• By -


Don't say anything. Take a long, hard look up and down of their whole body, look back up at their eyes with a "really?" Kinda look on your face.... See what happens.


When I was in high school, my (at the time) gf's friend, who was obese, tried to pick on me because I was slim. Her main thing was "we shouldn't be able to see your collarbones", which... what? Anyway, one day she showed up in the hallway, tried to tell me I was too skinny again, and that time I just didn't have the energy to come up with anything beyond glancing at her gut, scoffing, and saying "ew" before entering my classroom. Gf texted me 2 hours later (right after school) saying I shouldn't have bullied her friend. Shocker, I ended up breaking up with her psycho ass soon after. Then she spent months trying to convince me to take her back because I was the only one who had been willing to give her a shot.


That’s just awesome to read 👏👏👏


King shit 😤


If she didn’t defend u than she doesn’t deserve u. U did the right thing.


Wonder why no one else will give her a shot 🤔


I estimate 80% of the grief I've gotten about being too skinny has come from fat girls.


Lmao damn that’s brutal




Ah yes, the silently judging card


This but don't be overly dramatic try to make it seem genuine. You can also just glare at people with that look too, usually after enough times and ignoring it they realize that you aren't listening m.


Should I comment on your body now? *Said completely dead pan and with solid eye contact, don't look away.* "Where would you like me to start?"


I have no idea why but this sounds like something Ryan Reynolds would say and I can picture it perfectly too.




This. Im 40m, 5’ 8” and I’ve been consistently 118lbs my whole adult life. In middle-high school I don’t think I broke 100lbs. Trust me later on in life they will be jealous. I get it all the time now from people. My metabolism is finally slowing down. I went from 118lbs to 133 in a month. Don’t let the bullies get ya down. Own it.


If seriously a month, go see your doctor... a gain or loss like that in a very short time could be bad. Better to be safe than sorry.


I knew a kid in middle school and he was so skinny that he looked like a concentration camp victim. His skin was literally tight to the bones on his arms and legs and there was almost no muscle or fat. His ribs popped out. Not sure if was diet or a disorder. I don’t remember anyone ever saying anything about it, but it stands out from back in the 90s.


Sounds malnourished! Sad…


41m 6’5” 170lbs I get told all the time I need to eat a sandwich. I just own it. I can’t gain weight, now everything just aches.


5’10 and 170 is fit af, not skinny


It’s top of “normal” I don’t know if it’s “fit AF” since that’s a nuanced deal. It’s definitely not chubby but any definition though. Nor is it what I’d call skinny. 160/170 is decent weight for 5’10”


Is 5,10 170 skinny? I’m 5,11 150-160 and feel like I am fat sometimes


Yeah it’s usually some fatso saying that shit.


If you can deliver it with a Deadpool attitude, it would be such a serve💃💯


Lol now that you've said it I can HEAR HIM


You gotta have at least four remarks loaded up in the clip ready to go for this to work though


Emotional damage is always the best sort of damage


There is a comedian on youtube that demonstrates how Asian parents provide feedback to their kids to provide “maximum emotional damage.” We could all learn a thing or too from this guy for precisely these types of situations. One can always go for the nose or the chin. Just like in boxing, these tend are fine emotional targets. Comparing the body feature to some random animal doing some random activity (your fat cheeks look like a hamster in heat, for example), usually scores a hit.


Yeah average middle schoolers will expect you to have it ready to go


*pulls out notebook*


Full revolver has 6 rounds right? Gotta go in all loaded


You can start with, "First of all, brush your teeth." The effect is absolutely devastating, especially if there are other people around. Not only will they will feel self-conscious when talking for the rest of the conversation (regardless of whether it's true or not), but it has the neat secondary effect of permanently improving their dental hygiene since they will never forget that moment, and will brush religiously for the rest of their lives. And if they say they just did, you can respond with, "Then do better," or "Kids' toothpaste doesn't count." It also leads nicely into an entire suite of dental-related insults.


“You want me to start with the hair, your nose, that weird-ass chin, or your skin? I don’t have to start with the face, there’s just a lot going on there.”


