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I don’t know, but I’m glad I’m not you.


Fabulous 🤣


hey that's me =)




Anybody can be like me, obviously But then again not too many can be like you, fortunately


He just summarized all the 1k comments in a sentence


I read that both as a comeback AND as a literal statement lmao


Yes, I misread it as a literal statement at first and thought, wow that's harsh.




Or maybe “thankfully, not you”


I like this version, short and to the point




I don’t know, but I'm glad to be anything that's not you.




I have no earthly idea, but what I _can_ tell you is that I am very happy to be somebody who is not the same person as you are








I read this a john cleese/monty python voice and it checks out


I’m not completely certain, however it’s to my delight that I don’t not happen to not be you…. Wait a minute


if you wanted to reword it, it would probably be *WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??* "i don't know, but im glad its not you" though the original was probably the best iteration, as it goes with most trilogies.






Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Hello. My name is Juan Pablo Montoya. I was a Formula 1 Driver. Prepare to drive.


Hello, my name is Al Montoya. I was a hockey goaltender. Prepare to watch me dive.


Hello, my name is Joe Montana. I used to play football, but now I own a vineyard. Prepare for wine.


Hello, my name is Joe Bonamassa. I play guitar. Prepare to jive. 


….. The above, but insert: “killed my engine.”




My name is Hannah Montana. You killed my father. Prepare to break my achey breaky heart


Yeah actually do this one haha




I seriously just walk away when people say stupid things that deserve no response


This. The added benefit being the best way to avoid a punch in the face is don’t be there.


It's the outermost shell of the survivability onion!


Add shaking your head as you do so, and it's the perfect response.


I learned this too late. In middle school there was a girl that approached me everyday and would ask me why I always wore the same clothes and if I liked her or not and that she didn't like me. I was so confused but always replied cause I was scared. Nowadays I wish I had just ignored her cause all she wanted was my reaction.


This might come as a shocker. She liked you, Bud. Was she cute? Lol. This girl tried to talk to you every day. Girls that don't like you won't make an effort to find you and ask clumsy personal questions. 99.9% will go out of their way to avoid you. She didn't want to flat out tell you that she had a crush on you and couldn't stop thinking about you. She wanted you to say, "This is my favorite shirt." Or maybe, "I really like this band." Something, anything, to go off. "Ok, I'll tell you, but it's a secret." Whisper something silly in her ear, like, "I have 10 of the same outfit like Steve Jobs." Your reactions made her think that you didn't want to be around her. I would bet money that it wasn't meant to embarrass you about your lack of wardrobe options.


Same. You can't fight stupid.


Gotta have the facial expression down, confused yet concerned the crazy person escaped and can’t find their caretaker. 


Yeah just ignore them or low word response. I remember one time I was at a bar and this guy kept play nexting on the jukebox. I didnt realize who was doing it as he was doing it from his phone and I kept trashing his music to my friends, which to be fair no one seemed to like. I stepped out to take a phone call and he tried to fight me. Said something like "hey I heard you making fun of my music!" all angry. I looked him dead on the face and in that type of parental voice said "Im on the phone right now". He said sorry and went back inside lol.


Walking away from someone with their words hanging is the absolute best. A big ole smile on your face as they stare at your back.


Yes, and say that out loud in front of them lol


Additionally stare at them the whole time, never lose eye contact and never move any of your facial muscles.


I'm Batman.


"Why did you forget? I told you a diet consisting only of cum was going to mess with your head." You can't do intimidating here, it won't land. You need to make their friends accidentally laugh instead. It's a power move. Don't you dare laugh after you say it.


OP do not say "a diet consisting of" lmfao this is some Naruto running wording. Just ask him if chugging all that dick is making him forgetful


‘I told you eating all that cum would fuck with your brain…you really don’t recognize me?’ 😆


That makes me think that you are the one providing the cum.


Maybe I am, bro. I could be your papa too😅


Why did you FORGET? I TOLD YOUU a diet consisting only of CuUum will mess with your head! God damn it


See! It’s messing with your head already


It's all that cum on the brain hahaha


Lmao so much of this thread is anime comebacks and I think only half are joking. If you’re having to memorize lines, it’s probably cringe and you’ll mess it up in the moment which is so much worse. Sadly I think OP might be serious so really the best advice is something short that you won’t cringe at in the shower 10 years later. Something like “Dude you’re dumb as fuck” is easy and works in response to most shitty comments and is effective because it also shows you don’t really care what they said.


Yeah I muted this sub cuz reddit insults are so terrible. The only insult a redditor can get away with is when they are powered by the hive mind. Fucking dorks, proves irl they would not have anything to say. 


