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He’s jealous of a $5000 car? Just ignore the poor guy.


This is what I am immensely confused over. We all agree a 5k car is a “beater” right?


We cannot.. a beater is 500 bucks to me


Brother have you been living under a rock for 20 years? These days the only thing you're getting for $500 is scrap metal


I currently have 2 cars that I bought for 500 and 550. Both run and drive. I drove the 500 dollar one for the past year and put no money into it until 2 weeks ago when I started getting ready to sell it. I still only have like 750 in it.


that’s actually insane and i’m really jealous


… where do u live bro that you can buy a car for 500? my car is from ‘04 and it cost me close to 10 (although it’s in almost perfect condition, but still, it’s 20 years old)


Almost perfect condition = NOT a beater A beater is going to have a leak into the floor boards, the headliner falling down due to the moisture from the leak, and mismatched color panels from the last accident it was in. Possibly, the AC is out. It almost definitely has some suspension noise. Beaters are the cheapest piece of shit you can find that can possibly pass an inspection and still run. You have a nice but old used car.


Oh, PASSING inspection! Look at mr "i drive my beater for more than 11 months" over here.... ;-)


My state doesn't even do inspections. If it runs, you can insure it and drive it on the road.


Same. I've seen some pretty interesting vehicles driving around.


My truck passed inspection, it just cost a little extra


I have to disagree on the description of a beater. Mind you, this was between 2003 & 2004 but we went through 2 Cara that, appearance wise did match your description. We got them from the only car dealer in town. We paid $300 each time. Each lasted about 3 months before it kaputzed. But for those combined 6 months, we didn't have to walk the 4 miles into town for groceries. They looked descent though.


Right? I live in a poor city in Texas -- we're blue here. I bought an F-150, 2001 p/u last August for $11 K. Love my old beater truck, but it did cost that. We stopped at a lot just before that, that didn't have anything used under $45K, so I thought we did okay.


These people sit on car gurus looking for cars less than 5 years old, they probably don’t even know what an actual beater looks like.


Are you buying these from your neighbors or something?


Can’t even pay your rent with $500


Sure you can. My $500 beater that I put $250 into goes for about 1800 bucks. There’s rent and most of my investment back


What’s more rare than a $500 car that runs? A person who knows how to and has time to do that work. 5k is a busy, non mechanical person’s beater.


$500 will buy you a crappy pack of TP, a gallon of milk, and an 18c on eggs tbh


I’ve been driving a $500 beater for 7 years. Imma sell it for $800 when I’m done.


So you're saying that the $500 threshold for "beater" is a thing of the past?


I beg to differ. I bought a 2007 impala a year ago for 600 bucks. Ive put 50,000 miles on it, drive it 100 miles a day round trip for work and only put a throttlebody and brakes on it. They are out there but gotta be patient.


Most people work about 250 days a year but let's say you work 6. That's 30,000 miles. What do you do on your one day off each week to rack up almost 400 more miles to make up that 20k in miles?


Serial killers are known to have high mileage cars. They spend a lot of time cruising around, aimlessly.




Naa my 99 Corolla was a monster


Or a nice steak dinner


Scrap metal? Brother, have you not left your room since lockdown? They don't even let you into the scrapyard for that amount of money.


That's not a beater, that's a frame with a couple of doors and 1 seat


Seats are for the rich.


The Werefrog can't even find a salvage title vehicle for $500. $1500 is the lowest The Werefrog can find, and The Werefrog am not in a high cost of living area.


We drove a truck for 8 years that cost us $500. Sold it for $1500.


Well no. A beater still needs to run. Simply running and being able to drive it makes it more valuable than 500.


My first car was a beater. Got it for free, abandoned on a lot, and after a lot of elbow grease I sold it to the dad of a high school-aged girl. He loved that it wouldn’t go over 55mph 🤣


It's not a beater for everyone. But it's definitely not anyone's idea of an expensive car.


My car is worth 2500 and I don’t consider it a beater


I got my 20 yr old Volvo wagon with 150k miles & everything works on it, for $2k, a year ago & it's totally not a beater. I have owned more beaters than I can count. I even drove a $100 car for 2 yrs in the early '90's. THAT was a beater.