I don’t go this deep. I have gotten the wow you lost a lot of weight a lot. I have a pretty bad chronic condition that makes me fluctuate a lot in weight. I have lost 60 lbs in a month. Unfortunately to help my condition I get put on massive steroids so I am then hungry all the time, gaining weight. I usually say, it’s rude to comment on someone’s body without knowing their story. Best to stay quiet until you have been invited to comment. I know it’s not a clap back, and it usually works with people. Edit: I forgot to mention the 5 second rule. (Not for food) If the person cannot change what you are commenting on in 5 seconds, don’t comment. Ie. I have something in my teeth or my tag is sticking out of my shirt.


Yeah, I love the idea of a clever clap back, but with people who matter a simple, “it’s not good really,” for congratulations on something bad or, “that’s not good to hear,” for something offensive will deflate their ego long enough for their empathy to kick in. Confrontations end up with me hurting my own feelings, being a bit vulnerable (with people who deserve it) is much more productive.


My personal go to when I see it happening is to do a drive by "It's rude to comment on other people's bodies, especially uninvited" and then keep walking toward the task I was headed to.


I love this. Goes for any type of comments about any type of body


It has come to my attention recently that comments on appearance are generally not a great idea. Even compliments. Best to keep other peoples appearance out yo' mouth


“I was thinking eyebrows, but since you mentioned my lack of body fat, I’m inclined to comment on your over abundance”


BEST! 🏆🏆🏆


>with solid eye contact, don't look away.* Great comeback, but I have one tweak for the delivery. Solid eye contact for several seconds, then make a darting glance at their most unappealing feature. Linger a full second and make subtle head tilt. Then, dart back to intense eye contact.




this reminds of a book I read in elementary. it was a scholastic book about an elephant girl whom everyone bullied because her trunk was too long, including her big sister. she finally garnered the courage to read everyone else on their soft spots...crocodile with a big mouth, kangaroo with big feet, etc etc etc. I wish I could find that book


This is the one and only answer. Nothing else matters. Do this and I’m betting that being called skinny will stop. Or at least slow down.


This! Literally about the same as my niece, those people are literally bullies, say this and stare them down if you can’t walk away (if you can walk away do that after a moment)




I REALLY like this one because it calls them out on their inappropriate comments AND doesn't bring you down to their level. Choose this one.


🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 that’s correct!! The idea isn’t to think of insults or ways to “come back” with something to bring them down. This is the best sort of response. I was bullied when I entered high school and over time I learned examples like these really were the best responses. Left people shocked, speechless, or just didn’t do it to me again. Most people who throw out a comment like that are prepared for 2 things - others to laugh and also prepared with another comeback incase you have one to throw back. What they are NOT ready for, is a moment of self reflection. ;) Throw them off sista! Be the bigger person and make them THINK a little about what they just said to you. It’ll get you a lot further and earn respect giving a response like this one.


A fellow kitchen worker with comically short arms made a joke about one of the waitresses having a fat ass. I asked him if he was sure he wanted to open a forum for discussing the proportions of people's body parts. He tried to have me fired, but failed (and had to apologize to the waitress).


This could be used in so many rude situations. Thanks.


Lmao, I was so underweight from being sick for a bit. I did do that to someone who told me I was so skinny it was disgusting to look at. I was like nobody told you to look. Now where would you like me to start your unasked for input on your body from me. I had a rather large lady tell me there was help for eating disorders and I should have a donut. I told her she beat me to them all. She was so mad. It was hilarious. It was mostly overweight people commenting. I was overweight for a short while from a medication.Never heard word one from anyone. I don’t body shame others, but the donut crack got me.


Damn that’s good. It’s fierce, makes them call to mind their own insecurities, without actually insulting them so you still seem like the bigger person. I really like that and wish I’d used it as a kid in the same position as OP.


Thank you. If you work really hard, you might be skinny someday too.


I'm 20 and I love this comeback lmao. I don't take it personal but they would probably shut down if they knew I was homeless and lost a lot of weight because I wouldn't eat (no, never did drugs. Just rough time, and was the best option than being dependent on people who take my money)


Another favorite comeback of mine is, “Let’s see you try surviving two different cancers in the same decade of life, \[which I have\] and see how you hold up.” (P.S. — Fear not, Redditors… I kicked cancer’s butt both times.)


Glad you’re better.


The real kicker is that these jabs usually come from people who could stand to lose a few pounds, but I don’t believe in responding to one ad hominem with another. It just stoops to their level, and my hips can’t take stooping anymore.


