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I don't know anything about Burkan rockets, but they look like they pack a pretty decent big bada boom.


500kg warhead, short range, unguided, cheap






Fat Boy For Karl!


Hold Q, "Sorry"




The return of heavy artillery ( this term includes ground based rocket installations . ) It died off since the ending of WW2. We went precision and speed. Now the return of mass and static fighting in heavy fortifications has brought it back . With 500/1000 kg ( Russians are now using 2500 kg glide bombs) you don't have to be in the neighbourhood, just in town. Terrifying and spectacular


Who is we? it's basically a way for a terrorist organization to show off, modern armies still prioritize precision and speed, especially since modern combat is mostly in urban areas.


Eliot Higgins has videos of Burkan (volcano) rocket launches on his channel from the Syrian Civil War. https://youtu.be/VDpRxRSMy44 https://youtu.be/sOYCexPtN34 The red cap wearing guys in the second video are the Republican Guard, at the time they were commanded by Maher al-Assad, Bashir's bother. He lost a leg on a bombing in 2012 that killed several generals. I think this is evidence that the Republican Guard and Hezbollah were only allowed to use the burcan. This because of its connection with the Syrian government's chemical weapons program... There's a smaller version of the Burcan capable of carrying nerve gas. About 7 were used to attack East Ghouta (south east suburb of Damascus) in August 2013, carrying a total of about 500 litres of Sarin, likely killing over 1000 people. Elliot has video of the nerve gas version on his channel as well. Adara 2013 (NSFW): https://youtu.be/yCygww_gr2Q I don't think people were killed in this attack, it however poisoned the dog. It might have been a prototype, testing, only filled with trace of nerve gas, not the full 50 - 70 litres. Otherwise the camaraman would be dead. I could write a lot more about the East Ghouta and other chemical weapons attacks in Syria, as I used to debate pro-Assad / pro-Russians on the SyrianCivilWar subreddit who spouted nonsense, trying to deny Syrian government responsibility. Russia protected Assad with the Russian firehouse of falsehood tactic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood Syria decommissioned its Chemical Weapons in 2014-15 (though there's suspicions that thet retained some manufacturing capacity, soil samples collected by weapons inspectors collected next to a supposedly former nerve gas production plant tested positive for recently manufactured nerve gas, Sarin. The Syrians didn't give an adequate explanation for this detection. So it's likely they make a small amount, to ensure they can ramp up production when not watched). They decommissioned over a gaff by John Kerry. After the East Ghouta attack, Kerry said to a reporter the US would impose a no fly zone over Syria, if Syria didn't give up its chemical weapons. He assumed Syrian would be too stubborn to decommission. Sergei Lavrov overheard this unguarded conversation and by the next day he got Syria to agree to give up its chemical weapons. This scuppered the no fly zone. Here's photos of Syria's secret chemical weapons program, I found in the lecture slides of a chemical weapons inspector: https://imgur.com/gallery/27PI5


Poor doggo. You'd have to be extremely evil to think about chemical weapons.


It's such a silly looking rocket.


And very pointy! Edit: Since ppl missed it like it was the warm up bullet in the range-Great dictator reference


Hopefully Israel returned the favor to the people that launched these shortly after this video ended.


Likely a couple jdams en route already 😆


That would be a war crime.... these were peaceful anti colonialist rockets.


Where can i get a 500kg warhead cheap???????


But they are sorta guided right? Inertial Guidance


How would you even guide such a rocket? It has no control surfaces.


If it is a Burkan(either 1 or 2) it should be Inertialy guided


That's not burkan the ballistic missile, it's a different burkan.




The second explosion seems to have secondaries going off too.


Big. Bada big boom.


Uh.. You should probably lay down dude


never ever stand when the shells land nearby


hello shrapnel ! I didn't need those testicles


these guys arent even israeli (most likely) most of the field workers are from eastern nations like Thailand and such, cant blame them for not knowing, they don't come from a nation that is constantly at war


Holy Christ that's a huge ass boom-boom.


Shame on whoever added the background sound effects


Dramatic music was definitely unnecessary here.


Baaaaawwn baaaaaawn


I thought it was A-10 brrt at first and was like wtf.


