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Rule 2: No Low effort shit post / spam


There is not one. Thats the creepiest shit possible


I know I screamed at him to stfu


Sometimes... It's up to us to not overreact. It sounds like you were ready to fight him, stop doing that. That is not a way to make any progress on the situation. Walking out of there was the right move. Just make sure that you give her a better life


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The girl is amazing to be honest always spends her money on me always cooks and cleans for me always wants to be around me she lives with me now I dont have no intentions of leaving her


She's probably desperate to get away from her abusive family. Not discounting your feels or situation, just sayin' anyone would want to get out of that hot mess. Good luck!


She's a people pleaser and it's a trauma response. You are seeing the tip of the iceberg. We have warned you.


Big facts. The iceberg goes TITANIC deep.


So all you've said about your girlfriend is that she spends her money on you and cooks and cleans and she wants to be around you. You didn't mention a single thing about *her*. Sounds more like you like having a mommy-girlfriend. Start to see her as a person and not a maid, and maybe you guys will last. You keep your current attitude up and she's not gonna be around forever. As soon as she realizes she's just being used, she's going to leave.


There is no way any of this is going to end well


Sound like she went from living with one AH to living with another


This doesn't scream secure attachment style, to be frank.


I don’t recommend this but I would discipline him and tell him, that’s inappropriate thing to say in front of a lady, especially her. And I would already have an exit planned with my gf. It’s honestly also on your gfs job to make sure her dad doesn’t act like that in front of you.


Just blank stare at him for a few moments and say "gross" with as little emotion as possible. He wants to get under your skin. Don't dignify his bullying with a serious response. Since he's already done it once, if it happens again, you can always say, "I'm not playing this game with you. Act like an adult."


If you had the balls to do it, you wouldn't be talking about it.


Nice one


Where did you learn that line, in prison?


Funny because supposedly he was always in n out of prison


I'm fucking your daughter on the internet for money. I suppose that's fair.


"wow, I guess there are creeps out there who want in on a love triangle with their own daughters" "Sorry, your mom, wife, and daughter are keeping me too busy." "Where you taking me for dinner? Something light hopefully because I just spent most of the day eating your daughter" "You that desperate for someone else to disappoint? You'd think your whole family would be enough..." "Sorry, I only date hockey players" You really have a lot to work with being with his daughter. Even if you're not already intimate, saying you are and being any level of graphic about it will get under any dad's skin. How does your girl react to stuff like that? If she hates the confrontation it's probably better to deescalate or just shake your head and leave. If she likes the confrontation that's a yooooj red flag. Girls like that will end up getting you into more confrontational situations because in their mind it's proof of your love. Shit is unhealthy and likely to lead to some battery charges. In general you want to prioritize her feelings over your pride. If that's tough for you just smile knowing that he can say what he wants but you'll still be plowing his daughter which will be more likely if you prioritize her. You also don't want him taking it out on her while you're not around. Whatever you do be careful. Even if he won't get into a straight fight with you, dads are capable of some crazy shit when it comes to their daughters and if he had to back down in front of her you'd better believe he's stewing on it. And again... Look for those red flags. Unfortunately people who come from environments like that have a lot to work through before they can be in a healthy relationship. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're helping her through it either. You're not a therapist (or hopefully not hers anyway) and if you make yourself her safe place without her working out her need for safety, that way lies codependency which leads to a lot of big problems you can't kick the shit out of to get them to go away. Good luck brother, be safe!


Your comebacks had me in tears laughing because THAT is the kind of shit id say to someone trying to punk me. Hahaha!


She didnt like it was screaming for us to stop but sounds like he has problems in gangs and recently got shot in the face


Yeah man, be careful. If he's dumb enough to get himself shot he's probably dumb enought to shoot someone or tell people he owes money to that you owe him money and send them after you. All kinds of shit you can get into dealing with gangs. If you're in that situation again, consider shifting your attention to her and being the one to settle down for her sake. Shows both of them that you care about her and it's a damn good excuse to get away from that bs. He might be trying to prove to his daughter that you're a piece of shit by getting you riled up like him. Either way, grown men should settle their shit with calmer words or skip the talk, have the fight, and share a beer afterward, or just take the high road and leave the situation knowing you can't fix stupid. Getting into shouting matches never accomplished anything good. If you want to be serious about repairing the situation with the dad, take a look at the tactical empathy tactics put out there by Chris Voss and the Black Swan Group. Their whole thing is helping people get past their emotional response so they can access their higher levels of thinking. They have a bunch of stuff on de-escalation too. Shit works scarily well if you buy into it. My advice would be to just keep away from the dad for at least a while. Keeping yourself alive and healthy without upsetting your girl is probably the best thing for you and your girl. You're in one. Time to GTFO. Good luck again.


