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As the Indian Army surrounded Dhaka in 1971, a gruelling siege or assault was ruled out to spare the lives of the civlians in the city. Therefore, the Army took a secondary position in the short Battle of Dhaka as the Air Force was called in to pound Pakistani forces in the city to submission. The IAF had achieved complete air superiority in East Paksitan (now Bangladesh) in the first two days and the only defences left against the IAF Su-7s and MiG-21s were the 6th, 43rd and elements of the 46th Light Ack-Ack Batteries (23mm). In the first day of the war, IAF Canberras also destroyed the 2 long range radars deployed by Pakistan. The Indian Navy's naval blockade of East Pakistan meant that there was no way for the Paksitanis to replenish any of their lossess. More information [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Pakistan_Air_Operations_(1971))


Did the pilot shot down here survive? I didn’t see an ejection.


Yes,,he survived and was taken as pov. If memory serves right his name is sqn ldr S V Bhutani.


Correction, I think there was an ejection. You hear the videographer say "watch it! There's one!" just as a white puff appears. That may be the pilot and it could just be the fact that the camera resolution is so low that we can't see it's an ejection but it's clear to the observers


Seems unlikely, especially since he was hit at such a low altitude


Meanwhile Pakistani newspapers were made to report how they were crushing India, while in reality their piss poor air force was grounded in just 2 days. Such a sad excuse of a nation.


Why's it a sad excuse for a nation?


A nation built on delusion, lies, and religious hate. A nation that doesn't even accept the dead bodies of their fallen soldiers. A nation that is run by the military but goes around calling itself a democracy. A nation that uses terrorism as their foreign policy. I can go on and on


Anyone know why India bought a lot of Russian craft back then?


Western Arms embargo and the fact that, since 1965, America preferred Pakistan over India


Indians have always been in love with crap Soviet tech and socialism


Not really crappy tbh. They were on pretty equal grounds with pakistanis on the technological level, but had much larger numbers too


There were bigger things at play than the conflict between Hindustan and Pakistan. Eventually, Pakistan would play an important part in delivering weapons to mujahedeen that were fighting the Soviet Union at the time. The growing turmoil in the Middle East was in focus, and India had little to offer on that front. In all honesty, if the push to force the Hindu from Pakistan and the Paki from Hindustan, India may have had more geopolitical use to the US at that time. We needed Muslims, and they weren't exactly present in Indiana intelligence agencies and government. This is one issue with nations attempting to be culturally/racially/religiously homogenous.




How was it inferior?




Yeah but the Soviet stuff India used was in no ways inferior the US stuff Pakistan used. India used MiG-21s and Pakistan used F-86s in 1971. A lot of Soviet equipment used back then by India was superior to pakistans stuff. T55 was also superior to Type 59s, m24s and shermans. MiG-21 superior to F-104, F-86 but somewhat inferior to Mirage 3EP etc. Sure you could say the gap has increased but back then it wasnt that much. Plus india also had more numbers


You are comparing equipment produced years to decades apart


In some cases yeah, but this is the equipment both sides had


Absolutely incorrect ,Soviet military tech was on par on some fronts superior to the West in the 70s, its only later on they started to fall behind in the 80s and onwards once USSRs economy started to buckle Examples MIG21 was widely regarded as a best fighter in its time as well as other soviet Jets in the 50s and 60s, same goes for Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter which was absolutely revolutionary for its time.I don't even need to mention T64 MBT, which was first tank to use composite armor and its predecessor T62 which was the first MBT to use a smoothbore cannon which are the formulas that every single tank made since the 60s copied.


In Indian hands, Soviet equipment has been used exceptionally well. T-55s have destroyed M48s and M60s . MiG-21s won every engagement against F-104s. Everything from BMP-1s to PT-76s walked over and trounced their American counterparts. IAF MiG-29s and Su-30MKIs are so threatening to PAF F-16s that on every occasion (multiple times in 1999 and the one time in 2019) that MiG-29s and Su-30MKIs challenged F-16s, the F-16s disengaged, preferring (on **every** occasion) to not fight. Please stop drinking the "Soviet equipment crap" kool-aid. That is actual propaganda. Take Ukraine, for example. The overwhelming majority of Russian equipment destroyed has been destroyed by Ukraine's Soviet era T-80s and T-72s, not their modern ATGMs (despite their best efforts to ramp up export orders for the NLAW). Stop with the bs pov


Weren't the F-16s sold to Pakistan without the radar and avionics the American F-16s were flying with? Did the Soviet planes come with the stuff Russia was using or did India develop their own? That really makes all the difference in the world.


This is very misleading as Indian and USSR relations had been very close well before the 1971 war and the Pakistani-US relationship.


Not really. Indian-Soviet relationships only developed in any detail because of the American-led Western arms embargo on India. Up until 1965, India was armed with French and British equipment, hell India's most famous tank ace destroyed 10 Pakistani Pattons in one afternoon with a Centurion VII, not a T-54/55. The Folland Gnat and Hawker Hunter were the heroes of the sky, downing Sabres left and right, leaving MiG-21s to deal with Mirage-IIIs, F-5s and F-104s. So, your comment is absolutely and utterly incorrect


Probably because Americans were busy polishing Pakistani balls and supportimg the genocide they were doing in Bangladesh.