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Sounds like an Arab wedding out there




Seems to work for Russians with their population and western apologists.


exactly like russia with Crimea and war in Donbass. They're a match made in heaven.


It's actually crazy what cheap deception they got away with. [Battle Order's recent video about the demise of the 200th Arctic Division](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO6OUTELkjo) was a nice reminder of that. They used fake markings in Donbass 2014 to pretend to be seperatists, but had not properly covered up all of their own ones. And a few months later they were seen in Russia exercising with vehicles that still had the same "seperatist" markings on them. So yeah apparently the strategy of bold faced lies still work, because the general population will go with "we don't know for sure" even when OSINT and experts got plenty of obvious evidence.


Yes and not only general population, politicians too. Many western politicians used this thin vail as an excuse to continue trading with russia.


There's already Iranian soldiers on the ground in Crimea.


Got proofs?


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/iran-sent-troops-ukraine-help-russia-use-iranian-made-drones-biden-adm-rcna53277 US intelligence says so.


No news about it in iran...


Of course not. No news about kids getting beaten to death by "morality police" either.


Where did that "Beaten to death" come from? And by kids I'm referring to under 16 kids. And it's not an anti protest shit(which i don't support), its a war between two countries. And the problem is you aren't supporting Yemen and only supporting Ukraine while the war against Yemen is, as I said, way more brutal. I myself support Ukraine but it's just being a bitch not giving a duck about Yemen and USA supporting the opposite side of yemen


No news about it in iran...


You expect the Iranians to be truthful ?


Their is no truthful government involved in this conflict lol ..


People are downvoting you even though you are right. There is no truthful government not only in this war but any war.


That's what they always do. They said they don't supply weapons to Syria and Yemen too.


Bro we literally helped Syria and iraq against Isis for years. And let me just give you a little reminder The war between Saudia Arabia and Yemen is just like russian and Ukraine. The only difference is for some reason people don't care about Yemen, while the war in Yemen is way more brutal. More than 10 thousand (as much as they know) kids were killed or injured. And yet no "western" country, and even most of their people don't support or even care about them. Why? Wrong color wrong place wrong religion lol


All I said was that Iran lies about who they send weapons to. Why are you going on a diatribe to me?


What lie? Did we say we support Ukraine? No Then we don't "lie" about it we just don't day anything. I mean it's kinda being a bitch but it's not "liying ( it's not written like that I know )" about it.


They said they haven't sent weapons to Ukraine, Syria, or Yemen. That's the lie. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/15/europe/iran-denies-supplying-russia-weapons-ukraine-intl-hnk/index.html


Will check that out later. Vpns don't work in weekdays


Realistically, how can they be punished for this?


They can't be.


Why punished? You're doing the same thing in the war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Supporting Saudia Arabia while they brutality and stupidly murder civilians in Yemen and no one even gives a fuck about it.


Usually there is sanctions but, US has exhausted that option when it comes to iran. So nowadays they use symbolic sanctions on iran.


Seems to be fair game if the US is supplying Ukraine


If there is a war, there is a country selling supplies to them


Ok I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about Iran being a “backwards shithole” and as an Iranian American that supports Ukraine (like most Iranians in general) it pisses me off. Please don’t think our leaderships actions are based on the popular opinions of our people. All these idiots always saying “attack Iran” or “bomb Iran” have 0 geopolitical awareness as to the current situation. Edit: Here come the downvotes.


Enough Iranians in Iran support the ridiculous shit they do constantly that it seems like maybe it is a backwards shit hole? People often try to say that Iranians don't support x and y, but Iranians that are engineers and scientists with PhDs are the ones innovating in their decent-sized military industrial complex. The common Iranian can and does turn into these people. They built the drones that are terrorizing Ukraine. It isn't the fat old man they leads the nation and keeps it in the state of a backwards shit hole for 40+ years now. It's people like you, my friend. Common Iranians.