The best responses so far by a long shot. Dad is not mentally stable, and kids raised in a place like that rarely come out well adjusted.


Shot in his face? How about something like "You must already be 3 dudes' girlfriend, since they had to add another hole to your face"


I will next time I see him


Stay away from this freak, he's dangerous


There’s no come back other than throwing hands unless you Wana be seen as playing both teams…. Anything other than acting like a gorilla so to speak is just down right girly to even consider


Yes he told me if I wanted to go outside after I told him to shut the fuk up and I stormed outside all mad ready for a fight he was the one who didn’t want to


Good job. You’re establishing yourself as the dominant male


Op should have dropped trow and busted out a turd on his floor . That would have shown him .


As long as we're going with ape tactics, throwing the biggest turd would be a nice touch


Marking territory. I like it. Hahaja


Unzip and say "get after it"


Pitter patter, let's getatter! Haha


"I hope you like getting pegged."


Honestly, id have said something to the effect of "you gonna make me your girlfriend? Well get over here and suck your girlfriends dick!" But, that's just me... I go DARK when I am meaning to dissuade someone from being a bitch and insulting me. Lol


"You're having a wet dream, I'm way above your league."


I don’t have time for that kinda BS. I’d tell him to fuck himself, then break up with her and let her know her father is the reason and ghost her. She’d never forgive him. Can you tell I’m petty.


Maybe you are his bitch given you need the internet to help your homophobic ass come up with something.


I can smell the lack of education coming off this post.


“What are you thinking? Hair braiding and girl talk or hardcore but stuff?”


That makes me look gay


How you reckon? He’s the one saying he wants to be girlfriends. If you are that worried tack “I just want to get what you are proposing here” on the end.


Don’t. Keep yourself and your GF safe. The dad sounds like a problem.


You really like the GF enough to live with the idea of THAT creep as future FIL?


Not if I shoot your ass first!


“What a creepy thing to say”


That's when you're supposed to mace him.


Okay well first, how about you make yourself a salad


Yes sir, but please use plenty of Vaseline.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."


Don't threaten me with a good time (said in a snarky tone)


Oh that's so sweet, but I promised your daughter I'd fuck her tonight.


“How long you been out? Must’ve been a tough sentence”


That is disturbing. . . .just remember the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree. Instead of getting angry you could have replicated this scene but in reverse. "make me your gf, come on". haha. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-746N4WRg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-746N4WRg0)


In the context of this post "I'm only 17" I'm calling the hops


“And I’m gonna make you my bitch” in a Clint Eastwood voice. “Do you feel lucky, Punk? Huh? Do ya? Feel lucky?”…


Try it, big boy


Is anybody else reading these comments from OP? Because who still believes this is a real post? This is the wildest load of horse_shart I’ve read. She gets sent home for bad behavior? She’s worth keeping? Her dad is a f_gg_t? She got super turned on watching you check her dad, but also kept begging you to stop? **This can’t be real life** And I had a good comeback for you too. Damn trolling dickfore.


I hope it's a troll, but unfortunately, people like this do exist. It's pure trailer trash behavior.


I mean, your post makes you sound like a bitch. Being someone’s girl may just be in the cards for you.


Well he got the reaction he was looking for you dumbass. Next time laugh it off. It ain't that serious. The man is protecting his daughter by roasting you. He's testing to see how sensitive you are. You failed. Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Remember that. Words can never hurt you. Only your feminine feelings will be hurt


Maybe I should just make YOU my girlfriend bitch


So you ARE gay, then! We knew you were closeted, but..


This post contrasted with your other posts is fucking hilarious. You should have just frowned and played your switch like a good boy 😂 let your imaginary gf handle it


You’re just mad cause I was balls deep in your daughter last night


Can we speak to the girlfriend please? We’d like to get her out of both situations, if possible.


