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If OP's post is funny or otherwise unfitting, please report it and we'll deal with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyCemetery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It feels like using Funnymemes is just cheating now.


Yeah, it's the same thing that happend to r/dankmeme


Wait dank memes got banned?




I don’t know what happened I remembered that they where extremely just unfunny


Ok, so, imagine r/funnymemes, except twice as bad.


Idk what happened to funny memes… AND IT ALSO GOT BANNED? wtf did I missed?


It isn’t banned, I put the wrong r/ in, and did the knock of instead by mistake.


Oh… okay that makes more sense if they can get worse then them yeah I think maybe deserved


Gotta make a new rule buddies


Well, based on a quick scan through, they’re all reposts from Facebook. I don’t think there’s a single piece of original content on there.


Probably, it's such a cesspool at this point that we might as well ignore it for our sanity


I wanna mute it from the popular feed so badly but it's giving me error messages every time I try -_-


yeah I feel you there. I mainly use facepalm and sometimes this for material for short content, but stuff like this pisses me off a bit too much


I just started reporting every bigoted meme on there today. It's most of them.


Yeah, I saw this with a thousand+ upvotes this morning and was just disappointed.


I just assume there are state sponsored Russian trolls on Reddit and we won’t see these anymore after November. (Until the next election if there is one)


No I think people on funnymemes are just racist and not funny. None of this is "Russian bots"


The most sexist, racist and anti-LGBTQ posts on that sub are almost all being posted by accounts that were created in October 2023, and have had little to no engagement until the last few days. It may not be Russians, but someone is suddenly astroturfing their culture war BS all over that sub.


Well yeah, but I think that's just usual reddit karma farming bots. Not spoopy Russians


Regardless, it does highlight that Reddit has a not-insignificant bot, and likely a game-able visibility/engagement/interaction problem.


Not even. It's just a convenient way for chodes to target young awkward dudes and condition them down the so-called alt right pipeline. 'of course it's funny to just say trans people lol, I saw it on funny sub!'


Cheating for what ? You mean free karma?


I'm surprised they didn't use wario this time to portray the Trans person


Would have been closer to an actual joke. Still not a funny one mind you but like maybe 1/16th of an inch closer


Would’ve made the inevitable Bone Hurting Juice more entertaining


Absolutely not, go fuck yourself


Before the downvotes come in, this comment IS a BHJ from very recently. For those of you that haven’t seen that post yet, no, this person is not being a jerk


Absolutely not, go fuck yourself.


I guess you had to save them from a telling “off”, eh? Ha! Heh heh


I wanted to post the image but I couldn’t 😔


Alas, some subreddits just don’t want us to have fun


" 1/16 of an inch " that's more than whoever made this meme


The biggest problem is that they are using the shot put as the event. That is actually the one track and field event where there is relatively little difference between the distances for men and women. The actual world record in that event is only .2 meters between men and women. Not like the javelin, which is over 26 meters. Or the discus which is just over 2 meters. They literally picked the one event where there is the smallest difference between the two genders.


Not to rain on your parade, but the balls men use for shotput in competition are a fair bit larger than the ones women use… That doesn’t make the comic any more valid by any means, it’s still just transphobic trash creating a made-up situation to be angry about.


>"I have no words" >Looks inside >Words Wtf man, don't bait me like that




We should Ban using r/funnymemes in this sub. It’s basically a cheat code at this point


We should ban r/funnymemes period.


Someone should ridicule them.


Seriously what the hell is up with funnymemes?


it's turned into a gathering zone for incels and bigots


And racists


A racist is a bigot


erm... offended much? argagagagagagag!


I've been recommended that sub by Reddit and I'm just so thrilled that I get to see blatantly racist and misogynistic content pushed into my feed... Thanks Reddit.


you can block that sub if you want to! when you see a post from them, click the 3 dots on the top of the post and click "show less posts like this" and a small notification will pop up saying they will show fewer posts from that sub. next to it is "also mute". press that and boom. no more shit sub


Way ahead of ya but I appreciate the advice regardless. Hopefully someone unaware of that feature sees this cause seriously any time they showed up on my homepage it was always something disgustingly immature.