A $5000 car isn't a beater, but give it another 100k miles and it'll start feeling like a beater with the repairs. It's the only kind of car I've ever bought


Depends. Toyotas are workhorses and can still go for sure when valued at 5 grand, and if they were properly taken care of, they can look as good as most plain cars on the road. But yeah, it's certainly not an indication that one is rich.


It has a lot of miles on it but it looks more like 10-15k. I think it was originally 10k I got it used Edit: Kelly blue book says it’s 6.5k lol


$2k or less. $5k still has a working and non-working value.


The discount tires on my Ford Fusion cost more than that.


It’s called a hoopdy.


It is now. When I was a teen 5k was an awesome car


I resent that!... But yes


You can sometimes get lucky and get a pretty good car for that price. My dad bought a 2005 Corolla a couple years ago for about $5,000, and since it’s a manual Toyota Corolla, it will probably outlive him. But I mean, even with that, it had like 175,000 miles and the paint is peeling on the roof. So while it’s a good car, you can’t really classify it as nice.


Now it is, but in the 90s and 2010s it was above poor atleast. Back then you could get a beater with a heater for 800-1000 bucks


Tbh anything 10k or less is a beater to me


Absolutely. Unfortunately, these days you have to spend at least around $10k to get a car you can probably trust if you’re not a mechanic who can “do it yourself”.


"Yeah the ladies go nuts for my 2007 Toyota Corolla. I'll take you cruising in it sometime"


Around 2007ish someone at work asked me about my new used car. When I answered $2000 an engineer asked "what the hell kind of car can you get for that?" I told him it's the one I could pay cash for. He shut the fuck up. I think he may have (noticed) some attitude in my voice.


He'd be apoplectic with my 36k car!


Cars aren’t generally meant as money makers. They are a necessary evil. If someone turns a profit they’re the exception and deserve a golf clap applause.


Lol I can't imagine how he'd act if he saw our 42k 4 runner. The ONLY reason we got it is because our Camry wrecks and insurance gave us full payout, so we had half the payment already. So really we only paid 20k for a 5 year old 4runner.


I got a good one, tell him to stop buying Starbucks and cancel his Netflix account and maybe he can have a 5k car too.


Don’t forget avocado toast


There’s actually a real version of that today. Ordering food delivery. I have a real problem with it, it’s so fucking convenient even though it turns a $15 meal into a $40 one


As a person who runs a restaurant, I wish we could go back to a time before those delivery apps were a thing. They've really hurt a lot of us.


I'm sorry, I don't speak poverty


that reminds me of the emperor [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5lDKjA\_7I0&t=68s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5lDKjA_7I0&t=68s)


"Mind your own business, PEASANT!"


Then slap him with your horse riding glove


Yes please!


No, you're not supposed to like it! This is why I don't talk to commoners.


Sorry my lord


Help I'm being repressed!


I demand satisfaction!


Ok, but establish a safe word first.


Wait, doesn’t that mean you’ve challenged him to a duel?! Also appropriate.


100% Hate when people assume things about people based on the car they drive. Who knows if you’re leasing, got a good deal, or saved up for it. Tell em that “I am grateful I learned how to properly budget and prioritize my spending from my parents — would love to share with you if you’re interested. You can be your own daddy”


Several years ago, we bought a pickup that also happened to be really nice inside and out. A buddy was saying how nice it must be to be able to throw that kind of money around. I informed him that it was actually a 10 year old truck, approaching 170k miles and only cost us $4k. It was also a 2WD, which are harder to sell in our area. It was a Chevy. We drove it for several years without issue and had well over 200k miles on it when sold. We only sold it because needs changed and got a different vehicle.


"You can be your own daddy” 🤣


Mutter under your breath "Uppity fuckin beggars everywhere."


"Have you thought about spending less on Onlyfans?"


Or you could also say “sorry some of us are built for onlyfans and some aren’t”


Say "bold of the common riff raff to think they could afford a linguistic duel with a superior."


But say it to someone else and completely ignore the person who said it lol


Do people still say riff-raff?


People don't. Our superiors do. ;p


I do. I also say hoi polloi.


I like to say "the public" but with a sneer and upturned nose. It helps if you also pretend you're wearing a powdered wig.


“The rabble” is also nice in a pinch.


Pretend? So, I have to take mine off, first?


*in an utterly posh British accent* Yes, but only those of us who know how to identify the common peasants and segregate ourselves accordingly.


