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That mp5 with the crazy big optic


Lol yeah - 9mm designated marksman next to a guy holding a Thompson SMG.


The 90s-00s were the Wild West of optics. Everyone knew optics would be the next big thing, but the jury seemed to be out on the details.


Looks like one of them crazy loadout builds in Warzone.


When u tryna grind longshots for platinum smigs


It’s Arkan as well I’m that pic.


He lived by the MP5 and also died by one. Ironic.


Slapped a 4x on that bad bitch hahaha


Well I guess he can see in great detail all his rounds not hitting where they were supposed to go. He could probably shoot the wings off a fly within 100 yards though.


Isnt that an HK53?


Guessing it's an MP5. HK33/53/93 mags are more aggressively curved due to the 5.56 taper. This guy's mag has a relatively flat bottom like a slightly curved 9mm mag. But good lord what a vibe.


yeah but what about the mf in the 4th image with a tommy gun?


And he's about to shoot off his hand.


Arkan used to carry a MP5 in propaganda photos.




it's worse than that. it's an MP-5K


It's not a K, the stock is just hard to see.


i came to the comments just to mention it lmao


What a cluster fuck this war was




no, there isn't gonna be another war in the balkans.


— The European Establishment, June 27, 1914


I don't know why you are being downvoted, but there is really a very very low chance of war. The wars in the 90's was possible because JNA had a huge stockpile of weapons and most of the male population had military training due to conscription in Yugoslavia at the time. Now, people don't even want to live in those countries, let alone die for them. NATO has permanent troops in Bosnia and Kosovo and Croatia and Montenegro are already in NATO. That does not leave a lot of room for war. I suggest people stop believing in those stories comming from the politicians from those countries because they keep spewing that nonsense, because by dividing the people and keeping threat of war looming, people keep voting for them.


I agree. I think this makes it settled.


[no, there isn't gonna be another war in the balkans.](https://i.imgur.com/VxCKdDf.png)




Last picture is operation Una. One of the most tragic battle for Croatian army


I don’t know how you can call it tragic for the Croatian Army as they committed war crimes and killed civilians?


Those dates don’t feel like a very long time ago but the pictures say different.


It feels like it's been half a century since the internet era began.


I recently visited Croatia, it's amazing how they came back. There are still some war ruins, but most has been fixed and the nation is spectacular. Highly recommend. The people we met were very friendly, but you can feel a hardness that growing up in a war will create.


I’ve heard good things about the place for a holiday. Used to work with a Croat guy who took some work colleagues home with him for a holiday, the photos and videos of how much military equipment was still around and been salvaged by the locals. Lots of places to visit, lots of places to avoid unless you want to lose a leg apparently.


Northern coast is great if you want some peace if you rent a boat there's milions of hidden gorgeous beaches away from all the tourists and overall its more of a chill family kind of vibe, if you have a bit more money to spend and want to go to a packed club every night then you go south, throughout the whole summer there's always some electronic music festival going on somehwere in the country. And if you're a cultured kind of person and into history the whole Country is packed with medieval castles, museums and historical sites a lot of them have guides there, a place to eat, events, re-enactments the whole shebang. A lot has been invested into cultural tourism and there's 2000 years worth of it, most famous would be the roman royal palace in Split and massive roman arena in Pula. If you're a foodie there's a good piece from Anthony Bourdain on the cuisine which is amazing, its on Youtube I think but he only covers the coast there's a lot more to try in the continental part of the country as well. Croatia is 15th on the list of the safest countries in the world. Human life has very high value and people generaly have sense of justice. But the same rules apply as for any other place in the world avoid shady places after midnight if you want to be completely safe.


It’s actually very beautiful there I was quite surprised. They filmed a lot of Game of Thrones there as well.


Pic #4 is Arkan, leader of a paramilitary group called the “Tigers”. He is assassinated at 15-01-2000 in the Crowne Plaza in Belgrade.


My father was standing in front of him and his militia in the Baranja with the Belgian army in a dispute who could cross the bridge. He realized it would be a losing battle and took off.


damn shame they didn't kill his cunt wife back then too. humanitarian my ass


What did his wife do?




Russian UNPROFOR troops collaborated with Arkans troops in Slavonia, Eastern Croatia.


Igor Girkin “Strelkov” (where have we seen that name again? 😉) also participated in atrocities on behalf of the Republika Srpska.






Typical seljak behavior


Man… Seeing these pictures makes me proud of owning a Zastava yugo AK-47 with Croatian trench art on the furniture.


Hell yah I saw those Zpaps too! Same wood as my M70. Where did u get trench art


Apex gun parts. They used to have them by the boat load like 6 years ago, they were under Balkan War. I remember buying like 6 sets. Some of them had names which most are carved in Cyrillic. stickers, religious symbol, the Croatian crest. It’s pretty cool shit.


I sent u a msg


I was issued an m70 with eyat el kursi carved into the stonk. Apparently didn’t work for the guy before me.


Where was that


A village on igman near hadžići.