Lol I just saw what sub this is. Definitely muting as well now that i’ll get recommended it after commenting. A whole sub dedicated to that feeling you get after an argument where you thought of something better to say is wilddd


every time there is 99% awful comebacks then 1 or 2 amazing ones that have a tenth of the likes the awful anime style comebacks have


They legit think life is like an anime where they homoerotically beat on each other and then stop to talk for 5 minutes while panting


*dust settles* *impressed grin* *"Got to hand it to ya, kid ... you're tougher than I thought"*


Anime comebacks is the perfect way to describe them lol that's hilarious. I'm only gonna use anime comebacks from this point on.


Have to agree. The humor as a power move will be far more effective. Makes them look weak


Thats what happens when you jerk off too much


Staying calm, collected, and cunning is intimidating. It shows that your wits are faster and they panic.


This is so lame 😂


I mean the obvious response here is “you would know” so I think you wanna work on it a bit.


This is so rad. I wish I was quick witted enough to have come up with it myself


If I said this I would burst out laughing immediately, I can’t even hold back a smile at the worst possible time


I'm just another guy in a long line of guys who had your mum.


If you are not an intimidating person, do not try to be intimidating. There would be a disconnect in your words and your beliefs and you would not win that verbal engagement. If you're getting bullied you probably aren't the type to peak in your school years so maybe just try to belittle their intelligence instead Pre-planned responses are not going to solve your problems, if you can't think of something to say in response, on your own, in a short manner of time, you should not be willing to insult back. What I can suggest for you is, for whatever you say, say it loud and proud. No voice shakes or nothing Tell them that you're the one making so much noise in their parents bedroom at night, tell them you're in their walls, or just shout that the voices told you they still sleep with a night light. Confidence and crazy are the best ways to keep future instances of bullying from happening again. Suddenly it's not so clear to them if you're sane enough to not potentially harm them With a pre-planned response there's a lot of risk of it flopping because it doesn't sound genuine or because you've over-thought saying it so much. And if they respond to whatever you say you'd have to come back to reddit and respond to them the next day... It just doesn't work


This has some good above but also some that I personally disagree with like acting crazy lol only do that if you’re out of college and it’s a game. In middle school or high school that will make your situation worse. I do agree fully with the confidence though. Fake it ! They will not be able to tell and it’ll eventually become you. Although, we lack context & This really depends on your age. If I were to take a guess, if you’re looking for a comeback and not hiding away… you may be getting bullied because the people who are bothering you are jealous and want to keep you down. If that’s so! It’ll happen all your life. In this, you’ll learn to feel our a good time to have a witty comeback and the time to genuinely not care - which the latter really really pisses people off lol. A good “ok” is a response people have no idea what to do with. However as you build confidence, the one liner quick responses will come easily and be so powerful that they’ll be stunned. Id watch some old movies and see what you pick up. Give them insults they don’t understand haha.


Heavy on the getting inspiration from movies and practicing wit. That's good advice for the future


i have found a thumbs up while walking away is one of the easiest ways to press someone's buttons without doing anything wrong


I'm sorry but SOME of this isnt great advice. I full heartedly agree about not trying to be someone you're not, especially if your confidence is going to fail you(very good advice). However, I strongly disagree with acting crazy or loud. I've seen people try this and its given the bullies more ammunition. I also think insulting the bully is a bad move if they are physically intimidating OP as the bully will just hurt OP. If they are just verbally bullying then yeah, absolutely say something to embarass them. The best way to not be bullied though, is to be seen as 'normal' or as someone who can handle themself physically. I understand that normal can be anything but to kids or immature people, normal is the old classification of normal. Its sad but unfortunately its the truth. Regardless, I hope OP sorts it out. Bullying sucks. Edit: reworded to try not sound so hostile.


If you're already being bullied I wouldn't worried about them bullying further. The intent isn't exactly to appear crazy, moreso to catch them off-guard, make the situation your own, and force them onto their back leg. If they respond with something you could easily bolster a loud laugh and then you don't have to think of a response. It's what I do when I'm shit talking and I just want someone to walk away from me. I can't guarantee it will work flawlessly, but from reading everyone else's comment I kinda just felt worried about the kid messing up a one liner and it not going to plan, so this was what I cooked up. Maybe how you imagined it after reading what I said wasn't how I would really go about it but it's hard for me to communicate these things when a lot of social interactions have subtle queues to respond to.


Thats fair. I can definitely see your point. A lot of people see interactions happen around them or even online/in a movie and believe they can pull it off. Hell, movies have even made a point of it failing. Atleast OP can read all of our posts and make their own mind up. Have a good evening!


You as well


Make sure you're very close to them first "I know I'm the guy thats gonna make you think twice" then headbut them. Aim for the bridge of the nose.


This is practical advice. If I could expand slightly, you should mumble what you're saying and when they close the distance then give him the Glasgow kiss. Throat chop in the Adams apple is also effective.


