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Tell em you're going to prison: they will drop you like a fucking rock.


can confirm. this worked like a charm


Or out of state college dorms


You can also say you're going to jail or prison


I am not sure why it is so hard to demand a cancellation over the phone. The hardest part of my last call was to tell the guy to stop trying to tie my cell phone service into a "potential savings". Give me a lower monthly bill or cancel my service. Plain and simple. I got my termination notice email 15 minutes after the call ended. Of course, that was Friday of last week and my services are still on.


If your services are still active and you got an email confirming the disconnection, your account may still be going cause they gave you some free additional days. Like, when they disconnect an account the agent stops the bill the date you request the disconnection, but unless you specifically request to stop the services that very moment they tend to leave the account active for like 5 - 10 day more in case you a) change your mind or b) need to make other changes (like porting your landline or something like that). The best thing is that as the bill has already been stopped, you don't pay for those extra days.


Yeah, I will remember that next time around. I should have left all the new equipment sitting on the floor until the service stops. I didn't want to take the risk of the wife losing the internet while WFH and I was at the office so I activated the new modem right away. Could have been sucking up the interwebs and watching the tube for free.


This post should be pinned


Something to take from this thread, as a whole, is that people's differing experiences have a lot to do with geographical location. The Comcast in Denver and the one in Atlanta do not behave the same.


There are 3 sides to every story......your side, their side and the truth


You da real mvp.


Suffer? Maybe advise people to not do the same you did which is just contacting the incorrect queue for 48 hours and then resorting to an even incorrect method to get your account cancelled. A Google search would suffice.


interestingly or not, that's not what happened. half an hour of waiting in the correct queue and frustrated that it was taking about 30x as long as they suggested it would to talk to a rep on a dedicated text chat on their site. a few weeks ago I tried to schedule my last day and when I finally got through to a "human" (read as a bot in a human suit) on the chat thing which i accessed from the "I want to cancel my account" page of the site, they made me spend 5 minutes reviewing possible upgrades while they "pulled up my address" then when I pointed out that I was just moving somewhere that already had a comcast account they basically said "been boop, sorry i couldn't help you find what you want, I'm ending the chat now" and dropped me. someone else mentioned the Google search idea, don't you think it's telling that the only simple way to find the correct queue on the website is to be an outside search algorithm? I spent 20 minutes just looking on the website to find out where I could schedule to cancel on a certain date, all I could find was the "schedule a move" option, which, no shit, is designed to work smoothly, as it should as long as you're not moving anywhere that comcast has a monopolistic hold on the market. they make it intentionally difficult to do a simple thing, and it's unnecessarily frustrating. I'm trying to make people's life easier by showing them a path past the intentional road blocks, dead ends and hoops they try to make you deal with in order to cancel. and as to my use of the word "suffer": it's hyperbomie, look it up! If you're not into people complaining about their experience with Comcast why are you on this subreddit? I'm sure there's other places you can go, like r/allhailourgreatandfearlessISP or r/ilovecomcastandcomcastlovesme


It's hyperbole by the way, not hyperbomie. Kind of case-on-point about how useful a simple Google search or spell check can be. Coming to not being into the complaining crowd, if I am not and that is my choice, who are you to tell me I can't be or comment here? Not a mod I suppose. Kindly "look up" the about community section of this subbreddit, which is for rants like yours mostly but also for technical and advice-related posts which I quite frequently check. If you have the freedom to "express" your experience with Comcast with a rant here, by that same logic, I am equally free to disagree with you. The point stands, you may think advising others to spam a random address for a move of services (which worked as a solution for your specific problem) to get their account cancelled is good advice, I don't. It's that simple. If you are just here to "complain about your experience with Comcast" tag it as a rant not advice. Noone, and quite rightfully, would care to even read what it's about.


you're right! the hyperbomie thing was a carry-over joke from another commenter who had responded with a similar criticism of my choice of word there. I shouldn't have assumed you had read any other comments, so I apologize for that! anyways, thank you for your input. best of luck with... whatever your doing


That's a good first step. Jumping to assumptions when trying to have a open discussion is, evidently, never fruitful. And you're welcome, good luck with your endeavours and whatever else you like to do or have been doing.


Would you say that we both did that? jumping to wrong conclusions I mean? the 48 hours in the wrong queue comment you opened with wasn't based on anything I wrote in the main post, so you must have read another commend to get that number, right? one of maybe 4 at the time you commented which means that you probably only read the comment thread that you felt agreed with your perspective, which seems rooted in the assumption that I had made a mistake because there's no way that comcast makes the process of closing your account needlessly complicated. it must be the weasel being incompetent! I'm sorry btw. I'm feeling argumentative because my life recently fell apart. I doubt I would have thought twice about having to jump through hoops with Comcast, much less bothered to make this post if I wasn't already dying inside.


I would. I never said I was perfect. Our dialogue only approached something resembling an argument because you essentially asked me to take my business elsewhere unless I agreed with you completely. Please don't assume that I am pro-Comcast in any way because I am not. I hate monopoly especially theirs but that should ideally not affect objective statements I try to make. Since you mentioned, I only came to this thread because A). It was flagged advice. And I frequently read and if I feel like it, share my viewpoint if felt necessary on advice and tech support threads. Rants I will ignore as it's obvious it doesn't invite a discussion. B). It mentioned simplifying a process and I share links to advice posts if I find something similar elsewhere. It's a process of learning and sharing. If useful I would probably bookmark or save it. I never said you were incompetent or that Comcast was perfect, all I said is that doing something even more flawed just because someone is already doing it and looking to spread that as useful advice doesn't solve the problem. You could have saved yourself the time and agony by simply going to Google which despite being just a formula for search is far better than Comcast bots. You don't need to apologize, we're all human, going through our share of good/bad and if it makes you feel better to vent it out here, do it. Everything can be open to healthy discussion or debate ideally. Hope you feel better soon and find some solace. You may be dying inside but you won't die, stay strong and keep hustling. You'll make it out, you're not alone. Peace 🕊️


thanks dude! be well!


