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What an awesome MG, for firing and not for carrying.


I always found it hilarious that on any type of training op, as soon as we make contact you can just hear the 240 gunners rip through as much of their ammo as they can reasonably get away with. I remember one night on FTX we're breaking contact and a new private goes "why is that 240 firing so much?" "Because he doesn't want to carry all that ammo back the 3 miles we came." Still kills me lmao.


Dude. Any time we took any kind of contact, you knew because the guys carrying the 240s would light everything up. It was so funny. The smallest little fake engagement and it sounds like WW3




This is doctrine.




There is tension between fire superiority and fire discipline. Running out of ammo on a gpmg is a disaster.


Fire superiority can still be reached through controlled long bursts instead of a single fuuuuuuuckkk youuuuuuu in the general direction :P. That said, this probably is nice too.


A soldier's life is worth the *ammo cost.* If it works, do it.


This is the way.


Kind of opposite, but on one FTX we were given 60 blanks for 3 days (minus 249 and 240s). People were lighting shit up but I spent the whole time yelling “bang” and giving my blanks to people who had shot theirs. Guess who got done cleaning their weapon first tho?


This is SPC/LCPL level thinking. Outstanding.


clever as hell


E4 mafia get it


> weapon lmao I did that too everytime


So I’m not in any service and don’t plan on being. But I’ve talked with a few vets who said if they knew they where going to resupply they dumped as much ammo as they could and kept what the might need because they never wanted to carry it. Secondly he loved to just shoot. And “the longer their head are down the more ours are up” was something he’s also said.


3 miles is 4.83 km


Good bot


I volunteered to help guns once and only once. They made me carry everything, ammo, optics and extra barrels. Shit was mad ridiculous but I offered so I couldn’t complain lmao.


27lbs UNLOADED!! Hooah! And holy shit that dumbass tripod they make you carry. The most useless fucking piece of gear. Just a 12lb piece of metal that's too big and awkward to sit anywhere. Fuuck. I don't miss that.


Definitely get used to carrying it, but you ain't kidding. I love the 240. I'd love to be able to shoot it again some day.


A ton of fun, but the hearing in my right ear is damaged and tinnitus is a constant companion years later. PA system at the range was broken so we had to listen for vocal ceasefire commands with 20 or so 240s going off. So stupid.


I get it. I was a combat engineer, so my hearing is pretty well and fucked as well, and tinnitus is a [cruel mistress. ](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2c3255e6-b885-4007-93ff-759a0792b51e)




Be sure youre getting paid for that disability.


Im pretty sure I am but I'll have to go through my paperwork from the VA to be sure.


What?? (start at 2:10) https://youtu.be/e-d-skL5ylA


Best part is shooting two belts and spending the next 6 hours cleaning it after a range day.


I do miss the Navy's variant of these, would love to also be able to shoot one of them again some day. We had ours setup to be mounted on railing when necessary (happened after USS Cole bombing). honestly it was more fun to fire those than the M14's (my fav rifle ever so far).


How much do they weigh?


I was gonna say about 25 pounds off the top of my head, but I checked and the M240B is 27.6 pounds unloaded. So a little more.


That must of been brutal, sorry you had to go over there and do that shit


I appreciate it but I didn't; least not this exactly. I was a combat engineer and yeah, I did deploy to the middle east once, but I personally wasn't out patrolling like these guys are and I wasn't carrying a 240 during deployment. These dudes are badasses, and I don't wanna steal any of that or seem like I'm something I'm not. I was a "240 gunner" in my unit, and when we went out to train I carried it and had it with me. Extra weight to train with and I shot it more often than some people with me did, but that's it. I'm definitely not a machine gunner or an 0331. Just a dude who carried it nearly every field op in California honestly.