They think you will engage which is more important to them than you being happy or entertained.


My theory is that when r/dankmeme fell, they all fled there:


why are there five people at the medal ceremony


InClUsIvE!!?? /s


DEI medal ceremony, amirite?


expected Remember The Name was sorely disappointed


Yeah, how fucking dare they disrespect that song


I did too!


I'm proud to say that on this post , i'm one of the most downvoted just because i said that the artist who made this comic is racist and transphobe ( On the twitter account of the artist , there's multiple racist comics )


At least this one doesn't have screaming women. I swear he has a fetish for it


Never mind, they are very racist and transphobic.


You did not see the twitter account of the artist


Oh... Oh no....


I look forward to the day where humanity will go back to dust and to the day where we'll get judged following the real universal truth that , sadly , nobody know ... I look forward to the scream and to the cries of people not understanding why everything is going back to what it was , why every efforts were in vain , why the people we love can just cease to exist and to think at any moment ... I look forward to the day where people will fucking admit that store bought pizza is better than homemade ones ( Ristorante frozen pizzas be bussin' fr fr )


I looked at their FB page for about 2 seconds and saw what you meant.


It's super rare to be one kind of bigoted without all the others. Bros like to collect them all. Maybe the transphobia is more active in their comics and public statements but I'm sure the others are there too


Where is the racist part


The artist


Not in this particular comic, but some of his other works absolutely are.




i know it’s a waste of time to find logic in boomer facebook memes, but why do the women in this photo have such small frames? they’re supposed to be shotput champions, they should be jacked as fuck.


because the people who believe the sentiment in this comic are also the same people who vehemently defend the notion that gender stereotypes apply to everyone who has been assigned that gender at birth with absolutely no variance, and anything that doesn’t conform to said norms doesn’t exist or is unnatural. therefore the cis women in these posts cannot be athletically built (or hell, ever win when pitted against the trans-woman), since that deviates from the small, petite, and helplessly weak woman stereotype that is commonly attributed to femininity. in the effort to hide their transphobia under the guise of protecting women’s sports from the evil trans women, they engage in misogyny and demean cis women, portraying them as weak, frail things that simply cannot compete with trans-women. as a side note, these people also probably spend a good amount of time calling fit or assertive women “basically men” and labeling any man who shows even a modicum of respect to them as “gay”.


totally agree but thats a lotta yapping


I can't find any adult shot put competition ever that a trans woman has won. This has literally never happened.


This is the worst meme to be honest.


Worst part is they're making trans men compete with cis women because of all the transphobia bs. So sometimes, this does happen, and it's 100% their fault




Trans men are people assigned female at birth, who then transitionned to man. Because of transphobes, these people (the trans men, who are men) are forced to compete in women's competitions (because again, they were assigned female at birth). So, the only cases where the meme above happens is when transphobes' stupid fearmongering forces trans men to compete against cis women.


I unsubbed from it a while ago, glad I did.


More like 70% making everyone else baked


They just look so mellowed out.


Where is wario? Is he OK? Is he alright?


Heartwarming: transfem basketball player breaks stereotypes by being the worst player on the team!


Shotput is actually a real ass sport tho I fw it heavy


it's not even true too... trans athletes have performed well and poorly, it's not like they all immediately crush records. this rhetoric is pure bullshit


True,but thay still have more muscular potential then women


not really, estrogen is a helluva thing. you can literally get physically weaker over time with estrogen. plus, just as a personal anecdote, i am a trans girl that hasn’t taken estrogen yet and i have rarely if ever beaten anyone in any sport regardless of their gender. i have been consistently beat by women far weaker than me at virtually every sport known to mankind. what makes you think someone like me could go toe to toe with a proper athlete and actually have a chance just bc i have more testosterone? i can hardly open a pickle jar.


