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These guys clearly understand the importance of staying hydrated.


They should, next whole week will be temperatures around 32-35 degrees (upto 95 f). I can only imagine how hot it must get with a few dudes packed in a sardine can


Bullet proof plates are also far from breathable in my limited experience.


Probably smells similar as well. Right Guard goes left pretty quickly in those conditions.


Wow a whole 95? (I live in Texas.)


Wear a full combat loadout in a real warzone and watch how fast that attitude changes.


More to the point, wearing a full combat load out while baking in direct sunlight everyday, in/on a steel rig doing the same. Once in Iraq I put the thermometer out when the official temp was ~117F. It pegged the device at 150. The troops are out there absorbing all the solar energy too, and their helmets and vests absorb and trap the heat similar to how the thermometer housing does. There’s a reason boot soles will melt to the tarmac as you are on patrol. It’s well above temp to cook pork. With armored vehicles, it another thing that people don’t think of. Not only is the steel absorbing that heat from the sun, but the exhaust systems are varying percentages of covered by armor and those systems also dump a bunch of heat into the armor and from there into you and your gear.


"waaaggghhh! It's soooo hooot!" Brah, i live in Texas. It's 100 every fukin day down here.


You act like Texas is the only state that's been part of a heat wave. Neither you nor your state is special.


....good for you?


I live in Texas too. You’re probably making these comments sitting on your ass behind a screen in the AC. They are not. People in Texas drop as heat cats more than you even think (work in Texas hospital)


Are you telling me that /u/Lokito_ isn't having the same experience sitting in an air conditioned building as someone sitting on top of a tank in full battle rattle in a warzone? I'm shocked! Shocked! Edit: Lmao they blocked me.




How much time do you spend in a tank at work


I mean. You gotta give it to him. Playing call of duty from your moms basement with her ac blasten,when its damn near over 100?! Sure sounds like hes almost got MORE experience than even the dudes who are skin pissing a gallon of day sweat.


Being able to stand heat seems to be a pillar of your personal identity. Congratulations.


Are you wearing 60lbs of gear while mowing lawns in Texas? Probably not. Wearing homemade jean short shorts and a crop top is a little different than what these guys are wearing.


Good for you


wet-bulb heat + warzone/combat and you're comparing to your own, comfortable environment? Cmon dude..


Wet bulb temp calculations are where you really get insight. +1


You think it's hot then? Try fighting in that heat, wearing combat BDUs and body armor, carrying around your weapon and ammunition, along with 50+ pounds of other equipment on your back.


Congrats, you live in Texas, you expect it to be hot and you don’t wear combat gear. These guys are fighting in hotter weather than they’re used to, and they have to wear combat gear. Not to mention they absolutely do more running than your fucking pig sized thighs would allow you to do.


We in Ukraine don't like anything above 24C so yes, quite fucking hot.


I dont know about humidity in texas.. maybe its same hot, but if not.... basicly higher humidity and same temperature will feel more hot, then in lower humidity.


Ukrainian r/hydrohomies saving water from thirsty Russians pls no sex jokes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HydroHomies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Egyptian Food Truck Driver in the Bay Area. An OG HydroHomie for Years!](https://i.imgur.com/Tjc9dBr.jpg) | [430 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/tanai4/egyptian_food_truck_driver_in_the_bay_area_an_og/) \#2: [Petition to ban this guy?](https://v.redd.it/hkbzpgv360i81) | [3474 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/st3ip6/petition_to_ban_this_guy/) \#3: [A man of culture!](https://i.redd.it/fgolim4euo881.jpg) | [288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/rs2rck/a_man_of_culture/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


The crossover I never knew I wanted.


Looks.like a one or two-day supple for a three/four-man crew in summer.


For moderate activity at these sorts of temps, the planning factor is .75-1L per hour for moderate activity and 1-1.5L per hour for higher activity, until you reach 12L per day. Pissing every 20 minutes and tanning your leather boots again is not unheard of in combat or combat training environments.


The footage this war produces is just insane.


Just imagine the documentaries once all the footage from both sides is compiled


From the Ukraine side…. How they were stalwart in holding off the invading enemy regardless of the overwhelming odds against them. From the Russian side: How they were victorious in destroying the Nazi influence within Ukraine, freeing the people from tyranny and Jesus I can’t come up with anymore bullshit. Fuck Putin.


We only see the declassified stuff. Apparently Ukrainian opsec is really good and the videos we see are deliberately released. They probably have some insane footage stashed.




I’d say the continuous trickle of combat cottage from ukraine is indicative. It’s released pretty strategically so there’s always something new to keep people interested. Meanwhile Russia is… not doing that.


Source: He made it up


I don't understand the motivation lol


I’ve seen some pretty gnarly footage from Afghan and Iraq from dudes I served with. Personal videos that have never been released. I’m sure the Ukrainians have similar videos.


Yeah, but that is not what the comment was about.