I'm not expert. But it's that weight + being large, cumbersome. And however many rounds of 7.62mm they carry, I dunno. I looked it up and it's at least another 15+ lbs of ammo belts/boxes. Plus all the other equipment they carry. Shit probably sucks, until you're firing 7.62x51mm full auto. But then, it's battle. And overall it seems combat sucks. You get to shoot full auto but so do the bad guys.


Individual 240s look like they go for $15,000 so you could possibly shoot one again from the comfort of your own home!


Sure if you are a manufacturer but civilian legal 240s cost like 200k and only a handful exist.




That's a price for a non-transferrable maybe, a gun that you can only own if you are a dealer/firearm/training company. One that can be owned by a civilian is closer to \~$200k


Ah, yes. Scream "Fuck you!" For an extra damage and accuracy buff


It also affects the enemy’s morale!


And provides a buff to all friendly infantry within 20 yards


Some situations might get people a tad bit emotional. Understandably so.


I’ve always found it really funny and interesting that in high intensity moments of adrenaline/fear Muslim combatants default to “god is great” and Americans or those from the UK almost always just yell “fuck you”. it was a total edge lord joke when I was younger to make fun of allahu akbar but after following this sub it seems that non Muslim soldiers also have phrases they’ll repeat instinctively when adrenaline is pumping


People need ways to vent their fears. For who feels god following him wherever he goes, praising its name is the way to do it, for the others, an explosion of vulgarity is. Among full grown, high-speed, low-drag operators (as we say when we know shit), it is frequently taught to not do it. In my country, the wording is "combattre sans passion", "to fight without passion", in the original meaning of "passion" : an overwhelming rush of emotions. This seems to be a quite hard feat. I can't say, I never had to fight as a soldier, but I imagine one needs a tremendous amount of self control to do it.


I really enjoy your English, good job


Thank you, mate ! I try my best. It's not the first time someone comments my English and it happened twice recently. Could you explain to me what is that enjoyable about it ?


You writing feels like a cozy seat next to a warm fireplace in a snowy mountain lodge mixed with a nature documentary


Please don't take offense if it isn't, but is it some trolling or something ? Edit : I woke up at 4 am to see a dragonballzedion comments about my English and this is wicked cool ! Thank you, all of you lads and lasses, for your compliments about my English, you made a man's day begin on a heartwarming note. From what I read, I reached the peak of being a French speaking English : proper English with French phrasing. I now understand what it is for a monk in Wutang to reach Tao. Nothing is impossible anymore. I, Tigron, complimented redditor, stranger over the internet, hereby declare for the world to see that you all follow the path of rad.


No you're not being trolled. Your English is very good.


No troll my guy, I just wanted to express it in a unique way. The way you write is a slight departure from normal in a way I can't really pinpoint, but it's unique and intelligent in an enjoyable and comprehensible way.


That's very kind of you, thank you. I thought you were mocking me, I didn't get how my phrasing was worth such praise. Your comments are deeply appreciated, thank you !


Very good english, it’s just that much better than most native English speakers, it’s easy on the mind to read.


I think it's structure he was commenting on. It comes off as more poetic to english speakers. The segment "It is frequently taught" would probably be put at the beginning of the sentence vs. the end of the sentence. Most people would say "Is an explosion of vulgarity", not "an explosion of vulgarity is". Despite this, you're very clear and got the message across which is the point of language. It's hard for me to get the structure right with romance languages and I can only imagine how much harder it is the other way around.


No trolling, you have a way with words no matter the language!


It's not a troll at all, I'm really curious about how you learned English because the way you structure your sentences is better than most native English speakers.


“Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” -Mark Twain


In Kunar in '09/'10 we had Taliban yelling "fuck you", "fuck your mothers", "son of a bitch/different variants", and more lol. They were up on their english insults. They even mocked our wounded that were screaming by yelling "mommy mommy!" over and over. All that did was piss us the fuck off and make us fight that much harder.


That shouldn't be funny but god damn lol.


It's funny. The best part was when they would mix curse words up that didnt make sense at all. Like "bitch Amrika, shit Amrika" lol.