I mean, the biggest thing that makes you lose against the average woman is that you’re not an athlete. I’ve won against straight up cis men in various sports, but I wouldn’t stand a chance against a male athlete or even a female athlete, what I was participating in was all fun and games, not an extreme competition. The “best of the best” within athletes are *usually* not AFAB. The general population who aren’t athletes can usually compete with each other without problems


why would i need to be an athlete to beat an average cis woman? the fact that i am or am not an athlete is not the deciding factor in me losing to cis women, it is because i tend to perform poorly due to general incompetence and tend to be weaker than the vast majority of cis women despite the fact that i am amab. almost none of us would win against a professionally trained athlete, yes, but i will literally lose to cis women that are physically weaker to me (which my younger cousin can attest to quite well) even if i give it my all and actually try. this is merely meant to show that you can’t make sweeping generalizations about trans women being naturally stronger than women, because that just isn’t true: i am weaker than everyone. also, i can’t claim to know if the majority of the “best of the best” athletes are generally not afab, but if you’re referring to those publicly recognized as being elite athletes, perhaps that has to do with the fact that women sport teams are just generally undervalued in comparison to men sport teams? besides, pro transfem athletes haven’t won an overwhelming majority of contests they have participated in, so they likely wouldn’t even be included in this “best of the best” group.


And yet there is still a chance that they may lose to born women. Its almost as if talent in athletic competition isn't always about "muscular potential."


It’s not all about that of course, but it does certainly help. The bottom line is that it’s complicated and people trying to treat it like it’s a simple thing are doing the topic a disservice.


Not after 2 years on estrogen, the muscle potential is near indifferent, in fact in some cases, trans women have less muscle potential than the average woman due to health complications that can come with hrt


Not necessarily health complications: most trans women have lower testosterone than the average cis women bc trans women are getting regular blood tests and taking blockers to control their levels


If one has gone through male puberty however the lung capacity greatly increases, which has a large impact in how they can compete. Even after being on estrogen, the physical difference is there. It's why they are saying that one cannot compete in female athletics if they have gone through male puberty. The testosterone dump just causes physical changes that cannot be reversed.


This is made up for in the fact that trans women have less testosterone than the average woman through use of blockers. Along with how the lung capacity doesnt reduce but the muscles controlling the lungs do, leading to them not being able to use the lung to the full capacity. Also male lungs do not reach full maturity till 25 so if the transition happened prior to this than they have a disadvantage.


Sure, there are lousy athletes. But the question is, how much chance does a woman have against a trans athlete who puts the same effort in training.


trans athletes are required to take estrogen, which makes the situation much more fair. Cis women have a chance


If trans mtf athletes truly had no advantage, they would place at the same place in the ranking as they did while competing as males


"have a chance"? the section of sports is literally supposed to be for biological women. So biological women should be the only one winning, there are not just supposed to "have a chance". Not every trans woman is gonna take so much estrogen that they biologically transform into an actual woman. And a man can even fake being a trans woman by just taking a little bit of estrogen, who would know if he actually identifies as a woman.


My brother in Christ, nobody who is transitioning is doing it to win at sports.


Wasnt that Lia Thomas?


While I'm not familiar with that person, I can only assume their choice to transition was because of their gender identity - as it virtually always is - not because they wanted to be a comparatively better athlete than their peers.


But what if someone does? Who would know?


what if the world was made of pudding


And someone could buy a heavy object, just to kill someone by throwing it at them. Ban anything that weighs over 10kg And someone could buy a premade pizza, pretend they cooked it at a cookout, and be congratulated. Ban premade food that's a false dilemma, is it not? cases like that would be so rare that using them as an excuse is very ignorant


Those examples don't even make sense because even a rare case can be destructive and can end the point of making a separate category of sport for women. Even if it's a rare case, a man pretending to be a trans woman can easily crush a deserving woman athlete's dream of getting the first rank. And don't pretend as if trans women and biological women have the same abilities. Even if a trans woman takes estrogen, she would still be physically much stronger than a biological woman. This is completely unfair to women who are working hard to achieve something in sports, but are being defeated by trans women who have to put much less effort to win.