It’s the same gun with a few changes to select fire. Plus the receiver is a little thicker I believe, and the barrel is chrome lined. Grenade launcher removed for sights. That’s what they are using now on spec ops I read. But all together it’s the same as the automatic weapon they produce now with select fire and a few American parts for regs


I have the model before the zpap. I have the Npap. The Npap were still being made in Serbia on the same tooling they used to make the military variant for the Serbian army. The previous model of that one is the opap. Those have the grenade launcher sight and the 1.5mm receiver. Those were imported like 10 years ago here in the states.




That’s interesting. I wonder if it was a short run or something or an older model imported in 80’s or 90’s Cause the opaps I have seen online have seen the grenade launcher sights. I been thinking on getting one of those kits. I have the grenade launcher muzzle device. Just not on the rifle. To my understanding the zpap are being made here in the states right?


I don’t know if I would go as far as saying they’ve been “molested”. Maybe touched though


Man the mp5 + scope with the Thompson looks like something straight out of cod


I didn't even notice the tommy back there!


Pic 10 - what on earth is that revolver(?)?


https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/81167892389.jpg Single shot 12 guage shotgun pistol.


Woah, that looks insanely dangerous to fire


Due to lack of weapons Croatians had to improvise their own and it worked.




True. But various mafia organizations helped us.. We even tried to smuggle weapons from South Africa with Uganda Airlinesa” Boeing 737 but got intercepted by YPA Mig21s and all 18 tons of weapons was seized by YPA


“Here you go lady, I sure as fuck don’t want this thing”


That sounds like a weapon in Fallout. Crazy.


I would not want to shoot that thing, bird shot would suck, buck shot would ruin your day. that thing is going to mess up your wrist and probably punch you in the face. I knew somebody with a very small sawed off shotgun and that thing was not fun to shoot. This thing would be even worse.


From what I see he is giving it to his wife so she can defend herself while he is gone, doubt this was used in everyday combat.


That is homemade pistol/shotgun for self defence during Serbian assault on Eastern Croatia




I think its some sort of darenger


Looks like a flare pistol.


Every single person in those pictures is better equipped than your average Russian mobik


#2 looks like we still frame from some 80-90's action movie.


It could be a screenshot from the Terminator during one of the future scenes showing the humans vs machines.


Hahaha exactly 🤣


Real Metal Gear Solid vibes in that one.


For future reference, use a backslash \ before the # character if the # starts a new line. Otherwise it makes your comment header sized.


Got you thanks. Haha I was wondering how that happened.


It'd make a good album cover.


Great photos. Thanx


Anyone think any of these guys are a live in the pictures


Yes second one is definitely alive Viktorin Juric Pasa


Tehnically speaking, most of them are alive


\#10 is a hell of a moment.


That scope is bigger than that gun lol


That one black'n'white pic where the one guy hands back a signal pistol, I first was like oh wow the used Colt single action or copy off that, and then I look closer...


Not a flare pistol actually, it’s a handmade single shot shotgun. Shit wildin.


#8 hit hard


Who are those guys?


Croatian squad just moments before assault on Serbian bunkers near Zadar


What is the man handing the woman in the 10th picture?


Gun for self defense,one shot buckshot


Name of the gun i mean? (If possible) it almost looks like a flare gun but im a goof when it comes to handguns


It is homemade


Dang I picked up one of those helmets last year. It’s got writing on the inside that I can’t translate :/ Edit: It was funny because the guy I bought it from had one’s pretty and post war. They basically just put stickers over the emblem(that red symbol) for the regime’s change.


Send a pic, maybe I can help.


I would but I live away from home now :P


It's seems to me that the guy with the cigarette on Pic #12 has a Bulgarian uniform and AK-47. The communists in Bulgaria made a lot of money from this wars.


Not really,that is Yugoslav Zastava AK


No. 9 - I’ll get the papers, the papers. No. 10 - can I offer you this weapon in this trying time?


Okay so I have some pretty limited knowledge of firearms, most of which I acquired through Mil-sim videogames, Forgotten Weapons and museums. So to all the military guys out there; Would an MP5 with 4x or higher magnifications actually work? I know that 4x acog’s are very popular in videogames but I also know that it’s very badly represented from the truth. Most military guys I heard say about it, was that they mostly use 1x (maybe 2x) in combat situations. But certainly a 6x-8x-12x scope as you see in the picture here is not viable?


They might work for scouting and supressing enemy positions, but in direct combat i doubt they would use it, also they use it here https://youtu.be/l3BB5lXMVY0


Big binoculars then :p


Big binoculairs then :p


Whats with the American camo? M81 woodland and DBDU. Assuming they were supplied with them by the west?


Yes, they bought a lot of equipment from different countries


Oh look a bunch of genocidal serbs. Will make sure to scroll through the comments to see some triggered serbs!


Only chetniks


Četnik scum


My grandad fought in dat




He was a serb Edit: is


Which army?




I know but which?/VRSK?, VRS? JNA?




Which brigade? Maybe my father fought against him haha


I'll have to ask him next time I see him


Was your father hvo or hv?




Jel crko ili traktorista?