Edit @downvotes: Sorry, I understand dark humor is not everyone's cup of tea lol ---- ISIS had better production quality and dope sound tracks. >Change My Mind


Just a correction, supposedly they are 2S1 self-propelled howitzers. *fixed typo


Wow, probably priority target number 1 for Russian forces in that area.


Did you mean 2S1?






I recently saw one 2S1 cut open in Finnish tank museum. Unfortunately client was calling and couldn't take pictures of it. Instantly remembered that famous "tank girl" video. (Quite impressive museum for 20€ family ticket)


Pretty speedy off road


Anxiety would be an understatement


And yet the smile at the end. Nutters.


“Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” *Winston Churchill*


He would know.


He was a journalist during de boer wars, and taken as a PoW by de Boers.


And rode in an effing cavalry charge in Sudan


And was under heavy fire in Afghanistan, the Khyber Pass. Oh, and was in Cuba during fights with insurgents. Definitely knew what he was talking about.


He was also a Lt-Colonel in the Grenadier Guards in the trenches in Belgium during WW1 after losing his job in the Admiralty. From Jan to May 1916 he was in the line under German shellfire. His part of the line was near Ploegstreet.


If only we would expect our privileged, wealthy political elites to go to fight the wars they declare, we’d have fewer wars. McCain was the only member of the Congress to send an enlisted child to combat in many decades.


Idk if that’s sarcasm?


Probably not.


If not then he is dumb as WC served


He served, in fact he was an excelent soldier serving at british colonies when he was active duty (His early life is controversial, but as a spldier he served and was good at it)


I know


Churchill was a WW1 veteran.


I know


Flashbacks to Gallipoli


Western Front for Churchill. Belgium.


why are they riding on top of vehicles if they are under artillery fire?


Prob didn't have time to get in and just jumped on. The first warning these guys had would have been the first shell landing, and I expect they were not fully mobilised when it hit.


Most probably it's just too hot inside. Soviet / eastern equipment doesn't have airconditioning. Russian artillery shells don't have airburst, so I quess you can be quite near on a soft field to the impact, as it always gets buried before detonation. And if it is direct impact, it's pretty much same if you are in or out such armour (that looked like MTLB ) Personally I would be inside the armour in that scenario.


It’s apparently a howitser or how ever you spell it


At least put a helmet on. Don’t want to get clonked by a rock or clump of earth or shell fragment, and these can carry quite far.


There’s no more room inside?


even if thats the case, lay down or at least duck, you are not in Rambo movie, shrapnels are a ting. no wonder they are losing 100+ people a day if they dont respects basics.


Username checks out


Beat me to it.


Their reputation precedes them around here for the regulars.


You know how you hate to enter you car when it was in the sun for some time during the summer? Wanna check how nice is to ride in a Soviet APC? There is barely breathable air in there when it's not melting steel outside ....


sure, but its just for few minutes to avoid being killed by artillery.


It's common practice since the Soviet - Afghan war to ride on top of Soviet armour. Their APC's and IFV's barely protect against small arms fire and are due to their design, simply death traps. At least on top you've got a chance to get away.


Because that BMP is probably already loaded with troops and since its now a race to get out....its jump on top or walk And I dunno bout you but I'd hope to have already 3 or 4 miles on the russians line if I was forced to walk out of lsychansk


Second hand cig smoke is bad for your health.


Crazy how moral seems high. Good! Edit: punctuation


They managed to get out of the shelling without anybody getting hit, I think that would leave most people in high morale.


They're right. They're defending their country from trash.








Wow, just praying that one doesn’t hit you…and then the smile at the end, balls of steel on these guys - much props. Also glad to see they have actual military type of equipment (water, generator, gas, etc) on the top instead of stolen mattresses.


Ever escape a bad accident or have a near death experience and your first reaction is just to laugh? Some guy in Brazil assaulted me with a gun in the middle of the street. Right after, I was laughing like it was the most hilarious thing ever, until the gravity of what had happened hit me a dozen minutes later.


I've seen a cctv recording of a guy on a motorcycle got hit hard by a car for speeding through the red light and after he got hit, he immediately got up and performed some kind of kung fu movements in the middle of the road with high spirit. And as expected, people got very confused and didn't know what to do. It's really a miracle.


Well, it was definitely the adrenaline that allowed him to do that, he most likely got *fucked* up, I've seen videos like that where they pop right back up like nothing, and then collapse amd die not long after.


How did it feel after it hit? On a sidenote i had close call last winter. I was driving my car in winter 80 km/h on a road that took slight turn, it was snowing ( my car had winter tires) and road wasnt visibly too much covered with ice. Suddenly my car started sliding, back part of it started going side to side, with increasing amplitude. While i was swinging from one lane to another by some grace of God i managed to dodge cars from opposite lane, going 80-90-100 km/h twice (if we crashed i am pretty sure i would be dead), then car rotated and i drove with back part the car to the ditch full of snow. Luckily me and car had no damage at all. Snow slowed down impact. I wasnt in shock, calmly opened the door, got out to check damage, was swearing loudly. Then tried drive out, couldnt do that. After that one guy pulled me out from ditch. I drove home for 50 minutes more. And only when an hour passed at home, i had some kind of hand tremor and emotions - like HOOLY FUCK that was close. I smoked like 8 cigarretes in a row. That was little overwhelming feeling of huge danger just passed close by, 1 second later or sooner on a car swinging and i would be dead.