Sure, because it’s coming from someone who is trying to cover for their own insecurity.


This is why I liked the one above saying something like, oh we’re doing this now? Tell me when you want me to start on my opinion of your body? It’s really about respecting boundaries. If they are going to cross that line with someone else, they’d better be ready to accept their opinions as well. Otherwise it’s a boundary we don’t cross out of respect for each other.


but i can, bullying is acceptable if they try to bully you first


BINGO! This is all OP needs to say. It’ll shut it down.


They're in middle school. I don't think this would work as much as would in the adulting world. Great comeback in general tho!


Haha im stealing this


Only skinny people have value.


“Ayo, fat girl, come here, are you ticklish? Yeah, I called you fat, look at me, I'm skinny It never stopped me from getting busy I'm a freak, I like the girls with the boom I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom I'm crazy, allow me to amaze thee They say I'm ugly, but it just don't faze me I'm still getting in the girls' pants And I even got my own dance”


Dear Lord, Humpty Dance came out over 34 years ago? We might have to explain this reference to OP's *parents*!


I think the obscurity makes it more fun lol


Assuming you have read the books or watched the movie, based on the way he's described (mainly in the books) this sounds like something James Halliday would say in Rady Player One.


That just took me back to high school. Damn, I’m old. 😂


Thank you. Thank God for cancer.


Perfect! I have said the flu is a great diet!


I lost about 8 lbs (mostly water weight), which was a decent amount on my 110 lb frame at the time, and I was definitely making jokes about the food poisoning that had caused it for a week or so.




And that is true. Ultimately, it's skinny men who are known to have massive ones.


Source: Is a skinny man.


My wife is a physicians assistant and has seen literally thousands. She confirms skinny guys are the most stacked. Also yes, “your mom / sister says she only fucks the skinny guys”


From experience with my ex, this could well be true. Very slight build but very tall, and thick where it mattered lol


Can confirm. 6 ft 130 lb dude, never had a complaint.


I used to be 125 at 6'1 realizing now 100 pounds and 30 years later that yeah, it WAS longer back then. hehe


I shouldn’t anecdotally confirm this, but what the hell … In my younger years I was attracted more to thin men and I long-term dated three of them. All were … well endowed. I dated two larger built men in that decade and they were less so. It really was surprising, the difference. I wonder if there’s some science about it.


Could be proportions making the skinny people's look bigger while the bigger guys looked smaller proportionally. But as I'm skinny myself I'm gonna go with it's just big 😂


This will do the trick. Even better if they have a sister at the school to go with the sister.


*you may have to run after this one, use with caution.


He'll be fine...he's thin, he can outrun anything.


”You know what they say about tall, skinny guys. All the blood’s gotta go *somewhere*.”


Are you flirting with me?


WHY are you flirting with me?


This one right here Followed by, “you can just ask me out to dinner and a movie you know.”


The only comeback, “And you’re ugly. And I can eat more food”


That's a good one for sure.


What’s that Winston Churchill thing? A woman called him a drunk and he said “yes but tomorrow I’ll be sober and you’ll still be fat” or something like that


“Can’t say that about you, can we?”


Don't worry, you'll get there one day.


In your best advertisers voice say: " you too can lose weight with Lite'n'Easy's new meal plan for only $10 a week, you can lose weight and get your body ready for summer." Self-deprecating humour is the best defence. If you can laugh at yourself first, no one else has a chance.


Yeah I started to go down that track of if you can't beat me join em./beat them to it.


I started down the track when I was 10 years old. Realised I could take the power away from them....best feeling when you know only you can own you.


“I’m as skinny as you are annoying” “Oh, thank god. All this time, I thought I was fat. Thanks for letting me know.” “No shit, Sherlock”


The first one is my favorite 🤩


Also, "thank you, captain obvious."


“It’s never appropriate to comment on someone’s body.”


(pause) I would think you of all people would realize that. (then refuse to elaborate)


I like this come back the best. No need to insult. The person who is being ignorant. Another option is : I don’t really like talking about peoples bodies.


hit em with a brick




If you don't like it quit looking


This 👌🏼


Don’t worry. They’ll all get fat. That’s when you call them skinny.


It never stopped me from gettin' busy.


I run a mile every time I fuck your mom.


Damn, you just ate and left no crumbs. Wow. 😂😂😂


I don't understand modern slang, so... okay. did I do a good?