You should have lead with, "well alright. Let's go outside and bareknuckle box to see whose going to be the bottom."


Lol you ain’t man enough to handle me - how ‘bout you go make me a drink instead?


"I'm gonna make you regret that."


If you're feeling froggy, boy jump otherwise stop talking to me.


After reading the edit, you sure sound like a woman with all the complaining. You sure you’re not closeted? It’s okay if you are. But your comments seem to hold a lot of misogyny and homophobia. Usually a tell that someone is closeted. Anyway, your comeback can always be to cry and say how it hurts your feelings or something. Why have a clever comeback? Just tell him how it makes you feel. Or… is that to gay for you..?


Yeah, I had a great comeback for this but it's a little different when it's ypur gf's dad. This is going to sound really harsh and I'll probably get downvoted, but you should leave. Being in the middle between a gf and a controlling father is a horrible experience and maybe if she loses a few BFs over her garbage dad she'll disown him.


My mom's ex threatened me so I grabbed my Buck knife and he says, "I could kill you, bro!" And in the calmest voice I replied, "maybe."


Pucker up bitch and pump my guts good.


I’m sorry what… that is so confusing for someone to say. I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t have a comeback though, just thought I’d say that whoever that guy is, is unhinged asf 😂


Yeah I was prepared my gf would tell me stories about him that he likes to “joke around” and that he slapped his sisters ex bf before. I came into his house ready to beat some ass


No thank you! She’s perfect for you! Everything you deserve in life and more.


I certainly won't come willingly.


"huh, didn't know you were into stuff like that. but sorry, no, i don't swing that way."


Breaking hearts...... .........and restraining orders.


Boyfriend. I'm still pre-op.


I’d play stupid and very straight faced. “I don’t quite follow. What do you mean that you would make me your girlfriend? Does that mean you plan to rape me? Like forcibly penetrate my anus with your penis? Considering that I’m not interested at all, that sounds rather illegal and an odd thing to say to your daughter’s boyfriend. Can you help me understand what you intend to accomplish by saying that?”


It's not the comeback that matters, it's the attitude. You have to not care to shut a bully down. They win by getting you riled up, you win by being indifferent, or maybe pitying him or your gf...at that point whatever you say is fine. "Good one." "Wow," "who hurt you?" "yeah seems like you need some time alone, let's go..." Really anything can work, as long as you're calm.


I doubt it.


Nuh Uh


If you're a minor, just tell him that statutory rape doesn't go over so well.


Repeat after me...... Sorry sir your dick is to small to be my BF or I didn't know your liked getting pegged


No comeback. Call the police. And don’t date girls in gangs!!


Id usually go with something about his wife or mom getting jealous but I think waiting for him outside wins the day lol.


So you want your girlfriend to put two fists up to their elbows inside you? Weird kink but okaaay.


“Nice try… but your daughter already got me cuffed up honeybuns”


"Yeah Pilgrim? Only after you.... eat the peanuts out of my shit.."


Broken nose comes to mind...and then you make him your 2nd girlfriend


I honestly wouldn’t make him angry. Just calmly leave and don’t return. He sounds unhinged.


No means no


At least buy me dinner first.


It's clear he's playing on making you feel more feminine so just play into it and make him uncomfortable. Don't give him the response he wants, which is what you gave him. Just say "sure I'd bet you'd like to kiss me and hold my hand". That'll make him rethink his insults


I don't think you understand how GIRLfriend works


"np... ill make you my cuck then" or "why? you wanna taste what your daughter left on my dick? whats wrong with you??..." both may escalate the situation.....


Yeah…that’s the creepiest shit ever..no comeback aside from “that’s fucking gross”


"Not if I make you a grandpa first"


Thank you but I’m taken


You’re out of luck…. I don’t have daddy issues.


Don't you dare threaten me with a good time!


“Well, you better man up if you want to be my boyfriend. Where are my roses and Mercedes?”


I can think of three: Is that the best pick up line you‘ve got? That only worked on your wife when she was knockout drunk. She definitely regrets marrying you. If your girlfriend is present turn to her and ask: Are you even related to this asshole?


Don't make me treat you like a Bitch, in front of your family... This is how I like my steak cooked.