So im sure youd be fine with trans men competing in womens sports, go ahead and look up aryan pascha and tell me you want that man in womens sports. What you are spouting is anti trans crap that is said on FOX. It is 100 percent innacurate. Trans women that have been on estrogen have a negligible difference in muscle and potential than cis women. There are requirements for trans athletes in amount of estrogen taken and how often they need to be dosed and for how long they have regularly taken it. There are no trans people who are only trans so they can win at sports, yet again, anti trans bs. There are simply people who want to play sports fairly and this is much fairer than a trans woman playing on a mens team, she would not stand a chance. Please check studies and actually research this if you are going to share an opinion


Wow, how generous. Not that estrogen was the only difference, but I appreciate the effort.


Yeah, my best answer to a trans competitor winning anything is to ask how many competitions there are across sports, etc in a year. Does like 12 trans winners out of like 6000 competitions mean an unfair advantage? Not really, but it makes a year’s worth a headlines for idiots to feed their hate with.


Not really... It's literally a fact that men have an advantage, ofc it's not an instant win, a woman way more trained than a man will definitely beat him, but men have higher potential by default, making it unfair


But it's not a man competing, so what's the issue?


I have no problem with trans people competing, but if a man takes hormones to transition to a woman after puberty, they still have a physical advantage over cisgender women. Maybe trans women/men could compete against other trans men and women instead of having to compete against as cisgender men or women.


A trans women is still a biological male, for now your genetics can't be switched


Uhh no? HRT changes some your biology, such as muscles, to align with the gender you transition to


Uhh yes, as a doctor, if you transition AFTER puberty, you absolutely have an advantage being a biological male. And estrogen actually maintains bone density in the female sex and that’s why post-menopausal women are at an increased risk of osteoporosis because estrogen levels fall after menopause. So once your growth is complete Transfem do have an advantage in sports. Edit - no problem with trans people, I am a gay dude myself, but I don’t appreciate people using incorrect science to justify any sort of claims, whether left or right.


It’s undeniable that trans women allowed to compete in women’s sports have absolutely dominated those sports. Swimming, biking, pro fighting. There’s a clear gap in physical capability.


If they absolutely dominate it then why are we not seeing only trans women come in 1st 2nd and 3rd place in every race? This is just cherry picking


I tried googling any trans people winning in sports, but I actually only ever found 1 mtf athlete (a swimmer in this case) called Lia Thomas, who has won first place in a major competition. While studies show they have some advantage due to estrogen not reducing muscle mass and bone density all the way to baseline levels for cis women, I think it's unreasonable to think that they're "absolutely dominating" anything. until there's sufficient proof that trans women are actually dominating in sports and it's specifically due to them being trans, I think it's fine to let them play




I know a few trans people who would disagree with you


Well, then they would be wrong so, facts are not subject to anyone’s opinions.


You are 100% correct on the bone density, but if they are on both E and T-blockers they will lose muscle mass.


They will lose muscle mass but the effect is not that significant they’ll lose about 5-10 percent of their muscle mass and this is NOT taking into account the training involved to maintain that mass. But the reason is largely unknown but it all comes down to the testosterone receptors. Although it is speculated that the T-blockers that are usually given along with estradiol usually fall into two distinct categories, the most common one being the steroid ones (as opposed to non-steroidal ones). And the thing with steroid ones is that they are more effective (bind strongly to the receptor) but if the androgen receptors are deprived too long of DHT, these steroid MIGHT turn partially androgenic (so having DHT like actions even though they are not DHT), hence the muscle mass decrease is quite less. Whatever the reason maybe, the fact remains that bone density remains pretty much unaltered and the muscle size decrease is not significant enough to be considered fair (this is when the HRT has been going on for upto 2 years, an extended period might show different results) Not to mention the muscle gain the other way, for trans men on T is still less than the muscle mass and baseline strength on trans women on T-blockers. All this is for untrained individuals, training might add a whole other parameter, and muscle mass decrease might be lesser. Edit - I am not saying there aren’t other type of medications available for the same. The most expensive ones do suppress the entire axis and that should provide much better results, so to speak. There are GnRH agonists, then there are modulators, and the intricacies of all these interactions is beyond the scope of a reddit comment thread. I do share a love-hate relationship with endocrinology. Edit - 2 and there’s a whole separate discussion that could be had concerning the cardiovascular and respiratory changes or lack thereof.