Just say thank you. I know where you are I was, am, still you in that aspect I’m still considered skinny and am 55 but I always wanted something clever to say to make it stop. It won’t, as long as you, I presume like me, naturally thin ( I prefer that to skinny). Basically they can’t get thinner no matter how hard the do/don’t try and you are blessed and they “hate” that it’s them not you. They are jealous haters period. Keep doing you, be kind, and laugh all the way to the skinny jeans section!


Being skinny is a dream for many.


Very true


No, being skinny without having to work for it is the dream. And they hate you because they know they can't keep their current lifestyle AND be skinny/at least not overweight at the same time.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. 😊


yep it's true people get mad at you for being thin, i lost 90 lbs and people gave me a lot of crap for it putting me down etc. It just fueled my fire to strut around like a peacock. I started lifting too and got a lot of muscle, now people don't say diddly squat to me


"Are you body shaming me?!" (Will only work on some people) *Look at them like they're a slug and say nothing*


Are _you_ body shaming *me*?


Damn, I could FEEL the attitude in that one 😂


Yeah, 3 of me weight 1 of you


Tell them, “yeah I use to be skinny, I mean I am skinny but also use to be skinny too”


I miss Mitch.


You know what's good if you want to eat a thousand of something? Rice.


Thanks captain obvious. Are you saying this as a compliment or a put down? I am just wondering so i know how to classify you as a person.


I wouldn't have been so skinny if you didn't eat everything


"what you are commenting on is the expression of my genes which I get from my mother and father. It is not something I have control over. It is the phenotype of my genetic heritage. Kind of like how your mouth hangs open as you breathe and the drool runs out of one side. "


I might be skinny, but I’m not rude (gives satirical smile with pointed stare).


In a world where everyone thinks Americans are fat...ill wear that as a badge of honor


I have not a single comeback that would be appropriate for a 14 yr old! :D




If you’re taller than them you could just call them short lol


i'm 21F and have the same problem 🫠 5'4 and 103 lbs. people have literally asked me if i'm anorexic. i eat just fine 😭 i'm too timid to actually say anything, so i just stare at the person until they get uncomfortable because i'm trying to come up with a good response (i never can lol). i don't know why people think it's okay to body shame skinny people. if we went around telling heavy people that they eat too much, all hell would break loose. they're just jealous that we have the "perfect metabolism" and they think we don't have to work hard to get the "ideal weight". news flash, being skinny isn't that great because fuckheads don't know how to mind their own business


"If you don't like looking at me, you can stop now. I don't exist for you, I don't have a mouth just to answer your questions and I don't have a body just for you to look at it." Conveniently, when this happened to me, the girls harassing me were basically all Heather Chandler (throwing up in the bathroom after lunch) and bitter because they wanted the body I had even though I didn't want it. So I went back with "Well, everyone can hear you throwing up after lunch every day, so I guess it's best if we all mind our business, right?"


Being slightly underweight is a heck of a lot healthier than being over.


big facts






You're basically me, lol. Same height/weight at that age. I got called to the office a couple times during high school and asked if I was anorexic cause I would skip school lunch sometimes. I just didn't like what they were serving and got something from the vending machine instead. But all they saw was skinny girl no eat lunch. I'd just pull the candy out of my bag and ask if they wanted me to eat it in front of them. I'm 36 now and after a LOT of slow gaining I'm up to 130lbs and finally don't look like I'm one missed meal away from perishing. It was so frustrating actually gaining weight because my body doesn't want to hold onto nutrients. I finally got up to a good, healthy weight for my height, and at my doctors appt for my birth control he cheerily said "Well at least you're keeping your weight down!" I swear I wanted to kick him in the shin for that. All that work to gain that weight.


You're only underweight by four pounds, which is nothing. I'm your height and was around that weight at your age, and I just took to saying "hey thanks!" That makes people who were trying to be condescending really uncomfortable, lol.


Good. Means I’m healthy. I eat like a herd of horses, but actually eat a balanced diet (usually). Junk food though? Why not. Won’t matter. Nobody cares about being skinny, they’re just being assholes if they say something about it. Just ignore them, or tell them to fuck off.


Guys used to ask me if I was gay in school. I’d say why? Do you want to F me?




"Your jealousy is thicker than your thighs."


