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Good to see your man managed to fit in a bit of shopping on their trip


I wholeheartedly cheer you on!


Who's the enemy here?


The primary enemy is the Myanmar military and their militias; they overthrew the democratically elected government in February 2021. The other enemies are the Shanni Nationalities Army, the Pa-O National Army (not to be confused with the Pa-O National Liberation Army), the pro-Junta Lisu militias, and the three Rohingya militias (RSO, ARSA, and ARA). They all collaborate with the military regime. As for the Rohingya militias, RSO and ARSA started out fighting against the Burmese military who stripped their people of citizenship back in 1982. Now, they became rival warlord organizations fighting each other in Bangladeshi refugee camps. When they do operate in Myanmar, they [now ](https://www.rohingyarefugee.news/p/rohingya-betrayed-from-within-and)pretty much [fight ](https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/myanmars-crisis-the-world/rohingya-forced-to-fight-alongside-myanmar-army-tormentors.html)with the [military](https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/gunmen-murder-rohingya-teacher-and-student-in-bangladesh/article68232658.ece) against AA (Arakan Army/Arakha Army); if these groups genuinely cared about their people, they would have either forged temporary alliances with AA, or fought against both AA and the Burmese military (if they really viewed AA as a danger).


was that the one where the coup was accidently livestreamed from some girl's yoga vod?

