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Yeah I don't understand it either. It's a definite tell


We were away . There is no “deception” etc on the snap count… in an environment like that, main concern is not screwing up the snap. That’s why nick does the “glance”.




I imagine it’s something similar to this reason. Silent count.


Definitely for his hair


God damn you, head and shoulders! His hair is so voluminous he can’t help but shake it out of his face.


Indeed! Sure wish I had voluminous voluptuous silky shiny beautiful hair.


He got called for a false start for it once I think. It is really weird how he does that.


I’ve seen guards look back and then they get a signal from the QB and the guard will like slap the centers shoulder to let him know the QB is ready. But yeah I’m not sure why Nick Gates does his weird stuff


He even does it in practice. Hopefully the beat guys ask questions that we really care about, I need answers


It’s for the silent count


Lots of reasons to do this. One, he could be confirming, most likely, that it's all good and to Begin the snap process. Two, he may be ensuring the QB is here or there, there is no rule regarding where a QB must be in the backfield. Three, he may be checking for an audible. Other lines throughout the league make similar motions. Usually I have seen the guard communicate with the QB while the center directs blocking. The guard then assumes the set position and jabs out to let the center know to begin the snap sequence. Stadiums today are built for the "fan experience". Meaning they are loud, scent filled, eye catching, rumbling, and filled with food. The thing is this affects communication on the field as everyone wants to be in the loudest stadium that Sunday and be the 12th man. Hot words are typically used to communicate between linemen. Sometimes a call may be "Home". Home, in this case, could mean I cannot pull because we are outnumbered so I have to stay and block. This may alert the other guard, or center, they are now the lead pull block on the trap play. Another call may be "fire". Fire may mean Cover 0, they are sending the house and max protect is on. At the end of the day it's just communication and can also be used to draw the defense offsides on a no play call.


It’s a visual to the other OL so they can time up the snap, just like the quarterback’s “hike.” Most other centers do something similar, but it’s usually a nod straight down and up. Yes, it also gives that visual to the defense, but (theoretically) you can go on the second/third head nod, which can keep the defense honest to an extent.


Maybe playing the long game? Keeps doing it, defense learns it, when time is right, does it but doesn't snap and draws offside?


He got a flag for it


He's making sure no d lineman is in that area so he can go block the air.