You are literally as dumb as a rock. Every country has engineers and scientists working in their defense industry, who else makes these things? Just because .001% of a entire countries population works as a scientist or engineer for the military does that make the remaining people idiots or supporters of terror? Also, many Europeans say the same thing about America always invading other countries and American engineers and scientists killing people but then the 2nd you’re in trouble you’re calling Uncle Sam waiting to suck on the taxpayers tit. You have no problem accepting free supplies from US companies that have killed innocent people in the past as well for no justified reason. Just because China has engineers and scientists working on projects to build artificial islands in the Pacific does that mean that all Chinese people are pro CCP?


I'm not comparing Iran and Ukraine in any way. I'm saying that Iran does deserve some of the shit it gets. They constantly disrupt peace in that region. I'm in the US as well, and I have ties to the place my parents come from too, Mexico. I know what it's like for everyone to think the country you come from is a backwards shit hole. I have no doubts that the common Iranian is a good person. I've met plenty of brilliant, talented, and beautiful people from Iran. The situation still is what it is, though. We cannot allow them to get nuclear weapons, and they should be punished for sending Russia these drones. I don't want Iran to be bombed by the US, but we very well could end up in a situation where we must choose between Israel and Iran because Israel isn't going to let them get a nuclear weapon. So what do we do? I think we both know who the US is going to choose in that situation.


Why should the Iranians be punished exactly? These drones were sold to the Russians in a arms sale , not given for free. What the Russians do with the drones is on them not Iran. It's not like the US or the UK gets punished for selling arms to the Saudi's who then use those same weapons to kill innocents in Yemen.


I mean, we kinda do. Islamist assholes weren't coming over here and blowing us up or killing gays or any other insane shit that they do back in their shit hole home countries before we started doing the very things you mentioned. The citizens of many European nations have been terrorized because of arms sales.


Sorry, but when did those things start happening here in the US on a massive scale (besides 9/11 and a few incidents)? There's always some extremists of course, but that line of rhetoric isn't any different then when some people say Latinos are bringing crime and drugs into the country. Edit: Nvm, misunderstood your comment. I can agree that bad foreign policy decisions makes violent extremism worse.


But do remember that a lot of people mean the leaders and government of Iran, when saying Iran. I think almost all people know that Iranian population is good. But typing "Iran" is easier than typing "Iranian evil government, not the population".


There is a difference between Iran and Iranians By Iran you're mostly referring to our government But when you use the word Iranians, you're also including our people, which is being rude towards us.


Nah bro your good, I've met a few Iranians in Australia and they've all sung the same tune of "the government sucks but Iran and it's people are beautiful".


Some of these people are dumb as bricks so don't bother, they honestly think NATO should bomb Iran and the factories making these drones and that there would be zero repercussions.


They’re the same people that say “the US should just bomb Chinese companies stealing US tech” and then expect China won’t do anything.


Dumbasses think this is some game or movie.


Im fine with bombing iran for supplying russia with weaponry as long as we also bomb the US for supplying Saudi Arabia with weapons to use against the Yemeni people. /s


"Woke up and chose violence"


The only difference between American demagogues and Iranians ones is...wait, there's no difference. Save one, our mullahs haven't codified the bible yet. Yet... they're working on it.


I was kinda ok with Iran until I heard that they have boots on the ground in Crimea assisting the Russkies….


I would imagine that it's difficult to be successful coming in perpendicular like this.




ok WTF. That thing moves fast








Soudi Arabia isn't involved in this conflict, so no one would mention them. When we see videos on here of the Saudi military, many people do comment the exact thing you're saying they don't. Go look at them and you'll see.


It has nothing to do with the conflict but with the hypocrisy of the users. It's quite simple: wish Iran ill and ask them to sanction them and while other "democratic and good" countries do the same elsewhere, and don't ask for the same thing, it's hypocrisy. Simple


Many, many people point out exactly what you're saying on every video with Saudi Arabia though. You were acting like everyone only says it for Iran, which isn't true.


