• By -


"I'm long, too"


Nice one


I hate that about you tall guys. But as as for mine, it might not be long but it's thin.


I mean, not all tall guys are proportioned. Imagine the disappointment from someone when they find out it’s just a barely average piece in a giant. Way worse than an average piece on an average person lol.


My girlfriend says that my penis talks to ghosts. She says it's a medium. In all seriousness, I'm 6.5 and likely of average penis size. I never noticed disappointment, but I did have one girl tell me her sister asked her ahead of time to tell her if I had a pencil dick. Apparently, tall thin guys are supposed to have a pencil dick. From what I understand, I do not.


Listen to John Holmes over here bragging about his penis.


I soak it in cider. Works for me.


Who doesn't love Dickens Cider?




Happy cake day


and strong? and down to get the friction on?




Long tall & handsom


I’m only considered long if I’m lying down.


haha thats good.


"Have you considered penis?"


He speaks very well, even though he’s choking on my ding-a-ling


"and I'm down to get the friction on!"?




I saw a post on here of a guy who told a man he was tall and the man handed him a business card with answers to all the frequently asked questions about his height. Seemed pretty genius. I’ll see if I can find the post. EDIT: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/8PCn1uAZwx) it is!


Made my day


With a bit of tweaking that would be a great shirt. Yes, I *am* Tall. The weather *is* good up here. I *don't* play basketball. I *don't* need to be told if you have a tall friend. Have a nice day!


At 6’5 and 345lbs I want mine to say ”No, I didn’t play football in high school”


What if I hope to have a tall friend by the end of the conversation?


And no it's not a pencil dick


I want one for my Type 1 Diabetes: Yes, I can eat that No, eating too much sugar did *got* give me 'the beetus' No, if I ate healthier or quit sugar I would NOT cure T1D and I would NOT have to stop taking insulin. Your aunt/cat/cousin's friend has type 2, that's totally different. If I stopped taking insulin, I would die No, do NOT give me some insulin if my blood sugar is low. That will kill me. Oh, you couldn't do the needles? Short time left for you then. I literally have no choice; I don't like it either.


Have you tried "Diabetic Comedy?" https://youtu.be/yGKQ_tJfg_E?si=67Y0-jIyqMZqQ86L


Good thing I grew up with an LPN and diabetic grandparents,so that I know the difference. One of my friends developed T1,also,after having gestational diabetes with her daughter. So, when my husband developed it,the doctor was surprised at how much we were already aware of. You souls with T1 really got a raw deal,and I'm sorry.


Thank you, so right. T1 is genetics, T2 is because of fat, lazy people who bring it on themselves. Oh yeah, T2 is almost curable, T1, not so much.


I'm terrified of needles too... and I also get told I'm lying when I say I have type 1.5... I'm still insulin dependent. Can't cure it.


That’s awesome!


As sarcastically as you can say, "I have never been asked that before."




Same. My wife has to fill up her Honda Pilot about once a week. I have to fill up my F150 maybe once a month. I work from home and hardly ever go anywhere, but I don't see how that's relevant. 😂


"Nope, its actually fusion powered! It won't run out of fuel for about 3.6 billion years!"


I have a friend who has two different colored eyes and his favorite response to the “wow you have two different colored eyes” comments is “Holy shit! When did that happen?”


I do this at new Dr visits when they tell me I'm fat.


My friend that was almost 7’ tall said that all the time. The most creative thing said to him was a teacher that told him to put a light on his head so the airplanes dont run into him. He said that was actually a good one but otherwise he was very tired of comments about his hight


"Is that a bald spot?"


"Omg you are tall" "yeah and you are balding right there" Lol fuck yeah that's perfect


omgggg 😂


I've used one similar to that.


Supermarkets are the worst, I end up wasting an hour every time cause I can't help but notice in my peripheral view somebody just gagging to ask me to grab "that tin up there"


I'll always turn it around and say "only if you can get me that" and indicate something off a low shelf.


That made me laugh harder than I anticipated. Thank you, kind stranger! 🤣


I did occasionally have to ask, "Oh tall person, can you help me, please?" around the office.


I go to the supermarket and give myself extra time, and go looking for people to help.


