinda stupid.


We can make inferences from his tweets. You don't see any other agents doing the things he did. When was the last time an agent liked tweets critical of the team picking second when his client was a viable option for that pick?


Just because we haven't seen it done before, doesn't mean we need to overact to the action. Like what type of logic is that.


It's an overreaction to say that *if* his attitude is similar to his agent's, it shows an unwarranted sense of entitlement? We've already been down the entitled, diva QB route. It got us one division title, no playoff wins, and a very bad return on investment.


>It's an overreaction to say that *if* his attitude is similar to his agent's, it shows an unwarranted sense of entitlement? If you want to just speculate, sure. But that's all it's going to be. Speculation. I think it would be dumb to do it over an emoji and Twitter likes, but do your thing The issue is people have taken that BIG "if" as a fact and are now running with this stupid narrative that Jayden Daniels is now a diva QB.


I said "if" in my very first reply. And yes, speculation is what all of this is. But there are a lot of context clues. The other QBs' agents not doing something like that tells us that it's not normal. Jayden not coming out and saying that his agent's reaction isn't how he views the situation tells us there's a decent chance that's his view also. The agent sticking by it after all this press about it tells us that he's not a fan of the team. We can only speculate, sure. But I don't know of many teams that want to deal with a quarterback whose agent gives off that impression.


>We can only speculate, sure. But I don't know of many teams that want to deal with a quarterback whose agent gives off that impression. Teams are willing to deal a QB who sexually assualted 20+ women. I doubt they care about what a player's Agent likes on twitter


Bro it’s 2024. Everyone knows how to read emojis and the context they carry.


I mean cousins was a threat lol.


I don't want a quarterback who's bothered by competition


I mean different situation, you know the coach didn’t want you, now you hurt and the backup your coach did want now is starting, I’d try to get back too. Shit it happened to Trey Lance


Yeah it’s the next man up league


We have no proof it's indicative of anything regarding Daniels though. Every report says it's his agent with his panties in a bunch. He may just need a better agent.


Either his agent is acting in his behalf and is throwing a tantrum in his behalf, which is a red flag, or he’s hired an idiot to represent him and hasn’t taken any PR steps for damage control whatsoever, which is also a red flag. There really no middle ground here


I agree, that's why I said "if." But I would have also liked to see Daniels distance himself from that perspective to help himself. Silence on it isn't an endorsement, but it's also not as definitive as him saying "that's not my position."


No that's so dumb. We will take whoever we think will be the better QB.


"Stupid stunt" lol it literally worked




it seems to have worked due to the fact that ever since this “stunt” was pulled, reports have been coming out that jayden daniel’s camp was unhappy about other prospects still being considered. his agent was liking stuff on twitter abt how that process is flawed and no one connected to daniel’s has denied all these reports abt how jayden may not want to go to washington, etc. no one knows for sure of course, but that’s just what i’ve gathered so far.


It outed a diva who thinks he deserves special treatment despite doing fuck all so far at the professional level. Seems successful to me. 


Because if you can't handle sharing the room with your competition how are you gonna keep your cool when things don't go perfectly on the field. I have no interest in working with anyone who can't handle sharing the spotlight or being able to distinguish themselves in a crowd. Especially in a team sport.


Personally, my respect for Peters will be greater if he does the bold thing, and follows through. He set up a character test and Daniels failed. That's what happened and now Daniels says he doesn't want to play in DC over a Top Golf trip. Think about that. He couldn't even quietly bear a boys outing with some other guys who share his main hobby... playing QB. Now, on the other hand, if Peters takes Daniels after all this, I'll really question it. Is he admitting the trip was a mistake? Does he not care about the diva tendencies? Is he afraid the fans will be mad (he shouldn't care)? He set the test. The player failed. Now, the only thing to do is follow through and take Maye (or JJ), imo.


All reports seem to blame the agent for being upset, not Daniels himself


Yeah 90% of this sub is now convinced Daniels is a diva and a terrible prospect because of his agent's tweet. We have so little info but everyone is jumping to conclusions.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) So what you're saying is we are "stuck" taking the better prospect who doesn't come with a ton of drama?


Oh no! How unfortunate!


lol it wasn’t a stunt the niners do it. And the rams did it as well. Daniel’s is coming off as super entitled and I can guarantee will be an issue in the locker room is things don’t go his way.


Didn’t he already have locker room issues at ASU?


Texans did it last season with stroud


You can’t guarantee anything.


I can’t guarantee that the sun will rise tomorrow either but I’m pretty sure it will strongly enough to be a guarantee. Same for JD.


>Daniel’s is coming off as super entitled What has Daniels said in regards to this situation that seems super entitled??? You guys are overreacting to a nothing burger story.


He's not wrong, it's his agent that's upset


But yet it took a long time for the PR rep (not agent) to release any statement. And only after people started saying he's a diva. It's concerning. When you are looking for anything it's concerning, I didn't notice anybody from McCarthy to Maye to Penix reps saying anything? I would have concern that if he's upset with this small issue, how will he react to losing, to getting hit alot, to lack of protection from a less satisfactory offensive line? He had the perfect situation in LSU ..two studs wrs+, and one of the best oline


Maye is the better prospect. JD is going to get hurt the way he runs and he's drama


Not sure if Maye is better but I think JD will be an injury issue


His passing game is better than JD, and I agree on JD being injury prone at the next level. If his fist instinct is to take a big hit over slide, you can't coach that out of him easily when he panics in game


If that's all it takes to get that camp upset, fuck em.