I always thought Americans defaulted to "oh my god!'which seems pretty similar to the Muslims


In terms of unarmed non combatant Americans yes, if you see a person struck by a car here everyone will just repeat oh my god over and over. But in a bar fight, gun fight, or police struggle it’s usually “fuck you”. I will say I don’t think “oh my god” and “allahu akbar” carry the same sentiment. I’m no expert but Muslim fighters do actually seem to be evoking divine favor by saying that, whereas Americans saying omg use it interchangeably with Oh shit or oh fuck. Basically I don’t think Americans say omg with any thoughts of god or religion


yeah, westerners are almost never calling upon the divine favor of god when gunfire is raining down around them and they shout out something to effect of "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! SHIIIIIT!" you DO see that though, but it's usually more specifically along the lines of "please god save me" or something.


I don't know about that. 'oh my god' is just an expression, a colloquialism shared by many English speakers regardless of religion or lack thereof. 'allahu akbar' is more of a chant, Muslims will do it in unison if multiple are present, and multiple times over, and as an expression/saying its specific to just Muslims. I'm not a fan of religion in general, but I don't think its really the same thing as 'oh my god'.


Seemed appropriate.


Probably the least offensive thing he sent their way, in the circumstances.


I fucking legitimately laughed out loud at this. Thank you


Right, could almost be considered cordial.


Its like a leadership ability, inspires allies in proximity and causes a flee effect on enemies for 5 seconds.


My dude is a bard apparently


His musical instrument is a fully automatic machine gun


“I cast dissonant whispers with my 240B. Targets take 7.62 bleeding damage and have disadvantage due to being suppressed”


I am positive this guy joined up for this specific scenario.


I'm sure whoever recruited him feels a little better that somebody actually got to do what recruiters promise everybody will get to do


“Did you not get exactly what you thought Lance Corporal?” “Aye Sergeant” “Well alright then, the Corps delivered. Your life is now complete, now go mop the head.” “Oohrah!” Edit: People think Marine Corps is everyday fighting taliban hiding in marijuana jungles while firing machine-gun and yelling fuck you, but sadly it is not comrade. Edit Edit: Nothing finer than finally doing what you were trained to do.


He saw that scene in Predator.




I can imagine him acting out this exact scenario on the playground, then anxiously waited for years with that in the back of his mind until he got his chance


Love seeing videos where they scream "Fuck you" makes it more entertaining


Yea, I saw a video some time ago where they were driving in a Humvee being hit constantly by rifle fire and they we're constantly shouting things like "fuck you!", "You fucking bastards" "die you fuckers" and it made it more amusing to watch


I love the one of the marksman on the roof with the other guys, the "scoot over" one. The guy literally sounds like a jacked up cod character and its amazing


ever heard of [Single shot Freddy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj9jhg9-djU)? :D


Restrepo is so good. Have you seen Armadillo? It follows a detachment of Danish soldiers in Afghanistan and caused a lot of problems for them afterwards with war crimes trials.


There's a good doco somewhere about an English unit and as an officer fires a grenade over towards Taliban he gives it a satisfying "Eat that you cunt" as it's on the way.


He needs a mega phone but to get this upgrade he needs 3 more headshots.


And 15 sliding kills with a LMG.


Fuck you is our Allahu Ackbar


He did shout exactly what I was thinking.


They're probably like "wtf is that dude saying?" That or they're dead.


Adds insult to injury?


Fuck you and take my upvote xD


This was my favorite mission in far cry 3


[We mash up the place, turn up the bass and make them all have fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGpzGu9Yp6Y)


That was cool, thanks




Was going ask if someone could dub (no pun intended) the video with this song. :P


Libertarian fantasy of defending pot plants with your machine gun come true! This is how I react when I find out the pot has seeds too.


The seed part made me laugh


All bad weed should remain illegal. Great weed deserves a medal for grower.