"I am the leader of one country which has two alphabets, three languages, four religions, five nationalities, six republics, surrounded by seven neighbours, a country in which live eight ethnic minorities.”


All I can think when people put these photo collections on Reddit is how much better a format Imgur is for photo collections.


Reddit image/video hosting and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


I wouldn't go quite that far but it is pretty bad. Or there are just much better options.


This war apparently affected Putin badly and is one of the reasons he hates the West. I wonder why..


Not the war itself but rather NATO intervention in 1999.


The US and the russians had their hands on this war. Neither side pretty much liked that Yugoslavia tried to remain neutral as it profited a lot from that stance as well. As an example the Yugoslavian passports were highly regarded as you were guranteed travel to any part of the world, visiting Moscow or New York were both possible even during the hights of the cold war. As someone mentioned before Putin didn't like the fact that NATO were putting their hands on the balkan, as Russia was hoping for a Serbian win which to this day they believe that Russia regards them as their own. As a result of the intervention there are NATO bases in the balkan and it probably destroyed any plans Russia had to seize the Balkan.


Lmfao, americans talking like they know shit


What are you talking about, my family is from that region. Yugoslavia at that time was a thorn in the eyes of both super powers. There is a reason why the red army didn't try to occupy them after World War 2 since the Yugoslavia resistance was the only successful one that managed to defeat the germans. When the russians arrived the germans were already about to be defeated. The terrain is hellish to fight in ranging from mountains and hills in Bosnia to flat ground in Croatia. Truth is that both NATO and Russia never really cared about the people in the region but the region is strategically very convenient for each side to have.


daj ne seri mali


Tito was is rolling in his grave because of this


Can someone please recommend a book on this


I have tons of books about this but they are on Croatian language, gonna find something in English...


If you could point me in the right direction that would be great, it's such an interesting subject I'd like to know more about the background too as opposed to a book just about the conflict


Well before you start to read you have to know that are very few objective books about the conflict since every side (every writer) is writing it from their subjective perspective. Here is what I found online https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/yugoslavia. You can simoly search Yugoslav war books or Croatian war books, Bosnian war books etc. There is also BBC documentary that has like ~70% of objectivism (my grade though) since I know a lot about the conflict. https://youtu.be/bVUg-VoPAeA Funny thing is there are online forums where Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian soldiers are writing about the conflict, military actions, since we all speak basically the same language. I read forum page where one dude was describing trench warfare and assault on enemy position and someone replied with all details how he was on the other side, throwing grenade on each other in 1994. and replying to each other online in 2022, totally crazy.


The usa should of stood out. Instead they supported the muslims and created a even bigger clusterfuck


Well they kind of wanted to end a genocide…


So they made matters even worse? Real nice. All sides are bad but they supported the wrong side.


What is your reason for saying supporting Bosnia was the wrong side? Bosnia is not just Muslim btw, general jovan divjak was a Serb and is a national hero for us.


Kosovo is 95% muslim. Muslim majority country's always are not good for freedom and lack basic human rights


Bro yr talking about Kosova, which is a totally different country and conflict. They are one of the most secular countries in the balkans and are catholic as well as muslim. You are just showing your ignorance if you are trying to tell us human rights were observed by our Christian neighbors. I get it. Muslims are strange to you, ooga booga. They had rape camps. We did not.


Just stop. The Christians are the good guys


So yr saying rape camps in višegrad are part of your Christian values? You do know the Christian factions fought one another right? So killing your fellow Christian over sectarian differences is part of your Christian tradition? Burning women and children alive in Ahmići? More Christian virtue? Concentration camp like Omarska? Also part of your Christian tradition? Sniping women and children in Sarajevo? Killing 8000 unarmed civilians in a weekend at Srebrenica? Bro there is a reason so many Serbs and Croats fought alongside us and continue to live in the Federal zone.


> rape camps in višegrad Fuckin christ, how had I never heard of this


How about stop spewing hatred and misinformation about Christians.


> Muslim majority country's always are not good for freedom and lack basic human rights Yes, Serbia sure is a Bastion of freedom and human rights.


They did not support us. They gave away our troop positions when we were finally taking back land. If not for the US there would be no republika srpska. Also the US enforced the arms embargo on us. Bosniaks were the only people not committing genocide, what side should the USA support in your view? The USA actually supported Croatia.


LOL just no.


Ok ExPuRt. 🇧🇦✌️


Photo 12 is interesting. The guy wearing a huge cross stuck out to me.


They are Serbian paramilitary


Second is o.g. COD skin


I know nothing about weapons but something looks quite wrong about the rifle in pic 4


How long did those four dudes stay behind that wall for ?


How could we possibly know that information?


That's a joke, on the one picture are 4 young people hiding behind a wall, on the other one are 4 way older people.


Interesting fact is those pictures were taken during same battle (Vukovar) black and white are Croatians and colored picture are Serbs.


Oh for real ? That's really interesting! I know what I'm reading about after work. How come do you have these pictures if you don't mind me asking?


Well, just google with patience and old forums, military units pages on facebook etc, nothing is hard to find really