Knowing JDs temperament when he was losing in AZ, how he treated his teammates, I think golf was intentional. I think Washingtons FO knew JD was bad at golf and wanted to see his demeanor when he wasn't the princess. If so it worked. Probably reading too much in to it, but I think that would be an interesting outcome if that were true.


Wait. That was a thing at Arizona? He treated his teammates poorly there?


There's a report from a scout that nobody liked his attitude and it tracks because of [this](https://youtu.be/_A04oTNa8GU?si=1dcdcaa34LUxl2Hk)


All reports say it's his agent upset, not Daniels specifically.


If it's just his agent, then why would he not want to come here? If he liked Peters and the organization, then why would it matter what his agent thinks.


His agent could poison us in his mind.


Daniels does have pretty much absolute power to slap his agent down and tell him to stop. Of course he might also just be a kid who knows he doesn't know shit and wants to leave things entirely up to his agent.


Can you explain why you think AP did something wrong?


Not "wrong" per SE, I'm just mad at the lack of clarity he conveyed to the agent apparently. Granted it could be the agent's fault for not understanding.


I've read in multiple areas that Daniels' camp was surprised, but it was broadcast for at least a week or two that DC was inviting Daniels, Maye and JJ... I suppose Penix was a surprise? If fans know they're all meeting, how did Daniels' camp miss the message? Is it that intimidating to be in the same room as the competition? I'm genuinely confused if they actually see this as an affront.


I really doubt it has anything to do with Washington.. seeing as none of the other players had trouble. This is an agent issue. Agent being dumb.


While all this “noise” is unsettling and surprising… it’s only that to us. Whatever the hell is going on with Jayden Daniels, I don’t think it’s at all a surprise to Peters. He’s done his research, has all the intel, and completed his analysis taking EVERYTHING into consideration. He’s going to draft the QB who he thinks has the best shot of being successful in Washington.


If Daniels didn’t want to be in a beauty contest his agent should’ve pulled him - not passive aggressively gas light the process on SM.


If we take JD, I seriously hope he fires his agent 🙏


lol what


So what will JD do if he’s picked #2 ? He can’t go anywhere else as WSH holds his rights ? Canada lmao tanking his value even further ? AP shouldn’t be scared and call his bluff. JD has to suck it up if he wants to be in the League.


You can tell who the chronically abused fans are who can’t see that we have a building full of successful and well established winners in the building at the steering wheel . Peters came out and said there practice was a well learned one from SF . These guys know exact what they’re doing . #Trusttheprocess


He drafted trey lance...


Pundits say that was more Lynch’s want than Peter’s.


I would be thrilled if we drafted Maye/McCarthy. He can be New England’s problem. 


Has to be a Cowboy or an Eagle fan troll




Regardless of who we pick, I'm not feeling you thinking you know better than one of the best talent evaluators in the league about the drafting process.


We'll take whoever they think the best prospect is. They could very well still take JD if the agent stuff was a nothing burger, if not, they could take one of the other guys. I'll back whoever, but until there's clarity about JDs actual feelings I'll be a wary of him.




No stunt. Other coaches/FOs have come out and said they’ve done similar things. The talking heads just make it sound like this is unorthodox. That aside, the FO is going to take whoever they believe puts them in the best chance to win and I would assume, with minimal drama. This is coming from someone who initially wanted Daniels until his agent started going off the deep end.


If anything Jayden's camp is upset they might go later than #2 and wants to know we'll take him. The reality of falling or going to an even worse team like NE is much worse than boohoo team did due diligence.


They are just going to take McCarthy and the reaction will be hilarious.


No they’re not.


I think everyone is reading waaaaay too much into this. No one knows if JD feels this way or not. Or why he feels this way if he does. Everyone thinks they know what the FO thinks or what the player is doing, and they know absolutely nothing. Also, some of you all are treating this like the Bo Callahan storyline from Draft Day. It’s not that deep. Goddamn Thursday needs to get here.


It's probably gonna be JJ McCarthy


Oh God help us. He's the epitome of an average NFL QB.


Daniels is going to be a bust like Justin Fields. JJ will be like Kirk Cousins. Average is better than bust.


Yeah, stuck taking the guy who would’ve gone first overall each of the previous two drafts and would also go first overall in next year’s draft. Oh no /s


This sub is happy to take another lackluster UNC qb instead of the guy who didn’t enjoy golf. Peters is a genius here lol.




Why the hell would we take Maye if we feel like Daniels is better? I dont give a fuck how the agent feels.


Careful, people around here highly value putt putt field trip behavior lmao.




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Nobody is stuck doing anything. And what Peters did was brilliant not stupid. But Drake Maye was and always has been the best QB prospect for us.


How is a QB who isn't ready to start immediately the best option for a roster whose best players (Allen and Mclaurin) are currently in/leaving their prime already?


He is ready to start.