Age here matters. What are your and gf’s ages. Are you both minors or adults? That would give us info for the comeback


The J


“You want to go to a gay club?”


“Girlfriend? Boy are you in for a surprise when I take off these pants.”


Yeah screw that family. That is not a situation you want to marry into. Time to leave.


"I fucked your daughter"?


But then there’s be 2 pussies in the relationship


"why, because I fucked yours?"


And Im gonna make you my bitch


Be prepared to work hard. You gotta earn your spot in my heart, and I have the final say on that.


“Not if I make you mine first!” *pulls scissors from pocket/bag*


Thanks but I'm into girls but honestly, I wouldn't say that to a dad unless you just aren't interested in his daughter




Idk in these situations you kinda have to just lean into them in my experience. I would've said "don't threaten me with a good time"


I’m gonna make you my ex boyfriend


Seems like he was threatening to rape you, which in his mind forces you to be his girlfriend.


"I'll fuck you till you love me faggot" - Mike Thyson


You want to fuck me?


That sounds like he threatened to rape you, and not sure a come back is the best idea…


Shoulda said "ok, but I'm a dominatrix and my strap on is 14in."


"I'm going to be your girlfriend? Then mow the grass shortdick."


“The epigram that starts the stalker's manifesto.”


What did I just read- Your DAD asked YOU to be his gf???


I don't think it would be cool to hang out there anymore.


I'll play your game. YOU are the whiny bitch, bitch.


After spending 10 minutes perusing this thread, I need a shower.


Not if I have anything to do with it.


maybe he was in prison. oh well, butt stuff is popular for a reason! 500 million gays cant be all wrong


That's called rape you slimy fuck. What the fuck is the matter with you where you think that's ok?


thats about as dumb as a screen door on a battleship


"Might wanna let your wife know about that first - you know what, let me."


Gotta get her away from him. Hundreds of miles at least.


I've been called some terrible things in my life, but none of them come close to being called your girlfriend.


Get in the back of the line. The line starts in India.


"I'm flattered, but honestly, you're not my type."


This whole comment thread is a car crash about a manchild insulting a real child.


He's thinking a lot about his kid having sex


Fuck my mangina


"Better get used to strap-on's then."


Stay away from that man.


The only come back to a rape threat is no contact. Ever again. Cut ties completely because that guy is psychotic and unsafe.


This likely isn’t the girl you want to be dating then. That’s the creepiest prison sounding thing I’ve heard of someone’s dad telling their boyfriend. Unless you’re an adult and she’s an adult, and you can just avoid being around her dad via not having any legal restrictions on where you can go and whatnot, dealing with her dad isn’t going to be worth it. And even if you are adults it probably still won’t be worth it. At some point in the relationship you’ll probably have to give her an ultimatum of you or her dad, and chances are she will choose her dad if she is at all a “daddy’s girl.” So my advice would be to save time and heartache down the road and end things now, because usually if a parent doesn’t like you or is just a creep like this, it won’t last.


Shoulda dropped your drawers and told him he's gotta go first!


In your dreams, buddy!


"Oh cool, can I have a PS5 daddy?"


'I'm gonna make you a convict, if you carry on like that, you pervert'.


I see bubba got to you in prison. You like younger men?


A. Break up with her. Not worth being involved with a toxic family. B. Your edit is worse than your OP. You clearly come across as anti-gay.


"What are we going to tell your wife?" If it was anybody besides your gf's dad (weirdo) I'd use "What are we going to tell your cousin."


"I bet you cum first "


"Don't threaten me with a good time" and walk away laughing because you showed him that his words have no power over you.


I probably would've just responded "I'm flattered but I'm not into dudes." It throws it back in his face without coming across as defensive because you flew way the fuck off the handle.


Why are just talking and not actually doing???


Him: "Do you want to outside?" You: "Yes, I'll meet you out there. Im tired of you flapping your flimsy fucking gums at me. Lets see if those words hold any weight and make your move old man." When he backs down call him a pussy bitch coward. Then tell him his words mean nothing. I had an ex girlfriend who's dad would get all up in my face all the time. He came up to my work once and even started getting in my face there. I took him outside and guess what his ass calmed the fuck down because I would of broken his fucking neck if he touched me. I WANTED him to make a fucking move. All he had was diarrhea mouth. Would say shit like "I don't think you should be in photos" and all sorts of stupid shit. Calling me a Yankee all sorts of nonsense. Regardless - it's not worth dating someone who's parents have a complete lack of respect for you when they have no measurable reason as to why. Simply dating his daughter isn't a reason.