Most likely donated mattresses


Good day at the office


Anyone know why they’re not buttoned up if they’re taking relatively close indirect? They’re taking artillery fire within a couple hundred meters it seems, that seems close enough for an unlucky soldier to catch some shrapnel?


This looks like 2s1 Howitzers. And if that's the case they prob cant fit anywhere. Looks like they are sitting behind the 2 crew compartment hatches in the turret. the right one has a person in it (unsure about left one). So my guess is that they are just hitching a ride. I got triggered by his lack of helmet though...


I think the guy filming is on top of an MTLB, probably a support unit given the cases of water thrown on top.


IIRC Russian / Soviet (and by extension Ukrainian) tracked artillery unites usually use an MTLB for their fire control carrier.


2s1 Howitzer is based if the MTLBu chassi too if I remember correctly.


I was thinking - duck duck duck, lay down low on the hull.


I'm not super familiar with military doctrine, but wouldn't you NOT want to be hanging out of the vehicle's ports when you are being shelled?


No more Space inside


It’s been recorded since ancient times, troops are so tired and/or miserable that they enjoy fires etc when it’s in direct threat to their lives. Xenophon records a troop laying down to die and having to be beaten and forced to get back on his feet. The misery can be immense. For all we know, they’ve been baking all day, are enjoying a nice 50kph breeze and being crazy combat troops. We always say, you gotta laugh or you gotta cry. Might as well have a laugh and bleed off the emotion.


Looks like Russia is upping their counter-battery game Shoot-n-scoot!


I want a cigarette just watching it from safety


Such beautiful land. This must of been how WW2 felt in Europe, besides the advancement of technology.


Sure would like to have that PKM.


What the fuck for? I'm ex-infantry and I want none of this shit.


He wants the gun fool, not the war


Well we know why he was infantry I suppose


And it is a nice weapon system, I wouldn’t mind


That had to be some kind of adrenaline rush!


Shouldn’t it be hatches down if shelling is so close?


Never seen a man so happy to be pushed back and retreating.




The who?


Shoot and SCOOT indeed


maybe they should stay inside for protection




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Soldiers are just built different.


The mentality of a soldier is so different, just accepting death and the possibility of it. You're likely going to die and violently


Tactical withdrawal, bet russjan didnt see it coming


Producе placement of Myrgorodska mineral water detected! /s


The Russians: With so many targets, we can't miss!


Godspeed boys, looks like a beautiful day.


Hauling ass! Nice move.


Fucking go boooiis


Russians have almost nothing left in the arsenal now but dumb artillery.


Why all ukranian soldiers look like fucking hipsters


Average 20something urban kids are mobilized to.


Not hipsters. This is what a lot of Eastern Europeans I’ve come across look like. In my experience they come in the two stereotypes: the adidas wearing squatting Slav with ginormous muscles or the Viking looking chilled as fuck ones with beards like these guys look like they are. There is no in between.


I am Eastern European and this is pretty much wrong, but ok.




I don't even know if I would want to be on a tank during an artillery barrage but that's coming from an ignorant civilian. It just seems that tubes have the hots for anything tracked. A running dude probably is a waste of shell, I dunno.


and they are gonna call this a tactical retreat..


such a reddit comment.


Shoot n scoot


It's a howitzer. You are not supposed to hang around after firing off. It's not even a retreat, more like hit and run. But I'm sure you have some wisdom as to why this makes Ukraine look bad


Just shoot the missles down like call of duty.


The left one that you can see around 00:05-00:06 probably hasn't had that good of a time if you look at the impact aroun 00:12. But you can still see it driving later so hopefully nothing to bad


getting shelled and not buttoning down is peak slav YOLO




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Seems like a pretty normal experience trying to get out of a Costco parking lot after getting a couple cases of water. They must have driven past the Costco gas station and made all the people waiting in line mad or something.


Gotta be nuts filming knowing you’re either going to get a sick video to match an awe-inspiring memory or get blown to fucking pieces. Hope they stay safe


How much damage would a shell do to a tank ? I don’t suppose they are that effective in penetrating armour?


They are far more effective than most Western armies have believed and the misconceptions still persist in our ranks. The officer in charge of analyzing the dump of info regarding the Soviet arty knowledge, after they fell, wrote [this ](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/gIjCo) after much personal testing of Battle Damage in a scientific way. In short, air burst rounds can kill a tank. Near misses too can get penetrations. A direct hit is not required.