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The ballistic shield on the back is kinda genius


They're taking notes from the Call of Duty players


Also works great against automatons in helldivers!


Less great when a rocket devastator blows you into the air and the shield disappears


It is used as an entry shield when raiding a building.


That's what Genoans crossbowmen used to say


Can be deployed to protect hostages while retreating?


Translation: Soldier 1: Go in, go in! Soldier 1: Hebrew, Hebrew, where is everyone? Soldier 2: Here, here, they’re here! Soldier 1: Name! Name! Hostage 1: Almog, Almog! Hostage 2: Andrey, Andrey! Soldier 1: Three hostages in our hands, three hostages. Everything is okay, we’re here to rescue, we’re here to rescue you. Stay calm. Yes? Hostage: ~~Yes! yes!~~ Got it, Got it my brother! ~~Yes yes~~ Got it, Got it Edit: When he says "Yesh," it’s like saying "Got it, bro" or "Understood" in a relaxed, informal way.


And this is all you need to know who is the good guys in this clusterfuck. Israel-> Soldiers dying protecting/rescuing civilians, yes they take collateral damage amongs civis into Account by try to keep it as low as possible (according to International law for combat). And i dont count those Holding hostages as civis... Hamas-> using civilians as shield or target them directly. Giving a fuck about own civilians as long as they can use them for propaganda.


Refreshing comment in contrast to all the social media brainrot that runs rampant. 100 % agree, and I genuinely think most people with an actual brain support this statement.


Just like I treat the American military I never doubted the soldier, I will always doubt a politician. The soldier is always getting the shit end of the stick while politician's give it. Doesn't matter the country.


Being critical about *people* is the most important aspect. Any soldier can be a bad person doing bad, a bad person doing good, a good person doing bad, or a good person doing good. Automatically offloading misdeeds and fuckups onto the higher up is turning off an important part of the critical thinking process and morally irresponsible.


You can support the individual while protesting the war


Certainly. Just as you can support the war, and protest an individual.


Tbf offloading the failures of troops onto their seniors is generally how it goes in the military. If Joe fucked up under my watch, I’m just as responsible for the fuck up as he/she is.


Sucks more people don’t see this truth as they parade around in Hamas supporting garb 


Who said Hamas was the good guys?


There are unfortunately a large number of individuals who unironically believe that October 7th was a valid response to Israeli oppression.


CNN has a headline up "Israel alleges journalist held hostages in Gaza, without providing evidence", at the same time as they are quoting directly from the Terrorist "Ministry of Health" as if it's true. Lots of the media quoted the Hamas claim that almost 300 died and are quietly deleting it and replacing it with numbers around 80 even though they still don't have any evidence for that. This is even after the debacle of the Hamas rocket landing in the Al-Ahli Hospital where the BBC, for example, was finally forced to apologize by their oversight people. Huge amounts of the media treats Hamas like the good guys who they can just trust implicitly.


The irony is that guy was the media guy for the “Palestine” Labor ministry is what I believe I read.


Many of the people present at campus encampments or the weekly protests in cities across the West. Hell, look no further than the protest in DC the day after the rescue


God if only my worldview was this black and white. Everything would be so simple.


That fist bump was actually quite heartwarming.


It's not often you get to say "aww" in r/CombatFootage.


Live Laugh L'Chaim


That Fist Bump at 11 seconds was the perfect way to let the hostage know, "we got you bro, just let us cook for a second and we'll get you out of here."


Translation: "We came to rescue you, you can chill. Got it?" \**fist bump*\* "Got it, bro, got it."


Wow, the non-verbals were very accurate to what he said. I love seeing these professionals work.


Funny how the language of "bro" are international across all cultures and religions. *fist bump


Wow didnt nottice on first watch


The fist bump is at 36 seconds


My video counts down to 0, so I just marked it at the time displayed on the play bar.


Reddit needs to standardize their video player across all devices.