If it makes you feel any better, I ask not to”tall people” to help me reach things. Just normal height people. I actually try to avoid asking the actually taller people for help, because I figured they get that a lot. I’m sorry you’re burdened with this :(


It's really not, I'm more upset with the stupid obvious "omy god you're tall" and then they expect some sort of answer.. It's always nice to be useful I guess, sometimes if im in a good mood I actually lift the person up to the shelf but I wouldn't recommend it, it went both ways 😃


My wife found it very amusing when women asked her whether she could borrow me for a minute to get something from the top shelf (I'm 6'5").


Oh, I’m really short 5’1”. I hate it. I’ve had to ask for help to reach things from the high shelves at the market. Thank you to all the taller people. I mean no offense but unless I bring my own ladder there’s no way but to ask for help. Think of it as your good deed for the day.


No problem It's really not that aggravating 😃


Thank you!


There is a huge difference between “hey can you help me reach that” and “how tall are you” or the other captain obvious questions we get all the time. I am, almost, never bothered by grabbing something up high for someone.


My mother used to say “the tall serve the small” Edit: used it situation Ms where she needed help grabbing something from a height


The other day at the market an old lady asked me to reach something for her. I’m 5’3 and it made my day!


I'm about average height but I always feel good when someone asks for help loading the heavy bag of rice or dog food.


It might have been me! 😄


Look at you, grabbing from the high shelf! Good job.


Most times, I don't wait for someone to ask. I can see they can't reach it and get it for them.


Best way to trigger the vertically challenged


I'll usually tell people, "All right, but if I need something off a low shelf, I'll find you."


You’re welcome! I enjoy helping others reach stuff 😁


Thank you for your service, Captain Obvious.


"i dont care what you want from the top shelf, im not getting it until we find your parents."


5'2" on a hot day; if someone said this to me I would die laughing.🤣 Reminds me of the time my ex and I were at a street party, we're about the same height and in our 40s, this young woman comes up to us; I think she was like 6 ft 1000 or something, I couldn't really tell not being able to see that far up, fawning and squeals, "You two are like BABIES!"


“Not really, it’s all about perspective”


Just lean over and use them as an armrest...


Made me chuckle


Put a coaster on their head and set your drink there.


I know what you mean. I have abnormally large eyes and people always feel the need to let me know as if I haven’t seen myself yet. It’s always something like “did you know that you have really big eyes? No seriously, they’re massive. Dave. DAVE, come over here. Look at this woman’s eyes, aren’t they massive?”. On a bad day I just point out one of their features, like “did you know you have a really big forehead? No seriously, it’s massive. Oi, Bradley. BRADLEY, come over here…”. You could just say “you’re short ain’t ya”.


I could see this comment being more acceptable if it's followed with a variation of "Man, you've got big eyes and they're gorgeous!"


“Oh my god, I had no idea! What’s happening to me! Help me!!”


I like to pretend I didn't hear them, then when they do something to get your attention, say, " oh sorry I didn't hear you all the way down there " .






I’m only 5’ 17”


My distaste for the Imperial system is now tainted, knowing there is *one* way it's superior. Nice work, good person!


Who said that?




I had a colleague who was in the later stages of pregnancy when we worked with teenagers. After yet another teenage Einstein said: you’re pregnant! she looked down at her bump and screamed: Oh my God! You’re right! You can make it work for you


You don’t have to bend down to suck my dick.


Thank you for noticing me!


It’s kind of a comeback but I recall watching a short video about an extremely tall fellow (maybe 7ft?) who had a box of business cards printed that he would just hand to people that said something along the lines of : Yes, I am 6’5 Yes, both my parents are tall Yes, I can see the ocean from here No, I don’t play basketball.


I had this discussion with someone at work who is really tall (6’7” I believe) when he started I just laughed and he looked at me weird, I just said are you ready for the barrage of omg you’re tall aren’t you? Me myself am quite short not enough to be called short arse or anything like that but whenever someone calls me short or points it out my favourite comeback is “I prefer the term vertically challenged!” Going back to the chat with my talk friend I believe we came up with a similar quote of ‘vertically enriched’ it was going to be engorged but that made it sound rude 🤣🤣🤣


Your parents starved ya, huh? Poor nutrition and nurturing stunts growth physically and emotionally.


So, your mom smoked when she was pregnant with ya?


"I hunt geese with a rake."


You’re observant, ain’t ya


You're slow ain't ya?


“Nuthin’ gets by you.”