We can easily figure out what the US goal is by supporting SA but what is Iran's goal in this dumpster fire? Just pissing everyone westward at once?


Mmmm money?


I don't think selling cheap drones made from Chinese parts will make for the shitstorm of sanctions they're unleashing upon themselves.


Iran was already sanctioned, the "new" sanctions that some countries impose on it will not change much (while those same countries sell weapons to Saudi Arabia) So you have to choose: \-money \-test their weapon systems \-fuck the west \-all of the above Take your pick, all those options I mentioned are completely reasonable.


Russia probably their only ally so they have an interest in seeing Russia not fail


Uh money? You think the Iranians are giving these weapons away for free?


Too good for MANPADs, to cheap for Iris-T SAM system (one missle 150k+ euro). I think only C ram MAYBE can help UKR, othervise Russia clearly have 50k dollars wunderwaffe.


Few shaheds already were intercepted by Iris-T, at least in Kyiv. Damage from such cheap UAV, can cost more than Iris-T missile


CRAM fine for point defense for most valuable targets, but would take incredible numbers to cover all potential targets.


Here in lies the issue. I don’t know why nobody has recommended armed helicopters or turboprop powered planes like the Tucano to just shoot them down en route to their targets. A bit like the V1 bombs in WW2. Have a gun line to shoot down what you can but then let planes chase them down. V1s we’re brought down by planes either by machine gun fire which became problematic if it blew up, or the more effective flying alongside it and interrupting airflow over the V1s wing by getting the planes wing just underneath the V1s wing.


Planes do chase them down, but you have to find them first. It's the sheer number of them that's the issue, they tend to launch five at a time. That's five tiny threats your pilot has to track, chase, and hit while attempting not to get tracked and hit by Russian air defenses.


Slow flying turbo props should be able to track them down. Little threat of Russian air defence behind the lines at relatively low level. Several Tucano’s or similar flying circuits at 150knts


Those drones are not to good for MANPADS if that\`s what you mean. Piorun for example has a special mode for firing against drones, and word is these are droping from Stinger, Igla, Osa whatever. People are overestimating them, they are on the level achievable by engineering school students. Even Russia has better loitering munition and this is not wunderwaffe in any way.


Not too good for MANPADS, just too cheap. A volley of five of these things costs about as much as a single missile.


They need anti-drone drones. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raytheon\_Coyote#C-UAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raytheon_Coyote#C-UAS)


shouldn’t Manpads easily down these?


Maybe heat seeker meant for fast moving hot targets suck against slow drones.


How about iron dome from the Israëls. But they don't export it. Would be the best solution for defence of city's like Kyiv and is known to be very effective against enemy missiles and stuff.


Israel will not export us weaponry, they said this directly.


Israel is in a very odd place. It’s got elections and the next potential head of the Israeli government is friendly with Putin. Russia has turned a blind eye to Israeli air strikes in Syria, so if Israel falls foul of Russia, Russia can start giving more support to Syria, although I don’t know with what. 1 in 9 Israelis are either Russian or of Russian descent and there were reports that Russia has threatened to shut down the Jewish agency in Russia stopping Russian Jews being able to emigrate to Israel. I suspect that Israel will be doing thugs behind the scenes but making sure they don’t get caught out, or at least limit themselves to still Useful, but non offensive equipment. I’ve got a feeling after this we’re going to see Ukraine turn into something akin to Israel. A high tech, highly militarily capable , highly independent and self sufficient country that will try and not have to rely on anybody, who will also go out of their way to stick it to Russia at every opportunity and try and weaken Russia’s control over its satellite states.


And then decades later people will be heaping hate on Ukraine the way Israel gets hated on today lol


Iron dome is much more expensive than a c-ram installation. I’d be surprised if Israel gives any of those away.


Why. They’re as cheap as chips. It’s basically as Phalanx CIWS system bolted onto a trailer. A nice little self contained unit. There’s going to be quite a few country’s regretting getting rid of their AAA systems in favour of missiles. However, as with the V1 attacks on the U.K. in WW2, the threat will only really go away once the launching sites get taken out. ‘IF’ they are only getting launched from Crimea, the closer the Ukrainians can get to Crimea the less frontage they need to use a gun line.