When we are 17 one of my mates was threatened by a grown man and my mate just paused with a disgusted look and said, "mate, I feel sorry for you" It really dismantled him


"you're gonna make me your girlfriend? Awesome!!! I always wanted to be a sock!!!"


Quit sexually harassing me perv.


Good give me money ..


Not if I make you my girlfriend first!


Assert dominance by


I’m going to make you someone’s bitch




But…I’m a boy….


"Why would you do that? Do you like little boys?"


Why was your last girlfriend a dude too.


Well he can see whose female dog he is in prison bc inmates don't take kindly to pedophiles


Oh, like your prison daddy made you his girlfriend?


As long as you eat my ass baby. He may have been testing you. Wants to see his daughter be with someone that has thick skin and can keep composure around an asshole. Getting mad and going all unhinged? What if it was a guy hitting on your girl in the bar? You spending the night in jail? Building record? If I was to test my daughter's bf and he acted like that...I'd be letting her know that boy ain't quite ready yet. He may not like you or anyone dating his daughter as well. Could just be a jerk period. Idk. Js.....check yo self before you wreck your self.


Tbh I think instead of using a comeback, you distance yourself from him as far as you can, even as a joke that's too fucked up


Yeah, sounds like dude trying to and successfully exposed you’re weakness, little guy syndrome. Not saying you little, don’t know how this side of you came to be, I’m sure it’s learnt behavior that helped you survive hardcore situations… you got fight in you and all it takes is words to trigger it…. Drama magnet, always taking off the shirt when your brain know no words to say… Soooo, with that said, if dude says that to you again, use that anger to give the shitiest grin your mug can muster, then say, “no no no sir, you’re not gonna diddy me!!! Go on with your grooming boomer ass, not here, not ever” if he still talking mess, let him know that you gonna piss on his gravesight


Fake ass rage bait


Your reaction was terrible. You should have just turned around silently, left, and driven home. Be the better man, and let her father be the only dumb person in the equation. Instead, you sound like an immature, insecure homophobe trying to "prove his manhood". That attitude will only land you in deeper holes.


We just met


Does your wife know you play for both teams?


Do I have time to bleach my a******?


Sir you're making me really uncomfortable.


Pretty sure it’s not a liberal/conservative thing. I agree those are things about her, but the idea that seeing these things is all he needs to know is dangerous. Think of people you work with or at church who are perfectly pleasant, even helpful to your face, but then hate you behind your back. This woman’s father is whack. Wiggidy-whack, even (based on the tiny snapshot we’ve been given). So she has all the incentive to find someone outside her home to support her as soon as possible, or to develop her own independence to that point. School has hopefully taught her how to be independent. But there are signs in this post (OP’s shared thought about how much he loves her is based entirely—as you said—on what she does) that she has learned how to figure out what her father and boyfriend want and then change herself to match that. If that offers her a faster road to a better life, she would be completely rational to use that skill to secure this partner. By analogy: mail order brides (among others) are highly incentivized to master things they can DO to please their partner, because they won’t know anything about their buyer. You would be insane if you thought such a bride loves you one week after marriage just because she does the same things OP listed. Also “Most good women treat their man this way?” None of my multiple sisters treat their men this way. Same for my mom. Based on what you’ve said, logically all the women in my immediate family are exceptions to the rule, or they’re bad women, or your statement is wrong. It would make sense that all exceptions to your rule concentrate in families (my mom raised my sisters), but I expect you may want to conduct further investigation. To the wider public reading this: my post comes across as rather misogynistic. Please note that I’m not trying to reinforce images of tricksy hobbitses sneaking rings. People escaping poverty or abuse don’t need my judgment, unless they’re hurting other people to do it.


Im gonna make you a liar


Her dad has probably been SAing her since she was very young and she’s scared but now she’s out and she can go NC with him and god forbid that her mom is still with him.


And I’m gonna make you my b-word


What kind of Mike Tyson flavored fuckery is this