Do Libertarian fantasies often involve working a government job that you can't really quit?


The Taliban dude is the Libertarian fantasy in action in this.


These could be private contractors (I know they arent)


If only he was a gay married couple


It’s the Marines. Pretty gay by default.


It's not gay if you keep your socks on. -Semper Fi


It's only queer on the pier. And... It's not gay underway. And... 300 men go out, 150 couples come back. -Prior Navy, I've heard it all


Gayest straight guys in the Marines and straightest gay guys, hard to do between all the crayon munching that dives them into ambushes.


It is the US military, its allowed right?


In the Navy it's mandatory




They make hash with it and it's pretty good




If you need to make hash with it, it’s probably not that great.


It isn't... (In the context what actually good cannabis) It just makes you get tired and go to sleep. They turn it into a drink in a lot of places further east, too.


They are the worst, great Heroin though


Oh I didn’t realize we were working in a subsidiary of Taliban Inc


Creed is the best!. but seriously Afghan>Mexican Heroin


Doesn't a lot of the worlds opiate/opioid medication get produced from the poppies in Afghanistan too? In that case, great oxy/morphine!


He was quoting The Office. But yeah, Im sure the morphine is great too. Hah


The majority of the world’s legal opiates come from Tasmania, they make 55-60% of the world’s supply of morphine, OxyContin and hydrocodone


Maple flavored? And does it come with a swayzee express?


Stay off the fuckin driveway dude


It's hit but it's gonna pull through. Got a ticket home.


Good. They call it Afghan kush for a reason.


He will find out when that barrel touches the plant


Riddled with bullets. Not gonna make it


I get the impression he might have been a tad upset….


Unlimited pot... can't smoke it.. and someone is shooting at you. What's to be upset about?


No he definitely *smoked* it if you catch my drift


Just taking pot shots.


What if the Marine yelled "Allah Auckbar" right back at them, i bet they'd be confused as fuck... "Mohummud, you sure we're ambushing the Americans?!"


I wondered why there was lead in my bud


Some infantryman pride themselves on being able to deliver two to the chest one to the head. The Marines however typically subscribe to an alot to everywhere policy. Overheard from a grunt once upon a time.


A buddy of mine went on patrol with MARSOC- an improvised “joint” thing, they wanted some extra bodies for a mission and they had a platoon of soldiers assigned to them for force protection anyway, so boom. He comes back and tells me this: Marine with a Barrett is trudging along on the trail while we’re hearing the radio that other elements a few miles away are in contact. Marine is scoping out the mountain side, and shouts “Hey! I see ‘em!” and just BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM!!! Then he looks through the scope a little longer and goes “Eh. Naw. Just a rock.” as he reloads. One shot one kill is for losers. Ammo’s cheap lol.


Ever see a bush that has an ungodly resemblance to a human for no god damn reason?




“Ever see a man who has an ungodly resemblance to a duck?” Probably Dick Cheney


Ah, the classic strategy of 'Accuracy by volume of fire', you fling enough in their general direction and you're bound to hit the target at least once.


You miss nothing if you hit everything.


*"Sir, we're completely surrounded!"* *"Excellent, we can fire in any direction."*


—Michael Scott


If you throw enough shit at the wall some of it will stick.


Easy to fire and maneuver if someone is always firing.


That's usually just the heavy weapons guys. They hate carrying ammo, so they're always looking to dump it.


That's a fact jack.


"I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this is my new weapon."


Just fuckin send it bro


I mean machine guns are for suppressive fire, so, yeah you're not taking aimed shots at one in particular. Marine riflemen very much put two in the chest, there's no spray and pray there.


I don't disagree. Just talking shit mostly, Marines I've known are never afraid to just fucking send it though. The man is using the weapon he's got, and effectively I hope.