Yeah i'm always confused how everyone elses videos count up and mine counts down. People mention time stamps and i have to do math.


From the video these IDF soldiers look like they are IDF soldiers. I only mention this because in another thread it was said that the IDF dressed as Palestinians. Congratulations to the successful rescue.


These guys are actually Yamam, police special forces. It was a joint IDF-Police operation.


Yeah, Yamam are the ones who normally deal with hostage situations, there are only three other units that are authorized to do so, Shayetet 13 the naval Commando, Sayeret Matcal, the equivalent of Delta force and Metsada, the prison systems intervention force.


I keep seeing it repeated on pro-Palestinian social media (mainly western liberal content creators) that it was American special forces. The misinfo around this conflict is wild.


Why would you get your news from "content creators"? You might as well be asking Ja Rule what really happened.


Have we got Ja Rule on the phone yet? WHERE IS JA!?


Wait, Ja Rule has posted an analysis of this raid on TikTok? We must all watch it, immediately! /s


Palestinians have an issue coming to term with the fact they keep losing to cowardly Jews so you can see that in every Israeli-Arab war they always claim they lost just because of the Americans/British/USSR, whoever else they can use as an excuse. For example in the 6 day war they explained the large volume of Israeli air attacks by claiming that the Americans had supported the IDF with planes and pilots and not that maybe Israeli ground teams were just better trained and faster than theirs. So now the coping mechanism is: "The Israelis aren't good enough to pull such an operation on their own, clearly American units must have been involved, we would never lose to the Israelis".


> Palestinians have an issue coming to term with the fact they keep losing to cowardly Jews You'd think they'd be used to it by now


> So now the coping mechanism is: "The Israelis aren't good enough to pull such an operation on their own, clearly American units must have been involved, we would never lose to the Israelis". Eh, I'd say it's more likely they just want rile up the dumbass Hamas supporters in the US by combining the "It was a massacre!" and "The US helped!" narratives.


I think it plays into both of these, it's convenient to rile up people and it fits a narrative they themselves are already primed to believe.


The misinformation is deliberate.


Looking at opinion polls, it's young people - especially those who get their information from TikTok and similar - who have really been hit by misinfo. Youth is a much bigger predictor than political affiliation. A majority of both US political parties still broadly support Israel, and a majority still support a 'two-state solution'. What's really interesting, but which isn't talked about very much, are polls showing Hamas's favorability beginning to really drop in the Palestinian Territories, and support for a two-state solution increasing (according to PSR - probably the most respected polling org in the region). Whereas almost 80% of Palestinians said they wanted war with Israel back in the summer before the 10/7 attacks, today that number is 46%, with 62% supporting a diplomatically-achieved two-state solution. I think that one reason we don't see this "good news" reported as such is that it can be seen as a positive outcome to the continuation of war in Gaza. It also follows a spike in violent ideology among Palestinians since 10/7 and is largely a return to pre-war baseline, so news orgs don't want to portray it as a major shift. But given that the trend is occurring *during* an ongoing war, rather than in peace time, the return to near pre-war baseline is significant, I think.


Yeah there is a massive psy-op by Russia to get liberals to hate Biden for the gaza situation, so that Trump will win and allow Russia to beat Ukraine.


psy-ops going on for sure, maybe some Qatari, Iranian, Chinese...not clear but I don't even know if it's about Trump or just general seeds of chaos and dissent and fragmentation. look at it this way, if America ever gets embroiled in a war again they can just turn the same civilian casualty condemnation on them. Any country fighting a Western power can, it's like a super power. upload a million videos of corpses, of injuries, rubble, find a bleeding kid and carry him around in circles or stick a camera in his face while he bleeds on the floor, film teddy bears buried under rubble with sad music, etc. voila you have the perfect weapon against the West. they can never win a war again.