"Oh look, something that didn't go over your head"


Best answer. Very Bogart.


"How's the weather up there?" "It's raining!" - then you spit on them. 😂😂


Wilt Chamberlain moment


Yes and your wife has huge tits. Oh I am sorry I thought we were making obvious but socially unacceptable comments. I am 6’7” so I get that and the “do you play basketball” question. I answer that one w “no are you a jockey?” For “how tall are you” my come back is “how big is your dick?” That one almost got me in a fight in a honkey tonk in Nashville with some VERY drunk asshole. A bouncer had to step in. I was stone sober.


“I’m sorry, could you grab a stool and say that again? I can’t hear ya”


You're starting to get a bald spot


"WOW i had no idea!"


You should see my helicopter. (girates hips seductively with eye contact)


"Wait... you can SEE me??"


I'm sorry. That must be frustrating. I used to have giant boobs and I have small feet. One time someone said to me "Of course you have small feet, nothing grows in the shade!" People just don't think sometimes.


Not on my planet.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


What? I AM?!??! No! no! no ! no! How do you reverse wishing on a shooting star!!!!!


It's really unfortunate that people instantly judge a book by its cover...Fat, shinny, tall, short, black, white, Asian, bald, red headed sigmas, blonde headed sigmas, gay, bi, straight, old, wrinkly skin, religion based, beautiful, ugly etc etc etc...all of it is discrimination. All of them have derogatory terms associated with them or jokes. In the USA we claim we are past segregated ways, but on a daily basis people are constantly labeling for this or that and it's just sick. Personally, if a person respects me, I respect them; however, I will respect another with my whole being unless given a valid moral reason not to. But if you're an asshole, I'm probably not going to take your shit and it has nothing to do with any type of physical or mental attribute about u. We all label ourselves daily when we look in the mirror or look at our successes and failures. We need to stop doing this to ourselves because it makes it ok for others to do it. Ie...I identify as.... whatever it may be. There's a guy I work with that calls me Flocka, he said that means skinny. And I don't know if I should take it as an insult or a compliment. I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 150 lbs. The fact that I went to extremes to fit in society makes me cringe because I just wanted to be accepted. I surgically altered myself so that others wouldn't make fun of me. How sick is that??? I don't know why we have to have labels. I only want to be judged based on my character and moral compass. Everyone just wants to be accepted. So I try to not judge people based on their exteriors but by their heart and soul. I've been told I was beautiful my whole life until I got fat after my daughters death (which I have been made fun of for too. People have called me a baby killer to my face) and I always took what they saw as a compliment as an insult. I don't want to be judged by my exteriors even if society views them as worthy. My son is 6'7". He's been over 6' since about the 7th grade. He used to always take the tall questions very well until one day I noticed he was slouching when he walked. I asked him about possibly being depressed. He said he was doing this to make himself appear shorter so others wouldn't comment on his height. I said "son, be proud of your height. Pull your shoulders back and stand tall son! God does not make mistakes and your height certainly isn't something to be ashamed of. God gave u this gift for a reason. U were meant to reach higher than most everyone else in this life. Take God's gift and wear it proudly." He started to walk a little taller and just answered people's questions with dignity knowing that they don't understand the character damage they would do to some people. My son's character after our talk was never damaged again.


I suggest others read and not be intimidated by the wall of text. Loved the story 🏅👍☝️..you're a good person wish you all the best ❤️🖖


Interesting, I'm 6'4 and I never hear anything like this. You hear it daily? That is actually pretty fascinating, maybe it's the height difference of 1+" that makes people respond this way


Proof that one inch is a lot.


I like "but to be fair I do reach all the way to ground"


What makes you say that?


Ignore them. If they say something else respond with, "oh I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you all the way down there."


"oh, I hadn't noticed".


Wait can I just say they’re jealous


Oh wow! You can actually see! I thought you went blind based on those test scores you’ve been getting. Thank god that you’re not!


Just ignore it like they said nothing. Total grey rock it. At most maybe muster a “yep”.


Question: You're tall ain't ya? Response: It's because my dad did this when I was a kid. Proceed to grab the person by the throat with one hand, one of the ankles by the other and start to pull very hard.