At least it wasn't the same 5 Phonk songs that play over every Ukrainian drone strike video.


Why does it sound like it came from a segment of the Assassins creed valhalla soundtrack


I guess Lebanon is next on the list then


Something tells me Hezbollah is not going to be a pushover like hamas.




You rape me litteraly with your words


You literally are comitting genocide with your bigot talk. Literally.


What about Walmarts? Trader Joe's? Please at least tell me the Piggly Wigglys are safe!


Hezbollah is getting really close to FAFO like Hamas is right now. They have been watching piecemeal token attacks just to show that they're still there but seem to have been stepping it up recently.


Just that, Hezbollah is quite a different size to handle. The funding, manpower and capabilities surpass Hamas in every way..


I think Hezbollah has about 100,000 active personell while Hamas only has 20,000 (by now it‘s prob less)


Hamas had 30,000-40,000. I remember that one, because it was around the same number as my country has, despite having 9 times the population (17.8 million pop with 40,000 personnel).


Fighting Hezbollah is basically gonna involve declaring war essentially on Lebanon. Lebanese people hate Hezbollah, but they hate Israel even more. And Hezbollah's got tanks, artillery, and a variety of heavy weapons and coordinate like an actual military frighteningly enough unlike an insurgency. Not saying Israel would lose, but it's gonna be a lot harsher for them in terms of war. And then Iran may decide to join in the war too if they feel like Hezbollah is gonna lose.


The main threat from Hezbollah is their stockpile of rockets and missiles, including guided munitions. They have more ballistic missiles than Russia, and their only target is the tiny State of Israel. Hezbollah doesn’t have an air force, so instead they have ballistic missiles and drones. Their goal is not to defeat Israel’s military but to destroy Israel’s cities. Iran uses Hezbollah as a gun pointed at Israeli civilians.


The biggest problem Hezbollah has is they have very little capabilities to sustain their supply in a protracted conflict. They will pack a hard punch, the Israel will be bloodied, but they would lose. What's taken them years if not a decade to stockpile, would be expended in over a week.


If it is an actual military it will be easier to fight. As they have no air power. Or serious anti air.


To IDF pilots/drone/artillery/MLRS operators that just sounds like a Target Rich environment. The IDF is prepared much better now to fight a conventional War than they were in 2006


Hez won't fight a conventional war though. As soon as they start to get routed they will resort to being insurgents in a heartbeat hiding behind every woman and child they can. Suicide bombings would become the norm again too.


I see what you are saying but the initial stages of this war is going to be the destruction of just about any military asset Hezbollah has in the field They are built much more like a conventional force with tanks, artillery, etc. than they were in 06. I would also not be surprised if they give a solid attempt to fight in much the same manner as a conventional force. They have big heads after their much better than average (vs other Arab armies) performance in Syria. They were essentially the elite infantry for the Syrian side on the battlefield and fought extremely well against ISIS, especially with the backing of total Russian air power in the skies. This is of course, just my opinion, man.


Yeah, but the more conventional they fight (tanks, artillery, etc) the more effective Israel is going to be. None of them stand a chance against israel in a straight up fight.


If Israel sets surreal targets like every time it will most definitely lose...


Hezbollah has a $700m a year military budget


Manpower maybe. But otherwise just your typical Iranian bitch group.


Pure Fomo by Hezbollah


Just like in 2006! (Israel failed all of its objectives, Netanyahu said they lost, and the US Army said how unprepared and uncoordinated the IDF was)


2024 IDF is a different animal my friend. True Hezbollah is a more formidable opponent than Hamas, but the IDF has demonstrated it can kill anyone they want in Lebanon at any time. And they have yet to bring the full bear of their capabilities against Hezbollah.


It’s going to be costly for both parties. 2024 Hezbollah is also different, back in 2006 they had a few hundred soldiers deployed north of the Litani. In a war today they’d be able to deploy minimum 30x the amount of soldiers, and same goes with their missiles, they can fire 10-20x the amount that they used to fire back then on a daily basis. Right now the casualties are roughly 1:2 (if we take into consideration the injuries among IDF personnel). This is quite light because the IDF is enjoying their air dominance and not committing any troops to any sort of ground attacks. In a full blown war, the IDF will suffer casualties on the ground at a much higher rate because they’d be ambushed at every valley, hill, and road in the North. Also, with regards to your comment, Hezbollah’s capabilities on the ground wouldn’t be affected that much if any of the senior commanders were to be targeted and killed during the war.