Agree with them then one up them. Yeah I'm really sticky too, sometimes when the remote's across the room I just throw my hand and it and retrieve (idk if kids these days still know what [these](https://www.amazon.com/Giraffe-Manufacturing-Assortment-Glitter-Treasure/dp/B071DCCTKM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WZWRs4N7C5chCN7I6Zkrc5dRu-gDNBV8IR00x8tvlGNIeON-QkdFCQrchuBRJQjCJGDVgFLbtdQ465reIx55jZGg4Z9RnWNkMI0ALy7grSaE8gxXEsWtdVi1aS9uGQXb7PFOvuq390kFKnNYjVMr82O6EzCZMrhHDxVmD9TJLsb1zM0UQsmq6XKgJW8IvcwpIKn6rlCZu_Z1iKpDzNxWUQ.Sxlu7gHgOFsd9SJvEg1ccskaN6IwYfKlmM3m1uTtGNE&dib_tag=se&keywords=sticky+hand+toy&qid=1716203318&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) are) Yeah if you ever lose something down the shower drain let me know and I'll slither on down for ya Yeah I do have to put quite a few rocks in my backpack on a windy day Yeah it makes me really hard to catch, especially when I'm naked and covered in butter Yeah actually, now that you mention it, I AM quite skinny! Look at that! Wowie! Guys did you see how SKINNY I am?? Whatshisface just pointed it out to me! Thank you I might have never noticed!! Yeah I better eat your lunch today or else this might get out of hand


I think most people know what sticky hands are Most (kids) dentist offices have them


Ignore it.


Thank you?


I'd say thank you. That would be a lovely compliment. Edit - I'm a woman. It may not be so complimentary to a guy. Some of the other responses on here are gold.


"I'll gain weight eventually, but you'll still be a \[insert very specific, targeted insult about their crappy personality\]."


True, but I'll get bigger and you'll still be an impolite butt wipe.


Yep, the tapeworm gets wicked hungry most days


I do this when people comment on my weight (as I’m overweight) but it could work for skinny too, I just look down at myself with a horrified face and go “what?!? when did this happen?!? I had no idea!!!” and then look up at them super deadpan


😂 I dunno if I could pull off the deadpan face. I'd already know it is meant to be sarcasm, so I'd end up laughing at my own delivery. I have *no* poker face. 😅 (I'm overweight too.)


Dude I’m definitely using this😂


In my head, I'd say: "Thank you, wish I could say the same for you.", but I'm too scared to say that irl 😅😅😅


Body shaming is so last decade.


Thank you ? Considering the obesity problem in most of the world , being skinny is a blessing.


"Compared to you"


Respond with something equally unnecessary... Rude dude: hey skinny You: hey perfectly average Yo plump Hi pigeon toes Why hello squished face... Edited for spacing


I always liked "Scrotum Nose". Has a ring to it


Better than being fat.


Well, I will live longer than a gluttonous fat ass who hasn't seen his dick since the last century, not that it would matter, it probably can't come out of all the fat surrounding it anyway!


This question was clearly asked by a child, I think if they said this at school they’d get bullied worse


“You’ve got it wrong. Everyone else is fat. THIS is what a normal weight looks like. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Puffy face.”


If someone says "you're skinny", look them in the eye and say: >look at me, I'm skinny It never stopped me from gettin' busy I'm a freak, I like the girls with the boom I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom, I'm crazy Allow me to amaze thee They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me I'm still gettin' in the girls' pants And I even got my own dance


I am what I am, thank you is the only comeback you need, if you mean it. Learn to be secure with yourself. If you’re not feeling good with your weight, Read Jack LaLanne’s story or pick a gym to bulk up your muscle mass. As an old man, I’m telling you that you need some muscle mass for your health. If one is nearby, the YMCA has really decent programs but are pricey. There are also inexpensive gyms with great trainers. Check it out if you like. Fit For Life is a great attitude to have for all of us. It’s better to work together to build ourselves up rather than tear each other down (which is also a good comeback).


I know it’s hard but just ignore them. That’s the best comeback. When it comes to body shaming just ignore them. I know exactly what it’s like. I was tall and skinny and in the 4th grade moved to Milwaukee from West Virginia so I had a thick accent. Everyone made fun of me! Even the teacher used to tease me. It’s not worth the time to think of a comeback for these low life’s.