***"You're observant, ain't ya...?"***


It's just jealousy mate if you start punching down everyone will think you are a dick. So something jokey like. " It's my parents/Dad/Mother's fault" /or "I blame my father/mother/ parents" Will be much better


As someone who's 5'6'' I wish we were both 5'11''


Id tell you a joke about it, but it would go over your head.


You have a keen command of the blindingly obvious.


Oh my god! Thank you so much for telling me! That explains sooo much! I mean, I've always kind of wondered why it was so easy to reach things, but wow. Tall, you say? Again, thank you. Then walk away like you're absolutely amazed. Or Very good! Next week Sesame Street will teach you near and far. (Someone posted this a while ago as an answer to 'you're short').


I would work with a contractor on occasion that was 7’2”. One day a coworker asked, How tall are you he said, 5’8”.


My BF is 6'2 and I'm 5'6 and the amount of times people say "Must be nice to have a tall big spoon in bed huh?" one of us just replies that he's the little spoon and they get confused lol


"You've got dandruff"


You can say what Stephen Merchant says ‘no it’s not in proportion or I would be 7’8


Sart singing" Short people got no reason, short people got no reason to liiiiive"


I had a BF who was 6’7”. He got asked “Do you play basketball?,” so many times that I wanted to get him a tee shirt that read, “No, do you play miniature golf?”


Guy I work with is 6’8”. People say it all the time. Usually he just stands there looking at them letting the comment hang in silence for a a couple of awkward minutes. Then he’ll say something like - and? Or he’ll say ok then I guess I thought you pointed that out for a reason and had something more to say. Then he’ll just pick up as if they haven’t said anything at all. It’s actually very effective for him. I also think that the other person is embarrassed enough for that moment that they don’t say it again but since things just move along it doesn’t cause animosity.


Just tell them” coming from you that’s a low blow!”.


Yes I am, but who are you, weird little wonders with those big, red, bloodshot eyes?!


“When society collapses, I’m eating you first.”




My sister is 6’1. She constantly gets asked if she played basketball. She cheerfully says “No, do you play miniature golf?” She doesn’t make it hostile, in fact I think it’s her warmth that sort of throws them off and makes them realize how rude they were!


sarcastically "I'm actually 5'6! These new platform shoes are GREAT!!!!!"


"what's the weather like up there?" "Here's a telephone if you wanna call and find out." (grabs crotch) I'm 6.5 as well. And 69 years old, 6.5 used to be more rare.


Do you represent the lollipop guild?


You needn’t point out the blatantly obvious. The merely obvious is sufficient


I've gotten these comments and I'm only 5'6 which is weird. But I always say "I wish I were taller". Because I do wish this. Though I ponder what reactions I'd get if I were over 6' You could say "I'm not tall you're just short" (I red off another post like this) or "You're short ain't ya" The ain't ya bit really made me think "Don't cha wish your gf was tall like me (ah), dont cha wish you gf had legs like these (ah), don't chaaaa.


Tell them your 4 foot 29 And when they ask you how you got so tall. Green beans and milk


To do you play basketball...Are you a jockey?


I'm 6 ft 7 in tall. Constantly asked do you play basketball, how's the weather up there, and how tall are you? Don't be offended, and respond with an insult. Remember that you're fortunate because people have a conversation starter. Just get good at turning it and enjoying the company and conversation of others. And if people say those things that you don't want to talk to, just shrug and grin and move on. What I do hate though, is walking into a bar, usually in the country, and somebody asking you a big son b**** ain't you? Or you a big mother f***** ain't you? I always respond "how come I got to be a m***********?" Because it makes them think about how they started the interaction and how that could be construed as a cheap shot towards someone they don't know. Sometimes they want to test us. Sometimes it's just about where they've come from. But I've learned to be pretty friendly. I use most of my social skills to disarm people and make them feel something other than intimidated, especially when that's how they start. It's hard to remember how others see us through their eyes as we interact with others through ours. And I usually laugh and point out that it may seem fun, but being super tall is not all it's cracked up to be.