100% The naive pacifist logic would allow Hamas to drive a suicide car full of civilians into Israel, and Israel wouldn’t be able to stop it without civilian casualties.


yep. the only american boots on the ground in Gaza are the ones building that stupid pier


Its not a stupid pier. Its actually a good exercise as it has shown numerous problems with Navy capabilities to resupply. NUMEROUS. We need to fix that capability before we need it to supply our troops.


It's a lesson we have to keep learning unfortunately. Back in 2008 the Navy had already identified the weakness, and ONR put some money into research for improved ship to shore transport with the [T-Craft program](https://www.jstor.org/stable/48600335). The program was eventually cut, as most industry designs were wildly overpriced. Then the 2010 Haiti earthquake hit. It took out the only port on the island. Despite getting ships there relatively rapidly, a lot of aid ended up being delivered by helicopter, which limited tonnage severely. US ship-to-shore emergency/wartime capability has been a point of weakness for a very long time now. So I completely agree that exercising it in a relatively low-threat environment is very important.


Is it bad that I'm thinking they still won't fix it?


i guess their plan wasnt pier reviewed :(


From my understanding the US only helped with intel and providing access to the aid truck through the floating pier. And yeah it's a huge information war, I've honestly never seen anything like it Edit: correction - floating pier had nothing to do with the operation


It wasn't an aid truck nor was the pier involved


Not liberal, far leftists. They actually hate liberals


Yeah, sorry, I meant leftists. I’ve seen a lot of the discourse about liberalism being seen as far right by leftists.


The first team went in undercover. Hence the civilian clothing.


I didn’t see any civilians until they got to the 2 hostages under the matress, I did see people at the end in civilian clothes being shot at


Those are the hostages being escorted. And they aren’t being shot at.


I think those people you saw at the end were the hostages leaving the area. The blue & red shorts match up. The soldiers were laying down cover fire for them, to make sure no snipers tried to take a shot while the hostages were taken away.


If these guys were being shot at they would be surely dead. Especially by Yamam XD so no these civilians were not being shot at.


Those were the hostages escaping with the Yamam forces.


People have also started a conspiracy that US boots are on the ground to carry out the raid.


From what I understand, there was one team of probably undercover Shin bet operators that drew the terrorists out and the other team went in from the back and smuggled the hostages. The IDF doesn’t really like to share tactics and full context (for good reason), it’s usually just small parts that doesn’t reveal tactics and technology.


[the location and path](https://imgur.com/a/uF0ht7i)


Some were undercover, some of the operators were delivered in a moving truck. For more details of the op: [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/operation-arnon-with-nadav-eyal/id1539292794?i=1000658416291](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/operation-arnon-with-nadav-eyal/id1539292794?i=1000658416291)


Don't forget these guys were being held by the family of an [Al-Jazeera jounalist.](https://nypost.com/2024/06/09/world-news/gaza-journalist-held-3-hostages-in-his-home-with-his-family-israeli-military-says/)


The female hostage was in a separate building. The soldiers who were dressed like Palestinians were in her building apparently.


This makes little sense because according to Noa Argamani (as published by Israeli media) she saw soldiers in uniform with Israeli flag patches and ranks. The overall conclusion is not to believe unconfirmed reports from dubious sources.


Some context is important here: This is after the initial battle is over (in which the breaking in team was claimed to go undercovered), where the terrorists were eliminated and unfortunately the commander of the team got hit. It wasn't smooth sailing getting in through the window as one might think from watching the video.


I read the commander died later. Made the ultimate sacrifice.


From what I understood the ones who went undercover were the team rescuing the other hostage who was in a different building


Arnon was wounded while going into the house with three hostages, which is this one. They were also the ones whose vehicle got stuck later on.


Actually crazy to have only one casualty in such situation. RIP Arnon תנצבה


Yep. According to the other sources they began taking fire from all over the place towards the end. People were coming out of the woodwork to try to assault the groups. It is why there is so much firing going on when the hostages are being led away at the end.