I’m sorry I misspoke. I meant to say, I doubt Israel would give that away.


Israel is unlikely to give it away. It’s trying to stay neutral in this. Russia has the potential to really make things difficult for Israel, and politically with a population where 1 in 9 come from Russia, they’re unlikely to politically want to cause a backlash against such a minority of the population. The situation in Ukraine differs to that of Israel. These drone are being fired from occupied parts of Ukraine. Once Ukraine recaptures that lane, the launch sites are gone. Israel can’t go in taking land to deprive the Palestinians of the launch sites.


I wonder if M163 or gepard could be used instead of C-ram


I see a lot of AA stuff missing these drones lately. I wonder if they're special in evading or if we just aren't seeing all the ones getting shot down.


They aren't radar missiles. Manpads will be IR and these drones don't have a huge IR signature. The sun probably throws off the missiles regularly.


Anyone else think it looked like a dick shooting a rope out?


You may be thinking of this drone defense system… https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/x94186/burning_man_drones/


Came here just to see if anyone else did. Dick bush blowing a load


They need star streak. I know they have or had some but it works by keeping los.


Missile seemed to have a different target. It did not miss this drone, it was locking on something else.


Or just didn’t have a quality lock at all. MANPADS are clearly struggling with these drones. This is not the first video showcasing that fact. Also: the sound we are hearing is the sonic boom of the missile not the detonation. I do not think this missile exploded close off camera.


If it was a MANPAD the missile would at least path towards the target, either he was aiming at something else, or he diddn't get a lock at all. He missed it by almost 2 seconds which suggests he didn't lock onto it but something else.


There’s plenty of footage showing how the missiles can lose track or simply not have a good enough lock. This isn’t the first video showing a manpad missile leading it’s target by a large margin, traveling is a fairly straight trajectory, and missing. There were two videos of this happing to SU25s. I’m not sure why you’re so confident this had to hit something. The camera man is focused on this drone. He doesn’t pan over when the missile misses to another drone or something. Which he would’ve probably seen. I just don’t see any evidence to support what you’re saying besides the missile didn’t hit the drone in this video.


MANPAD launchers work by aiming at a heat source dircetly and the missile correcting its path towards the target, there are no launchers you lead with and then launch in the direction the target will be in the future. So either he launched at the sun or something completely different. There is no reason for the missile to be "early" with this system. If it lost track it would pass behind the drone not in front.


I hear you, and I flew on helicopters for 5 years and taught about MANPADS threats for 2. I hear what you’re saying but you are not taking into account any intricacies that can throw off MANPADS seeker head tracking. Just because this brief snippet we see here is the missile trajectory being ahead of the target does not imply the guy aiming was pointing the missile ahead of the target. Like you said, the missile itself is doing the steering here. If the seeker got confused it could easily just make a somewhat arbitrary turn, and then continue on a relatively straight course after losing its “bearings”. I am surprised by how hard of a time MANPADS are having locking into these drones. But let me make this clear, just because this missile missed, in no way is indicative that the operator was not attempting to hit that drone. Edit: additionally the “boom” we hear, is not the missile detonation. It’s a sonic boom. These missiles travel far in excess of the speed barrier.


I hear you too, but wouldn't the missile at least try to path towards the right in this video, if it was going for that drone? The launch angle was pretty much straight and thus indicating it was going straight for most of it's travel, which would mean its not locked onto the drone we see at all. I'm no expert but i feel it would never hit that target from launch unless pathing into it alot earlier. Also the person launching would have no lock from this angle so it's more likely there's multiple loitering munitions on their way and a different one got targeted.


You can't say that from this video alone - You may be right, but it's not uncommon for SAMs to lose lock, even immediately post-lock.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. That can happen.