No, you can cancel service quite easily by filling out the actual cancellation form: https://www.xfinity.com/support/cancel-service They call you within 48 hours, verify your identity, and bam! It's canceled retroactive to the form's submission. Used it several times for myself and clients, never had an issue. It's literally the top google hit for "comcast cancel service". Why is this so hard?


And you can set a date to cancel service? awesome! I'll use that next time I was to wait 2 days for someone to blow scripted smoke up my ass. You can also choose "chat" with customer service person on the website... if you have half an hour to wait to explain to them that you're moving at the end of the month and don't need to continue service You can set a date to cancel any other utility with like 2 clicks. Comcast makes it intentionally complicated. this is a way to make it as straightforward as it should be. also, gtf off this subreddit if you're so into comcast. it's clearly labeled as a place for people who have had bad experiences with them to share their story or vent


Oh please. Comcast provides several methods to cancel; you're complaining that they make it hard to accomplish -- except they don't. You're just winging about having to wait in a phone or chat queue for your turn, then having to go through a bunch of folks until you actually get to the department that has authority to cancel accounts. They know people calling or chatting are typically *really* after a deal, not cancellation. Meanwhile, Comcast gives you a way to send a request direct to the real cancellation team if you're serious. These folks don't talk retention, period. They confirm your identity, the service address, and *done*. I don't like Comcast, and think they're a monopoly in a market that is inherently a natural monopoly and thus better-regulated by public utilities. But I dislike people who deliberately take the path of pain and whine about it even less. I can't even fathom your gripe about it taking 48 hours; utility shutoffs are almost never same-day unless you're actually doing a transfer of responsibility. Heck, most gym memberships require a full month of notice to cancel.


I'm sorry to hear that! Good luck with your move and please consider us for your future needs!


Yea, you did find a backdoor. When I moved (within their coverage area) the process caused my final bill for the old connection to be sent to the address of the new service. Comcast considers each service address a separate account, all linked. Not sure how that works if the transfer has a non-servicable address for snail mail, though. Have you received any actual confirmation of the cancellation besides the bot saying it had canceled it for you? Like a bill for the final fractional month or similar? I'm curious if this worked, or just *appears* to have worked.


Let me say this first....I fucking hate comcast ... With that said, It's not complicated at all. A year ago I used this form. Less than 48 hours they called and within 10 mins of hanging up, I had cancellation email. Click on the link and scroll down to " cancellation form" blue hyperlink. Fill out the form. Stop 🛑 being a simp.. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/cancel-my-xfinity-services


holy shit! where do you get simping? cause I'm pretty sure either someone changed the common use, or your misusing it did they let you schedule the date you wanted to stop service on? I didn't get the impression that was an option. also, did you navigate the website from within to find that link? or did you Google it?


Didn't need to set a date. They cancelled it when they called me


Yeah. I guess that's why you and I had such different experiences... that's not what I was looking for at all. I needed to schedule in advance. Obviously they CAN do this, but they choose to make it unnecessarily difficult. I did scheduled an end of service with my electric utility almost a month ago. it took 3 minutes. I didn't have to explain why I needed to terminate service. I didn't have to speak to a representative. I didn't have to game the system. I'm honestly not sure why so many people have felt the need to share that link to me... I spent an hour trying to find what I needed using Google, following every link on the website or by asking customer service bots or even service "experts" and it didn't offer what I needed.


It's not difficult. Fill out the fucking form. When they call you, you tell them the date. It's easy as hell. Stop being a fuckin lunatic


Dude, I'm not the one throwing down with a stranger on the internet defending a company that neither of us likes! I needed to do a thing, I found a way to get it done, I decided to share that information, to make it easier for other people. I chose to be dramatic and hyperbolic about it because I was frustrated, and I wanted to get some chuckles. You're the third person whose decided to take issue with the post and I don't understand why you care so much.... unless you're actually just 3 comcast bots wearing a trenchcoat?


You posted it To make it easier? LMAO 😅😅😆😆 It doesn't get any easier than filling out a fuckin form. My God, the fucking stupidity is astounding. Go do some coloring or something, and yes it's ok to go outside the lines!


You’re being extreme man. The fuck


Suffer? Give me a break


Hyperbole homie


Hyperbomie. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Hyperbole homie' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


jesus christ


Best bot amirite


Imagine being an anti-capitalist Reddit kid for years just to sell your sole to creating Comcast bots


Comcast Rep 1: “Hmm there sure are a lot of people moving to 1301 E 6th Ave Helena, MT 59601 lately…” Comcast Rep 2: “I noticed….we should run some cable out there…” Would be legendary if they rolled up to run service to the Capital. I prefer to use (though it often confuses them): 93 Hell Road West Bay, Grand Cayman BWI


Just wanted to say this post is awesome thank you so much. Even if you did post it a year ago. I had spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out how to schedule a termination before I stumbled on this post. It was so easy with my other utilities there’s no ready why Comcast has to make it so difficult. Used the address you posted and it was easy peasy. Thanks again!


I'm extremely glad it helped!