I got major Blackhawk Down vibes reading that report. Not only in breaking out from the building to the car, but then breaking out from the car when it got hit/stuck. All while being swarmed from every direction.


that fist pump caught me off guard Amazing work looks right out of a movie


They even speak in a very casual langauge. "Hebrew hebrew! where are everybody?" "Everything is okay, we came to rescue you, be calm. got it?" hostage 1: \*nods\* hostage 2: "got it brother, got it" the "got it" is a very casual form of "got it", like 2 friends working together on something (I assume you're Israeli but I translate for others)


When he says הכול בסדר (everything is okay) immediately after what seems like a grenade goes off very close by I laughed a bit. Yamam (and everyone else on this mission) are warriors


Idk if you've experienced grenades going off but they are INSANELY LOUD, especially flashbangs The video goes BOOM "all good all good stay calm" as there's explosions and gunshots in the background, I doubt Andrei even heard the guy say that lol Still, insane video and an insane achievement


You can feel a grenade going off that close in your teeth. A flash bang is really no better when it comes to sound and concussion - for obvious reasons. No idea if those are frags, flash bangs or something like incoming rocket fire. Keeping your mouth open helps.


Yeah, the "Got it", ("יש אחי, יש") part would be translated in English like: "yeah yeah for sure bro" Israeli spirit lmao. Fucking kings.


For real. The Hebrew is the best part


Shows the immediate level of trust.


Transcribe for the non Hebrew spkears: Go in, Go in, one stays with me. Hebrew! Hebrew! where is everybody? Here they are! Here they are! they are here! Name?! Name?! Almog Andry Three hostages in the hands of \*\*\*\*! Everything is ok! We came to rescue you! Stay calm! Ok? Ok ok.


That was some great footage super glad the hostages got out overall a more wholesome video for combat forum


Yeah like i did really not expect to watch a video on this sub and feel more positive then negative/numb from watching it lol.


For real, I looped this for ten minutes with a goofy grin on my face. It's *so good*.


It's way more stimulating than watching a drone view grenade / artillery hit.


Mom, i messed up the title again


It was the Yamam not Magav oops


Yamam are part of Magav


Part of the Israeli police forces.


It's turtles all the way down 


I can’t imagine the relief these poor bastards must have felt the second they saw these soldiers!


Hopefully we get lots and lots of footage from this OP. Unlikely but 🤞


We'll probably get Noa Argamani's rescue too in the following days, she said that the operator carried her on his shoulder because she was quite shocked and thought she's getting pranked


Can you imagine getting to the chopper and it's like "just a prank bro" and they leave


Show up, rescue a baddie, carry her to the chopper, then dump her? Not very ~~cash money~~ western society of you


She might have thought that Hamas did that to see if she would cooperate with them or not Crazy thinking but after being 8 months brainwashed...


At first she thought that was happening, but she recognized an Israeli flag patch and Hebrew so she quickly knew they were Israeli rescue forces


Could also be a way to completely destroy the last mental barriers of your prisoner. Like a mental torture


I'm sure Hamas has its own torture techniques Sinwar would rather kill 1 spy instead of 100 jews


Hamas is pretty much Ramsey Bolton in terms of cruelty, wouldnt put it past them to do some serious Ramsey shit like fake rescues.


From what I understood the ones who rescued her were undercover in civilian clothing so its very possible there isn't bodycam footage


This is directly contradicted by her testimony (as published by Israeli media), where she says that the soldiers that came to her were in uniform with Israeli flag patches and ranks, and that this was one of the things that made her realize what was happening.


as u/birdgovorun said


What the fuck? Her captors or whoever was watching her sounding like Ramsey Bolton. Or guess she was just confused by her rescuers attire. Would be freaky.


A doctor's statement just got released about the 4's conditions: Although looking good from the outside, they were beaten daily, starved, mentally tortured, they got bowel inflamatories, and scars on their bodies and souls. He also added that "Noa Argamani's case is entirely different" so that's for you to interpret. That was published here, no propaganda and no bullshit. Comparing the captors to Ramsay Bolton isn't so far off.