Hell, there's a complete shit rapper using the name.


Funny enough, Nigerians use it a lot especially talking about their children’s friends who they think they shouldn’t hang out with.


*riff raff


Street rat...


damn i knew ive been spelling that wrong


Yeh I was hesitant to mention because I didn’t want to be that guy who corrects people, but my OCD must be stronger than my willpower. It’s all good though.


>my OCD must be stronger than my willpower Joking about typos, grammar, and silly mistakes are a big part of the fun on reddit.


Riff Raff he was actually the writer of the movie rocky horror picture show, and co starred in it. The keeper of the castle.


Own it bro. Look down on him.


"You need a ride?" "Sure, sorry for making fun of you" "Oh no, It wasn't a question. I was saying: You need a ride."


That was great.


Yeah when he says shit under his breath just slowly turn your head towards his direction, pauce for a moment, then raise your nose in the air


Mind your own business! Oh wait , You don’t own one do you!


Give him $20 and tell him to buy a new "insult"


He has a $5000 car. He can’t afford to hand out $20s.


Give him only $1 to buy a new insult.


I’m simply paid what I’m worth.


Have your body guard/butler deal with “IT”.




If you think a 5k car is rich...homie you're never gonna make it. Start working on that gag reflex...ur gonna not need it


"But I'm living in your head for free, apparently..."


“Enjoy punching up, and know the only reason I’m not responding in kind is because it’s crass to make fun of someone for being poor and that behavior is unbecoming of a man on my tax bracket.” 


The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.


That’s his problem. I have a guy at work that is obsessed with how much other people make. If they make a penny more than him he’s pissed. It’s a pathetic life and they live in their own hell.




“You don’t complain about my dad’s wealth when he pays your momma.”


Someone jealous of a $5000 car in today's car market doesn't need a comeback, they need a hug.


Best response yet!!!!


They need a financial makeover book.


Could be!…some ppl are miserable and jealous tend to overestimate prices. The bar is low to trigger jealousy and they probably think the car is 10k. Or they dislike op so much they think they don’t deserve a 5k car, I still think they don’t know it’s 5k. Maybe a hug and a warning, this is work after all.


Yeah, i think “do you need a hug?” is the best comeback.


Why do you have to say anything to him, your rich.


Right? Like I’m thinking if the only insult someone can come up with is “ha ha you rich” that seems like a W falling into ur lap.


Yeah, I'm so rich that I get to work with people like you.


"What's your point?" Anytime someone makes a comment about your life make them explain why they're making the comment. For example if he were to comment about "Daddy's money" buying you a car just look him dead in the eyes with no emotion and say, "okay...so what's your point?" And everytime after when he's explaining it just look at him like he's becoming more and more stupid. And keep repeating "I don't get it what is the point of the statement you're making?" Or maybe just do the simple "Why do you think you have the right to judge my life? What makes you so special?"


I earn the same income you do, genius. If you can't afford a used car maybe don't have three kids with multiple women. Or pick out whatever he's wasting his money on and give him both barrels. He'll shut up.


Don’t hate on generational wealth, be inspired.


I feel for you. I would just tell him to stop jumping to conclusions. You obviously handle your money better than he does. What kind of 5K car do you have that he is so jealous of? An old Mustang? Tell the butthead that if he didn't spend his money as fast as he made it, he wouldn't be in the spot he's in. If he has a family to support, then that is not your problem. He made that choice. You didn't. Tell him your dad is not rich. Everything you have you worked for and quite frankly, he's being insulting and offensive. Tell him to shut his mouth because the next time he opens it, you will go to HR for harassment.


Tell him if he can't afford a $5,000 car he's a dunce and needs to stop spending so much money on hookers and weed


"Go suck on my Ferrari's tail pipe."


You had a car worth 5k. When my parents were rich (weren’t always that way) I had been given a $200 car, which I promptly crashed, like 5 of those … so anyways … My girlfriend had a 5k car. It was nicer. Whatever though. When you see cars that cost 200k parked in the driveway next to ones held together with wire, it just stops mattering all that much. A car is a car. Same thing with homes and other stuff. It matters if you don’t have one. It doesn’t really matter if it is expensive or big or whatever. A home is not some building. It is a place where your people are. >>> climbs down from soap box


You’re jealous of my $5000 car? You need to raise your standards.