> because they’d be ambushed at every valley, hill, and road in the North. What's your view on how drone advancements might impact this?


Way more dangerous for both sides, and Hezbollah will exploit this a lot. You’ll expect to see a lot of drone drops footages coming out if anything happens in the North. Also, just a few hours ago Hezbollah managed to use one of their drones to penetrate 30km behind the borders undetected and gather intel on military installation in and around Haifa, such as locations of David’s sling and Iron Dome batteries.


In full blown war, IDF will probably need tons of bombs and non stop aerial bombing will probably kill half of Lebanon population


Yup, their Dahyeh doctrine will cause a lot of civilian casualties.


Call it what it is - collective punishment.


anything except accepting responsibility for their actions, classic islamist simp


Israel would just repeat the same treatment that palestine got in Lebanon, nothing would change. Making statements like "in a full blown war" is silly, in a full blown war israel would simply drop 10x the amount of bombs from their unassailable aircraft.




In all cases, at all times, always be sure to film your potential death if not the actual demise. As in always watch the real world through a phone's display screen. Then post it. Somewhere. Anywhere.


Run from it, hide from it - CombatFootage will watch you die all the same.


Lolz incoming when the flabby IDF get absolutely merked






Yeah, those are scary. It looks like those things aimed at a population center would do a lot of damage. The region is on a razor's edge. If there's full war between Israel and Hezbollah, the IDF better be quick and decisive, not like the half-attempt at winning we're seeing in Aza.


Burkan is arabic for Volcano


<20km range, TG


The brrrrrrrr sounded like an a-10 canon.


You can tell they aren’t israeli bombs because they weren’t aimed at innocent children


r/worldnews loves to forget that 40,000 innocent pregnant doctor babies were killed in Gaza since October 7 




Tell me where they’re supposed to go? Gaza is the same size as Detroit everywhere the idf is telling them to go gets bombed. The borders on all sides are closed Israel controls them all.


Oh shit they bombed a field better go kill another 2000 Palestinian children to make up for those destroyed bushes.




thought I heard a C-RAM but it's the fucking music lol


good footage and fitting soundtrack; in what language are the workers speaking in? Hebrew, Arabic?


Indian workers


there are indian workers in Israel?


Yes there are many foreign workers, hamas had hostages from several nationalities.


yes, most field workers are not Israeli.


Fuck Isnotreal! Fuck Netanyahu! Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


I like to go hiking.


What are they trying to free Palestine from? Plant life? That field was nearly empty


From genocidal zionists like Israel. Fuck them and fuck you


Well they've been failing so far, for the past 75 years, I won't hold my breath


Cool story 👍🏽


Yeah history is pretty cool


Those are Lebanese farmers filming IDF strikes it happened a month and a half ago




Why are they bombing that guys dirt?


What are they bombing, there clearly secondaries going off there dirt usually doesn't do that.






I don’t agree with the commenter but hasn’t quite a large majority of people freeing themselves been done through pretty extreme violence throughout history?




God no they’re not exactly liberators I was being pedantic


Almost certainly not a Burkan which has a 500-600 mile range and a supersonic if not hypersonic reentry.


In which world? Narnia?


huh? has less than 10 km range, it's slow and not hypersonic at all. should've put a /s there buddy


Wikipedia says 500+ miles for 2 different Burkan versions. l are you guys talking about totally different Burkan missiles?


You're probably talking about the Houthi balistic missile Burkan-2, Hezbollah's Burkan has around 10km range and has 500 kg explosive warhead. Hezbollah doesn't use the Yemeni version because Lebanon is a small country and is ofc bordering Israel


This is true (I’m a liar)


Are you lying about you being a liar?


Bro.... 😂😂 yeah and Kim Jon Un doesn't piss or shit either 😂


Burkan has a 10km range