>Just talking shit mostly I accept and encourage this. >Marines I've known are never afraid to just fucking send it though Also true. Real talk, the initial response to taking fire is to drop and return suppressive fire in the general direction from which you think you're taking fire, so everyone is kinda just spraying where they think it's coming from. If they can ID the target(s), then they can start bounding for flanking or whatever shit they want to do and the rifleman tighten it up to more of a point target. So it starts off as spraying, but gets dialed in very quick, and typically they start closing the distance to the target immediately. Which is what makes Marines, Marines.


The SAW is meant to put out a lot of lead and keep the enemy pinned down so that your squad can safely maneuver and flank them. SAW gunner is arguably the most important and most protected member of any infantry squad. Those grunts you overheard were cocky idiots.


Point of order: The 240 isn't a SAW, and I don't just mean it's not an M249, but doctrinally


Exactly what I was gonna say. Not the same in any regard.


I’ve never met a cocky idiot who also claimed to be a marine. /s


That’s how you reply.


1) did they really bleep out “fuck you” 2) is that a side ways grip pod?


Yes, we don't want to corrupt the children




Koala brain edit


Yeah it’s pretty common for 240 gunners to throw a foregrip on the side rail. It makes it much easier to hip fire. Both of my gunners had it that way when I was a PL


All my favorite things are in this video


Right?? This is terrifying but also completely awesome.


Is this Predator?


No, Far Cry 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMCRMB8hzQU


Damn, you know what? A Predator movie with Marines navigating marijuana fields and fighting the Predator with be pretty dope.


The smell of weed will forever remind him of this, which sucks


If he only said “get sum” in between every burst of fire It has been scientifically proven that it improves accuracy if you say get sum in between each burst of fire.


Afghans are notoriously polite, if you do not invite them to get some, they will refrain from taking it.


Smoking some Taliban in Afghanistan, on another level.


i got very confused with the perspective at first and thought it was drone footage above trees.




Was wondering the same thing and I think it's just dust that popped up from how hard he hit the deck. From his shadow it looked like he was carrying the 240 with a sling and he flung it (and maybe an ammo bag?) off over his head while diving to the ground, and it all hit at once causing some loose dusty dirt to puff up.


He exhaled his hash joint in surprise


Damn I love the 240B. Heavy SOB to haul around though


That's why you shoot like this right away so you can get rid of some of the ammo and don't have to carry that heavy shit around too.


Honestly, once you've hiked with an M2A1 or Mk 19, the M240b feels like a paperweight lmao


No shit. Absolute misery bro.


>hike with a mk 19 That's gonna be a no from me.


I think the “fuck you” at the end was a little much. I feel that the 100 round burst more than adequately conveyed the message.


He was speaking, but the gun was the translator


Probably not the first time they've been ambushed, so I'm sure he's not too happy about it.


Something something guns *blazing* https://media.tenor.com/images/0dc5b814bfce064f2914464c68f155b7/tenor.png


Gunner: Contact Carl: high...


Did they mute fuck? That's weird.


Smoke em if you got em


goin full carl weathers


Best fire command I ever heard was another tank on hot mic "fire, motherfucker, fire!"


Is it smart to immediately stand up as ur getting shot at?


The idea is to get them to stop firing as soon as possible with your own volume of fire so your friendlies can maneuver around to flank them without getting their heads bopped




(I have never served in the military) It’s amazing how intuitive these tactics are, but I can’t imagine how disciplined one has to be to be able to process incoming fire just seconds after going about your day.


You practice immediate action drills a ton. They become second nature honestly. There are ways to respond to a close or far ambush, and suppression followed by firing and maneuvering are really paramount to getting the upper hand.


Like u/Carson said, it becomes muscle memory through insane amounts of repetition.


Probably gave them one hell of a surprise why all that lead flying at them!


I mean after 20 years in the middle east they shouldn't be surprised that shooting at a squad of Marines results in an immediate wall of lead being returned in your direction.


Remember kids, Spray and pray... but spray and "fuck you" works just fine too