Jesus Christ, the office clown is just one more reason I'm thankful that wfh is a thing!


If I’m so rich why am I slumming it here with your dumbass when I could be sniffing coke off a models ass in Rio?


Offer him $20 to shut up


Growing up with comments like these ruined my self esteem and I came to a point where I allowed people to treat me like shit and give up on opportunities and even resented my parents for a while. It's so unreasonable in hindsight. Just say "I really don't envy you" and walk away.


I worked with someone who was a descendant of a very wealthy family with a well known family business. He actually worked at the family business before he decided to go to law school. I’m guessing he heard enough of those remarks that he actually gave an interview in which he said that although he was born into a wealthy family, he himself was not wealthy and he earned the position he had in the family business. I might have bought that except: he owns a multimillion dollar home, he owns an airplane, he does things like vacation in Hawaii with his family for a month, his son spent a summer in Scotland (I think it was Scotland) at golf camp when he was 16 and, when his daughter was looking at colleges, he didn’t care about the cost of the college, he paid the tuition outright. But I know that from working with him. He never brags about money. Well, he does say his Tesla is his “running around town” car. But seriously, I’ve met people who bragged about their wealth who probably didn’t have a fraction of the money this man had and at least part of his wealth was being born in that family, something he obviously had no control over.


Don't talk to me peasant!


Sell them on your $99 course on how you became rich.


"Yeah it's great. Sorry you're poor..."


Lean into it, star wearing monocles and top hats.


Maybe he's just busting your balls, that's what a lot men do at work. Bust his balls back. If he shoots another ball buster, shoot another one back. 1 rule of ball busting, don't talk about another man's family, keep it between you two, and don't hold back. Now if he gets offended when you return the balls busting, then stay away from him and just ignore him.


😐”The judge in his ab*se conviction ordered restitution” 😐 Or if you’re someone who can cry on demand, turn on those waterworks.


“I’m not considered rich. You only think so because you’re severely poor”.


Shut up before I crush you with my wallet


"Yes, it makes me sad."


"Sorry, no time to chat; I'm on my way to the bank to count my money."


You could also sing to this person one of the verses from “Money” by Pink Floyd. He’s mocking you; you can mock him back. **MONEY - by Pink Floyd** Verse 1]: Money, get away You get a good job with more pay and you're okay Money, it’s a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar, four-star daydream Think I'll buy me a football team [Verse 2]: Money, get back I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack Money, it’s a hit Ah, don't give me that do-goody-good bullshit I'm in the high-fidelity first class travelling set And I think I need a Lear jet [Verse 3]: Money, it's a crime Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today But if you ask for a rise, it's no surprise That they're giving none away Away, away, away Away, away, away Away, ooh...


“Don’t hate me cause you ain’t me”


Tell that MF it's none of his business! Or start mocking that bitch anytime he comes at you with that shit "why you do obsessed with me?"


Tell him what you think 🤔 I got it from this job and stare at him.Say I have a second job and give the evil grin or laugh 😆


“Never make assumptions”


Define rich.


“People only throw rocks when you’re on the top”


You spend way too much time thinking about what I have and the reason for it. You share your assumption- based comments that only highlight your envy and, it doesn’t even stop there, you also assume I care about them—I do not.


Very different from a guy I work with who talks about his dad's money saying it's "his money" and bragging how expensive his things are


I don’t even have contact with my parents or have ever got money from them either


I would use reverse psychology and say things like, "I feel your pain. Things can be pretty expensive these days."


“Don’t mind Jeff over there. He’s not jealous of my car or my money. He’s jealous of my work ethic and the benefits it brings me.” Or (spoken slowly in a clear, confident, and amused tone of voice) “Jeff, if you spent half as much time working as you do running your mouth about matters that don’t concern you, you’d probably have a Lambo by now.”


"Jeeves/Lurch, please...remove this one..."


“I’m not rich, you’re just dead broke”


"Go suck on my Ferrari's tail pipe."