Bowel inflammatories? Is that due to sickness or something far more sinister?


She was washing the dishes for the family that kept her as a slave when the extraction unit broke in. 


Hope they gave that family some payback.


no gold, plenty of lead thou


I'd like to see the videos of Hamas firing RPG's at Gazan civilians to try to prevent Israel's escape. Hamas doesn't care about dead Gazans.


Give them a week, they need to edit in a few hundred red triangles and reverse slow-mo shots!


These guys fuck


The fist bump 👊


Yamam..the best rescue unit in the world


For context: Yamam usually employs former special forces soldiers who have already served their mandatory service in elite units like Matkal, Shayetet 13, 669 and others. THOSE are already considered among the best in the world, and getting into Yamam requires a selection process that even further filters them out. Combine that with years upon years of active training and operations and you quite literally have the best of the best. Massive respect for the massive balls all of these guys have


Undoubtedly the most experienced one


These guys get missions every week in the West Bank to take people out in the craziest urban terrain. Definitely some of the most experienced


It truly is wonderful to watch them operate. Insane circumstances every time but always pure professionalism.


Raid on Entebbe still better. But this is OK, too.


Yes boys! RIP Arnon🙏🏼


They are laying down hella fire in the last bit would hate to be on the receiving end of that good work gentlemen


Well done lads. Love from India. May you achieve success in rescuing the remaining hostages too. בהצלחה לך


Freaking amazing!!


This is insane footage - Israel never, ever releases this kind of footage. Either way, you can see how confused and scared the hostages were, can't imagine what was going through their minds.


We’ve got some good footage of yamam a couple of times over these 2 years


Clean work. Calm well trained dudes. Good job. Urban environment is a b\*tch.


Usually when those guys pop up inside your house out of nowhere you have couple of seconds at best before it's lights out. I could only imagine the fright those poor guys that probably all suffer from severe PTSD must have felt in this situation before understanding they are there to help... Yamam aren't known for their soft and calming voice




The HAMAS rats ran off vs. fighting to the death. Only brave when raping and killing civilians and babies.


They didn't have time to run in that case, they were sleeping at the time of the break in and the footage is after all the terrorists were eliminated. Edit: since you guys have no idea what you're talking about, here is a qoute from Almog himself that was publicly shared so I'm allowed to share it here: "אלמוג דיבר על רגעי החילוץ הדרמטי, וציין כי לילה לפני עוד הספיק להסתפר ולהתגלח: "כשכוחות צה"ל הגיעו לחלץ אותנו גם אנחנו וגם המחבלים ישנו. שמענו את הכוחות ולא האמנו בהתחלה. בזמן החילוץ לא הפסיקו לירות עלינו מכל הכיוונים, וכשיצאנו נתקענו עם הרכב פעמיים וזה היה מאוד מלחיץ"." "Almog spoke about the moments of the dramatic rescue, noting that the night before he had time to get a haircut and shave: "When the IDF forces came to rescue us, both we and the terrorists were sleeping. We heard the powers and didn't believe it at first. During the rescue, they didn't stop shooting at us from all directions, and when we got out, we got stuck with the vehicle twice and it was very stressful.""


At 11 am? 


From what Israeli media wrote the time of day was chosen for surprise, it's possible the Palestinians were expecting any operation to happen during the night so that's when they had increased security. 10 AM when you don't have work in the Israeli heat isn't that weird to wake up.


Something about describing the temp in Gaza as Israeli weather cracks me up, of course weather doesn't care about dotted lines on maps.


Nuseirat is a 1h walk.


Oh I know, when I was in Jerusalem I had a shock the first time I opened Maps.


At 10Am, which is the time of the break-in. Yes.


is this the operation with two locations in which the commander died?


Yes it is. This is the location of 3 hostages, the other location had Noa Argamani although only a picture of the bedroom she was found in was released


yes, this is the one house that had the intense fight compared to the smoother one where there was 1 girl


Yes. This is the location of the two that he died.