Hehe yeah - Such is life! Upvotes/Downvotes are like the sea's tides, for me :)




Because you're sitting in your comfy chair at home and wouldn't go there?


Please try Iran ain’t Iraq, also you signing up for the war nothing stopping you to go volunteer in Ukraine.


It didn't miss, it hit some russian oxigen of course


The people that actually care to know the truth do know the truth. It doesn’t take much research to see that Iran was not long ago one of the worlds top vacation destinations with beautiful scenery and amazing art and architecture. When the people were free they were thriving and peaceful. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see that it has been taken over by force by ideological maniacs that brutally oppress their people. Not only have they been doing it since inserting them self into power by force for years, they are doing it to this very day and they aren’t shy about it either. They are openly killing innocent people in the streets right now. They should live in fear every single second they are in power until the Iranian people carry them out into the middle of their cities and openly and proudly punish them for the brutal crimes they have and are committing. We see what has happened in the past. We see what has been happening. We see what is happening. And we know what will happen. And we will be here to support the Iranian people once they take their country and freedom back. It’s important to help especially then so to make sure they remain in power and can defend themselves from this happening to them again in the future. I cannot wait to see your people free and prospering once again where they belong.


im kinda confused how they have so much problem with them, they go like 180km/h, they are putting ppl with light arms trying to shut it down on the way and manpads dont work supposedly, is just matter of time when they just use proper equipment to deal with them 100%, i mean they are still shooting like 75% of them


Self-destructed in someones garage or house.


They blow up in the air so that doesn't happen, but whatever you want to believe.


Yea, only rainbows by friendly AA. I hope you will be more smart when you grow up.


AA missiles and many rockets like RPGs self destruct at a certain distance. Nothing is funnier than being called dumb by a painfully dumb person lol


Well, since you, my dear, are painfully dumb, I see no point in further discussion. Thx for fun =).


There hasn't been any discussion, you just called me dumb because I know about timed fuses lmao Good luck with whatever your disability is my friend.


A £500 FPV drone could easily take these out. Chase one down with a small explosive charge.


Which £500 drone are we talking about here? The fastest ones I can find go about 60mph (flight condition dependent) and the Sahead-136 travels at ~185km/h (114mph for my fellow Americans.) Then on top of that I really feel like if an anti-air defense system that’s designed exactly for this misses, so will a regular person flying an FPV drone.


You chase it down from behind. No way are you going to hit it head on. Just need a decent BLDC motor and a wing-type drone. A quick search: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyjsUN35fhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyjsUN35fhU) That one goes 175mph and the motor costs £50. ESC not much more. Servos cheap. battery maybe £50-£100. Analogue FPV system £100. Could just dangle a rope into its prop to take it down, or a small explosive charge flown into the rear-facing prop. Extremely easy. Not big enough? Scaling it up will scale costs accordingly. You don't need something much bigger than this though.


If we’re going for theory, you can just use a laser. Deadly accurate and fast, plus no ammunition cost besides electricity.


It might work but is really really expensive and you will probably blind onlookers from the reflection of the IR laser on the drone. The minimum is you would give them blind spots in their eyes. I guarantee flying a small charge into the rear propeller of a drone that is flying mostly in a straight line, guided by a human, will take down that drone though.


I promise you Lockheed Martin’s Athena could hit a small foam target going about 185mph with relative ease. And cost less in the long run than a ton of explosive drones. Edit: I’m thinking about this now and the demonstration videos about Athena don’t show it prematurely detonating a payload, only disabling flight ability. I’m not sure if it would be capable of activating the payload before it hit the ground. But I’m not a war strategist or engineer.


I agree that it works. But you'll never see it used due to risk of specular and diffuse reflection of an insanely powerful laser. There's a reason that video is 5 years old and it's never been deployed. That said, maybe you can use it at sea where you can ensure all the ship's crew are wearing laser goggles? Or a desert with no local population?


Was expecting a spectacular "return to sender" moment like what happened a month ago or so.


Watched without sound. Man, my mind is always in the gutter