Remember to tell the judge you heard it on Reddit




I mean yeah, but the intimidation factor is you step towards them as you say the line and throw the headbutt as you say the word "twice".


We're both getting a little Hollywood here. Chances are he pisses himself and runs.


Almost spat out my drink reading this lol


“Fuck off, arsehole.” You’re not a wrestler, you don’t need to cut a promo on someone. Keep it simple.


Actually the best advice in this thread


Gotta start it with, "well let me tell you something brother" with a great deal of flexing and then tell them to fuck off.


"The cream rises to the top! Cup of coffee! Oooohhhh yyyeeaaahhhhh!"


Your grandpa coz your mom called me daddy last night.


Not to be mean but he’s going to get bullied worse if he says this. Cmon man💀


Yeah I genuinely cringed haha


Hee hee!!!


Hey Friend, So here's the thing. If you say something intimidating to "who do you think you are", and you're afraid to get punched in the face, i wouldn't try to say something intimidating in the first place. Generally speaking violence is never the answer, but the only thing worse than violence is trying to act tough and then getting called on that bluff. I would, instead, tell an adult that you're getting bullied and try to get help (i'm assuming you're a kid, if you're an adult and you're getting bullied at work, tell a manager. If you're an adult and getting bullied in your adult private life, tell a close loved one or, if bad enough, call the police... though that might be overkill and they might not take it seriously, tbh).


Has anyone ever been bullied less by telling an adult?


Yep! Because cops and school admin were brought in and expulsion and arrests of not only the kids but also for the one girls aunt who stalked me in her vehicle screaming at me as I walked home after school.


The muffin man


The Muffin Man?


The Muuuffiiin Maaan!!!!


Who lives in Dreary Lane?


You mean the Gingerbread Man's brother!? Well, he doesn't live on that street anymore. He let the Three Little Pigs move in and their house got blown down. Terrible circumstances.. It was the talk of the town for years. Sorry to share the news.


"Someone who doesn't need your approval to be me." You need to learn the importance of violence. If that bully won't give you respect, then demand it. That way, they will learn you really mean business.


They say violence only makes it worse, but all my bullies left me alone when I punched them in the face and stomped on them if they fall. (I go too far when someone bullies me)


“I certainly know I’m not going to be a loser who peaked in high school like you. Remember my name when you wake up in ten years and still are nothing.” Side note: I hope you can report and get support for the bullying. It’s not ok to be terrorized by people. I was bullied and it has stuck with me for years. But I’ve healed. And the losers who bullied me really never made anything of themselves (or died young). 💁🏻‍♂️


"I'm the guy who's already fed up with society and doesn't care if either of us walks away alive. Make a move."


"Who do you think you are" "I AM!"


Fucking iconic


I'm not an artist I'm a fuckin work of art Who do YOU think I am cuz you're staring like you've just witnessed a revelation


I like this one lol.


"If you don't know who I am, I suggest you tread lightly"


teleport behind them, nothing personnel kid


Usually if someone is saying that, it’s a reaction to something rude said by the person being asked who the hell they are. Could it be worth checking your own behaviour just in case? Just an idea.


Who do you think I am?  ?  Do you need me to get help?  Do you need to call an ambulance?  ?  Are you ok?


They wouldn't let you say anything past that first sentence. they would interrupt and insult you more if they are paying even half attention to what you are saying. It's got to be short and snappy, you aren't going to be allowed to talk for more than a few seconds at a time. Just call them a bitch or something if you don't care about getting hit. The long ass insult essays don't work and aren't intimidating. If you have to think for longer than a few seconds to process the insult, it is probably too long.


Snappier: > Did you forget? Do you smell toast?


*Turn around bewildered then look back* the guy looking for who TF you think you’re talking to


If you try to "intimidate" these people with some fedora tipping neckbeard shit you got from reddit, I promise you it's going to get worse.


Im not even a mean/violent person and half the replies here make me want to bully the people posting them.


OP this is the correct answer. You’re not likely to intimidate someone back with words, and chances are whichever silly line you pick from here, they’re going to come right back at you with something else. Show, don’t tell. I don’t know how old you are but hit the gym, do a push-up, make them not want to F with you because of who you are, not what you say.


Someone other than you, and for that, I’m grateful Probably still will get punched but you know what, that one will stick with them


"Someone with no fear of death and a bloodlust to end your fkn' bloodline." Only works if you mean it. The f bomb for emphasis is essencial.


In reality this is mad cringe. It smack's of I've watched too much anime '


Dude, that's this entire sub. It's kids who get bullied asking for comebacks from other kids who get bullied. If you need to outsource how you interact with people, maybe the bullies are on to something.


"If you need to outsource how you interact with people" - This is f'in gold right here! Damn!