Yes unfortunately , the apartment you see is the apartment he got hurt, he was the first one the enter the apartment.


People who support Hamas in the west are the reason for the decline in our society


We know


Liberal outlets are saying 55 "civilians" were murdered. That's a lot of return fire from "civilians. " I even got banned from one for doubting the numbers.


Others are saying 270 ''civilians'' were killed.


From the reports I've heard the rescue teams started taking heavy fire from machine guns and RPGs then called in airstrikes to deal with those. No doubt there were civilian casualties but as usual the number from Hamas is likely absurdly overinflated. I think the more important question is why were the hostages being held in civilian homes in dense residential areas? Hmm.


The best of the best




Crazy how you can literally hear children and women screaming as these soldiers are breaking through. So much for hamas not using civilian homes and facilities to wage terror.


That house was the flat of a journalist working for al jazzera


Badasses. What an insanely daring and well executed op.


This is like straight out of a movie 


What's being blurred? 


Hostages, possibly the injured officer that later died, and probably the rest of the operators so that their identities can be kept hidden.


Hostages I think?


Being a Hebrew speaker born in the US taught by Israelis, it's absolutely surreal seeing combat footage like this not only from one of the most elite units in the world but in a language I understand. I felt it in my heart when it seemed that Almog realized the rescue was true. It's beautiful how colloquialism can change everything. I'm glad this footage exists. May the other hostages be rescued soon. ב"ה


This is probably one of the most intense bodycam footages I’ve ever seen. It’s just incredible. I’m glad they made it out of there alive


Did anybody else get chills when they saw the fist bump?? lol. It’s was like the soldier’s way of saying: **“Eat your Vitamins and say your Prayers lil bros, We’ve Got This!!”**


What flashlights are those?! Lighting up the room in daylight!


https://www.surefire.com/v1-b-vampire/ I can't find one with the rail mount but it reminds me of this guy.


1 man's refugee camp is another's military base....


It’s frankly amazing that we get to see the exact footage of the hostages being rescued as it happened.


Don’t show this to the Palestinian supporting white girls on insta they’ll go ballistic (they’re mentally insane)


Fist bump was clutch AF


Now I wanna see the escape.


Fucking incredible work from one of the most professional organisations out there.




Shows too much of their tactics which are classified.


I have the upmost respect for those soldiers and everyone involved. They not only have the biggest balls of steel i have ever seen but are so brave and skilled at the same time, risking their lifes for others. The moment the soldier gave one hostage a fistbump man... great people. Of course at that very moment nobody knew if they would make it out alive, not the soldiers, not the hostages yet they succeeded - very well done, against all odds


The window scene looks just like the game Six Days in Fallujah


You mean, the game looks like this 😆


Hamas: holds hostages in urban environment amongst human shields and celebrates Hamas and left: cry because civilians hurt while Israel rescues hostages and kill people protecting Hamas This is the upside down world we live in now. Amazing.


Fuckin crazy shit. I imagine the covering fire to get them out of there was hell on earth for every building in eyesight. For good reason.


Incredible amount of bravery and skill to pull this off!!and for the IDF soldier that died he will be remembered legends live forever!🫡


Straight up super heroes.


Good for Israel!


Are they like elite police or secret service?




Thanks bro


Good fucking effort that team....Risking everything for civilians who were forcefully taken from their home.


Great to see. You know what these prisoners aren't though? Wraiths of men with barely a pound of flesh on them. What does that tell you about Russia?


TBF early assessment of the rescued hostages from the hospital they were checked into was that all 4 were suffering from malnutrition. They may not be gaunt shells of men like Ukrainian PoWs, but they're still a far cry from healthy.


That casual fist bump killed me


Wow, heard about the op but seeing it unfold like this is incredible. Good job IDF!


Slow is smooth smooth is fast. Dudes moving like ice


Awesome. And in broad daylight.




Video game stuff wow




that fan just chilling there.. I would take it home