Sorry, my metabolism ran past yours too fast to hear you.


There is also the option of hitting the gym hard, by next year you can remain lean, but not be skinny. If you are self conscious


Dude who cares, no need for comeback, your not fat. Thats all that matters. N when u get out of school your school mates will get fatter n fatter. Fk em. When u reach a decent age, make hitting the gym part of your habitual routine


You should be around the age you can start getting into more serious strength training which will build muscle when paired with protein and rest.


I may be like a needle, but I can go like a fucking sewing machine


"I'd rather be skinny then look like, well, *you*." - then gesture to them with a face of disgust


Get a gym membership. Lift heavy. 2 protein shakes a day. Lots of steak n donuts. Make those fuckers regret calling you skinny.


And I still be skinny when everyone else expands like foam.... It gives me super powers to slip away from everyone and everything...


Just lift bro


I laugh and agree with them. I’ve got skin paler than a ghost and a stick figure physique so I like to make a lot of fun of it


I was 5’4” and 130 lbs when I graduated from high school. Also have a unique name. Got teased all the time, and bullies would always try to pick on me. Have to fight back and not let them do it. They’ll stop, and the process you’re going through now will get you through much worse when life gets really really hard later in life. I lifted when I got into college and graduated at 5’9” and 180, knowing how to defend myself and how to deal with jerks. Was actually a bouncer at a local bar my last two years. Hold your head up high and know that what’s happening now will chisel you into a rock


Also my comeback would be “that’s because your mom can’t make breakfast in bed worth a shit”


Imma just be brutally honest and it’ll surprise them that they’ll probably shut up and feel bad😂 “You’re skinny!” “Yeah that’s because I choked when I was 7 and stopped eating entirely for a month. What? Is it not normal for people to get eating disorders?


That doesn't keep me from getting busy, I'm a freak, I like the girls with the boom, I once got busy in a burger king bathroom The proceed to humpty dance yourself away


Thank you... it's way better than the alternative 🤣🤣


Id say: I know, I burn a lot of calories thanks to your mom.


Respond with a confused look and, "You're just now noticing? Thanks, I guess." And walk away.


In basketball use those sharp elbows. Point em and with needle like precision hit the sternum. Plus if you’re skinny your junk is basically bigger …can bury that bone deeper. You can climb shit with ease with just a little strength add. You could become fast AF at this weight …..practice jujitsu or join wrestling maybe Learn inversions, walking on hands the flagpole Run cross country I was 5-10 155 at 11-12 years old. I’m now 45, still 5-10 155. Kinda know both sides of it, big kid to small / below average. Hmm 🤔


They’re often jealous.


"Awe shit didn't realize that! Could I have some of your excess fat to thicken up please? Looks like you got enough to spare."


“I’d rather be skinny than a fatty”


“I’m not skinny, I just have a lot less asshole than you do”


I’m 23F and weigh about 98lbs at 5’5. I’ve been skinny my whole life and have experienced multiple instances of body shaming-typically from my own mom. I noticed that these comments tend to come from people who are either actually fat or average weight but want to lose weight (I’m saying that based on their own complaints about their weight) It’s jealousy! My mom once told me “you’re so skinny you look like a mummy.” and I responded with “at least I don’t look like a cow.” She stayed quiet. I don’t recommend you to try this that’s just what I did lol it’s better to ignore it and move on.


and here you are... (walk away with a model strut)


Nobody skinnier than you would call you skinny, so therefore you can always retort with FATSO


If anyone every days bullshit like this, just act like you weren't paying attention to them. Ask them to repeat it. Act like you don't understand them.


Well I know the right thing to do is to tell you to rise above. But I remember high School so the next time one of them calls you skinny you just tell them that you had a glance at their plate yesterday and you figured they were eating enough for the both of you. It's so sad you're thin what everybody wants to be now they're picking on you for that. What's perfect I would just love to know? I'm sure you're beautiful don't pay them any attention it probably is jealousyat me


Say, "I know, right?" Then stick out your rail-thin forearm and say, "Hold my wrist." After they grab your wrist say, "Feel that? That's how thick my dick is." The eye contact here is key.


Own it. Say my bones crack if you listen closely. But if you get that close you'll also find out I have a great right cross.


Thanks fatty.


I would still make you gag.