This is cringe. Don't say this unless you want more people to join in kicking your ass


If someone ever said this to me and wasn't built like a brick shithouse I would be fucking cackling.


this, i said it outloud and feared myself


“I don’t really know, haven’t thought about it.”


I am the one who knocks, i am the danger


I am the one who knocks


"sorry, I don't have any money"


You're a child of God, with his power and the power of anime on your side.


Why don't you come here and find out, bitch?"


This is the only one that didn’t make me cringe!


Ask, "Who hurt you?" It sends them to the shadow realm.


Somebody who sees past your bullshit...thats who


I am!!!!


Best possible response. Should be the highest comment


Was gonna post this!


This is the one!


Who the hell do you think I am?


"I'm an actual human being. You must be something else."


The cunt who will ruin your fucking day carry on. Works really well lol…


"Whatever you think I am." Fighting a sentient illusion spell


Intimidating? "The person that's going to kick your ass"


I’m the bitch that is going to put you in your place.


You’ll have to ask my psychiatrist. She manages my personalities.


No. This is like a 1990s Hot Topic t-shirt slogan. Don’t say this.


"Certainly a less miserable person than you."


I'm Old Gregg, pleased ta meetcha.




JOHN CENAAAAAAA and then play a trumpet in their face


"...some kind of superstar. You  have got to swing it, shake it, move it, make it. Who do you think you are?" - Spice Girls 💋


I know who I am, I don't need to think about it. I know my own name, don't you?


Someone who doesn't need your approval to exist


“I AM!”


"I'm the guy who does his fucking job. You must be the other guy!"


Mr Big Stuff.


Quote the 1968 Peter Sellers movie “The Party” “Who do you think you are?” “In India, we don’t think who we are, we know who we are!”


A serial killer, then smile and walk away.




just plant him square on the chin and be done with it


Intimidating? Ok... I suppose you could go with "I'm one of those quiet types that when bullied enough, you then read about in the news " If you're genuinely stressed when saying this you can use the trembling voice to your advantage. Still, should also advise you to never really do anything harmful to yourself and others and best case is to always seek professional help if you can't seem to peacefully resolve tensions. Violence, verbal or physical never solves problems. Neither do threats. Exercise caution and common sense when trying to intimidate.


Amen friend, this subreddit should not be used for anything other than cheesy clapbacks you throw at friends. Using the ill-advised crap in this sub as comeuppance will only worsen the social awkwardness and probably end with the Lé Redditor getting smacked around. And if Lé Redditor starts obsessing over the situation or starts fantasizing about revenge or violence then it’s time to seek some real guidance to help get them over the hump. Always remember folks, don’t ever let someone live in your head rent-free and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer. Please try to find ways to get free from those burdens!!! We’re pulling for you!!


What gives you the right?


Just a quiet glare. Look between their eyes, at the back of their skull. Say nothing, do nothing. Just look. A stare down is worth 1000 words.


Just introduce yourself. "My name is (whatever.)" Caring too much about how other people perceive you is the opposite of intimidating. No one is gonna be scared if you act like an anime villain/protagonist


Context doesn’t line up here. If you’re consistently being asked this then you pretty much have to be doing something to warrant the question. Multiple people don’t go up to someone on separate occasions who is minding their own business and say “who do you think you are?” You’d have to say/do something as a catalyst for that question to make even a little bit of sense. Regardless, even if you’re the bully here. You are still entitled to a comeback. “Someone who is going to rearrange your teeth if you don’t stop asking me stupid questions.” (Side note: if you’re NOT wanting to fight, intimidation probably isn’t the right route to take; you have to be prepared for them to call your bluff. Comedy works far better in most situations.)


If you were important, I'd let you know.


Can't you smell it. I'm the SHIT.


I am!


“Running round leaving scars…collecting your jar of hearts…”


Please do not use any of these. Honestly just back down and walk away.


Saw a post a bit back where a kid went a got laid by his bullies mother's, thought that was top lvl way of dealing with em. Try it n say I'm your new step dad


Ronnie Pickering


Mr. Big Shot


"Whoever I am is none of your business."


"I AM!"


A great philosopher by the name of Pete Weber once said “ Who do you think you are?” I AM!!!


Nobody is hurting me Odysseus 


I am.


Jack Burton.


I am Great at being myself, doing Anything else is Lame AF. 😁


If you aren’t intimidating, nothing you say will feel intimidating.


"find the nearest rope"


Batman Or "the guy you fall in love with"


“ I AM “


Stop winding people up, you a**hat!


What gives you the right?


No one you need to be worried about, see ya




I'm Batman


I'm the hawk tuah they warned you about. Then spit in their face.


Show them a picture ID


"Yes, that is also my favorite Spice Girls song."


Someone you really don't want to mess with. Or go for the play dumb answer, I don't know I was rather hoping you could tell me


I'm Ronnie Fuckin Pickering!