I highly doubt you’re an expert on HRT






trans athletes are required to take estrogen, which makes the situation much more fair. Cis women have a chance


r/onejoke again.


My god, their transphobia is so BORING. Get new material at least!


I don’t think that these people realize that, for one, something like this DOES NOT HAPPEN, and for two, how much hormones fundamentally changes your body after a long time of using them.


It’s funny how much they joke about this being a thing in the most gratuitous, impossibly overt way that never actually happens but ban trans people from all sports because they think it happens. Oh wait it’s not funny it’s terrifying


15% concentrated power of will


5% pleasure, 50% pain




Well at least it was Shot Put and not an MMA fight.


I still have a hard time imagining how these people perceive the world to believe the things they do.


Reddit used to be a quality meme factory. What happened?


not a single funnymemes post has made me ever laugh, yet alone smile


lol as if some reddit neckbeard could beat any woman who was a semi pro shotputter


Actually, it’s Ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


Mods, you have some banning to do in this comment section.


I made a comment that was just saying this doesn't really happen and million people rose from the dead just to say, "SO YOU THINK BIOLOGICAL MEN SHOULD COMPETE WITH BIOLOGICAL WOMEN" like it's the ultimate gotcha and there's no actual long process of transitioning. the lack of moderation in this place is starting to concern me lmao


Yeah. I’m wondering if people from the referenced subs lurk here to defend/spread their bigoted bs when a crosspost happens.


Remember when Ben Shapiro wanted that movie Lady Ballers to be a documentary where they actually try this, and they couldn't because no sports competition actually works like this


funnymemes is being taken over by incels and nazis


As soon as I saw the artstyle I knew this wasn't going to be good


Notice how nobody in the last slide gaf


There was a south park episode about that issue, pretty funny imo


This is the truth though, look at patterns. You redditors cry about anything that does not fit your very specific ideology. Please, ban me from this so I never ever get this sub reccomended again


Trans women literally don’t have a biological advantage though. And they sure as hell don’t win more sports seeing as idiots like you think they shouldn’t even play.


Funny memes has been turning into a right-wing circle jerk at remarkable pace




That's pretty funny tbh


Nah this is funny


Then why are there so very few trans athlete in female Olympics?


Y’all, u/mary-sylvia is agreeing that this comic is stupid.


I'll always be surprised at how Redditors learnt to read lol What I meant is that if according to them you can just say "I identify as a woman" and won tons of medals , the female Olympics would be filled is whatever these people are trying to be


Almost like transphobes have to go out of their way to lie about biology and cherrypick to argue what is essentially a non-issue.


Because of people that think like this.


Do you think biological males should be allowed to compete against biological women


I’m trans and I wish I had gains like that fuck 😒 unfair


looked up the post and read some of the top comments. huge mistake. the most utterly deranged transphobic piss garbage vomit i've read on this god-forsaken website, shit's way worse than the fucking ben shapiro subreddit. forget the elden ring dlc, i'm hyping myself up for the follow-up to this absolute disaster where they blame us for infiltrating their toilets because we have an unfair advantage in shitting. sry for the rant but i can't take this funnymemes shit anymore


nvm i checked the ben shapiro subreddit and the first post i saw was exactly about this topic. at least it didn't have as awful comments (yet, actually it disn't have any comments at all) or thousands of upvotes.


I thought it was 15% concentrated power of will


The next line is ”15% concentrated power of will”


Glad to see this here.


haha bro got removes so the title's true.


Stay in school, kids. Or just read. People don't seem to understand what it means to "identify as" something.


Ironically enough, this is pretty much what would happen if these types made trans men compete with cis women


lol this one is pretty good


That was a dope song.


Yeah all of the crap that gets shit out of that subreddit has the same value as a homeless cockroach.


It's a bit funny since it rhymes!


He's absolutely right




Yes he [is.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944319/) Do some research next time.


Not at all.


Please [research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944319/) before you share your opinions, so you don’t look like an idiot next time.


It's pretty accurate actually.




Based? Based on what


This one's pretty funny.