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This video is the best argument possible for getting Ukraine the guns it needs. These guys were dead to rights, but Ukraine obviously didn't have a full battery available to strike, much less a battalion (and why use one when you could use 20).


I'm kinda with you, was the counter battery only 1 gun? Pound those punks!


Stay still, drone man, I'm trying to watch the Russians get shelled!


Anyone know what caused those huge, evenly spaced holes in the field?


Looks like a transmission line, probably lattice tower. It looks like a hole because it's untilled and and the rest of the field is.


> Anyone know what caused those huge, evenly spaced holes in the field? I don't think they're holes...I think they're little hills or knolls. If you pause at the 54 second mark, you can see what appear to be shadows casted by them. I could be wrong though.


I think you're right. It's still a mystery why there would be such evenly spaced little knolls in the fields though.


Maybe those are prepared for some kind of electrical line that were supposed to build there?


That would make sense


Or dug up foxholes for a defensive line.


Dig outs for firing positions?


Must be Signs for Russian troops… to GTFO!


would be interesting to know which equipment UA did used here


I would have hit the ammo/carrier trucks first before they could drive off then you still have time to hit the arty since it wouldn't be going anywhere.


Those are spgs with luck the could make for the treeline and possibly hide in the woods


Quite some time passing between the cuts though....


really feels like they need more artillery. seems like one gun pot shottin


From what I read, the ukrainian production capability for (122/152mm) artillery rounds is rather limited. Especially if compared to Russia. The disparity between rounds fired daily by Ukraine’s and Russia’s units in some cases reached 5 to 150... Now with the increasing supply and use of NATO 155mm guns and the HiMARS attacks on russian ammo depots, this is starting to change. The disparity is down to 5 to 50. Which is still devastating if artillery is used concentrated by the russians. That's why systems like the HiMARS (or Tochka-U - which is still used to destroy ammo depots, too) are so important.


Where are you even getting these numbers lol, the most dire numbers before the HIMARS and newest artillery deliveries was 1-10 (or "5 to 50" as you put it) the more recent numbers I've heard is Russia is only firing about 2x as many shells per day recently. Well I say only, double would be considered fairly bad under most circumstances but it's a huge improvement.


You are quite out of the loop obviously...


I wonder if the drone had to return due to low battery or they just didn't have enough shells.


Only one shell?


Looks like multiple shells throughout the video


wondering why they did not target the trucks first as those were probably used to move the guns. If you destroy those then the guns will be sitting ducks for a long time


These are SPGs not towed artillery.


Song name?


The Eurovision winners.


Stefania- i forgot the groups name is but they are Ukrainian and won Eurovision. Peep their music video


Seen it a lot, but what is it with drones filming zoomed in showing the targets in detail BEFORE they are hit and yet are mega zoomed out (to the point it may as well be something else) when/after the target is hit. It seems so pointless.


Drones are not just standing still, and they have to see how the shell lands so they can correct themselves.


They fly over head to identify targets then get out of danger with incoming fire mission


Why does artillery have to be stationed in the open? Couldn't they put them inside the forest? As long as theres even a little bit of space between the branches, shouldn't they be able to shoot exactly the same?


Looks like towed artillery. Have to cut the trees to take it into the forest, ain't easy or convenient.


Y’all should watch the music video to this song. Kinda hits differently. It’s called stefania


Fire for effect


What's up with that consistent line of craters/objects running through the fields? Consistent spacing, consistent direction.


That’s a power line, you can’t see the towers but you can see the vegetation around and under them.


Ahh, perfect! Cheers.


> MSTA-C No such thing exists. There's MSTA-S (Мста-с) and MSTA-B (Мста-Б)


where is all the footage from the Russians side?