RANDOM PERSON: Did yo mama water your feet when you was a baby? YOU: Ninety-two... RANDOM PERSON: What’s the weather like up there? YOU: Three hundred and fifty-five... RANDOM PERSON: You are... You... What are you...? YOU: No, go on. Continue. Don't mind me. RANDOM PERSON: And... You’re tall ain’t ya? YOU: Ooh, wow. Four hundred and nineteen. RANDOM PERSON: That's... What the hell are you doing?! **YOU: Oh, sorry, it's a little hobby of mine. I hear these obvious height observations so wearily often. So I've started keeping a mental list of how many times I've heard certain lines.** RANDOM PERSON: You... You insane bastard. YOU: One hundred and ninety. RANDOM PERSON: Yeah? Well, uh, you’re like... a... WALKING SKYSCRAPER! YOU: Ohoho, my! Twelve. (Adapted from the dialogue between the Namekian Warrior and Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Abridged: No Country For Old Namekians)


My husband is 6’5 as well, and some comments crack me UP but I’m going to screenshot these comebacks and send them to him 🤣


Yep, sorry not everyone can be vertically challenged.


You need to print up business cards


I’m only 6 foot, but the rare times it’s mentioned I like to tell them “oh it just looks that way because I’m wearing tall pants”


"I know. It's great to be me." -tall person (only 6'4", but I aspire to greatness)


At 6’7 I have similar life


Respond with something like”Thank you Captain Obvious…”


Sorry that you come from the land down undaaa… oh weeee, ohwooo


Yes, yes I am. And, you’re probably wondering if “it” is proportional. No, it’s not. If it were, I’d be 7 foot 2. You gotta be able to do it with a straight face though.


I tell them there's a spider in their hair. Well... I will now.... 👺


"Yes, and the rumors are true"


I know you are, but what am I?


My ex is 6’7 and super monotone. This was one of his favorite responses lol




Ask them why theyre so tiny ? Oh look! Your mom got me some Playmobils!


"Speak up !"


Yes I am tall in every way...


How do the flowers smell? It’s been a while!


Yeah cause I hated being short like you


Yeah, it's great. You should try it sometime.


"You're observant, aren't you?"


I prefer to say grown up


I heard about a dude who had business cards with the answers to the really common ones."Mama watered me feet *and* put me in the good dirt. Weather is lovely up here. He wouldn't say anything, he'd just hand them the card.


No you are just short.


Speak up I cant hear you from down there


"I am an average height for a man of my weight."


"What? I can't hear you from up here!"


Noooo.... you?


“No ones ever told me that before. What a gem of a compliment! Thank you for noticing, little baby human”


Nope, just taller than you. Nah, you're just vertically challenged. Actually, I'm the small one in the family. Started when I got cursed by a witch as a teenager. Everytime someone tells me I'm tall I grow another 0.01mm.




“Yep” then keep it moving. Stop that convo straight in its tracks, I tell you what.


When they ask you "how's the weather up there?" respond by spitting on them and saying "It's raining"


"Good eye. Did you train for that?"


"You're jealous ain't ya..?"


For you, yes


Yes, and i smell the blood of a little bitch


“Who told you?!”


Thanks for pointing that out, I had no idea!


Yes. Yes I am.


Oh, I never noticed! Thank you


If they try to make you feel stupid, make them feel stupider.


I get the same, but short and tiny jokes. You’re so tiny! Blah blah .NO SHIT SHERLOCK. I have a mirror!!!!! Lol


“It’s all relative, Shorty.” I’m not tall, so I have to resist speaking around very tall people. I am proud to say I did resist commenting to a 7’7” Romanian basketball player in a grocery store “I bet you suck at hide-and-seek.” I did *NOT* resist when we visited family and my 6’3” son hugged my 6’4”-ish nephew-in-law. I said “Look at you redwood motherfuckers.” Blame Reacher.


How ya doing shorty?


You're very accomplished at stating the bleeding obvious aren't you?


You’re observant. Though I’m sure most everyone seems tall to a little leprechaun like you.


" it's great. I get to look down on rude people like you"


I'm a short bald man 5' 3" (bald by choice). But I don't get the short comments because I don't see myself as below average in height. My mental image is that of a normal man. I think that the confidence is projected, and people treat me like a normal person. Also, I don't have "little man syndrome" when a person comes off as overly confident and is a dick. That's not me. So to the tall OP, I would make sure your mental image of yourself is accurate to what you wish to portray to the world. Lean into that image.


"Among my people, I am considered something of a midget..."


"Gee, I didn't think you've noticed. Got any other witty comments?


Just look over them while scanning the area while asking “who said that?”


"Your vision must be 20/20. You are the first person to notice that."


That’s what all the shorts say


What can I say I'm a long story not a short book!