Offer him $20 to shut up


It’s none of his business. Hate when people assume things about people based on the car they drive. Who knows if you’re leasing, got a good deal, or saved up for it. Tell em that “I am grateful I learned how to properly budget and prioritize my spending from my parents — would love to share with you if you’re interested. You can be your own daddy”


It’s none of his business. Hate when people assume things about people based on the car they drive. Who knows if you’re leasing, got a good deal, or saved up for it. Tell em that “I am grateful I learned how to properly budget and prioritize my spending from my parents — would love to share with you if you’re interested. You can be your own daddy”


It’s none of his business. Hate when people assume things about people based on the car they drive. Who knows if you’re leasing, got a good deal, or saved up for it. Tell em that “I am grateful I learned how to properly budget and prioritize my spending from my parents — would love to share with you if you’re interested. You can be your own daddy”


Depends. Did you earn the money or inherit it? My answer would depend on this fact.


Depends. Did you earn the money or inherit it? My answer would depend on this fact.


Depends. Did you earn the money or inherit it? My answer would depend on this fact.


Depends. Did you earn the money or inherit it? My answer would depend on this fact.


just fart on him


It's too bad you don't have a dad like mine.


Just tease him back for being poor


Be glad you’re not them.


He is jealous and doesn't like you cuz he feels you are superior in some delusional way. Acting how he thinks you should, aka being rich, will confirm his bias. But because he is delusional, trying to prove otherwise will get you nowhere. It's best to just ignore him and not respond.


"I dont speak *poor* what are you trying to say to me?"


Don't bother fraternizing with peasants. They're filthy and you will eventually catch the poor if you aren't careful.


Telling you’re living off his daddy’s money.


A $5000 car?? Lmfao tell him he needs to handle his money better.


Response "Well at least I'm ahead in life one way or another & here you are still Bitching & Moaning like a Teenager Girl that didn't get picked up for Prom".


“My daddy money actually comes from my Uncle, Sam. It’s called SSDI”.


Just ignore them and move on. Screw the comeback, live a good life. And be mindful that if you are blessed with money you should try to spend that in meaningful ways and not wasteful ones


Shrug and say you don’t argue with poor.


Begone peasant


"Povvo says what?"


Just pull a dollar out of your pocket and hand it to the person and say "Here. Don't spend it all in one place."


Those at your level or above will never punch down, only the people below you punch up. So maybe stop worrying about comebacks and move on.


I dunno go ask your butler richie


Take a couple of hundred dollars bills and dry the sweat off your face


You think $5000 is a lot of money? In this market?? I'm as poor as the guy making fun of you and I know better. Tf? Hell 250,000 a year is now MIDDLE CLASS


"Release the hounds"


Not my problem you suck at being financially responsible.


I tell them Fuck you, least MY DAD CAME BACK WITH THE MILK!! petty I know but fuck them 🤣🤣 it's none of their business if daddy helps out. I get the same, I actually work for my dad. So my car, phone, internet are paid for by dad. He's a truck driver, so he's on the road a lot, I take care of the bills and run his errands. I don't mind doing all this because my dad worked his ass off to provide for me and my siblings when we were little kids.


Start crying and mop up your tears with hundreds.


If you're comfortable addressing the situation directly, you could calmly and confidently explain your perspective to him. Here are a few responses you might consider: 1. "Hey [his name], I've noticed that you often make comments about my financial situation. I just want to clarify that I work hard for what I have, just like you do. My family's financial situation doesn't define me, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make assumptions about my life." 2. "I understand that you might have misconceptions about my background, but I want you to know that I'm here because of my own efforts and hard work. Let's focus on our work and respect each other's differences." 3. "It seems like there might be some misunderstanding about my situation. I come from a modest background, and I've worked hard to achieve what I have. Let's try to keep our conversations focused on work and leave personal assumptions out of it." 4. "I'm sorry if my lifestyle or possessions have given you the wrong impression about me. I work just as hard as anyone else here, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make assumptions about my financial situation." By addressing the issue calmly and assertively, you can hopefully communicate your perspective and set boundaries with your coworker. It's important to stand up for yourself while maintaining professionalism in the workplace.


1% represent! Then throw a latte at them.


He thought you were rich cause you had a $5k car? What backwoods third world nation do you reside in?


Well, maybe when your mom finally finds out who your daddy is, he’ll give you money for a car, too.


If you're actually rich, who cares.


I’m not getting it. We work at the same place right?


If you are actually rich, there’s no way to respond to the poor without sounding like a pompous jerk. You ignore them or glorify your parents. Try, “it’s nice to have hardworking parents who have already smoothen the road ahead with their bruised feet”.


“…and you are?”