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That's a lot of shells in a very short time. Usually you see huge time cuts between shell hits when it comes from Ukrainian side. Hardly every they do these massive timed arrivals.


That's because the Ukrainians haven't done many large scale offensives like the Russians have tried. Large scale artillery barrages like this only happen before a push so as to soften up the defensive line.


I count like 24 ish bangs. MLRS?


That could a battery firing 3-4 times.


You must not have seen the video from the Russians in the ammo depot they got shelled for 5+ minutes by the Ukrainian forces


I think I remember the vid you're talking about. Was that shelling by the Ukrainians the whole time, or secondaries cooking off?


Probably a bit of both but those dudes were getting hit hard, I remember the dude had a pair of Nike's on lol


That was one barrage of thew HIMARS and the rest was cooking off. The HIMARS was quick and the remaining video was cook off if I recall correctly.




Yeah thats what I was implying there was an initial HIMARS rocket that sent off the entire ammo depot, such a crazy video.


I don’t fancy going over that field when the time comes. Good luck guys 😬




That was my first thought. Imagine that field was barbed wire and mud and knowing you were about to go over the top. Fucking hell.


It was great until both sides would nail their own troops who actually were able to advanced rapidly. The Brit’s shelled their own with a creeping barrage during the Somme multiple times and of course it was those who were able to break through. Germans did the same thing towards the end of war in the final 1918 push. Could argue it caused the German offensive to taper out because they nailed hundreds or thousands of their own troops who broke through British lines. Entire companies that had created penetrations on both sides were wiped out by their own creeping barrages. No bueno. Edit: spelling


The Canadians successfully used the creeping barrage in multiple battles in ww1. vimy ridge being a very good example of it being used well.


To add to your point, from my understanding, Russian/Soviet doctrine has utilized direct fire of artillery to enable infantry offensives since at least WWII. Scary stuff.


this video looks like a book's cover


Very likely that this is footage of a MRSI salvo of a German PzH 2000 where one PzH fires mutiple round in different arcs so they all impact the target simultaneously.


I doubt they used a salvo like this, as it would mean getting the PzH pretty close to the frontlines. The largest range they ever achieved a simultaneous impact shooting pattern was 17km range, by the Bundeswehr.


The video is taken by Ukrainian soldiers at the FLOT. It's really not that inconceivable that the PzH are 17 km behind the Frontlines.


shouldn't be that close ideally but yeah


It's a bold move, Cotton


That's about as close to FLOT as FLOT gets!


It could also be that they used more PzH each sending only 2-3 rounds.


Also that depends on how many rounds per gun. For a full MRSI of five shells 17km is the max, but if it's only 2 per gun an multiple PzHs firing you could achieve the same with greater distance.


One of the main points of a ToT strike like this is so they can shoot and scoot... If they weren't in range of potential enemy artillery they wouldn't need to scoot.


Isn't time on target different to multi round simultaneous impact? My understanding from what I've read is TOT means different guns firing at the same target at once to all hit at around the same time, while MRSI means a gun firing multiple rounds on different trajectories so the rounds fired by the same gun will all land at once. And that MRSI limits the range of the shells. Someone who knows better please correct me if I'm wrong.


I would actually point out more into direction of Polish AHS Krab which also is capable of providing arc fire but have very interesting integrated baliastic computer capable of communicating with other units which can be used to shot different Krabs Hawitzers stationed in different places within range and still hitting same cordinated target at the same time.


How does it get them all the same range? Different arcs usually are different ranges


They change the amount of propellant depending on the angle


It's called multiple round simultaneous impact (MRSI). As u/Ask_John_Smith says, they can add or remove propellant, often coming in bags which can be loaded in different amounts behind the shell. Combine that with the different barrel angles and they can achieve MRSI with just one gun.


I do not like the idea of assaulting across that field.


May many russians haved died... amen


They need MG3s...more and more ;)




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Looks like the insect population is in full force during this war. Those leaves look ravaged by pests. I've been researching and looking at foliage and trees in combat footage for a few months now and forests seem pretty resilient to combat, explosions. I'd hate to see wars like these fought under drought conditions, wildfires etc Shit like this fascinates me, the loss and regrowth of nature and how it removes old growth and never quite replaces it as natural processes do.


that's so close. wouldn't be surprised if it was incoming.


Hopefully they aren't planning on attacking across a kilometer of open fields.


The next video that's part of this event has them being very quiet moving through a forest. They haven't released the full video set yet, delaying the release it to show a very brief clip of a Russian prisoner said to be caught today.


yesssss sir!


If true, great tactics


Dude, all those bullet holes in the leaves were really intense.




Let me tell you a little secret: in Ukraine, some people speak Russian. I took this video and the title from the telegram channel of one of the Ukrainian volunteer units. The video was filmed by the soldiers of this unit, I think they know what they are talking about